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Hellen 3

Started by fuel1563, November 29, 2004, 10:51:54 PM

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"He must be able to breath a little under there somehow." Hellen said.
"Probably so." Jessica mummbled with her mouth full of cake.
"We should be videoing all the eating we do...and selling it on the internet."
"Thats a good idea. Why don't we?" Jessica asked.
"I don't know..just thought of it...should video me squashing him too."
"Sure we could just make him a permanent slave...we could squash him every day and make him serve us." Jessica said giggling, thinking she wasn't serious.
"Exactly...why not?"
...more to follow...
Author: spcbrown

Posted: 03 Oct 2003 17:10 Somehow Jason was getting air under Hellens massive weight, though not enough for him to remain fully cohearent. His entire body ached for oxygen, on top of being under extreme presure from Hellens weight causing him sever distress. His spine was torqued beyond its natural limits as were his ribs. They were not supposed to bend this way. His internal organs, everything from his large intestine up to his windpipe, were being compressed into much less space than they required, including his heart certainly. It pounded hard against the confinments. His lungs were nearing full collapse. He couldn't take in enough air to expand them properly. Hellen kept her 700 pounds on him for until Jessica finished all her cheesecake, only letting him get one real breath of air every six to eight minutes. She sat on him for almost 40 minutes this way. He was hardly consious when she got up finally.
"Tomorrow lets get us a video cam." Hellen said as she stood up.
"Alright." Jessica said as she made her way across to where Jason was lying on the couch still, "Iwant to squash him some too before I take a nap." she told Hellen.
"Oh...sure...go ahead." Hellen said as she moved aside for her.
Jessica came up in front of the couch and looked down at Jasons rumpled body. She noticed he was a shade of blue in places and red on other places on his face and arms.
"How about this?" Jessica asked as she placed one knee onto Jasons chest, and brought her other knee up onto his stomache.
In both areas his body caved inward severely. He grunted and weezed and coughed in a fit, moaning in misery.
"Yeah..that looks good...you can see your weight crushing him." Hellen confirmed.
"You want to see if we can break his ribs...I could stand on his chest with both feet?" Jessica offered.
"Well..lets save something of him for later when we have our video camera."
"Yeah...you're right...what should we do with him now?" Jessica asked.
"Hummm...I think we can tie him up and I think you could sleep on top of him tonight...I'd be too heavy to do that probably...or he'd be dead in the morning from suffocation if his face ended up under some of my fat overflow."Hellen said grabbing two handfuls of blubber from her sides and giggling.
"Alright...works for me." Jessica answered with another quaking belly laugh.
...more to follow...
Author: spcbrown

Posted: 04 Oct 2003 02:44 She went to sleep that night with Jason tied up and lying under her. She slept on her side with her arm and leg over him, so not really lying on him. She slept well, and suprizingly he slept too a little. Jessica got up the next morning and left after completing her morning rutine to go buy a video camera. Upon her return Hellen and she began their degradation of him. Jason remained their prisoner for the rest of his life, suffering broken ribs many times among many other injuries over the last five years of his life. In this time as Hellen had feared she was certainly platueing with her weight gain adding only 50 pounds. Jessica on the other hand was gaining rapidly adding another 300 pounds, equaling Hellen at 750 pounds. The two had different body types. Jessica was now almost spherical. She was just 5'4". Her belly carried the bulk of her fat Though she was enormous all over her body, especially her legs and her ass. They were covered with cellulite, and her legs were just fat roll on top of fat roll, but her belly covered the front of her thighs, and her paunch jutted out before her. Her arms too were a mass of blubber. Hellen was 5'11" on the other hand. Her weight was carried in her hips. They jutted out at her sides and were over 4 feet wide. Her legs were like 55 gallon drums just as Jessicas, but obviously longer, but without so many fat rolls, and not as much cellulite as Jessicas. Her belly was full and massive though much smaller in scale than Jessicas, howerver Hellens boobs were three or four times the size of Jessicas. Their arms were about the same. Overall Jessica was short and round, and Hellen was tall and wide.
*Now, I'm going to squash the hell out of her just like she did me* Jessica thought to herself one day as Hellen video tapped her standing on Jasons back grinding his spine into goo once again.
...more to follow...
Author: spcbrown

Posted: 05 Oct 2003 08:09 She had one of her feet high on his back and incidentally moved it even farther up his spine onto his neck. Once she transfered most of her weight on it as she shifted over attempting to retain her balance, his neck snapped like a dry twig under almost 750 pounds. He was dead almost immediately. Jessica and Hellen heard his spine break, but they continued videoing as Jessica trampled him for another few minutes.Then they decided to video his rib cage being crushed flat. Jessica took the camera as Hellen did the crushing. She started with a barage of butt drops on his chest, and then did a roll over on it with her hip a few times. She finished it by standing on his chest with one foot and stepping over to the other side of him. Then she turned around and went the other way. His ribs cracked two and three at a time untill they were all broken and his chest completely caved in. Then Jessica took her turn and wanted to crush his head flat to match his chest. She stood on his skull on just one foot for as long as she could keep her balance. She kept repeating this, but wasn't having the affect she wanted, so she would stomp on his head a few times and then stand on it. Finally his skull began to crack, and then it caved in and his brain was crushed into goo just like his heart and lungs were.
...more to follow...
Author: spcbrown

Posted: 05 Oct 2003 19:56 When they were done crushing Jason's poor body they cut it down into small parts. After dark they carried him out in several garbage bags and dropped him down the shute into the incinerator where even his bones would be turned to dust, his body was cremated. Their murder of him went unsolved. He was reported missing a couple of weeks after Jessica had found him on the street five years earlier, but nobody knew where he was, but Hellen and Jessica...and himself.
For the next year Hellen and Jessica went on in persuit of continued weight gain. Hellen was having no luck though. She could eat almost non stop and gain little or nothing over that entire period. Hellen could just look at some food and gain five pounds. In that year she had added 150 pounds of more blubber to her massive body. She now weighed 900 pounds. She was nearing immobility.
*If I'm ever going to squash Hellen its now or never* she told herself. So one day she and Hellen were arguing over nothing. Jessica took the opportunity to further antagonize her about not being able to gain anymore weight. They stood in front of eachother and both rushed forward and collided into eachother with a loud smack. Jessicas 150 pound advantage and lower center of gravity allowed her to push Hellen back. Jessica contiued to shove her back until Hellens legs hit the foot of her bed and she fell back and down onto it. Jessica dove forward and fell onto her, but her belly was on Hellens thighs. She still wanted to move up and cover Hellens belly with her own, but with so much weight to move and the friction of their bubber rubbing against eachother this wasn't going to be easy.
*Well at least I'm on top of her.* she thought with a giggle as she continued to strain trying to make her way up Hellens body. Hellens belly was an obsticle to get over, but Jessica pushed and pulled, moving an inch at a time at most. Hellen could do nothing but push and slap at her with her hands, as Jessicas weight was too great for her to move. Hellen gasped heavily for air under the strain with Jessica not even having half her weight onto her stomache yet, but three or four minutes later Jessica was lying on top of Hellen belly to belly. A minute later she moved up another couple of inches to where she felt more comfortable. She rested her arms on top of Hellens and her massive boobs were pressed flat as pancakes as was the rest of her blubbery soft body under the 900 pounds of Jessica. Exhausted Jessica fully relaxed her every muscle and just let her entire weight settle onto Hellen. Hellen could breath little if any at all as the sound of air came out of her mouth along with squeals and moans. She would pass out soon if Jessica didn't get off of her. *I'm going to die from this lardass bitch...oh god.* Hellen thought. Jessica had been on top of her for six or seven miutes total, but just two minutes in her current position. She felt her blubbery flesh spread over Hellens and compressing her severly flat. She knew her ribs were being severely compressed, and that her spine would be painfully torqued. Not wanting to permanently injure her she lied there and counted to ten slowly and then began to roll off to the side and off of Hellens squashed fat body.
...more to follow...
Author: spcbrown

Posted: 06 Oct 2003 06:23 As Jessica came off of her Hellen gasped big for air, then quickly began bitching at her.
"You fuckin bitch! What the fuck!" she blasted.
"Shut up Hellen...or I'll squash you some more...we're even now." Jessica told her.
"What the hell are you talking about...even?"
"You don't remember squashing me like that before?" Jessica asked.
"Oh yeah...hell that was a long time ago."
"Ah...and I forgot about the time you sat on me back in high school...so you still owe me for that one." Jessica told her giggling.
"Come on...thats ancient history...you can't hold that against me now."
"Yes I can...and I will if you keep getting smart with me."
"Get out of here." Hellen ordered.
"Alright...fine...I'm hungry anyway." Jessica replied.
She walked out of Hellens bedroom and went to the phone in the livingroom. She called her favorite pizza place and ordered three extra large supreme pizzas which she intended to eat all by herself. Hellen gathered herself, showered, dressed, and waddle her way slowly down the street to her favorite steak house where she ate for free. All she had to do was eat one six pound steak in one hour, which she did with ease every time, along with three or four baked potatoes and a couple of salads. She returned to the house with Jessica who had just finished her third jumbo pizza. They stared at eachother for a moment, then both started laughing. They were about to have a cheesecake eating contest.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.