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Started by fuel1563, April 16, 2006, 06:29:49 PM

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Another good one. Not mine however. Hope you enjoy.

Donna walked down the catwalk with style and grace, wrapped around her 110 lb. frame she wore a tight black spandex suit which hugged her big fake tits. Sitting in the front row was a group of fat female reporters for some Large and Lovely magazine. As Donna swirled by them, she gave them a disgusted look, turned her nose up at them at drifted off back down the runway! Patty, one of the fat women, made a remark, "Hey Bertha, did you see the way that skinny bitch looked at us!? Bertha replied,"Yeah, What a cunt!"
Twenty minutes later, Donna came back out on the catwalk wearing some kind of fancy bikini with super heels and strutted by the Fat women again. Like before she gave them snooty look, and Bertha called out to her "You stuck Up Bitch!" right to her face, and Donna replied back by calling her a "Fat Bitch"!...... Well that was it, Patty, Bertha, and the rest of their fat Friends were pissed off! Bertha wanted to kick her skinny little ass from here to East Pakistan! Patty was a little more pissed, she responded that she wanted trample her into the ground! Bertha added, "I think we should get even with that Bitch!" So all the Fat Women huddled up, and a plan started to form! Next time Donna came out the catwalk, it would be last!.........
Finally Donna came back out wearing a tiny painted on Dinner Dress with a Push Up Bra that made her double D's stick straight out, as she did her little prissy walk down towards The fat women, Brenda (one of the other fat girls) stuck out her hand and tripped Donna! Donna went flying off the stage and landed on to the floor in front of the fat women! The whole area around the Fat Girls was dark, the lights were really low, and with only the catwalk walk lights on. Nobody could see what was about to happen. Immediately Patty (a 350 lbs beauty) jumped up and placed he right heel on Donna's hand and started to grind her fingers in with all of her weight. Donna yelled! Brenda got up and cut off a few lookieloo's and told some of spectators that she was a nurse and she'll take care of this poor girl! All the fat girls were crowded around Donna, who flat on her back. Patty slowly stepped up on to the Model and starting to trample Donna into the carpet! Donna was trying like hell to scream, but Patty's 350 lbs were stomping the shit out of her! Brenda, gently pushed Patty off the girl, who immediately balled up and was try to choke down some air. All the fat girls picked up the model and carried her off and out of the center arena before anyone could say anything! The fat girls found a utility closet, and rushed the dazed girl into there! Brenda and the other Fat girl waited outside, while Patty and Bertha slammed the door closed! Inside the closet (which barely had any room) they pushed the girl to the floor, and Patty looked down at the Model with contempt, and with her heel she pushed her down flat against the floor, then jumped up on her chest, and started to trample her! She concentrated on walking on those fake tits of hers! She wanted to smash them flat! All the while, she was yelling at the model...."You fuckin little beach"......trample... trample...."You think you are so much".....trample...stomp...."better that us"......stomp.....trample.......! The poor girl struggled against those trampling heels but Patty was too big! Her chest started to caved in. While Patty trampled the girl, Bertha got an idea..... she grabbed some duct tape off of the counter, and told Patty to get off, and that she wanted to wrap this bitch up like a mummy and carry her out of her! The model was horrified, thinking "what are these fat bitches going to do with me!!!???"........
Patty picked up the girls battered body, and started to chuckle when she noticed her once errect tits, were now two saggy wet paper sacks (she really trampled them flat)! The girls dress had heel marks all over it. And she was all black and blue from the trampling! Meanwhile Bertha started to wrap the girl up like a mummy. She started off at the feet and with every wrap, Bertha made sure it was nice and tight, all the way up her legs, and past her tight little ass, and when she got to her tits, she grab so twine (thin rope) off the shelf, and started to tie her tits up, and she wanted to wrapped them up so tight that they would stick straight out and be as tight as a drum (like two torpedoes). Her boobs were so tight they looked like they were ready to pop! The nipples were sticking straight out like valve stems on a tire. Patty started to laugh .... then grabbed her nipples and started to twist the hell out them and the girl started to scream. Patty slapped the bitch, told her to "shut the fuck up" and put a nice healthy amount of duct tape around her mouth. bertha took the tape from Patty, and continued to wind it around her tits, and up to the top of her head. The only part Bertha left without tape was air holes for her nose, other wise the skinny bitch looked like Egyptian Mummy with big tits!..... Before Bertha, and Patty split out of the closet with their captive, Patty wanted to trample her up abit more. So Patty roughly pushed her ass to the floor and luckily she landed on her tits. Patty was the heaviest of the bunch (tipping the scales at about 450 lbs), and she had on a set of wide high heeled boots, so she stepped up on to her back, and Donna's (the model's name) tits where compressed into the floor! Patty was amazed on how her body felt below her boots, it was like she was walking on one of the childrenââ,¬â,,¢s inflatable bouncy things you would find at a kid's birthday party!... Patty trampled Donna good! Donna was wrapped so tight, she thought she was going to burst from Patty's weight. Her poor tits where being smashed against the floor while this big 450lbs bitch trampled her in!
Patty rolled Donna on to her back, so her bound and taped tits were sticking up in the air. Then Patty stepped back up on to her stomach. Her heels were making deep indentations in the duct tape! But tape was wrapped so tight it resisted Patty's weight. Patty's body was facing her tits and with a mighty swing of her foot she kicked her left tit with her boot, her tit rebounded back like a punching bag! Patty started to laugh! She took another kick at her right tit, and it snapped back and forth! Bertha wanted her turn at it so she took a couple of swift kicks too. Donna's tit's were bouncing around like toy balloons. Both Bertha and Patty joined in and Boing....Biff,... Boom...Blamo! Donna was screaming in silence, her tits were killing her after being bound so tight and kicked around like they were foot balls.
A knock came from the door, and Brenda yelled thru the door that someone was coming! So Patty scooped up the girl, and her and the rest of the fat girls rushed out the door and down the hall, and into the parking lot where their car was parked. They threw the skinny bitch into the back seat, Big Brenda, and Bertha climbed into the back and planted their fat asses right on top of Donna. "Woof" all the air rushed out of Donna thru her nostril holes!!! The fat girls started laughing. She felt like human bean bag chair! They grounded their fat asses all in her till they were comfortable! Donna felt like she was about to explode! She had over 700 pounds on her! Bertha's fat ass was covering her head and tits, and Brenda's ass was smothering the rest! Donna could hardly breath. The car was speeding down the road and the driver was purposely hitting every pot holes and every bump on the road. The fat girls were crushing her to death!.... The ride was a long one and Donna was getting stuffed squeezed into the crack in the seat, her body had long since be smashed flat and she had passed out due to the lack of oxygen.
When the fat girls finally made it to Bertha's house, Melanie (the other fat bitch) Helped the 2 fat girls out of the back seat. When they got out the fat girls started to crack up when they saw this skinny girl all wrapped up in tape and crushed into the crack of the back seat. She looked like a over sized Burrito wrapped in tin foil that some accidentally sat on. Brenda and Bertha grabbed her legs and gave a tug and she popped out, and they carried her off into the house. Bertha told Brenda to lay her on the couch and two of the fat chicks took a seat on her! Woof....... all the air in Donna lungs whistled thru her nostril holes. And the duct tape made a funny crinkle noise when their fat asses finally settled in. Bertha lit up a smoke, and started to chat with the other girl on what should they do with this bitch? When bertha was done with her cig, she looked around for an ash tray, but it was on the other side of the table! Then she got an idea!! She got up and noticed how her big butt had a made a ass print on Donnas tits! She asked Melanie to slide down on her body just a bit. Then she peeled the tape back just a bit to expose the nipple on Donna's tit. Her bare nipple stuck out like a nipple on a babies bottle! And Bertha sat back down on Donna's chest just below her tits which were rubbing against her fat thigh. Bertha told Melanie, that she found herself a pretty blonde ash tray, and proceeded to ground out her cigarette into Donna's Nipple.... Twist..... twist...... SSssssS ssSSSSssss.... burt the shit out of her, and she cringed in pain, she couldn't believe she was being used as a human ash tray for these fat cunts. Bertha lit up another one, and inhaled it deeply! She leaned back and used Donna's other tit as an arm rest. This was fun she thought...... wondering what they are going to do next to her? Time ticked by and Bertha finished snubbing out 8 more cigarettes out into her nipples! (Donna's boobs where all full of burn marks..... her poor nipples where charred to a chrisp!) Bertha got up and went to the kitchen to grab more tape. She handed the tape to Melanie to tape her tits back up.
Brenda came in to the room and said, "Hey girls don't forget about the party tonight"? "I was thinking maybe we should use this skinny little bitch tonight for the party"? Bertha, and the rest of the girls all said, "That sounds god to me"..... and Donna started to tremble....... Melanie noticed this and went over to Donna, and did a flying butt drop on her! The couch almost broke, her 400 pounds went flying thru the air and crashed down on her chest. If it wasn't for her being all taped up, she would have popped like a balloon. The other fat women started to laugh and said, "hey it's my turn!" One by one they all started to do butt drops on Donna......kaboom......kaboom....blamo......squish.....blamo!!!!! Over and over, finally the couch broke! Donna was pounded into paste..... her body was broken and pulverized! And those tits of hers were smashed flat once again...... Donna passed out from the crushing, and the girls fixed the couch and shoved her borken body under the cushions of the sofa, Bertha and Brenda sat on her again contemplating on how to use this bitch for the party. Mean while the rest of the girls got prepared for tonight's party! *******(Start here you putz)*****
Before the party started, the fat girls placed Donna's mummified body on the front door step and they put a sign on her that said welcome. She was going to be used a human floor mat. The fat girls also put another note on the door saying "please wipe your feet off on me... all skinny people need to be walked on" ... p.s. this is just dummy....
In the afternoon, the guests started to show. The first people where two girls of extreme size. 350 pounds ea. They were had on tight party dresses and were wearing high heels. The first fat girl looked at mummy on the floor in front of the door. Then read the note on the door. And laughed..... She said to her friend "Man, that Bertha, always playing jokes!" With that she stepped up on the dummy and rang the bell. Then the other fat girl stepped up on it too. Their heels sunk into Donna like a knife in butter. Donna's ribs were just seconds away from cracking! The one fat girl commented on how real this dummy felt. And the other fat stomped down hard on it to reassure that it was fake! Donna was dying, these fat bitches were turning her into a pancake! They stood on Donna for about 2 minutes until someone finally answered the door! Bertha answered and looked down and Donna's smashed body, and was pleased! Bertha invited the girls in, and closed the door. After they stepped down of her, all the air rushed back into body. Just then more people showed up! This was a group of about 7 more fat people, both guys and girls! The first man read the sign, and made a comment on how he hated skinny people, and he joke on how he would like to jump on the mummies tits and crush'em flat. So he did, ......jump.....jump....jump..... his 340 pounds pounded Donna's tits to dust! When he was done, her tits looked like two trampled lunch bags! He rang the door and Bertha answer the door again, and everyone trampled her and they entered the house.
This went on all afternoon, Fat people trampled Donna into the cement. Most of the Fat girls loved to trample her Fake tits. Everyone thought they were walking on dummy!.... Finally after all the guests showed. Melanie went outside and carried Donna's crumpled form into back yard. Just then Melanie heard a crash, and she dropped Donna right there on the dirt near the pool and ran towards the house to see what broke! Donna was in daze when she hit the soft dirt.
Mean while Bertha, was trying to get everyone together to go outside so they could start the barby-q and dance to some music. Everyone started to flow out on to the lawn, while Bertha and the other girls were getting the refreshments together. Bertha yelled out to everyone to watch to out for the pile of leaves that were still left out on the lawn! The first group of people stepped on something kind of soft, (it was Donna) and one fat girl started to joke with her friend about how they used to jump up and down on the pile of leaves back at home when she was a kid. Her friend joined in and they started to bounce around on the pile. Laughing the whole time. (Donna was getting crushed into the soft dirt) Then they stepped off. More and more people started to walk on the pile. (with every step these fat people were pushing her deeper and deeper into the dirt) their heels were sinking in and crushing the pile of leaves flat (so they thought). And more people kept coming until everyone was shoulder to shoulder (Donnaââ,¬â,,¢s body was smashed all the way down into the soft earth, only the top of her tits and parts of her face were showing) then the music started! Everyone started dancing on top of her. All these 300 lbs women were grinding their heels into her. The duct tape bound around her body barely held the pressure of their sharp heels from totally poking thru her like Swiss cheese. When a slow song came on this one couple were slow dancing on her. Twisting and turning, grinding her deeper into the dirt. As they were moving to the music in tight embrace they were positioned right on her breasts and even though her tits were bound tight with tape, The combined weight of the two fat people smashed her tits flat. Over and over trampling her breasts to the soft swaying beat of the music. Donna was wide awake during this whole time and she was terrible pain. The fat girls with the high heels kept digging them into he her non stop.
Finally the music stopped, and she had four fat girls were standing on her. You couldn't even see her anymore. These fat people had trampled her all the way into the ground. When the music started again. The girls danced in place, moving their hips to the music, shifting their weight from foot to foot with the rhythm. Their heels were scraping, and twisting, and grinding into Donna. One girl made a comment on how soft the ground was. And she bounced around a bit to prove her point. Then she place her heel right on Donna's Nipple and started to poke it really hard, jabbing it into her tit. "See, right here! Look how the ground just sort of goes into and out"!! Just then a big bug started to crawl across the ground near their feet. One of the fat girls yelled, "Kill it"!! One girl tried to crush it, and missed, and her heel went crashing into Donnaââ,¬â,,¢s stomach, another girl started stomped her boot against Donnaââ,¬â,,¢s head trying to kill the dam thing, but the bug was too quick. finally they all started jumping up and down trying to crush it. but instead they were crushing Donna to death. Blamo....Blamo, jump,....biff......grind.......crush..... Ahh!!!! Someone finally got it. As one of the girls scraped the bug off her shoe on Donnaââ,¬â,,¢s face! They all laughed, and lit up a smoke and stood there talking away. Mean while Donna was smashed flat beneath them. The fat girls stood on her for another 45 minutes grinding out their cigarettes on her body. The music died out and everyone filed back inside the house trampling Donna's body on the way in.
Meanwhile Melanie, suddenly remembered where she dropped the model. She ran out in the yard and couldn't find her. She looked hard and notice two shiny bumps sticking out of the ground. She realized it was Donna's tits! She ran over to her and pulled her trampled body out of the ground, and started laughing! Just then Bertha came outside to see what Mel was laughing so hard about! "Hey Bertha, I accidentally dropped this bitch out here in the backyard, and everyone trampled her into the ground!" "Ha, Ha, Ha!" She said. Bertha replied, "Take her around the back and put in my bed room, and lets take off the tape! She's probably dead under there!" .....
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


wow loved this one  ;D where do you get your stories from anyways?


this story is like a heaven!!! please... i want read more!!!!

kisses and bear hugs


This one I actually had from the old days of the Obese vs the World webboard.

Man, I wish that place was still up and running.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


I love it,   I was the original guy that wrote this.  I am glad everyone likes it.  I just opened a new group at

You can see all my old stories there, and great pictures too.

out of respect, I posted bbwclubs link at my site too.