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Katrina's Revenge - Part Two.
By: -

The lesson lasted an hour and then the bell rang for lunch.

ââ,¬Å"Okay everyone,ââ,¬Â yelled the teacher over the noise of scraping chairs and books being packed away, ââ,¬Å"donââ,¬â,,¢t forget that your homework is due tomorrow!ââ,¬Â

Katrina hauled her massive bulk to her feet, towering over everyone around her. The three members of Martinââ,¬â,,¢s little gang were staring down at the completely crushed body of their ringleader. Their eyes kept flicking from his flattened figure to the behemoth woman-mountain, and trying to comprehend what it must have been like to have been under half a ton of ass for the previous hour. They were all utterly terrified.

ââ,¬Å"Take a good look,ââ,¬Â growled the gargantuan woman, ââ,¬Å"because if I hear a peep out of any of you ever again, youââ,¬â,,¢ll be next under me. And remember, I get heavier each day.ââ,¬Â

Huge, terrified eyes boggled back at her. The three tormentors nodded quickly and then dashed from the room, deciding to get out of her reach in case Katrina decided to teach them a lesson as well.

The colossus smiled to herself, and packed her books away.

ââ,¬Å"Oh, Katrina,ââ,¬Â said Miss Liu, their teacher, ââ,¬Å"would you mind staying behind for a few minutes?ââ,¬Â

The huge woman wondered whether her favorite teacher was about to reprimand her for crushing Martin, and she hoped not. Miss Liu was a young, 4ââ,¬â,,¢10ââ,¬Â 95lb Chinese teacher, and extremely pretty. Katrina liked her a lot, but she would squash her too if she tried to tell the huge woman off; Martin had had it coming, and Katrina did not feel any remorse about crushing him. She hoped that she wasnââ,¬â,,¢t about to have to flatten her favorite teacher.

The tiny Asian woman walked to the back of the room and stood looking up at Katrina, who utterly dwarfed her. The teacherââ,¬â,,¢s face was flushed slightly, and her heart rate had increased. Standing in the shadow of the colossal young woman was an incredible experience, with her massive power and huge weight looming over everything in the room. Miss Liuââ,¬â,,¢s body was tingling all over; she was in awe of Katrina.

ââ,¬Å"Yes, miss?ââ,¬Â

ââ,¬Å"Please, call me Wang,ââ,¬Â said the tiny teacher looking down at Katrinaââ,¬â,,¢s cushion, smiling. I think you taught young Martin here a lesson he wonââ,¬â,,¢t forget.ââ,¬Â

ââ,¬Å"He pushed me too far.ââ,¬Â Katrina said firmly, taking a small step closer to her teacher, the unspoken threat very clear.

Wang felt a pang of fear course through her. The titanic woman had moved closer to her, and some of Katrinaââ,¬â,,¢s acres of flesh was now touching her slightly. Even that tiny movement from the huge woman had demonstrated her awesome power; a tiny part of her immense body had effortlessly brushed against the teacher and yet Wang Liu was nearly pushed to the floor. The teacher swallowed hard. She knew full well that Katrina could destroy her in seconds if she chose to. Being in the presence of such incredible power was both heady and terrifying at the same time.

ââ,¬Å"Yes,ââ,¬Â said the tiny woman almost breathlessly, ââ,¬Å"Iââ,¬â,,¢m glad you showed him whoââ,¬â,,¢s boss.ââ,¬Â

Katrina could tell that her teacher was scared, and she could hear Miss Liu breathing faster than normal. She really was extremely beautiful, thought Katrina, and the feeling of power she now had was intoxicating. Martin let out a low groan from the chair.

ââ,¬Å"I think he might have to miss class for a week or two while he recovers,ââ,¬Â said the colossus with a chuckle.

ââ,¬Å"I have a favor to ask you,ââ,¬Â the teacher said, gazing up at the dark, pretty face of her enormous student.

ââ,¬Å"Sure, what do you need?ââ,¬Â

Wang hesitated slightly, clearly not sure if she should be having this conversation. ââ,¬Å"I have a problem student. She is very, um, intimidating and she. Oh, how do I put this? It sounds so silly. She, erm, bullies me.ââ,¬Â

Katrina blinked a few times. Did she just hear that correctly?

ââ,¬Å"Youââ,¬â,,¢re being bullied, miss?ââ,¬Â

The tiny teacher nodded, almost with shame.

ââ,¬Å"Canââ,¬â,,¢t you report the student to the Principle?ââ,¬Â

Wang gave a sigh. ââ,¬Å"Her parents are wealthy and powerful, and they also sit on the board of the school. If I reported her or tried to have any action taken against her, Iââ,¬â,,¢d have to kiss my job goodbye. They could see to it that I wouldnââ,¬â,,¢t get another teaching job in the whole of California.ââ,¬Â

ââ,¬Å"Oh. I see. Well what would you like me to do?ââ,¬Â

ââ,¬Å"Iââ,¬â,,¢ve asked to see her, and she coming here in a few minutes time. Probably to tell me why she isnââ,¬â,,¢t going to do her assignment and why I should just give her an A. I just want you to witness what she does and how she acts towards me. Sheââ,¬â,,¢s getting very aggressive, and Iââ,¬â,,¢m scared she might get physical.ââ,¬Â

ââ,¬Å"Of course I will! No problem.ââ,¬Â

ââ,¬Å"Youââ,¬â,,¢ll have to hide so she wonââ,¬â,,¢t see you.ââ,¬Â

Katrina let out a booming laugh. ââ,¬Å"Miss, Iââ,¬â,,¢m six five and weigh a thousand pounds. Itââ,¬â,,¢s kind of hard to hide me.ââ,¬Â

Wangââ,¬â,,¢s head span. A thousand pounds?? She knew Katrina was massive, but had no idea she weighed half a ton. No wonder Martin was still only barely conscious. Wang snapped out of her incredulous trance and walked to the front of the room. She opened the double doors of the large, walk-in stationary closet and there seemed to just about be enough room to fit Katrinaââ,¬â,,¢s colossal body. The behemoth woman smiled and squeezed her enormous frame through the doorway, her gigantic hips pressing against both sides of the door frame. Her bulk was so huge that she filled the space in the closet completely, her acres of flab pressing against the shelves, and crushing the boxes of pens and pencils against the walls.

She tried to turn around, but her mountainous body began to tear the closet to pieces as she did so.

ââ,¬Å"Stop!ââ,¬Â said Wang quickly. ââ,¬Å"Youââ,¬â,,¢re going to destroy all of the shelves!ââ,¬Â

ââ,¬Å"Oops!ââ,¬Â Giggled Katrina, unaware of the havoc she was wreaking on the contents of the small room. ââ,¬Å"I guess itââ,¬â,,¢s quite a snug fit!ââ,¬Â

The tiny teacher helped the gargantuan teenager out of the closet, and then had her back in so she wouldnââ,¬â,,¢t need to turn around. As her immense body squeezed back into the small space, more items got crushed by overflowing flesh, but finally she was hidden. Wang Liu closed the doors, leaving a small gap for Katrina to see through.

Almost on cue, the door to the classroom opened and was then slammed shut loudly. A very blonde teenager was standing there, arms folded. She was as skinny as a rake, had far too much make-up, and had attitude dripping out of every pore. Wang shuddered inwardly. She hated this spoiled little brat.

ââ,¬Å"Hello, Summer.ââ,¬Â

The small blonde girl rolled her eyes and she let out an exaggerated sigh. ââ,¬Å"What do you want?ââ,¬Â

ââ,¬Å"I need to talk to you about your assignment.ââ,¬Â

ââ,¬Å"Iââ,¬â,,¢m not gonna do my assignment. Just give me an A instead.ââ,¬Â

ââ,¬Å"But you have to turn it in.ââ,¬Â

ââ,¬Å"Nuh-uh! You can kiss my ass! That shit is boring. Iââ,¬â,,¢m not doing it.ââ,¬Â

ââ,¬Å"Summer! Language! You mustnââ,¬â,,¢t swear!ââ,¬Â

Summer stormed over to Wang and got right in her face. ââ,¬Å"Screw language, screw that assignment. And screw you! Just give me a goddamn A, or Iââ,¬â,,¢ll have my Dad fire you.ââ,¬Â

Katrina couldnââ,¬â,,¢t believe what she was hearing. Summer was walking all over Miss Liu.

Wang was shocked by Summerââ,¬â,,¢s sudden fit of temper, and didnââ,¬â,,¢t quite know what to say. ââ,¬Å"Summer, Iââ,¬Â¦ errââ,¬Â¦.ââ,¬Â

ââ,¬Å"What?ââ,¬Â yelled Summer, her voice getting higher, ââ,¬Å"God! You teachers are so frigginââ,¬â,,¢ stupid. I hate you! You bitch! Donââ,¬â,,¢t ever tell me what to do or else! Do you hear me?ââ,¬Â

The angry little girl grabbed the pile of papers Wang had to grade later and threw them across the room, scattering them everywhere. She picked up some books and threw them at Miss Liu before pushing her several times.

ââ,¬Å"See? You donââ,¬â,,¢t have any control over me. Iââ,¬â,,¢ll do what I want!ââ,¬Â Summer was yelling and in an almost uncontrollable rage. ââ,¬Å"Give me a fucking A or youââ,¬â,,¢ll be out on the street! What do you think about that, stupid teacher ass? I own you. You do as I say!ââ,¬Â

Summer pushed Wang one last time, and pushed her hard. Both women were the same height and roughly the same weight, but Summerââ,¬â,,¢s push caught her teacher off guard. The tiny Chinese woman tumbled backwards and tripped over a chair, sending her to the floor in a heap.

Summer was standing over her, cackling inanely and taunting the helpless teacher. Katrina was fuming. How dare that stupid little spoiled brat do this to any teacher, let alone her favorite one? It was time for the goliath Katrina to help.

The double doors to the closet suddenly burst open, catching Summer by surprise. She gave a startled squeak and spun around to see the immense figure of Katrina squeeze her way out of the doorframe. Crushed boxes, pens, markers, and paper crashed to the floor behind the massive woman, dragged from the shelves by her huge bulk.

ââ,¬Å"What theââ,¬Â¦?ââ,¬Â

ââ,¬Å"Enough!ââ,¬Â bellowed Katrina, moving her gargantuan body right next to Summer. The massive woman looked down at the wide and surprised eyes of the blonde bully. ââ,¬Å"How dare you speak to Miss Liu like that?ââ,¬Â

Summer was shocked by Katrinaââ,¬â,,¢s entrance and was extremely intimidated by her huge size. As she stood there, craning her neck to look up at the huge black woman, she tried to act like she wasnââ,¬â,,¢t scared. ââ,¬Å"Screw you fatso! What the hell were you doing hiding in the closet anyway? Perhaps you should stay in there so we donââ,¬â,,¢t have to look at your fat lardy ass!ââ,¬Â

Katrinaââ,¬â,,¢s eyes blazed with anger. ââ,¬Å"Stop picking on Miss Liu. Right now.ââ,¬Â

ââ,¬Å"What?ââ,¬Â spat Summer, ââ,¬Å"our stupid little teacher needs whale-girl here to stick up for her? The pair of you are retarded. Iââ,¬â,,¢m going to have Daddy fire you, and then Iââ,¬â,,¢m going to make sure you get your fat ass thrown out of this school.ââ,¬Â

That was the final straw. Katrinaââ,¬â,,¢s anger bubbled over and she picked the little girl off the floor with one hand.

ââ,¬Å"Hey! Put me down!ââ,¬Â squeaked Summer, not sounding nearly as confident now.

ââ,¬Å"Youââ,¬â,,¢re nothing but a bully,ââ,¬Â growled Katrina in a low, menacing voice, ââ,¬Å"and I donââ,¬â,,¢t like bullies. In fact, let me show you how I now deal with bullies.ââ,¬Â

She carried the little woman over to the supersized chair at the back of the room and dangled Summer over it. Summer looked down and saw the crushed body of Martin. He was gasping and groaning and trying to move his flattened limbs. Summerââ,¬â,,¢s eyes went wide at the sight of him.

ââ,¬Å"He used to be a bully,ââ,¬Â boomed Katrina, ââ,¬Å"and he used to pick on me every single day. Until today, that is. Isnââ,¬â,,¢t that right Martin? But youââ,¬â,,¢re not a bully any more and youââ,¬â,,¢ve learned your lesson, right? Or do I need to sit on you again?ââ,¬Â

Martin tried to squirm, but his body was too badly squashed to respond. ââ,¬Å"Oh God! No!ââ,¬Â came the rasping, broken voice, ââ,¬Å"please! Katrina! Donââ,¬â,,¢t crush me again! Iââ,¬â,,¢m sorry! Please!ââ,¬Â

Katrina held Summerââ,¬â,,¢s tiny body in front of her. ââ,¬Å"See? Heââ,¬â,,¢s a changed man. Itââ,¬â,,¢s amazing how being squashed by my full half a ton of weight can make someone a better person.ââ,¬Â

Summerââ,¬â,,¢s mouth dropped open and her eyes went wide.

ââ,¬Å"Yes, you heard correctly,ââ,¬Â continued the gigantic Katrina, ââ,¬Å"I currently weigh 987lbs, and this is what my weight does to anybody I decide to squash. And right now, Iââ,¬â,,¢ve decided to squash you. Iââ,¬â,,¢m going to crush some manners into you so you never, ever treat Miss Liu like that again.ââ,¬Â

ââ,¬Å"Whaââ,¬Â¦? Oh shit! Put me down!ââ,¬Â wailed the tiny girl, but Katrina just laughed a booming laugh back at her.

The colossus carried Summer to the front of the classroom where Wang was standing, dusting herself off. A huge thrill had shot through her body when she realized she was going to get to see the mighty Katrina in action.

Katrina held the little bully in front of Miss Liu. ââ,¬Å"Apologize. Right now.ââ,¬Â


ââ,¬Å"Fine, have it your way.ââ,¬Â

Katrina walked to the metal filing cabinet at the back of the room and stood Summer in front of it, leaving her massive belly just inches from the tiny, scared woman.

ââ,¬Å"Final chance,ââ,¬Â growled the behemoth, ââ,¬Å"before I crush you against this cabinet.ââ,¬Â

ââ,¬Å"What?! Oh crap! No! Stop it! Donââ,¬â,,¢t do this!ââ,¬Â

ââ,¬Å"Hmmm,ââ,¬Â smiled the huge woman, ââ,¬Å"lots of words and not one of them was sorry.ââ,¬Â

Wang looked on, almost forgetting to breathe. The size difference between Katrina and Summer was staggering; 987lbs next to 85lbs. The massive woman stepped forward and engulfed tiny Summer, crushing her against the filing cabinet. There were muffled squeaks and screams before Summer had no more air left in her crushed lungs with which to make noise. The filing cabinet groaned and sounds of buckling metal filled the classroom. Wang stared with wide eyes, a tingling sensation rushing through her whole body. She suddenly realized that she was moist between her legs; watching Katrina crush somebody was a huge turn on.

After about thirty seconds, the half-ton woman-mountain stepped backwards and allowed the crumpled body of Summer drop to the floor. The tiny woman was gasping for air and groaning in agony. The metal cabinet behind her had been crushed as well; Katrinaââ,¬â,,¢s 1,000lbs of weight had crushed the side completely in, and the whole cabinet was now only about half the size it used to be.

ââ,¬Å"Sââ,¬Â¦Ã¢â,¬Â¦. sorry!ââ,¬Â gasped Summer frantically, ââ,¬Å"Iââ,¬â,,¢m sorry! Iââ,¬â,,¢m sorry! No more! Please! Donââ,¬â,,¢t crush my any more!ââ,¬Â

ââ,¬Å"I donââ,¬â,,¢t think youââ,¬â,,¢ve learned your lesson just yet,ââ,¬Â laughed Katrina cruelly, and she picked up Summer once more.

ââ,¬Å"Aggh! No! Please!ââ,¬Â She wailed, tears flooding down her cheeks. ââ,¬Å"Iââ,¬â,,¢m sorry! Miss Liu! Please! Stop her! Please!ââ,¬Â

Wang just looked on, speechless. There was no way she wanted Katrina to stop. The massive woman carried Summer to the front row of seats and lined up four chairs side by side. She lay the half-crushed body of Summer across the middle two chairs and turned around, her gigantic ass wider even than all four of the chairs.

ââ,¬Å"Letââ,¬â,,¢s see if youââ,¬â,,¢re as good a cushion as Martin was.ââ,¬Â

ââ,¬Å"Oh GOD! NO! Donââ,¬â,,¢t sit down! Please!ââ,¬Â

Katrina smiled at Wang and then sat her full 987lbs onto the chairs, smothering the tiny body of Summer. The chairs quickly overflowed with flab and as her weight increased, it was clear they didnââ,¬â,,¢t stand a chance of supporting her massive bulk. The chairs were plastic seats with metal legs attached underneath, and Wang watched in awe as all of the chair legs buckled and bent under the mountain of weight descending onto them. Within seconds, Katrinaââ,¬â,,¢s colossal ass had crushed all four chairs completely flat, her huge bulk snapping the backs off the chairs once they had hit the floor. All of the metal legs had been bent beyond repair and crushed under the plastic seats. As Katrinaââ,¬â,,¢s titanic body hit the floor, there was the sound of bones crunching and snapping as the little bully discovered what real power was.

ââ,¬Å"Wow!ââ,¬Â Breathed Wang Liu in awe of what she was watching.

ââ,¬Å"I think sheââ,¬â,,¢s learning her lesson,ââ,¬Â giggled the gargantuan teenager.

Katrina rolled her enormous ass off her victim, snapping more bits of plastic and crushing Summerââ,¬â,,¢s legs further as she went. The chairs had been destroyed, and the very flat body of Summer was sprawled across the middle ones. She was still conscious, but clearly in a lot of pain, and she was having trouble breathing.

The tiny woman was lifted off the floor once again by the massive and terrifying schoolgirl, and Summer gasped and wailed for her to stop.

ââ,¬Å"Please!ââ,¬Â She spluttered, gasping for each breath, ââ,¬Å"Iââ,¬â,,¢m sorry! Iââ,¬â,,¢m so sorry! Please donââ,¬â,,¢t crush me any more! Have mercy!ââ,¬Â

Katrina smiled an evil smile. ââ,¬Å"I think you need one more reminder of what will happen if youââ,¬â,,¢re ever rude or a bully ever again.ââ,¬Â

ââ,¬Å"NO! No more! Please!ââ,¬Â the tiny woman pleaded desperately.

By the door was a low wooden table used to put spare books on. Today it was empty, and Katrina carried her broken victim over and dropped her onto it.

ââ,¬Å"Would you like to see one of my full weight splashes, Miss Liu?ââ,¬Â

Would she? Wangââ,¬â,,¢s panties were absolutely soaked through and sheââ,¬â,,¢d never been so turned on in her entire life. She nodded breathlessly and the colossal Katrina smiled back at her.

ââ,¬Å"So, Summer, if youââ,¬â,,¢re ever a bullying bitch again, youââ,¬â,,¢ll have me to deal with. And remember, like I told Martinââ,¬â,,¢s cronies, I get heavier and heavier every day. If you make me crush you again, I might have gained a few hundred pounds.ââ,¬Â

ââ,¬Å"Stop! I beg you! Please donââ,¬â,,¢t splash me! Youââ,¬â,,¢re so heavy!ââ,¬Â

ââ,¬Å"Here I come, ready or not!ââ,¬Â came the booming reply.

The gargantuan black woman bent her legs and dived into the air. Summer screamed in utter terror as she watched half a ton of flesh hover in the air above her. The colossal body hurtled through the air and landed right on top of tiny Summer, her little body being utterly engulfed in acres of belly flab. The table immediately cracked and collapsed under the mountain of bulk, and the blonde bully was crushed right through it. Katrina landed her full weight onto the table and Summer, crunching and crushing both of them. The room was filled with the sounds of destruction for several seconds before everything went quiet. Miss Liu looked on with her head spinning, recovering from a huge orgasm.

Katrina rolled her huge body off the destroyed table and victim, and rose to her full 6ââ,¬â,,¢5ââ,¬Â height. She looked down at the unconscious and very flat body of Summer and smiled. Her teacher was looking on, slightly out of breath and flushed in the face.

ââ,¬Å"That was amazing,ââ,¬Â she breathed. ââ,¬Å"Thank you Katrina. You really taught little Summer a lesson in manners.ââ,¬Â

ââ,¬Å"Youââ,¬â,,¢re very welcome, Miss Liu. I think sheââ,¬â,,¢ll be on her best behavior from now on,ââ,¬Â chuckled the massive woman, ââ,¬Å"and if she isnââ,¬â,,¢t, then Iââ,¬â,,¢ll happily crush her again.ââ,¬Â

Wangââ,¬â,,¢s heart skipped a beat. She wanted to watch the amazing, beautiful, and humungous Katrina crush lots more people. She gazed up at her mesmerizing eyes, and then glanced at the squashed body of Summer. There was something she wanted to ask the huge Giantess in front of her, but she had to build up to it. She took a few deep breaths, and then finally spoke.

ââ,¬Å"Katrina, would youââ,¬Â¦ ermââ,¬Â¦. consider squashing me at my house later?ââ,¬Â

The colossal woman broke into a huge beaming smile. ââ,¬Å"It would be a pleasure!ââ,¬Â

End of Part Two.

Thought we would see her crushing the bully more. Oh well.

Dont mind the newbie crush - that was f-in AWESOME!! 

Cant wait to see what happens when she spends the night at teacher's place ... as if I didnt know - lol

;D :o ;D

LOL. Glad you enjoyed it. There will be more very soon.....  :)

i liked and dislike. mostly the first story did not make her seem so extreme and the teacher was a bbw or ssbbw in the first one also.

The size, shape, or ethnicity of the teacher is not mentioned in the first part of the story. Or do you mean that you imagined the teacher to be big?

I am not sure now, maybe I misread it, maybe someone edited it from the place i first read it, or maybe i just remembered it differently. I am not sure, but i don't know, while i like your stories, maybe i just never imagine Katrina being an extreme crusher, i don't know.

Very glad to see another Katrina story. Was kinda hoping that she and her sisters would get Martin's friends after school, but this ones good. Looking forward to more.

Excellent until the very last bit ... I'd have preferred Katrina go on in the next story to keep crushing Wang's enemies, but never Wang herself ... don't like the victim wanting it ... but having someone in that role works really well. The buildup with Wang going from timid to excited was really well done because you kept making me wonder if she was going to feel concerned for Summer or say "okay that's enough," but she kept wanting more, not relenting but not being all out vengeful. Very well done.

I absolutely love your descriptions and phrases, they're some of the best. Keep it coming.