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Fashion Crush

Started by fuel1563, November 30, 2004, 12:00:52 AM

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I know there is at least one other story on this board that involves an Aunt crushing her younger smaller nephew, but I had this idea for a story, and I think I can add enough to make it seem new. Hope you all enjoy.

Sammy was stuck at his fat Aunts' apartment again. Whenever his parents decided they needed a "quite night alone" he got send over to his two Aunts place to spent the night. Sammy complained and got mad at his parents whenever this happened, but secretly he loved it. At 13 he already knew he was a fan of fat girls. At school he always tried to sit behind the fattest girl to sneak a peak at her butt, hoping to see panties. And he loved his Aunts.

Of the two Aunts, Jessica was the biggest. She was blond, had a very pretty face, 5'7 and about 400 pounds if Sam had to guess. She was massive. At her reasonably young age (Jessica was only 26) she still loved to dress sexy. Around the house for instance, whether Sammy was there or not she usually walked around in only tight workout shorts and belly shirts. Aunt Jess had a huge flabby belly, and pretty large breasts but neither could compair to her giant ass. Especially in the tight workout shorts her butt was amazingly huge. It stuck out so wide it looked as if you could stick a dinner plate on it without fear of it falling, and was so wide Jess took up two seat plus some on any bus or train she took to work. Of course the ass was simply the top of two very fat and wide thighs, which in jeans rubbed together in a musical and visual hypnotic motion.

Not to be outdone, Sammy's second and old Aunt Dawn was no small fry. At her 40 years of age, she was easily 350 pounds of female flesh herself. While not as "gifted" as her younger sister in the hips, Dawn made up for it by having truly huge breasts. Dawn's boobs were often talked about in jest at family gatherings or with friends because of their size. Her tits were always joked about to "be able to crush a beer can in a single bounce" or them having to force her to hire out the job of tying her shoes due to her breasts being too large for her to see past. knowing her pros and cons full well, Dawn could often be seen walking around in a tight shirt (most often a tank-top) without a bra. Simple and sexy.

Sammy simply adored being babysat by his two massive aunts. One thing he always tried to accomplish on those days and nights at their place was to catch a glimpse of them in their underware, or changing. Sammy felt almost a never-ending urge to see his beautiful aunts in their panties and bras.

During one summer, after being dropped off at his aunt's place so his folks could travel north on business, Sammy got the chance of a lifetime. Jessica and Dawn had just came back from shopping for some summer clothes and were looking forward to spending some serious time trying out there new clothes in front of the mirror. Yet here was Sammy now, who they were going to have to keep entertained. That was when Jessica had her devilish idea.

"Hey squirt, he'd you like to help your Aunties out tonight?" asked Jess

"Sure, Aunt Jess whatcha want me to do?" answered Sammy who would have done anything for these fat women.

"Well, Dawn and I just got back from clothes shopping, and could use a man opinion on what we got. So what do you say to siting though a little fashion show?" said Jessica smiling knowingly at Dawn. Both ladies were fully aware at Sammy's awe of their size. They found it cute and enduring how the little guy stared at their bodies when he thought they weren't looking.

"Sssure! I mean, yeah I could do that" Sammy answered, not wanting to shocked and pleased at his dream coming true.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


Fuel -- thanks so much for the mega data dump.  this should keep me "busy" for at least a few days!!



lol, yeah no problem. But don't thank me too much. They're paying me pretty well.  ;D

After all this I just realized that I buried  the second part to my own stroy all the way in the back.

Once again, back to copy and pasting.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


"We thought you'd say that." Jess said, sneaking a knowing look at
her sister. "Why don't you sit down on the couch, and we'll head off
the to our bedrooms to try on our first outfits."

"Sounds good to me." said Sammy. He sat down, and watched his two
Aunts as they walked off into one of the bedrooms. He sat there
memorized, not at the lucky night he was in for, but at the sight of
these two beautifully gigantic women from behind. He had always
noted the size of his Aunts butts, but there was something special
about them tonight. Little did he know that his Aunts were putting a
little sway to their walk for him.

After what felt like an enterity of watchful lust, the two big
girls finally made it into the bedroom. Sammy was left to his
imagination. He knew his Aunts had gone out shopping for the summer
season. Which could only mean one thing, in his mind, bathing suits!

"Boy, did you see the look on his face? I thought we'd have to
pick up his jaw off the floor with a spatchular." Dawn said,

"I know, I was thinking, `Girl, you just rocked this boy's
world.'" Jessica said. "Well, lets not keep him waiting, he might
try to break down the door." And with that, both girls broke up with

They figured on trying out the one piece suits first. Not wanting
to blow their load (or rather his) on the first shot. So after a
good amount of wiggling, and shaking of their massive bodies, they
had the bathing suits on.

"This feels nice. A little tight on the butt though." Jessica

"Well, anything would be tight on that butt, girl." Dawn answered
back playfully.

"Shut up!" Jessica said with a grin. "Ok, here we goââ,¬Â¦"

"Wow, you two look amazing!" Sammy said, staring up at their
bodies. The bathing suits seem to have been painted on them, it was
so tight. Jessica was wearing a sky-blue number, with a low chest
strap, which gave off a good deal of cleavage. But Jessica's was
nothing in comparison to Dawn's. Dawn was wearing an all black one
piece, with her massive breasts sticking straight out in front of
her. Sammy mused for a minute about how much shoulder strength she
must process to keep her from falling right on her face with the
weight of them.

"So, I'm guessing you like them." Dawn said with a sly smile.

"But, how can you be so sure Sam, you haven't even seen them from
the back." said Jessica.

"Uhhhââ,¬Â¦yeah! I mean, yeah. You two better let me see them from the
back. To make sureââ,¬Â¦that um they fit correctly and all." stuttered

The two sisters gave each other a quick smile, then slowly turned
around, presenting Sammy with their immense butts. Sammy was sitting
a mere two feet away from these incredibly sexy women, both of whom
were presenting their bodies for his inspection. He has to be the
luckiest guy on the planet. Jessica's ass was much, much larger than
Dawns. Its pushed her bathing suits to its very limits. Even though
it may have looked like the skinny one by comparison, it was obvious
that Dawn's butt was quite a marvel itself.

While Sammy sat their in what seemed to be his own little
wonderland, staring at these two elephantine asses, Jessica and Dawn
were looking behind themselves, at him.

"Wow, look at him. It's like he's in his own little world,"
whispered Dawn, taking her eyes off Sammy to look at her sister.

Jessica turned her head to meet her sisters eyes, "I know. Like we
hypnotized him or something."

"More like hippotized him," remarked Dawn, who then started
giggling. Just as the two women were enjoying their little laugh,
Jessica suddenly felt a hand rub her butt.

"What the hellââ,¬Â¦!" Jessica spun around, as did Dawn who was wearing
a perplexed look on her face. Meanwhile Sammy was sitting there
looking up like a little school boy who got caught passing notes in

"What happened?" asked Dawn.

"I'll tell you what, this little punk just grabbed my ass!" shot
back Jessica.

"What?! Did you do that, Sammy?" asked Dawn.

"Iââ,¬Â¦yââ,¬Â¦yes. I did. I'm sorry. Really, I didn't even realize what I
was doing, I would never ââ,¬Â¦"

"Would never what?! Touch such a fat cow like us? Is that what?"
yelled Jessica.

Dawn was taken back at her sister's sudden anger, and it wasn't
till Jessica gave her a quick wink that she realized that her sister
was merely playing with the skinny boy. And from the looks of it,
Sammy was buying it hook line and sinker. He had a look of complete
horror on his face.

"Noââ,¬Â¦ not at all, I would love toââ,¬Â¦I meanââ,¬Â¦waitââ,¬Â¦.I," it took a lot of
restraint to keep from laughing at the stuttering of this little guy.

"I know you'd love to feel our butts. You love our bodies, don't
you? Go ahead, say it. You love this," Jessica finished off her
statement with a grab and shake of her fat belly.

"Yes. I love your bodies. I love your fatness. Andââ,¬Â¦and your butts.
You two are the sexiest women I have ever seen." Sammy said in a
dejected way.

"We have always known Sam. Do you really think you get away with
checking us out all the time? Don't you realize we can tell your
staring at us, at our butts, or our/my chest?" asked Dawn.

"Sammy, look at me. It's ok. Iââ,¬Â¦we actually like that about you.
That's why we even put on this little fashion show for you in the
first place," said Jessica.

"Really, that's great! But, what now? I mean, are you still gonna
baby-sit me?" asked Sammy.

"Oh, sure we are. In fact, now that we're all clear on how we
feel, now your going to get really baby-sat." Jessica said with an
mischievous grin.

"What do you meaââ,¬Â¦" Sammy was cut short by what happened next.
Quicker than he would have ever imagined, Jessica spun around, with
her backside now just a few feet from his face. Then with out
another wasted movement, she just plopped right down on his lap.

"Ooofmmmââ,¬Â¦" was the only sound Sammy was able to make as all the air
rushed out of him. Jessica was not squarely on his lap, almost
completely covering him from sight. His entire waist, stomach,
chest, and thighs were enveloped in Jessica's rolls of fat. All that
Dawn was able to see from him out from under her sis was his legs
from the knees down (in the middle of Jessica's legs) and Sammy's
red face on Jessica's behind right shoulder.

"My god, Jess, its like your butt swallowed him!" Dawn said
breaking out in giggles, from which her belly and huge heaving
breasts bounced and shaked.

"This feels so amazing. I can feel him squiring under me. I must
say its making me soââ,¬Â¦so horny," exclaimed Jessica. "Really Dawn, you
just have to try this," said Jess as she started to give Sammy a fem
small bounces.

"Ppppleasee, Iââ,¬Â¦can breatheââ,¬Â¦" muttered Sammy.

"Well, we can't have you dying on us, can we Dawn?" said Jessica
getting up from the couch.

As Sammy felt the enormous weight of the fat girl lifting off him,
he could felt his lungs filling up with air once again. He was still
wheezing when he heard Dawn say "Lets take him to the bedroom."

"Pleaseââ,¬Â¦not more squashing. Not tonight anyway, I'm tooââ,¬Â¦" but once
again he was cut off from finishing. This time it was from the two
girls grabbing him and lifting him right off the couch as if he was
a bag of potatoes. Dawn had him by his ankles with Jessica holding
with her arms across his armpits.

"Listen, guys I' sorry ok. I mean look it was funny you sitting on
me like that, yeah, but I'm serious I can't take anymore of that. It
hurt, and I could feel my chest compacting. I reallyââ,¬Â¦"

"Well Jessica, I guess that mean you were doing it right." Dawn
said, cracking up the two girls.

"Listen little man, we know it hurts, we know you can't breathe
while its happening, but guess what? I loved it. And soon, Dawns
gonna love it. See, its gonna happen. Your gonna get squashed real
good tonight." Jessica said menacingly.

By that time they had made it to Jessica's bedroom. Still holding
him side by side, the girls stopped at the foot of the bed and
counted to 3. On 3 they tossed him on the bed. Sammy tried to
quickly scramble off the bed, but was stopped cold by Dawn, who did
a jumping belly flop on him. Because of how Sammy was moving when
she landed, She was laying on him in an X shape. Her massive belly
was flattening down his stomach, but that was the only part of her
really on him. She lifted herself off him slightly, reliving the
pressure so she could make her move. Using her arms for leverage,
she positioned herself so that she was laying completely on him. Due
to her advanced height, Sammy's head and face was buried squarely in
her enormous tits. He was able to breathe due to the little space
left in her cleavage. Dawn could feel the air rushing in and out on
her breasts. It was an immediate turn-on.

"That's it girl, hold him down. I've got an idea," said Jessica.
Jessica headed towards the closet, and started digging away, looking
for something to use to tie Sammy down.

"You were sooo right girl. This is an amazing feeling. I can't
believe we never tried this before." Dawn said. Basically talking to
the huge swinging butt of her sister.

"Ok, got'em. We'll use my old scarves to tie him to the bed post."

"Good idea. That way we won't have to bust our butts holding him
down." Dawn answered back.

"Believe me girl. The only thing that's gonna be busted by the end
of tonight is him," Jessica said laughing.

Dawn shifted her weight, and the trapped little guy under her so
that they were laying correct and straight on the bed. Then, while
she was still holding him down, Jessica started to tie him to the
bed frame.

The last thing Sammy heard right before he passed out due to a
lack of air, was "Girl, this is gonna be a lot of funââ,¬Â¦"

Well, hope you guys enjoyed that. I'd like to hear what ever
feedback you've got. Hell, even a few suggestions for the next part
would be good.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


You are not human!  It takes at least three months to craft a good story and you unleash dozens of them on us in a day!  My favorite one is about the German executioner.