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gone a long time

Started by spcbrown, March 07, 2007, 01:03:40 AM

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glad to see fuel keeping things going. I haven't really written in a long time
myself, sort of lost the drive for it. I have been squashed flat as a pancake
a few times since I've been away from here. Particularlly the last time a certain
470 pound woman stood with both her feet on my chest. I thought I had a cracked
rib or something. Strangely she sat on my chest and the pain went away. So the
she stood and dropped onto me full weight with her butt. Then she would sit bouncing
on me till I couldn't take anymore. Then she would trample my stomach and chest.
Then she would drop her butt on me again and sit there bouncing. She crushed me
almost without mercy for a period of 3 hours. I could hardly move afterwards.
Thing is she will do all this to me again in the near future, and I hate having
to wait 5 minutes for it much less some number of days till I can get the
scheduling at work to give me a day of recouperation after. Two days off in other words.
I want to have her stand on my chest for longer and do lots more butt drops. I like
it like that. Oh, she has even eaten a meal and dessert while sitting on me too, combining
2 fetishes into one. I'm not stating fiction here. This is in fact all true.



WOW!!)))))) Please ,don't write in a long time yorself..Is't poem???ÃÅ"ÃÅ"ÃÅ"


Just too long for storie....))) ;D


Ha How do you meet these women, i mean the best i can hope fore is a video???????? :o

    Dude You are Soo Lucky!!!!!