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Hellen 2

Started by fuel1563, November 29, 2004, 10:51:27 PM

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Posted: 01 Oct 2003 09:50 Hellen went to the fridge figuring to get her cheesecake. She open the door and looked in to see it was gone. She waddled back in a rush to where Jessica was sitting massaging her blubbery belly.
"You ate my cheesecake you fucking fat bitch!"
"Oops...did I?" Jessica replied sarcasticly.
"Thats it...time for me to put you back in your place." she said as she moved closer to Jessica, leaning forward and pushing her over with all her might. But Jessica fought back, though she wasn't in a position to have much in the way of leverage, still she lifted her feet to attempt to kick Hellen away from her. This only allowed Hellen to push her down easier and she fell backward. Hellen pushed on forcing her massive belly between Jessicas feet and then press into her thighs making her fall all the way down onto her back on the couch. Hellen then just dove forward and fell on top of her, with her belly dirrectly onto Jessicas, and her boobs dirrectly on Jessicas boobs. Hellens feet were now off the floor, and she let her legs lie on top of Jessicas legs. Jessica was in quite a predicament. She had a 700 pound woman lying on top of her, flattenging out her 450 pounds of blubber like a rolling pin does to dough. Her own fat was now working against her also, as when a whale has landed on a beach. Its own weight begins to squash itself. But that was secondary to Hellen at the moment. She weighed 250 pounds more than Jessica and all her lard had spread over Jessica like a flood. There was nothing she could do. As soon as Hellen was full weight on top of her she grunted, and squealed as her breath was forced out of her. She was just barely able to take tiny gasps of air which she took in rapid succession, between her grunting and growning in misery, with some much presure upon her. The fat rolls at her sides looked odd. They were now so misshapen from what one would expect. They were squashed into a horrizontal line, parralle with her body instead of vertical. Hellens belly covered all of Jessicas and all but a few inches to her sides. Her legs mashed Jessicas flat. In fact every bit almost of Jessicas body was very flat looking.
"Say you're sorry...say I'm sorry I ate your cheesecake Hellen...I will get you another one as soon as I can Hellen...say that right now...or I'm going to take a little nap right here." Hellen told Jessica in a scolding voice.
Jessica could hardly breath, muchless speak. She could squeal, grunt, and grown a lot though.
"You have three seconds...or I'm taking a nap." Hellen threatened.
"I'm..." was all Jessica could say.
There was a pause of several seconds, "sorry..." and she had to pause again.
Hellens weight was increasingly taking its toll on on her. Her ribs were being compressed under all that blubber on top of them, hers and Hellens.
"...Hellen..." Jessica finally said.
It had taken her about 15 seconds to say three words.
"...I'll................get.............you...............another.................cheese.....................cake." Jessica said taking her another 30 seconds.
"You will get me another cheesecake...what?" Hellen went on punishing her further.
"cake..........................Hell..en." Jessica muttered.
"Right now...as soon as I get up?" she said really enjoying the moment.
"Yes." Jessica replied.
Hellen satisfied that Jessica had appologized and probably suffered enough, *she must really be getting crushed...I weigh 700 pounds for christ sake* she thought to herself, she began to manuver her way off of her which was not an easy task. She decided to just try and roll off to the side. It didn't go as well as she would have liked and she banged her leg onto the floor. But there would only be a bruise there maybe if anything at all. *Jessicas body would have several places on it that would be bruised from being crushed* she thought. Finally she was up and Jessica was still not moving yet.
"You need me to help you up little fat girl?" Hellen asked her tauntingly.
"No...leave me alone...I'll go get your damb cheesecake in just a minute." Jessica grunted at her.
"Fine...no hurry...I'm so sorry to inconvenience you."
"Stop being so sarcastic you fat bitch." Jessica exclaimed.
"You were patronizing me earlier...you ate my damb cheesecake...don't get made at me...I warned you." Hellen told her.
"I know already....damb it....I thought you were bluffing." she said with a giggle.
"Get your big fat ass up and go get my cheesecake bitch." Hellen ordered her but then giggled too.
"Fine blubber gut...get out of my way." she said as she sat up and prepared to stand.
She was sore all over. She stood up and brushed against Hellen as she walked past to her room to get dressed. Ten minutes later she was headed out the door on her way to the local desert shop down the street.
...more to follow...

Author: spcbrown

Posted: 02 Oct 2003 22:31 Jessica entered the shop and walked to the counter. She saw there were six cheesecakes ready to go. She bought all of them. On her way back home she saw a guy on the street who looked very familiar. She approached him.
"Jason?" she said.
"Yes." he answered looking at her puzzled.
"It's me...Jessica."
"Jessica....who? Do I know you?" he asked.
"From about 20 years ago...high school...I was your girlfriend...remember?"
"Oh my god...you're Jessica?...what the hell happened to you?" he asked stunned.
"I got really fat didn't I?" she said giggling.
"You used to be so beautiful...how the hell did you let yourself get so damb fat?"
"Well...I'm fat by choice actually." she told him.
"You want to look disgusting?"
"I beleive I'm a beautiful woman...as all fat women are."
...more to follow...
Author: spcbrown

Posted: 03 Oct 2003 03:15 "If you say so." Jason told her
"Can you help me carry these to my place...it's just a block or so down the street."
"Yeah...I guess I can."
He took the two bags and started walking with her down the sidewalk. A few minutes later they arrived at her front door.
"Can you come inside?...Hellen would like to see you I'm sure."
"Who is Hellen?"
"She is my room mate...she went to high school with us remember?...she was the fattest girl in school." Jessica explained.
"Oh...I think I remember her."
"Well she is even fatter now...she is a lot bigger than me." Jessica said with a giggle.
"Amazing....well...I'll go in I guess...I've never seen such a fat woman before."
They went inside. Jessica took the cheesecakes and set them down in the kitchen, then led Jason further into the house and found Hellen sitting on the couch watching tv and eating some icecream.
"Hellen...I brought someone for you to meet again...from our high school days...this is Jason...my old boyfriend."
"Oh my god...Jason...nice to see you again." Hellen said.
"Wow...you're even bigger than I expected...but you were always really fat...I just don't understand how you two can stand being so overweight." Jason blurted.
"You don't like fat women Jason?"
"No...not all all...thats just gross."
"I'm glad you said that Jason..." Hellen said as she made it up onto her feet, "so we won't feel bad about crushing you flat as a pancake now."
"What?" Jason said as Jessica shoved him from behind.
He was about to fall, but he slammed into Hellen, and she took a hold of him, then then slung him around her body like a rag doll. He fell onto the couch behind her and was face up, just like she wanted. She toook one step to the side to be exactly on target as she wanted, and then let herself fall back and down onto him with all her weight. He tried to block her with his arms but it was hopeless. She was too heavy for him. She came down onto his head, chest, stomache, and pelvis with her ass making a loud thund and a crack as she landed and there was a smacking of her soft flesh colliding with his body. All he could do was try to scream but the sound was muffled by her flesh, and all his breath was fored out of him within two seconds anyway. And to top it all off she was naked.
"How humiliating for him Jessica...he has a naked 700 pound fat woman sitting on him." Hellen said with a good chuckle.
"Yes...how horrible for him." Jessica replied with a big belly laugh that made her blubber jiggle.
...more to follow...
Author: spcbrown

Posted: 03 Oct 2003 14:32 "I'm no matter how much I eat not sure if he can breathe at all...I can feel his heart beating hard and fast though...so I haven't killed him yet." Hellen said.
"Well good...then you may enjoy my next suprize?"
"I love suprizes...what is it?" Hellen asked.
"I bought you six cheesecakes instead of just one...so you can sit there on him and eat them all."
"Alright...But I just want a couple right now...I'm not gaining much anymore no matter how much I eat...no sense in wasting any...why don't you eat the other four." Hellen told her.
"Thank you Hellen...I think I can manage that." she said with a giggle.
She went to the kitchen and retreived all the cheesecakes and brought them into the room. While she was gone Hellen took the opportunity to lift her ass up just enough to give Jason a good breath of air before lowering herself down on him again. *I don't want to kill him really...not yet* she thought to herself with a smile. Jessica set two cakes beside her and the rest on a table across the room,and then went back into the kitchen for a moment. She came back this time carrying a tray with two pitcher sized drinking glasses full of sweet cream.
"Oh sweety...you thought of everything." Hellen told her with a smile, "I should have squashed you a long time ago." she contiued with a giggle.
"Oh really...just eat the damb cheesecake." Jessica said with a smirk.
"Alright...geeze...lost your humor?"
Jessica just sighed and then took her first bite of cheesecake. Hellen soon followed suit and they both just sat quietly eating cheesecake and drinking cream. Hellen completely forgot she was sitting on Jason. She had been eating for about seven minutes, and she had been sitting on him for a minute or two before that.
"Damb!" she said with a mouthful of cake.
"What?" Jessica asked.
"We forgot about him!" she said as she slowly raised her 700 pounds off of him.
He immediately gasped loudly for air and Hellen just droped back down on him with a big plop.
"Well he is alright looks like...still alive." Jessica said laughing with her mouth full of cheesecake.
"I figured I'd killed him there for a moment." Hellen said sighing with relief she hadn't.
They continued there gluttony of stuffing cheesecake on top of their already full stomaches. Jessicas stomache wasn't feeling as full as Hellens due to the walk she had taken to get the cakes, but she had already had two extra large supreme pizzas and a whole cheese cake and not yet been to the restroom to relieve herself. She knew she would start to feel gorged shortly as she began on her third cheesecake. She had two more after it that she had to eat. *I can't stop eating...I have to eat it all...that will show Hellen she can't out eat me anymore...I'm starting to feel so full...oh my...just keep eating...I can catch up with her on weight before I know it...maybe even pass her up* Jessica told herself, inspirring her to keep stuffing her stomache even more.
Hellen finished her second cake as Jessica had begun her fourth. Then Hellen remembered Jason was under her and lifted her ass to give him another breath. He gasped quickly as a flicker of light hit his eyes and was then returned to darkness with his head virtually incased under part of her ass.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.