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Divine Authority

Started by fuel1563, November 29, 2004, 09:48:23 PM

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Dr. Lyness listened intently to the woman sprawled across his black leather couch. Strands of her long, straight, and flowing brown hair came down across her huge bosom, and as she shifted her weight, the couch made noises the doctor had never heard it make before.

Her name was Beth, and she had been coming to his therapy sessions for several weeks. Dr. Lyness always looked forward to their sessions because she was one of his most insightful and intelligent patients she was not afraid to confront the darker sides of her psyche when necessary, which made his job a lot easier. But this was the first day that they were really venturing into the depths of her id, specifically her sexuality fortunately, their repoir had gradually developed to the point where she trusted his professionalism and objectivity enough to discuss these matters with him. In a way, it helped that he was a young doctor, only a few years older than her -- and he also had a quiet wisdom to him that made him seem inherently trustworthy.

"The truth is that there has always been a common thread to what... arouses me," Beth continued bravely, trying not to let herself get too self-conscious. "In fact, you could say that my sexuality centers around one basic thing." She paused and looked down for a moment, but then centered her stare into his eyes once again. "Being a woman in power."

Dr. Lyness nodded - he was not surprised. The antiquated notion that women did not enjoy such things had been shattered long ago the doctor had observed from his own empirical data that, if anything, women seemed more inclined to dominance once cultural expectations were left outside the bedroom. Whereas men generally solve problems as a means to an end, getting true competitive satisfaction only while fighting for a better career/self-image/social niche, women naturally find solace dominating those they care about: their own relationships, households, and families. To them, domination is not just a solution to a given problem, but rather a necessary indication and imprint of caring, closeness, and existence an awareness and acknowledgement of time's passage, and the emotions of each moment.

"Actually," Beth continued softly, "it's even a bit more specific than just power in the abstract sense." She stopped just then, wondering if she should let herself continue. How would this man judge her? Would he think she was crazy? Or just joking? Growing up, she had always been raised with the silent understanding that sex talk stayed in the bedroom, especially when you're a woman. Maybe this whole session was a mistake...

But, just then, despite all her misgivings, Beth found herself feeling quite comfortable looking at the doctor's understanding countenance. She trusted him. Suddenly, she asked herself, what am I holding back for? She sat up on the couch and looked at the doctor.

"I like to squish," she finally said for the first time in a formal setting. Even though she heard herself say it out loud, she still almost couldn't believe she had told him, but she felt a wall come down as uncertainty fizzled into relief and joy. "I mean... I LOVE to squish! It's the only thing that gets me off... but, wow..." she blushed a little before going on, "does it get me off!" Beth giggled into her hands, a little embarassed, but the doctor gave her a comforting smile and without uttering a word, urged her to continue. Reassured, she went on.

"Squishing makes me feel like a goddess, beyond myself in a way. I feel alive, powerful, beautiful, sensual - a real woman, reveling in that which only woman can do.

"I mean," she explained, "I know that men are typically perceived as more violent than women and all, but everytime a man tries to inflict damage, it requires him to exert a certain amount of effort towards the target whether he throws a punch or wields a sword, there is only the brief moment of impact and nothing more. It is methodical, distant, and cold - a single problem perceived and solved by a function of male logic (regardless of whether or not the trigger of the incident is emotionally derived).

"A woman, on the other hand, naturally has more curves, more body fat, a lower center of gravity, and a greater interconnectivity with her surroundings, including the earth beneath her feet. If I choose to, I can squash whoever is beneath me without any effort at all, just with my presence just by existing.

"I love that I have the power to change the actual physical shape of anyone, just by doing what I am now: sitting. Or by standing, or by walking, or by even just laying down. Is there any conceivable way I could avoid doing each one of those things simultaneously? No. They're everyday parts of life, all of them I couldn't get around them if I wanted to. Regardless of what I do, I am present, and so is the earth and it's gravity. The only variable in who gets squashed is whoever gets caught in between first.

"I mean, there could have conceivably been anything or anyone on this sofa cushion when I came in this office and sat down. But in all circumstances, the very nature of its physical form is altered forever, flattened most likely. Am I consciously aware of this? Of any pain, contortion, death? No. A woman can't be looking under herself every second of the day, worrying constantly about every place she steps or sits, after all.

"But even those unknowing squashees still feel my soft skin, my closeness, my warmth, my emotions it is not a cold death, but an intimate one. For on some intuitive level, I do feel them squish underneath me, and it cleanses my soul."

Beth smiled, now feeling totally at ease, her once repressed thoughts rushing out like an unstoppable wave.

"Squashing is a part of me in everything that I do. When I'm walking down the street, and I see some bugs, I HAVE to step on them, and feel their tiny bodies squish helplessly under my bare feet. I know it's gross, but I can't resist expressing the power deep within myself. Sometimes I'll even think of guys that have pissed me off in the past, and imagine that they're the bugs I'm squashing flat." She paused and smiled to herself. "From the eyes of a goddess, men and insects are quite alike."

Suddenly Dr. Lyness' chair made an abrupt shift as he leaned backwards, and he almost fell out before regaining his balance. "Ohmigod, are you OK?" asked the equally startled Beth, reaching towards him.

Dr. Lyness composed himself. "Just fine," he said, smiling again, "I'm sorry, Beth, please continue." He couldn't help but feel a little silly at his sudden loss of balance he had actually been listening quite intently to all of Beth's words and trying to put them into perspective, but there was something about that last statement - a certain genuinity, perhaps - that had somehow caught him off guard. Gathering his composure, he reminded himself that despite its intensity, her words were not meant literally, but symbolically symbolism, after all, was the hallmark of dreams, spirituality, and sexuality - human psychology at its purest. This 550 pound woman's experiences obviously could not have involved actual men she would have squashed them to death instantly. Indeed, he thought to himself, they would not have fared much better than the bugs. He felt foolish for even momentarily taking her metaphor literally.

Beth, sure that the doctor was OK, smiled and continued. "Men squash under me just as easily."

Dr. Lyness almost fell out of his chair again, but caught himself before she could notice. She *had* actually done this to a man before?! More than anything, Dr. Lyness wanted to ask her how she avoiding killing the poor guy it was the next logical question. But no matter how he tried to assemble the words, he could not find a way to ask her without risking an inference to her weight. Regardless of the fact that her sexual psyche indiciated that she might well enjoy being called fat, he couldn't be sure that telling her so abruptly might not trigger the common social behaviors that would cause her to be offended.

How hard it must be, he thought, for any man or woman with this fantasy to communicate it to a partner. A man who wanted to be squashed and a woman who liked squashing could meet and never even know what they could share, even going all their lives without telling each other. Hell, here he was, an impartial counselor speaking to only one person with the fantasy, and he was restrained by socialization. How fascinating.

"Still," she went on, "there's no getting around it. When I see a hot guy, I can't help but want to trample them flat, or squash them under my fat ass."

Dr. Lyness gulped, his adam's apple like an orange. He could wait no longer - he had to ask. "How do they... survive?"

Beth suddenly shot him a glare, and a bit of indignation came to her voice. "Are you calling me FAT, doctor?"

Dr. Lyness FROZE. He was suddenly terrified, more than knew he should be given that his only rational concern was hurting her feelings. But this was a survival instinct of fear and adrenaline kicking in, and being a well-to-do academic, he had never felt this way in his life. Panic set in.

But before he could say or do a thing, Beth's indignant stare quickly melted into a mischievous but good-natured smile. Suddenly he realized: she had just been teasing him. Again he felt foolish.

"Survival is obviously an important consideration if I like the guy", Beth continued, "I, as a woman, am always geared towards some semblance of monogamy if the guy is cute, and I squish him to death right away, no more cute guy." She giggled and bounced on the creaking couch. "Cute guy go squish!" she said in a playful voice, followed by more giggling. "Sure, the moment would make me orgasm like crazy, but then what? I've learned that there's just certain things I can't do if I want the guy to make it to the next squashing it's hard to repress my natural desires, but I do my best to set limits. First of all, common sense dictates I have to stay on the ground, same level as the victim, no elevated ground or platforms to jump off period."

Still charged with adrenaline, the doctor's mind couldn't help but swim at the possibilities a woman that size falling from up above would flatten ANYTHING. Instantly. It was a terrifying thought. Thank god she had come to that conclusion, and had the will power to enforce it.

"Also," Beth went on, "even though a part of me loves bouncing, I can't allow that either. If a man is strong enough, he may be able to withstand me sitting on him for a very short time, but a butt drop will squash him flat."

No kidding, thought Dr. Lynuss. Her ass was huge that men could survive underneath it for an instant seemed impossible to believe.

"And," said Beth, lost in her own thoughts, "as hard as it is, no trampling, and definitely no trampolining if I start jumping up and down on any man, he will squish like an ant. No, the most I can do is gently step on his chest or stomach with one foot, gradually and carefully applying more pressure until he can't take it. If my other foot leaves the floor, goodbye ribcage or internal organs."

Again, the doctor couldn't help but contemplate how something would survive under her foot at all looking at her fat, hourglass body, it was hard to believe that even the pavement withstood her. But Dr. Lynuss put aside his own thoughts for a moment. The real problem here was that it was sounding less and less like she was guessing what was too much, and more like she was speaking from experience.

"When confronted with such powerful sexual feelings," asked Dr. Lynuss after a moment, "how do you know for certain that you'll stop yourself before it's too late?"

Beth looked right into his eyes. "I don't."

Dr. Lynuss couldn't believe it. She wasn't joking. "And the men..."

"They understand the risk and accept it. But then again, what choice do they have?"

Dr. Lynuss paused and thought to himself.

"You think I'm crazy, don't you?" asked Beth, beginning to lose her assurance.

The doctor looked right at her, and once again found a smile to put her at ease. "No. This is not the first time I've heard about crush fantasies from a patient, it's a recognized fetish in the psychological community. I don't think I truly understood the intensity of it until today, but I certainly wasn't unfamiliar with the fantasy."

"Really?" asked Beth. "I knew it! Somewhere I had the feeling that it was the world's best kept secret."

"Wait now, I should tell you, though," he warned her, "that the fantasy has not been proven to be any more than a rarity, in the minds of a very small percentage of men and women."

"I see..." she replied, sounding disappointed.

"But...", he went on, wanting to reassure her, "something struck me as you were talking. The psychological information available about squashing fantasies fails to truly acknowledge how diametrically opposed they are to everything we are taught as men and women in society. To even understand the fantasy requires a complete redefinition of what is power and beauty, tossing the current social standards aside regardless of the cost."

"Which means..."

"Which means that it is likely that the vast majority of people with these sorts of thoughts never express them in fear of isolation, so theoretically, it is conceivable that the fantasy of women squishing men is MUCH more commonly held that we've been led to believe. If that's true, we could be witnessing a breakthrough in the modern understanding of the sexual psyche!"

"How did I know?" Beth suddenly asked herself in wonder and excitement. "I mean, there had always been that part of me that thought I was the only one in the world who found squashing to be sexual, but once began meeting others that felt the same way, I started to come to terms with what I had known intuitively all along: that women squishing men is an inherent part of our sexuality as people."

"Well, hold on now, I don't know if I would go that far. There's hardly evidence to suggest..."

"No wait, think about it... all men want nothing more than to physically be inside a woman. The only time they can achieve this feeling throughout their entire bodies is when they are underneath her it's a very short symbolic jump, and really quite obvious... and women, we just want a man to stay in our domain, surrounded by our energy, held by our presence, never to leave us. What better a metaphor for our minds to conjure than squashing? It addresses and satisfies both the male and female desires simultaneously..."

"Well yes - but still, even if this were true, why have we as a culture reached a point of such denial about it in the first place?"

"Well," Beth was on a roll she knew she was on to something. "For one thing, the influence of patriarchal religion still echoes in our institutions and social constructs because of this, part of the modern thought that is engendered in our minds compels us to automatically be revolted by any examples of true female power. Add to that a multi-billion dollar weight loss industry built on exploiting females as weak, funded by the self-loathing of starving women."

"Still," asked the doctor, "if men really have the urge to submit control to powerful women, shouldn't that eventually cause perceptions to change anyway?"

"Not with the way men usually fraternize to discuss sex. They objectify women and reinforce this objectification with each other we all have known that this is bad for women, but it is bad for men, too. Objectifying implies a single standard that is absent of subjective interpretation and personal taste no man wants to break from the pack and be alienated, so he pledges allegiance to the same ideal whether he believes it or not. So there is nothing to release us from the same loop of dismissing female strength, regardless of the price to women AND men - and ultimately, that which is perceived as the sexual norm continues to go against our own natural instincts."

Dr. Lynuss paused and considered this. "That's a fascinating hypothesis, Beth, but without any hard evidence, I certainly can't jump to any conclusions." Seeing her disappointment, he added. "However, I will definitely give it some study. At the very least, squashing could be far more prevalent than we have been led to believe."

"Thank you, Doctor."

"However, as much as I enjoy discussing and debating theories with you," said Dr. Lynuss, "they are of a generalized nature I'd like to stay focused on you for a moment." He had not forgotten to inquire about the damage she may have done to men while squashing them, and he could not wait any longer. "What was your first experience squashing a man?"
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.