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Diaries of a squash addict 1 & 2

Started by fuel1563, November 29, 2004, 09:35:25 PM

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The unusual late morning humidity was already
smothering me as I sat on the front step of Patty's house in the LA suburbs. Traffic had been relatively light, and I found myself with almost an hour to spare
before our scheduled meeting time. An hour to imagine
what it would be like to finally meet the amazing
woman whom I had only known in the cyberspace of yahoo clubs. Patty had become an almost mythological
figure to me...An amazingly intelligent, passionate,
dominant voice only accessible to me through my computer. But now I was about to meet this goddess in the flesh.
I don't know if it was the oppressive heat
radiating from the stone steps or the dreamy thoughts of what Patty would truly be like that put me into a
trance, but when the metal gate suddenly clanged shut it snapped me to immediate attention. All I can say is: There she stood. She was even more beautiful, more
powerful, more amazonian than I had dared to imagine. She stood before me, hands on hips, staring in bemusement at my stupified look.
"Well," she said with a hint of May West in her voice, "Should we get down to
business, or are you just going to melt here on my front
I shook myself back to reality and said yes, jumping up to hold the front door open for her. As she
walked past me, she gave me a quick once-over...ending
with a mischievious smile that told me that I was in
for an experience of epic proportions.As I entered the room behind her, I saw that she had already prepared the front room for some serious squashing. A
couch sat against one wall, and a piece of foam
approximately the length of a human body lay in the center of the room. Against the far wall, a large mattress had been propped up--as though it were a wall in a padded cell. The floor was covered with a blue wrestling mat, and as I watched Patty walk across it her bare feet sunk into it to seemingly impossible depths.
"You just strip down to your shorts," Patty commanded.
"I'll be back in a minute." She looked me dead in the
eye and wiggled her hips slightly. "Just get comfy on
the couch there...I'll be getting comfy on you in a
As she turned and entered a back bedroom, I
collapsed onto the couch in a dream state. My god, was this woman actually going to sit on me? Could I withstand the awesome crushing power of her gargantuan frame? Could I courageously support her beautiful body or would I squish like a pancake beneath her?
When she reappeared a moment later wearing a lacy white two-piece, I knew that the question was meaningless. Al that mattered was that I was going to be squashed under the most amazingly beautiful body that I had ever
I was lying on the couch, and before I could get up
Patty crossed the room and sat down on me. Her gorgeous
ass covered my body from chin to crotch, and as she
lowered herself onto me, I felt myself sink into the
cushions of the couch. The sofa cushions gave as I sank
deeply into the furniture, but I suddenly felt the
springs meet the hard bottom of the sofa frame. I had
been feeling fairly cocky up until this point, but as
my back met an unyielding frame, Patty's enormous
weight kept pressing me down, squashing all of the air
out of me. As she settled down, she shifted her
weight from side to side, flattening me out. I felt my
body compress as I struggled to breathe, completley
engulfed in her heavenly body.
Her sheer crushing force was tremendous. I felt as though I were being slowly run over by a steamroller. Just when I thought that I was under the utmost pressure, I felt her raise her feet off of the floor, releasing an unbelievable wave of squashing force down upon my body. The last remaining gasp of air was forced from my lungs as I was compacted under Patty's unbelievable body. As I felt my physical body flattening more and more, I detected a hightened awareness of my consciousness, as though the gargantuan ass on top of me was squashing me into another realm of physical and psychological experience. It was like living a Walt Whitman poem, in which my body was being squashed into every atom of the universe around me.
"So," she said, "You've survived the first sixty seconds--what do you think I have in store for you for the next fifty-nine minutes?
As Patty's ominous question hung in the air, I
was stil under the relentless crushing weight of her
body. Then, without warning, she lept gracefully to her
feet, leaving me to gasp great lungsfull of air as my
body felt the tremendous release of pressure. Even
though she was no longer sitting on me, I was still sunk firmly into the couch, pressed like a flower between the pages of a great memory book. I had never experienced anything like this, and our session had only just begun...
my mind was reeling.Before I could fully catch my
breath, Patty chuckled sultrily and, "Look out
below!"As I lay helpless on the couch, I saw the huge
muscles in her thighs tense, and knew instantly what was about to happen. She bent slightly at the knees and
then rose up, leaping into the air. Unable to move, I
saw her immense ass, barely covered by the
tightly-stretched silk of her panties, float up in the air above me and hover for the slightest moment. It was like watching the movement of a vast celestial object a heavenly body of indescribably massive force hang
suspended an instant before impact. Even before I could
attempt to brace myself, she crashed down on top of me,
and I felt the upper half of my body compress like a
crushed beer can.
Patty's feet never even touched the ground: her massive weight met my body with no resistance, and I felt as though the crush of her weight had pushed me further into another dimension. As the shock waves continued to roll through me, Patty simply rode them out, settling her sensous ass deeply into my receptive body. After the initial seismic impact had subsided, I found myself once again relentlessly squished, like a grape in
a wine-press.
"So," Patty said, "Now that we've
become...aquainted, lets get the ground rules straight." As she spoke, I gazed up over the perfect symmetry of her massive left hip, which brushed against my chin as it crushed the upper part of my chest. She was looking down at me, her cat-like eyes peering out through the black ringlets of her long hair. I was
"A lot of men write to me and say that they want to
be squashed like a pancake. Well, that may be fine
for ordinary BBW's...you know, the average 250 lb
women. But I'm a SSBBW, with an emphasis on the SS, and
proud of it. I squash men so far beyond the pancake
level that they're more like crepes...or better yet,
like sheets of paper."As she spoke, she began to
slowly rock from side to side, rolling all of her weight to her left cheek, and then back to her right,
working me over like an enormous rolling pin over a mass of dough."By the time this hour is over, I'm
going to take you to places that you never dreamed were
possible...I'm going to squash your body in ways that you've never thought possible. And when I've worked your body over to my satisfaction, if you can prove to me that you can take what I dish out, I'm going to take this gorgeous ass of mine, settle down over that cute face of yours, and smother you into oblivion."
God, I thought, even as she was crushing me further into the couch, That's what I so desperately desire...to have my face disappear under her glorious ass. As if reading my thoughts, she raised herself up a bit, and I heard my bones creak at the sudden release of pressure.
"So," she said, inching herself over slightly to the
left, "Let's give you a little taste of what may be in
store."I saw her incredible ass shift over until it
blocked out all light from my face. She held it
tantilizingly over me, lightly brushing my nose with the thin layer of silk that ran between her legs, faintly masking the heavenly aroma that emenated from beneath. She lightly kissed my mouth and nose with her
features as she slowly brushed her ass gently across me, making my entire body scream out in anticipation of the total engulfment that I waited so achingly

Part 2

Before I even had time to fully realize what was about to happen, Patty gently lowered herself over my face. She was sitting sideways, and my head completely vanished between her massive cheeks. She was so wide, that her right thigh and hip completely covered my chest. I didn't even have time to turn my head at the last moment, so I was trapped...completely engulfed in her. My nose was mashed down onto my face, preventing me from even trying to breathe through it. I reflexively opened my mouth to suck in the lungful of air that had been squashed out of me, but all that I sucked in was a mouthfull of Patty's ass. My lips were now sealed around her skin as the downward pressure continued relentlessly.
Fireworks began to go of in my head as my brain, starved for oxygen, desperately sent out cries of help to my nervous system. Somehow, as I felt myself begining to lose consciousness, I was able to raise my left hand and feebly tap Patty's leg. She immediately began to raise herself off of me, and I only then began to understand the awesome power that she held over me. If I hadn't been able to tap, I might have passed out...or even worse.
But one look at her face as she looked down at me made me realize that she had been carefully monitering me all along and would have gotten up on her own when she realized that I was in danger.
"My my," She said, "That was almost a minute and a half. Not bad for a first attempt."
I couldn't even try to respond I was still trying to convince my lungs that they stil could function.
"Why don't we move over to the foam bench here?" she asked. "I don't want to put you out of commission just yet.
After several minutes I was able to get my body working again, andI half-slumped over to the large rectangle of foam in the center of the room. It was over six feet long, three feet wide, and three feet tall.
"I call this my crush bench," Patt said. You can lie down on it an I can really put the squash on you because the foam absorbes alot of the weight and protects your back and ribs." She gave me a playful smirk. "I can top holding back now, my little squish toy."
After I had lain down on my back, Patty brought over a small step stool and climbed up on top of the bench, standing over me like a mghtly colossus.
"You know, "she said," One of my favorite things to do to my little squish victims is the butt drop. I can't tell you how amazing it feels to leap into the air and land so solidly on top of a man. It's like a shock wave that travels from my ass all the way down to my toes. And the sound...oh, wow...that loud smack as my ass meets your body and instantly muffles the echo. This is heaven for me. Let's see how many of these you can take before I turn you into jelly."
Then, like the top of a mountain being blown off by a volcanic eruption, she leapt higher into the air than I thought possible. The top of the bench was three feet off the ground to begin with, so I she was at least five feet in the air when she reached her zenith. I saw, as if in slow motion, that she extended her legs straight out as she rose. And believe me, in one horrible, wonderful moment, I knew what that meant. When gravity pulled her huge body down on top of me, her ass would met my chest with the force of a meteor landing on a house of straw.
That moment of hang time seemed to pause for a moment, the n kick into overdrive as she came squashing down upon me. As she had said, it sounded like a bag of cement squishing down on bed of tomatoes. I felt the pressue rush out to my extremities, searching for any source of exit. My breath flew out in a half second, and my legs kicked up straight in the air. It felt as though my limbs were going to fly off from the sheer squashing force. My vision clouded for a second, but when it cleared, I could see that Patty was still bouncing gently on my body in the aftershock of the drop. Her folds of fat rippled sensually as she absorbed the tremendous energy of the squash. My eyes must have nearly popped out of my head, because Patty looked down at me and gigled playfully as she rode out the shock wave.
"Hehehe, I think I'll have to call you Popeye from now on, sweetie."
My entire body felt as though it had been juiced by an electric current. I felt this squish rush through every cell in my body, The force of her plummet was terrifying, yet I desperately wanted more.
As if she read my thoughts, she said "Well, that was one. Let's see how many more you can take before I have to get the spatula to pry you off this bench...
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.