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Started by SquashVictim, May 03, 2005, 02:10:13 PM

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Tami looked down into the cage, grinning, then grabbed the arms of the tallest one there. He was about six feet tall and thin like the rest. Tami lifted him out, grabbing his thrashing legs as they cleared the top of the cage. He was only a third of her size and she carried him next to her full breasts for the short distance to where Beth was sitting sidesaddle on her own thug.
"Any special plans for this one?" Beth asked.
"Let's see," Tami said as she stopped next to Beth, the thug still being held against her breasts like a heavy doll, "Mike, what's this one done?"
I looked at my sheet. "Rape and murder," I said to her, "He snuffed three teenagers."
Tami is stronger than she looks. "This will really be fun," she said as she held him out in her nearly straight arm and, as he hung by his arms over the floor, she flicked his nuts with her right center finger, twice. He yowled, but nobody cared.
"So, you like to impose you will on helpless girls, eh?" Tami said as she was lowering him to the floor, twisting him back and forth so he could not get any traction with his feet. She was also getting down on her knees at the same time that she was lowering him to the floor. His butt hit the floor in a sitting position as she was leaning over him.
"You get all excited about getting on top of them, don't you," she said as she continued to lay him out flat in front of her own leaning body, "really get excited about laying you body down on top of them when they can't get away, don't you."
He was now flat on his back and yelling. Tami's own body was down close enough to his so that his twisting back and forth was blocked by her body so he stayed on his back. She was still supporting her own weight with her knees and elbows as she moved over him, until his head was under her breasts, and between them. She stopped. He was still yelling.
"Well, payback is fun, at least for me," Tami said as she lay down, letting her upper body rest fully on his. Her breasts muffled his yelling as she adjusted her body, making sure as much of her weight as possible was laying on him.
"I thought you were the one who was in a hurry to dispatch these guys quickly," smiled Beth, "All you are doing is making it last longer for him."
Tami stopped wiggling and lay still, folding her arms under her chin, holding the thugs manacled wrists with her hands, and smiled up at Beth. "Ya, I know," she said, looking down her flank at where her belly was spread out and hanging over over the thugs, "I want him to suffer just a bit."
Again, about five minutes passed while the two of them just sat and lay on their thugs and talked about this and that. When we had first started this program, Tami and Beth were just out of high school, but weighed as much as they do now, only three years later. Beth still likes to torture her charges, so she usually only doubles her size. We don't have a scale large enough here, but we figured she weighed around 1360 pounds standing, and around 950 when she sat on someone, like she was now. The human body is pretty resilient, so it takes a while for her weight to finally do someone in, usually by restricting their breathing. Now, Tami likes to get the job done. She enjoys using her body to crush her thug. And when she is at three times her normal size, she probably weighs around 5400 pounds standing, and when she sit on them, they have around 3800 pounds squashing them, which usually will do them in quickly. Her laying on this guy was probably putting close to 2000 pounds over his upper body. She was making it very, very hard for him to breathe.
While they were talking, I was checking Beth's thug. His head was turned to the side under her butt cheek, so I was able to check his breathing. He still was managing short and shallow breaths.
"Beth," I said, interrupting some meaningless conversation, "you're gonna have to gain weight or something, caus he's still breathing."
"Just lay on his face and be done with it," grinned Tami.
"Look who's talking, little miss 'I-want-to-make-him-suffer," Beth responded.
"Oh, all right," said Tami as she lifter her body just enough to move forward as she kept control of her thug's arms, keeping them outstretched and next to either side of his head, keeping his face looking up. She kept looking down her flank, and when her belly roll was over his face, she lay back down, covering his face with her belly roll. I watched from close by to make sure his face stayed upright, which it did. His mouth and nose were now covered by her belly, and unless he was lucky enough to have a lucky air passage, his air was now cut off completely.
Tami let his arms go and rested on her own elbows, letting more of her weight rest on her own belly, and in turn on his face. She smiled at Beth and wiggled her body in satisfaction for a few moments. When she stopped moving and was laying still, his arms that were keeping his face turned up into her belly were covered by her own belly to the point they were only visible if you got on the floor and looked under her for them. There were only a few inches between her belly and the floor.
"OK, your turn," smiled Tami.
"Oh, you win, again," Beth retorted as she got off of her thug and positioned his arms out past his head. He started to groan as she straddled his chest and leaned forward, keeping his arms tight against his head as she stretched herself out over him. He started to groan a little louder.
"This should be fun," said Tami.
I saw his eyes open just as Beth lay down on him, her belly covering his face and resting against his stretched arms.
"I think I can feel him trying to wiggle," Beth said as she got comfortable.
"Leave it to you to have the most fun," smiled Tami, again, wiggling her body back and forth on her thug's face.
The remaining thugs in the cage were still yelling at us, but we continued to ignore them. For the next few minutes I checked the thugs under Tami and Beth. Tami's was covered so well I had to look at what of his chest I was able to get at, and could not see any movement. Beth's, on the other hand, had somehow found a way to breathe, despite her repositioning her self on his face.
"This one is pretty stubborn," she said after repositioning her belly on his face, again.
Tami started to get off of her thug. "Let me finish this one off and I'll give you some help," she said, then sat sidesaddle on his waist, wiggling her butt on his groin as she sat on it. He made no response as she used her hands on the floor to rise up a few inches and drop back on his groin and waist a few times. The last time he had some liquid come out of his mouth. I guess having 3800 pounds dropping on your gut will do that. 
"I hope he suffered," she said as she got off of him and walked over to where Beth was.
"What do you have in mind?" Beth asked, watching Tami walk over to her. Tami was usually only six inches taller than Beth, but she was now seven feet taller, and a lot heavier.
"Thought I'd help you gain some weight," Tami said as she straddled Beth and sat on the small of her back, letting her weight press Beth's stomach harder onto the thug's face.
"I hope this works," Beth grunted, "You're even heavy on me."
Tami moved her feet out just past Beth's shoulders and got comfortable, wiggling slightly, and smiling down at the back of Beth's head. "When my boyfriend says I feel too heavy when we wrestle, I make sure I end up sitting on him till I'm ready to get off of him," Tami said as she looked at me and winked.
"Do you ever wrestle with Jack when you are super-sized?" asked Beth, sounding like she was getting used to having Tami's now almost fully 5400 pounds on her back.
"Jack has no Idea I do this on the side," Tami said, "Besides, he only weighs a hundred and seventy five dripping wet. I don't need to super-size to enjoy sitting on him."
Beth did not say anything more, since I could see Tami's weight was spreading Beth's stomach out past the thug's arms. But that did not stop Tami from talking about wrestling with Jack, and how much she enjoyed sitting and laying on him. I got the impression Jack did not object too much.
After a few more minutes, Tami got off of Beth and Beth rolled partially off of her thug. I did not find any breathing, but Tami sat on him just to make sure, breaking a few ribs in the process. He did not scream.
"Beth, why don't you go back in and get one size larger while I toss these bodies back into the cage." One of the few times Tami ever sounded serious.
"I'll go with you to set up the machine," I said.
Beth only smiled at us and headed for the machine room. I followed as Tami tossed the two bodies into the cage.
Four down, two to go.

It was a month before Mike and the girls were called in again. He was the first to see who they were going to dispatch, and went to their prep room a little worried.
"Ya, 'cmon in," answered Beth after Mike knocked on their door.
Beth was helping Tami adjust her bikini top from behind. Tami was now sporting a soft tan on her six foot frame, which contrasted with Beth's shorter, and whiter, and now Mike noticed, pudgier, frame.
Tami turned her head and saw Mike and smiled, but said nothing. Beth also looked and grinned, then stopped smiling.
"You look worried, Mike," Beth said, finishing with Tami, "we thought you would be pleased with our weight increases."
"Oh, I am, you both look good," said Mike, stopping by the door, "I just came from the cage. I'm woried you may not want to do in two of our charges."
"Why wouldn't we?" asked Tami, putting her hands on her hips.
"They're, ahh, women," Mike finally stammered.
Tami only raised an eyebrow, but Beth looked concerned.
"What did they do?" Beth asked.
Mike handed Beth the printout, and she held it so she and Tami could both read it. Meanwhile, Mike was finally seeing the result of their weight gain. Gaining weight and staying respectible looking can be a challenge, especially when the job you are gaining the weight for is something you need to keep secret. Mike quickly surmised they had done good jobs. Tami was now up to 210 pounds, and on her six foot frame, she still looked good to him. Beth was now up to 180 pounds, and on her five six frame, her sweet angelic face was what most people looked at.  She and Tami had both concentrated their increases around their waists. Beth's was more noticeable.
"So these three were a team?" Tami was down to business. "He may have been the mastermind, but these two gals could have said 'No' and didn't. They are guilty as hell."
"So you don't mind?" asked Mike.
Tami handed the printout back to Mike. "I'm looking forward to it."
"Me too," chimed in Beth, "Tam's, I have an idea how we can make this fun."
Mike went out to the cage area while Tami and Beth went to the machine room to get supersized.
The three to be dispatched were not wearing anything, as was the custome. It had been started when the programe began, and no one felt like changing it.
Mike was used to the verbal abuse being hurled at him by the three. Those in the cage were always making noise. Right up to the end. Especially these three. Had they finished high school, they would have graduated last year. But they did not. The mastermind was around six feet tall, like Tami, but skinny. His two babes were shorter than Beth, and at least had figures. And mouths. Mike was almost blushing at the things they were saying. Almost. He had learned to steel himself against those in the cage. To him, they no longer existed. They would be room temprature soon.
When the two girls screemed, Mike turned to watch Beth and Tami enter the room from around the partition. What Mike saw surprised even him. Tami had only increased her size by .75. She was now a little over ten feet tall and just over eleven hundred pounds. Beth had maxed out at six times her size and was just over thirty-three feet tall and must be pushing fourty thousand pounds.
"I really think she's over doing this," smiled Tami as she stopped next to Mike. Tami's tan boobs were still incased in her bikini top (which had stretched with her size increase) and were now just taller than Mike.
"She is a little large to fun wrestle with right now, but I doubt if that is what you two have in mind," Mike said, watching Beth walk carefully over to the cage of screemers.
"Remember last time, when Beth lay on top of you?" Tami said, watching Beth reach into the cage from the top.
"How can I forget," Mike said, also watching Beth, "You had just finished sitting on me."
"Then you may relate to these three," smiled Tami as she moved a step closer to Beth.
Beth reached in and grabbed the rope that was synching the arms together at the wrists of fthe mastermind, and lifted him out, kicking and hollering. Once he was clear of the top of the cage, Beth grabed his legs and held him out level, his bare butt facing the ceiling.
"Don't drop him," chided Tami as Beth moved slightly and bent over enough to start to lay him on the concrete close to Tami.
"You ordered a skinny hollerer, Madam?" grinned Beth as she lay him on the floor and held him so he could not get up. He was still yelling, as were the two gals in the cage.
"Why, yes, thank you," smiled Tami as she stepped over him and sat down on his back sidesaddle, pointing her long legs toward the center of the room, bouncing slightly on his back to get comfortable.
"You may go now," Tami said like an emperor. Beth smiled and let his arms and legs go and moved back to the cage.
He tried wiggling and moving his legs, but Tami's weight had him firmly pressed onto the concrete and he quickly stopped wiggling and looked toward the cage.
Mike figured around seventy percent of Tami's weight was actually pressing down on the thug's back, but that was still over 800 pounds and he could see her weight on his back was making him spread out a little under her, but Tami could not kill him if she just sat on him like this. He would be really uncomfortable, but alive. This was usually Beth's was of doing them in, not Tami's.
Tami's butt was spread between the mastermind's white butt cheeks and his shoulders as she looked down at  his face.
"Watch your two partners pay for what you got them to do for you," Tami's voice was light.
The thug tried to say something, but Tami's 800 pounds on his back kept him from doing more than trying to breathe.
Beth had reached in and got one of the girls and was taking her out like she had the thug and was holding her upright while getting on her knees. The gal had spunk and was really flailing around in the air until Beth, now on her knees, grabbed her legs and held her horizontally and against her bellyroll. Standing side-by-side, the little gal would have come up to Beth's kneecap, but now she only as tall as Beth was wide.
Beth moved one hand behind the back of the gal to hold her against her belly as she used the other one to help her lay down, which she did.
Beth had placed the gal's belly aginst her own, and as they lay down Beth had leaned to one side, trapping the kicking legs  under her fleshy flank as she moved her hand out from under the little gal, pulling her arms out next to her hollering head, pinning her face so it was looking up at Beth's soft and jiggly bellyroll, which Beth then rolled on top of her.
"Well, you're finally getting the hang of it," smiled Tami as Beth moved her arms so she was leaning on her own elbows.
Beth looked down her right flank and smiled at the sight of the two bound-at-the-wrists arms trying to move against her flank. She reached down and  grabbed the rope thtat was binding them and held it taught aginst the concrete as she lifted her body enough to move  her belly farther over the girls upper torso so when she lay back down, Beth's belly was spread out over the girl again, only this time, only her hands were showing.
The girl had gasped for air when Beth lifted her belly off of her, but did not have time to do anything else before being smothered   again.
The girl in the cage was still screeming, but after a few minutes, just sat and cried.
"Is she still wiggling?" asked Tami. She and Beth had been talking about about a movie they had seen for the past few minutes. The thug Tami was sitting on was crying.
"I haven't felt any movement from her for a few minutes," said Beth, who rolled slightly to one side, exposing the squashed girl's upper torso. Beth nodded to me and down to the girl she was laying on.
Mike checked her then looked up at Beth, shaking his head. The girl in the cage could not see Mike at all.
"Only one way to make sure," said Tami, winking at Beth, who nodded.
"Here comes the good part," Tami said to the thug she was sitting on, bouncing on his back to make sure he heard her. He grunted painfully in response.
As Beth gof off the floor, the girl in the cage started to call out the name of the girl Beth had been laying on. The girl on the floor did not respond.
Beth turned her back to the girl on the floor and squated down, putting her hands on the floor next to the girl's head and feet.
The caged girl started frantically yelling out her friends name, but when Beth set her butt down on her, the caged girl started screeming again.
Beth picked her hands off the concrete and let her full sitting weight rest on the girls prone body. For a few seconds, Beth's butt was spread over the girl's head down to over her feet, but then her chest collapsed and Beth settled down closer to the floor.
The caged girl screemed for a few more seconds, then fainted. The silence was refreshing. Only the groaning of the thug Tami was sitting on was heard for the next minute.
"She did not make any noise when she caved in, so you had her by laying on her," said Tami, "Enjoy doing it this way?"
Beth twisted her body around to see Tami, nearly behind her. The twisting of her body caused some of the squashed girl's bones to snap under her. Yes," she grinned, "You may have created a monster."
"Let's see if you can get the next one without waking her," grinned Tami.
Beth grinned back and got off the body she had squashed, reaching down and pulling it out of the way as she went to the cage.
While Beth was getting the next girl, Tami got off of her thug just long enough to roll him over on his back and sat back down on his belly, this time he was looking up at her back as she pushed her feet out next to, and over, his. Her 800 pounds were now squashing his stomach, keeping him from doing more than gasping shallow breaths.
"Too bad he can't scratch my back like you do," Tami said, smiling at Mike.
"You're not ten feet tall when you sit on me," Mike grinned back. "But if you were to lay on me instead.."
"Hush, you two," said Beth as she was laying the second girl down carefully on the concrete, her wrists still bound together. Beth motioned for Mike to come over to her.
The second girl was on her back, still unconsious, Beth carefull holding her arms over her head. "Cut the rope," whispered Beth.
Mike glanced over at Tami, who nodded. He pulled out his knife and cut the ropes and walked back to where Tami was sitting on her thug.
"Have a seat," she said to Mike. "This may be interesting."
Mike sat sidesaddle on the thug's chest, who could do nothing more than grunt by now.
Beth lay the second girl's arms carefully by her side, then went to her side and turned away from her, squatting down and putting her hands down next to the second girl's feet and head, then looked over at Tami and Mike. Tami smiled and nodded.
The girl woke up just as Beth was sitting on her. The girl screemed for a second, but then was covered by Beth's fleshy butt cheeks, which muffled her screem for a second.
"Must be out of breath," said Tami.
"Probably fainted again," said Mike.
Beth picked her hands up and for a few moments there was a muffled groaning comming from under her as she put her hands on her kneecaps, but she only sat still for a second before the girl collapsed under her, the sound of her chest caving in the only sound that came from her.
Mike looked down at his watch. "Stay sitting on her for a minute, just to make sure."
Beth wiggled her butt, causing more cracking. "Whatever you say," Beth grinned.
They started talking about the movie again, then Mike said time was up.
Beth got off of the second girl and drug her over to where the first body was, then turned back toward Tame and Mike, both still sitting on the mastermind.
"Is he done yet?" she asked, moving over to them.
Mike looked down next to his butt and checked the thug.
"Still ticking," Mike said, sitting up straight.
"Mind if I take care of business?" Beth said, looking at Tami, smiling.
Tami turned enough to look down at Mike. "Yup, we have created a monster," she said. Mike and Tami both got off of the thug, who was still too weak to do anything but lay there and look up at Beth as she sat on him sidesaddle, just like she had down to his two friends. Since he was bigger than they had been his head was not covered by Beth's butt cheek, so he was able to watch her set down on him, feel her overwhelming weight press against his body, then watch also as she picked her hands up off the floor, letting her full weight set down on him. Looking up her flank, he was able to see her bellyroll expand as she relaxed and sat motionless. Her weight had already stopped him from breathing and he could feel his own heart beating agianst his compressed chest. He saw her bellyroll move as she breathed, then his chest collapsed.
For a few seconds, everyone was still.
Tami spoke first. "He was bigger Beth, you better keep sitting on him for a few more minutes." Beth nodded, and wiggled her butt, crunching the thug. Tami turned to Mike.
"You said you wanted to scratch my back, so lay down," Tami grinned to Mike.
"No bouncing," Mike said as he lay on his back.
"Don't worry," Tami grinned as she straddled him, "I'll be laying on you."
She lay down so that her boobs were covering Mike's face as she crossed her arms under her chin and lay her own legs on his.
Mike had turned his head away, but his head was still burried under her left breast, her hips on his stomach restricting his breathing. He tried to move his arms up to put them on her back, but she was too wide for his arms to get around.
Tami lay on him for a few more seconds, then lifter her chest up off of him by using her elbows to hold her up. She looked down at his now barely exposed face under her breast.  "Aren't you going to scratch my back like you want to?"
Mike tried to say something, but her hips pressing into his own belly were keeping him from getting enough breath.
"Men," said Tami as she lay back down on him, making sure to wiggle her breast into his face as she lay down and rested her chin on her folded arms.
"Now don't kill him," laughed Beth, "I want to lay on him too, when we get  back to normal."

I knocked on the door.
"You two ready?" I asked from my side of the door.
"Ya, c'mon in," replied Tami's voice.
I opened the door and went in. Tami and Beth were adjusting their string bikini's. Tami is the taller of the two, almost six foot and two hundred pounds. Nicely rounded figure. A little flabby around her middle, but so was Beth. Beth was shorter by almost six inches, but full-figured like Tami. Weighed in at around one-seventy. Their bikini's really did not hide anything, just kept their boobs from flopping around too much while they were working.
Which was why we were at the secure building today. They had a few thugs to take care of.
"How do we look?" asked a cheerful Beth, turning around so I could see all of her. Tami just rolled her eyes. Tami is the more serious of the two, but enjoys her work.
"You both look a great as always," I replied, smiling, "but I still think you are being too nice to these thugs."
"Nice?" said Tami, with a half-smile, "They're naked, so why shouldn't we at least be partially. Besides, skin is easier to clean if they pop. The machine ready?"
I nodded and Tami headed past me and out the door. Beth followed, but stopped next to me, grinning. She is just a little shorter than me, but heavier. I could feel the heat of her excitement.
"Tami is still reluctant to say how much she enjoys doing this," Beth said softly, "but I'm not."
Beth continued out of the room, headed for the room Tami had entered. They would be enlarged in moments, as would their bikinis. Of course, the bikini's had to be able to stretch to accommodated the new sizes, but they did. I left and went into the main room, where the girls would be taking care of business. I was there to make sure they took care of that business, which was located in the large cage at the far end of the room. The room itself was sound-proofed and about sixty by sixty by thirty feet high. The floor was concrete. The cage held six thugs the police had brought in the night before. These were the kind of thugs who did despicable things (rape, sold drugs, murder, etc.) that would only clog up the judicial system, even though they were guilty. Tami and Beth made sure they would not cause any more problems on our streets. The cops looked the other way.
The six were indeed naked. And bound hand and foot. They had some arm and leg movement, but they were not going to get free once they were outside of the cage. They started hollering again when they saw me, but I continued to ignore them. They did not exist to me at this point. I waited a few more minutes in a chair by the wall. Then the girls came out from behind the partition. Beth, like usual, had only doubled her size, so she was around eleven feet tall. Tami had this time gone for triple size, so she was eighteen feet tall. Both still full-figured, jiggling slightly as they approached the cage and stopped next to it. The thugs had gone silent when they saw them, but started yelling again as the huge girls got closer.
"Any preferences?" whispered Tami. Even whispering, the larger-than-life girls had big voices to match their bodies, so they did not have to speak up to be heard.
"They are all kinda scrawny," said Beth, "Give me a skinny one."
Tami reached in the top of the cage and hooked her fingers around the rope between one of the thugs wrists. The top of the cage is open and the cage itself is only about six foot square, so these guys were not going anywhere. But the still try and run around, to no avail. Tami lifted the thug up off his feet. He screamed and thrashed around.
"This one?" asked Tami, "He seems about your normal height, maybe a hundred and sixty pounds or so."
"Sure," Beth smiled, "flop him on the floor and I'll get started."
Tami used both hands to lift the now screaming and thrashing thug out of the cage and onto the floor, where she and Beth drug him a few feet further away from the noisy cage and lay him down on his belly. Beth immediately straddled him as Tami let go of his arms and stepped back, heading for the cage.
Beth rolled the hollering thug over on his back. His legs were kicking as much as their limited movement would allow, but Beth held his arms easily as she moved up, then straddled his belly.
I could not see his face, nor his head for that matter, because Beth's knees were past his head, but he only hollered for a moment as she settled down on him.
I got out of my chair and walked over to where Beth was sitting. The thug was still breathing, but only short gasps. His legs were still pumping. Beth and I both looked toward Tami as she was pulling her thug out of the cage. I was standing, but Beth was at my eye-level as Tami looked in our direction.
"You keep sitting like that and this will take all day," Tami grunted as she pulled one of the smaller thugs out. He was probably around five foot and a hundred pounds. And loud.
"I was just waiting for you so we could get started together," Beth said easily.
"Don't wait for me, Beth," said Tami as she carried her smaller package closer to Beth, "I was going to try something different on this smaller one." Tami then stopped and put the thug down on his back while she got on her knees.
"What are you planning this time?" Beth asked as she moved her legs out and sat her full weight down on her thugs stomach. He let out quite a yell as her weight squashed down on him, but was quiet right after as Beth wiggled slightly to center her weight on him evenly. She quickly moved her hands under her butt cheeks where they hung over the edges of the thugs waist. I watched and saw her fingers just clear her butt and the floor. The thug was carrying most of Beth's increased weight with his stomach. His legs moved only for a moment, then lay still. I looked over her leg down at his face and saw he was still breathing. Barely.
Now on her knees, Tami picked her small thug up and pressed him against her belly, pressing his back with her hands. His yelling face was against one flank of her waist, his kicking legs pounding against her other flank. Her bellybutton was against his waist. Tami shifted her hands so only one hand was holding him by pressing on his back. Her fleshy belly roll was partially muffling his yelling as she leaned forward on her knees and used her outstretched arm to steady herself, she lay down on the floor, laying on her hand, and the small thug.
As Tami rose up slightly to remove her hand that was holding the thug next to her, I walked over to watch the results. As Tami moved her hand out from under him, the thug tried to wiggle clear. Tami simply lay back down and covered the thug. The top of his head was still showing out from under her bellyroll, so Tami lifted herself up just enough to move her belly fully over the thug, who again tried to roll over and escape, but he did not move fast enough and was still on his back when Tami's descending bellyroll stopped his moving. Where his head had shown before, now only Tami's belly was resting on the floor, moving as she breathed. I walked around to the other side of her and saw his feet and a little of his shins. His feet were still wiggling. A little.
Beth and Tami stayed sitting and laying on their thugs for five more minutes, talking about this and that while the caged thugs kept yelling. Beth would bounce on what was left of her thugs stomach now and then, just to keep him from getting a breath. I would then check him to see if he was still alive. He was, but just. Tami would roll on her side enough to expose his face and I would check him also. Again, just alive. Tami would roll back down and recover him, crossing her arms under her chin and smiling.
After the last check, Tami moved off of her thug and kneeled over him, looking down at his barely alive body. She then moved around and sat next to him, sidesaddle.
"Gonna dispatch him already?" asked Beth, still sitting on her thug.
"Ya, this is taking too long," said Tami as she put one hand next to her thug's head, the other next to his feet, then lifted her butt over him and sat down. As she removed her hands so her full weight could settle down on him, the small thug gave a small grunt just as his face was partially covered by Tami's left cheek. And only a second after that his ribs started cracking and he started yelling in pain. His yelling was partially muffled by Tami's butt cheek partially covering his face. She looked down her flank and wiggled her butt to help speed up the process. She stopped wiggling after a few seconds and sat still, but the thugs in the cage kept yelling for her to stop.
I walked around to the other side and saw his legs still ticking out from under her. Tami's full weight was squashing down on his upper torso as she looked over at Beth.
"Well?" Tami asked, blood now starting to seep out from under her small thug.
"Oh, all right," said Beth as she got off of her thug and moved around to his side, sitting back down on his chest as Tami had done on hers. Her butt also covered her thug from his chin to his belly. Looking down at him, Beth decided to adjust her seat, so she bounced over to her right a bit so she could center her weight on the center of his chest. I heard something crack as she bounced and saw him wince as she reached down and moved his head to the side to clear her cheek. Satisfied, she smiled over at Tami.
"That will still take a few more minutes," Tami said as she got off of her dead thug.
"I don't mind the few extra minutes," smiled Beth, "Go ahead and grab another."
"Don't mind if I do," Tami grinned as she stood up and leaned down, picking up the lifeless thug and tossing the body into the cage and reached down for another.
Two down, four to go...

Mike followed Beth back into the machine room. She turned and stood in the center, smiling down at him. At twice his size, and in her stretch bikini, he was wondering what it would be like to fun wrestle with her. He would loose, of course, but when they fun wrestled at normal size, they did not try and hurt each other. His thoughts of her laying on top of him was showing.
"Business before pleasure," Beth purred, bringing him back to reality.
"What size?" he managed to say. He had to remember she and Tami were killing people right now.
She held her hand up, five fingers showing as she smiled. Mike smiled and nodded back, set the controls and left the room.
He walked up to Tami just as she was dropping Beth's thug back into the cage. The two remaining thugs were now huddled in corners, crying.
She turned and strode back to where Mike was standing, watching. At eighteen feet tall, she covered ground quickly without trying. She sat down and stretched her legs out, rubbing them.
"While Beth was getting ready I was looking at her and wondering what it would be like to fun wrestle with her when she is supersized," Mike said without thinking. It was on his mind. He couldn't help himself.
"Well, for one thing, it wouldn't be fun for you," Tami said, "Lay on your back crossways behind me. I won't kill you." The last part was said with a smile.
Mike did as he was told. He always did. "I was thinking of when your were only double sized," Mike said, laying flat. Tami's back was next to him, the back of her head nearly eight feet over him.
"After a certain point, weight is relative," Tami said as she moved her hands behind her to lift her body. "You won't notice any difference with a thousand or three thousand pounds sitting on you, except where it is sitting," she said as she lifted her butt up and moved back over his torso, and sat down. She kept her butt crack centered over his groin so it was not squashed, but her right cheek squashed down on his stomach, covering him from his sturnum to his groin. Her left cheek covered his legs, down to his knees. She looked down at his face as she lifted her hands off the floor and let her full weight settle down on him.
"If I sat on your chest like this, you would have a real problem breathing," she said, grinning, "and as it is, you just can't use your stomach muscles like you usually do."
Mike was in full agreement, but just couldn't say anything. Indeed, his breathing was cut quickly down to very short breaths. He watched her relax on him, and after a few seconds he saw that when she made small movements, nothing new was felt on his stomach. Hew weight was pressing down fully and his belly was spread out fully.
"If I were to bounce right now, things inside of you would start breaking," Tami said, anticipating his thoughts.
"Wouldn't it be easier on Mike if we brought in some chairs to sit on?" Beth's voice sounded deeper.
Tami turned and looked in the machine room's direction. Beth was walking carefully toward her.
"Wow," said Tami, still sitting on Mike, "How far did you go?"
"Five," Beth grinned, stopping next to Tami and Mike, going to her knees. Beth was now a full twenty seven and a half feet tall, probably around 21 thousand pounds.
"Well, that's a first," said Tami. She was still sitting on Mike, who was watching her belly roll move in and out. He could not see Beth anyway. Tami's body was in the way.
"So's sitting on Mike when you are supersized," said Beth, "What brought this on?"
Tami finally looked down at Mike and grinned. "He asked about fun wrestling when we were supersized, and I was showing him that it would not be fun for him."
"Well, can I get in on the fun before we get on with business?" asked Beth.
"Sure, just don't hurt him," smilled Tami, who put her hands back on the floor and lifter her butt off of Mike and made room for Beth. Mike's legs had gone to sleep ddue to lack of blood, so he could not move.
"When I fun wrestle, I sometimes like to lay across the shoulders of whoever I am wrestling with so I can pin them to the floor," Beth said as she was moving on her hands and knees over Mike.  Beth's belly was now nearly five feet wide, and she was centering her fleshy belly roll right over his head. She looked over at Tami. "Let me know if I pin him," she grinned. She then looked down at Mike. "Take a deep breath," she said, then lay down.
Mdike closed his eyes at the last second, just as he took a deep breath. He turned his head away from her flesh just as he was making contact with it. Her weight pressed against his ear. He could barely breathe. After a few minutes, she got off of him. "Wasn't that fun?" she said, looking down at him as she stood up.
"I don't envey them," Mike said, still  on his back, pointing to the thugs.
"Good," said Tami as she reached in the cage and grabbed one. "You're big enough to get your own," she said to Beth.
"Some choice I get," she said as she reached in and got the last one.  Both thugs still hollered and cried at the same time.
Tami flopped her thug on the concrete and sat sidesaddle on his back. He was not that far from Mike, who watched the pained look on his face as he fought for breath while Tami wiggled around on his back getting comfortable. When she was done, her butt covered the thug from the back of his head to his own butt. His still-tied together wrists kept his arms out in front of him, but he still tried wiggling under her to try  and get away. His movement only made Tami jiggle slightly as she moved her legs out and relaxed.
Beth's thug hardly came past her knees, so she simply held him against her torso as she got to her knees, then moved him sideways accross her belly, like she had lain on Mike, then lay down.
She supported the thug against her belly with one hand as he used the other to let her lay down slowly. Once she was on the floor, she removed her hand from the back of the thug and lay flat. This time, the head of the thug was still exposed, his body being covered by Beth's belly. His arms were still along his side, but he couldn't move them anyway. He could breath, though. Barely. Her weight on his chest and stomach was keeping him from getting more than a short breath.
Mike finally was able to sit up and stood, looking at the thugs under Tami and Beth. He checked Tami's first, saw he was still breathing. Beth's was the same way.
Mike, Tami and Beth started talking about fun wrestling they had done in the past. Aftger five minutes, and more breath checks, Tami said it was time to get serious about the business at hand. She got off of her thug, who continued to lay still, trying to get his breath back. He did not get the chance. Tami rolled him onto his back and sat down on his chest, sidesaddle. She sat still and did not wiggle. "This will make it last longer," she said, looking down at the face of the thug.
Beth rolled off her thugs enough to get ahold of his arms, then pulled them past his head. Being five times his size made it easy for her. With his head trapped between his arms, the thug watched as Beth rolled back over him, this time covering his up-looking face with her belly roll. Mike had been able to move his face out of the way and breathe slightly. The thug could not, and his face was covered by Beth's warm and soft flesh. He could open his mouth a little, but got no air. He could not bite her flesh. His nose only found his own exhaust breath.
Beth rested on her elbows as she and Tami chatted. She could feel the thug trying to wiggle under her, and looked down her flank. She saw his hands protruding out from under her flank. She smiled and kept talking.
Unable to check the thug under Beth, Mike was reduced to checking Tami's thugh every few minutes. His breathes were getting shorter and more labored.
"You ready to go home and fun wrestle for a while?" asked Beth.
"You talking to me or Mike?" smiled Tami.
"Both of you, if you like," grinned Beth, playfully wiggling her belly on the thug.
"Sounds like a plan to me," smiled Tami, looking now toward Mike, who was checking the vitals of her thug, "what about you?"
Mike looked up at her. "Sounds like fun, but you have to stay normal sized."
"Since we both out wiegh you anyway, I agree to your conditions," grinned Tami.
"Then you better come and check my thug, see if we can go home yet," Beth said as she was getting off of his thug. Mike checked. "I can't really tell for sure," Mike said.
"Then let's make sure," said Beth as she sat sidesaddle on her thug. She covered hium from his head to his knees, and as she let her hands off of the floor and her wieght settled fully on him, they heard bones cracking as his chest started caving in. He did not yelp. She smiled at Tami.
Tami started bouncing on her thug. He yelped as his chesk started cracking, and she kept at it till he stopped making noise. And breathing.
"Shall we go?" asked Mike.

The excellent story. We wait for continuation!!!

you didn't post the full story (only the last half).

It was on another board years ago and called "crushing thugs".