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College Squash

Started by fuel1563, March 13, 2007, 09:15:15 PM

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this is a true story-hope u like it
my lifelong friend julia and i grew up together since day one it seems. she was my height but always doubled me in weight. we would "playfight" alot, julia usually getting the upper hand due to her weight. sometimes she would pin me down and sit on me until the brady bunch was over or whatever cartoon we were watching. as we grew up, the "playfighting" ceased.
many years later, we decided to go to the same college. we lived in a dormroom with one other girl- kate. kate and julia bonded, probably because of their weight. julia at 5"8" and 270# and kate at 5"11" and i'm guessing 320# maybe more. one nite we decided to have a girls nite of drinking beer and talking in our room. samantha (sam) heard our laughing and knocked on our door and joined us. sam made julia and kate look small in comparison. NO JOKE she was 6'2" and 370# (she told us) and very muscular. she was trying out for the olympics that summer in shot putting. as the nite progressed, we all became buzzed from the beer. julia started to talk of our childhood and our playfighting. i made the mistake of challenging her to a rematch. then i heard kate smile and say "let's get the skinny bitch!" julia threw me on my bed and sat on my stomach sideways. she started to bounce up and down and they all laughed when the air expelled out of me when she plopped on me harder and harder. after a while she said "who's next?" julia slid down to my thigh so i wouldn't escape and kate took her place. she was much heavier and bounced on me with more force than julia. the bed was creaking and i could feel the boxsprings on my back each time her ass smashed into my stomach. at this time i had lost track of time- it was a big blur. kate said "ok sam, she's broken in" sam was reluctant at first, thinking she would hurt me. julia laughed and said "don't worry, she's in good it for revenge on all the skinny bitches!" sam sat on me the same way the others did. instead of bouncing, she let her weight settle in by grinding her ass in my stomach. in fact, her ass was so big, it spread from my mid chest to my mid thigh and i'm 5'8" 135#. i think she started to get into it because she lifted up both her legs so all 370# of her was crushing my stomach. then i heard "let's finish the skinny bitch off!" kate sat on my thighs sam on my stomach and julia lowered herself onto my head. i had to turn my head sidways so i could breathe. i was thankful the bed was soft as i sunk into it. they got up for a second while i caught my breath. there was nowwhere to go. then they bounced on me at the same time. eventually they got into sequence, although julia was showing me mercy and not bouncing on my head which is the reason i can type this story today. finally, they peeled themselves off me. i just laid there while they went back to their drinking and talking. julia winked and said "you better listen to your best friend or we'll pummle you again!" THE END
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.