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Fatpump: The Belly

Started by fuel1563, November 29, 2004, 10:34:18 PM

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Fatpump: The Belly

Charles worked for Exacorp for 3 years and as lab supervisor he was quite successful. With his height 6', and his slender figure he looked kind of anorexic. He had invented the fat drug some time ago. It compelled an organism's digestive system to grow huge. The body then assimilated food at incredible rate, hence growing fat. He developed the drug over the years and as he finally tested it on pigs, he was awarded the Thostan-Research-Award. After he got the award he strived to improve and concentrate the drug.

One evening he was working in the lab, doing the paperwork. It was fairly boring. The office-nerd wanted all the reports filled out. The board wanted to know, after all, what he was doing with all the funding. His mind wandered and he took a picture out of his drawer. It showed his fiancé Jessica, sparsely clad in lingerie. It was signed, "Love, Jessica." It was a gift from her for his 30th birthday. She knew that he appreciated the true beauty of a female body.

He looked at her. She was a magnificent woman. And she knew how to tease him: Her D-cup bosom was in a net-like bra, which was all too transparent and showed her large nipples. Although she was starting to show layers of fat on her stomach, she was wearing a fitting which enhanced her plump belly even more. She did this naturally, still thinking that she was thin. She smiled the seductive smile of a woman sure of the effect of her body on male hormones. With just a hint of transparency her G-string showed her shaved pussy. She was a dream to be with, resourceful and never too shy to try something crazy.

Charles heard a noise and stowed the picture in the drawer as he realized that he was not alone. A woman stood at the door. She was tall and extremely thin, she wore a labcoat, but he had never seen her before. He looked at her and he noticed that she had no breasts whatsoever. A-cup it must be, he thought. She was all bones and skin. She was smiling and coming towards him, yet there was something serious about her body language.

"You must be the so famous Dr. Charles Goldblum!" she exclaimed. "I'm Helga Baloni, Nutritionist."
They shook hands.
He switched gears and said, "Well if you have any questions, there will be a press conference next week."

She smiled sweet, went over to the door and locked it. He looked puzzled, but as she pulled out a gun, his puzzlement disappeared, replaced by concern. She went over to one bottle of a substance and took it. She looked at it curiously.

"I'm not interested in your press conference, no, I'm going to tell you a little story of what happened to my little sister."

"She was at the home of her boyfriend. They watched a movie and ate popcorn. She got thirsty and went to the fridge to drink something. There was a coke bottle, a quart or so. She drank it. But it was not coke that my sister was drinking, instead she was filling her stomach with something else!"

Charles swallowed when he remembered that he wanted to make a new experiment, yet he didn't have any other container. Now he remembered that he forgot to take it with him.

"My sister didn't suspect anything," she went on, "but it was refreshing anyway, so she emptied the entire bottle. This night after she kissed her boyfriend goodnight she felt different. She went to bed and had a funny feeling in her tummy, a sensation of softness, and she felt stuffed, even though she hadn't eaten dinner. Although she was small at the top with only A-cups , she had been always kind of plump around her tummy region. She had always been the kind of girl that had a promising large lower belly, fertile and ready to get pregnant, but lacked the breasts size to attract most men. She always looked kind of semi-pregnant and size of her lower abdomen looked as though it wanted to grow. Her upper belly was unusually large now. She couldn't remember, with what it must be filled. It was slightly swelled, and
spongy to touch.

She was so hot and she couldn't sleep. She was haunted by strange dreams. She saw a basin with this milky liquid over and over again. She went to take a bath, since she knew that she would lie awake for a long time. She saw in the mirror, that her lower belly protruded out. It was very soft as if filled with some kind of liquid. She felt pressure building up and had the sudden impulse to go to the toilet. As she sat down the pressure had increased enormously and she tried to open her ass, as always when she felt like this. But somehow this pressure was much more violent than ever before. She'd never been worried at the intensity, but now she felt like she was about to burst.

Funny, she lost control over the muscle that opened her ass. She heard a gurgling coming out of her stomach. In a frantic effort, she tried to open it by inserting a finger, but it was tight shut. Instead the pressure rose even more in her gut and sitting there, horror gripped her. She felt like bursting any minute. Then, something in her ruptured with a dull bang in her insides. It pumped in her belly. She realized that her belly was swelling."

Charles knew exactly what he was about to hear. After all he designed the drug. He knew the cycle and had seen it on pigs.

"The liquid you gave to your pigs was now in her belly and started to change Kellie's insides. But she soon would find, it wasn't that she became fat, no, the liquid was just enlarging her intestines, to hold more," Helga went on.

"Then, as her belly stopped swelling, she felt an incredible itch on her small nipples. It was an erotic feeling. She started to massage them and felt a warmth spread in all her belly. Then, her breasts swelled a little bit and gave her small bra a hard time. Out of nowhere, she felt that an orgasm was mounting. First she felt it from deep inside her belly and then it spread everywhere. She became so wet and as the orgasm went over her, she was unable to think, she just came and came. Then, after the first one was over, she wanted to move, but again she saw the basin full of that milky stuff, this time she felt that the liquid had a magnetic effect on her. Then she felt a second orgasm coming. She realized that the first one had enlarged her breast from A to C- cup, ruining her bra completely.

As she looked down, her belly had bloated up. She now sported a small potbelly. She felt the horror of what was happening to her, but then the next orgasm came on her. While she was trapped in pleasure, she felt her belly grow bigger. She felt her gut blow up like a balloon. Now that she was orgasming she saw that there was a enormous girl in the basin, her back to her with a extremely large lower gut and ass, perverse gurgling coming out of her. Her breasts were so big that she saw them hanging to the side like big bags filled with fat. Here enormous breasts were swinging just so slightly as she saw the girl was in progress of being fattened. The level of the basin slowly lowered. She now knew that it was pure fat. The girl turned around slowly and she looked into her own eyes. She realized with perverse
shock that this was herself, with a body so fattened up that she started to become more broad and and thick than she actually had height. This girl fattening up was just leaving supersize and going beyond.
She saw the apple-shaped body and as she looked at this girl's belly, her own gut gurgled and itched. She felt a dangerous load in her belly as she was confronted with this picture: She was fat to monstrous proportions, her breasts had reached x-cup size and were hanging down over her belly in big fat bags.

Her gut was the biggest she ever saw. It was potshaped all right, but it now was the size of a large drum. She looked at her own belly-button, well, deep down it was. The belly was so fat that the navel had receded deep in. And it was herself, she knew it. 500 times more fat than she was. Her hips were extremely wide and the fat was hanging down on her in big rolls, with a body-fat index of 99%.

As she saw this before her eye, the next orgasm came over her. This time she could feel her belly bloat hard and gurgle while she came. Orgasm after orgasm made her immobile and blew her up, between the waves she was barely able to compose herself. After the 8th orgasm she was so exhausted that she
fell asleep. She had dreams which she was in a sausage factory, strapped to moving molds for sausages and she was constantly filled with fatty meat, which just worked like they were stuffing sausages. She couldn't do anything against it, and was pumped more and more. When she woke up,she heard a strange noise. She thought about her strange dream, tried to get up, but could hardly move. Now she realized, that it was her gut that made them. Her belly had blown up to magnificent potbelly of the size of an overblown basketball. Her body, hips and thighs were soft and wobbly with fat. She felt so heavy! As she saw herself in the mirror, she froze with horror: She was getting fat and fast too. Her belly was blowing up from the potent fluid in her gut, not destined to be used on a woman, but even more efficiently doing the job. And the worst part of it was that she felt hunger growing in her. She wanted to get out, to go to a doctor, to go to a hospital, but she suddenly started to get very hungry. She tried to ignore it with all her force. She was about to leave the house to find a doctor, when her hunger became so strong that she started to smell the bacon in the fridge in the kitchen. She stumbled into the kitchen and stood before the freezer, she smelled this incredible strong smell of all the bacon, lard and hamburgers she bought for the party next week. Her stomach started to growl and yearn for the rich food.

She took all the hamburgers, enough for 10 people and put them into the microwave. When they were done, she guzzled them down, gorging one by one, feeling so good for eating. Then, as she was finished, instead of feeling full, her hunger suddenly grew so strong that she had the feeling, that she
would starve on the spot. It compelled her to eat more. Her sense told her that she already ate more than ever before, and that she would rupture her stomach, but her feeling told her that she was starving.
She started to empty the entire fridge. Slowly with extreme pleasure she ate the food she bought for weeks, getting hot at the extreme fatty foods as it slipped down her gullet. Yes, it made her horny by the thought of her stomach filled with rich fat. Then, she had eaten the entire contend of the fridge.
When I visited her, she didn't answer the door, but since I had a key, I found her then. She laid in front of the fridge, her T-shirt torn, exposing her gigantic belly and her monstrous breasts, which were inflated by
all the orgasms to F-cup size. Her stomach was showing stretchmarks and the strange noises coming from it told me that something strange was happening to her. She was in a state where her digestive system was using up all her energy, so she wasn't very conscious. I had to do some errands, so I told
her to stay put and calm down while I was away. Again, a monstrous appetite made her eat more and more, pumping up her stomach to monstrous dimensions. When I came back I saw at least 5 empty oil-bottles. She drank em all, pure fat. Now, that I saw her I gasped in horror. Her belly was incredible inflated and her breasts were pumped up too, her skin had stretched and expanded to accommodate the newly acquired body lard. Her soft spheres had the size of volleyballs. They hung down over her belly, soft and pendulous. I tried to get her to a doctor, but when we tried to leave, her belly was so big!

She didn't fit through the doorframe anymore.
Her belly produced strange noises and I was afraid that Kellie's belly was going to blow. I took her in my arm, as good as I could, and she must have been full up to her gullet since she gurgled and blubbered all the time. She was stuffed with fat, her big round belly was pumped full of it. I told her that everything will be all right. I for myself was horrified what was going to happen to her because all the fat still filling her stomach and intestines would pump her up to monstrous dimensions.

Then, suddenly she gasped, "I'm..." she could bring out, wanted to say more, but only gurgling came out of her throat. A strange stretching sound came out of her gut. I couldn't believe my eyes, but Kellie's belly started to
bloat up right in front of my eyes. Slowly, but unstoppable her gut grew, I could hear large amounts of fat move and slosh in her intestines. It sounded like a large drainage pipe being flooded.

She inflated right in front of me. She was unable to do anything, she just stood there and grew fat and fatter. I held her belly, in a way I thought that I could push it all in again, but then I only sank into it as she
fattened up. Sloshing and splashing came out of her. She was letting it happening, passive and in the strangest of feeling, since she moaned constantly, gurgled and her eyes were wide. Terrified I left to get a doctor and when I came back with him, it was already too late: There was a trail of milky fat leading to the bathroom. There was where we found her. She must have ingested all that fat, stretching her belly and stomach to the extreme limit and when she was ready to explode, her stomach wanted to eject the overload of the potent fat and she went to the bathtub to throw up, but then, with force and perverse speed, her digestive system bloated up so fast that it virtually exploded and her gut inflated so fast that intense feeling of pumping and getting fat so fast paralyzed her. She knew that she was lowing up like a balloon, perversely she also knew that she would burst soon. She felt her belly grow with incredible speed, her inner workings yielding readily, becoming loose and wide under the strong pressure: She groaned as she fell into the tub, head first and while her intestines surged and her potbelly grew quickly into a monstrosity, she felt that she was about to explode. When her breasts started to fill up with fat and expand, the sensation of her nipples stretching made her go unconscious of lust. When we found her, she was head down in the tub, suffocated of her own fat, her gigantic belly filled half the bathroom."

Charles rubbed his head nervously.
"She had 1 quart of fat inflator and she had already tendency to plumpness. You know, the fat the body possesses already when in contact with the drug doubles or triples the reaction. She would have filled out to four times the size she had wouldn't she have died."

"Your drug fattened up my sister and she died of it."

Helga stood there as though she waited for a response. "I saw her get fat in front of my own eyes."

She was almost histerical. It was clear that this woman saw something that didn't contribute to her sanity. Charles tried to be cool. After all, this woman had to be reasonable. He tried to explain it in scientific terms. After all, Helga would be understand, she was a professional herself.

"She must have had extreme pleasure. We found out that if the body fattens up so fast the individual experiences extreme pleasure by doing so!", he said, trying to offering some consolation. She laughed, out of nowhere. Then she stopped and something snapped inside her. He could see it that she was quite unstable and her mood changed instantly.

"You know," she said after seeming to have reached a conclusion, "I saw her blow up in front of me! I saw it once and I think I'd be willing to see it again." She eyed the bottle interestingly. She smiled and approached him with the bottle. "I'm gonna see it with you!!" she decided. "Imagine what this stuff would do to you", she said with the enthusiasm of a mad scientist trying to prove his formula works.

Charles became uneasy, she must be joking, he thought. "It's never been tested on a male before" he smiled uneasy. "You see, there's a difference between males and females." He knew that she had the gun and the bottle, both made him very uneasy. She shook her head. It looked as she didn't know what to do.
"Hmm...", she muttered.

She walked away and Charles relaxed, sure that she dropped the idea. She went to the cupboard and took a new glass labeled fat inflator 160% and put it in front of Charles.

"You're going to try this one! This one is even stronger and even if your belly is not so fertile, it should still blow you up like hell" She smiled charmingly. "I can't wait to see you bloat!", she whispered into his ear.

His eyes grew wide.

Drink the fat drug, him? He felt his stomach lurch. She smiled eager at him. It was the extra potent solution, obviously, she had no idea how strong this stuff was. He had to avoid drinking this stuff at all costs.

"Drink!" she commanded.

He refused and wanted to leave the room. "I can't drink this liquid! Maybe I'll explode, we never tried it on a man!"

She pointed the gun at his groin.

"I don't know what this stuff will do with your belly, but this gun will do more harm, I promise!" she switched the safety off on the gun and got ready on the trigger. "Drink it! Don't make me shoot your balls!

Better fat than impotent!"

Charles took the glass hesitantly and drank a little bit. It tasted strange as it ran down his gullet. He drank slowly, feeling the liquid pour into him.

"All of it!" she insisted.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.