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  • (April 02, 2020, 07:36:09 PM)
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Over the past few months my girlfriend Amy had put on a lot of weight. It was competely obvious, as all the clothes she wore clung tight to her now extra flabby body. She had already been a full figured woman when I met her. Then she was about 180 pounds, and I really admired her big hourglass figure. As soon as we had moved in together though she started eating all the time like she was just starving to death. She had gained about 45 or 50 pounds in just five months, and a lot of it was in her stomache, also noticable some on her thighs, and some on her ass. Her breasts were fuller, and her upper arms too.She was losing that hourglass shape I adored. Her gut overflowed her waistband now, which on most things she wore gave her about 3 inches of flab hanging in the front and some on her sides and back too. I didn't think she could possibly be comfortable wearing such restrictive clothing, but she never went to buy new clothes, till finally one day she literally blew out her jeans that she had on when she had bent down to get a package of donuts or twinkies or something like that from her stash. She burst out laughing, and went ahead and took the snacks out of the cabinet, ripping them open. She stuffed them into her mouth. I looked at her with her mouth full chewing the delicious fattening snack, with her flabby gut and thighs just holding her pants on still, but now with much more freedom, as the front zipper, and seams on her hips and inner thighs were ripped out.
With an innocent look in her eyes she said, "Guess I'm too fat for these jeans." and she began to giggle

Another incident a few days later happened as result of a mistake on my part. I like to build models of my favorite race cars to have on display in the glass cabinet I made for them. I usually build the models in my den but the bulb was burned out in the room, and I didn't feel like changing it. I decided to go into the living room. I put all the materials on the floor in the middle of the room where there was the best light, and I just lied down on the floor. In about an hour I was finished. I had built a model of my favorite fuel funny car in NHRA drag racing, and was lying there admirring my work...picking it up and turning it so I could see it at the different angles. It was a beautiful 1/12 scale model with all the proper colors and decals...the body even raised up like the real thing to reveal all the detail of the the chasis and the model of the engine, the blower, the exhaust pipes...everything.

Amy came walking into the room from behind me so I didn't see her. She saw me in the middle of the floor, but was in a hurry to go get something to eat in the kitchen. She had to walk around me but in doing so she wasn't thinking about why I was in the middle of the floor lying down. I saw her foot and calve out of the corner of my eye, and I lifted my outstretched arms around my new model. This startelled her and she jumped. There was nothing I could do. She jumped right over one of my arms and came down right between both of my arms. There was a snap, and crunching sound of plastic and tiny metal screws ripping out of their holes. The heel of her right foot was covering the model cars hood, and right beside it her left foot had the roof and rear window section under its arch. My new model was a crushed piece of trash of several broken bits that had been recognizable as my favorite fuel funny car just an instant before. The sharp bits under her feet poked into them, and she quickly jumped up once again in pain.

All but one of the wheels were broken off, the plastic body flattened into pieces, and the metal frame bent. It was completely ruined.
"What the fuck?" I exclaimed.
"Well what the fuck is right!...What are you doing in the middle of the floor playing with your little toys like a little kid." she retorted.
"Can you not watch where you are going?" I asked.
"Sure I can...but I'm a fat girl...little things will get broken from time to time." she answered.
"'re right." I said wishing not to argue anymore about it.
Looking up at her...actually I was thinking about making love to her. I still thought she was hot, even though she was getting a lot fatter.

within another week she had been eating more than ever and had gained more weight as a result. She came into the den where I was building another of my models. She was completely naked.
"Honey...I need a favor." she asked.
"Whats that babe?"
"I want you to go out and buy me some clothes at the fat girl store."
"What!...fat girl store?...Can't you go buy your own clothes." I asked.
"I would...but I waited too long...I gained another five pounds overnight and I can't get any of my pants on but the largest I have and I can't get those to fasten over the front of my belly....cause its getting so fat....see?" she said giggling, and grasping handfulls of fat in her hands.
This was giving me an erection.
"Oh my god...are you serious woman?" I asked.
" are the outfits I want in the sizes I want circled here...this store is in the mall." she said dropping a Lane Bryant catalog in front of me.
"I must be completely whipped." I mummbled to I thought.
"If you're not you soon will be honey." she replied with more giggling.
"Alight!...Where are my car keys?"
She produced them from her other hand,"Right here." she smiled.
"This better not take long...I got a race coming on in an hour."
"It won't honey...just show one of the ladies there this catalog and what I have other thing....stop by the donut shop on your way back and get me a dozen fresh glazed will you, and a dozen vanilla cremes please." she requested with the greatest of confidence...more like an order really.
I just stomped off in disbelief, grinding my teeth to the fact I was becoming a servant to her every whim...the pussy was absolutely amazing, and I was becoming less of a man because of it?...or maybe I'm just becoming a nice guy?
*None of the guys from work better see me buying clothes in the "fat girl" store, without Amy being there with me. I'll never live it down.* I thought to myself. Lots of guys at work had fat girlfriends or wives, but I imagined they, the guys, still wore the pants in the family so to speak.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

It took no more than month and Amy had seams busted out of most of her new clothes. She had gained another 24 pounds, and was now just plain fat. She had rolls of fat all over her. She was about 250 pounds, and maybe more which was about all I could have taken normaly, but with her for some reason she was still so hot, and I just though she was gorgeous. She grabbed handfulls of her belly flab and shook it in front of me all the time. She certainly loved being fat, and getting fatter even more I think. Also she was frequently sucking my balls dry which didn't hurt. Our sex life was never better either.

Another month later we were married. She was another 24 or 25 pounds heavier, and her dress of course didn't fit her well at all, being at least a size too small, but wearing clothes too small just made her really horny.

Eating till her stomache was packed with food made her horny. Weighing herself made her horny. It wasn't long after we were married I discovered several pieces of our furniture and been broken and poorly put back together. I found an end table that was wobbley from a loose leg. I discovered the same thing in two dinning room chairs, and also the living room couch was caved in in the middle cushion, but I didn't notice that till I sat down there. I went into the sun room and one of the wicker chairs was missing. I found it in the storage shed in the back yard. Its base was crushed.

I found Amy in the kitchen eating as usual.
"Why the hell am I finding most of the damn furniture broken?" I asked her.
She looked at me and immediately blushed.
"I'm sorry honey...I should have told you...I can't help it....breaking it makes me horny...I just can't resist...I plop my big fat ass down on something, and it breaks...It just makes me want to find you and screw your brains out." she admitted.
"I don't see how that could make you horny."
"I can't explain just belly is just about stuffed...I'm horney right now." she said grinning at me with that wild sexy I'm about to fuck your brains out look in her eye.
I gave way to her sexual bribe and in a moment found myself rock hard and her mounted atop me bouncing, humping , thrusting and gyrating in a frenzy. She hadn't been on top of me in a long time. Her weight was now an endevor to endure in this manner, but being inside her this way felt so good, and her softness massaged me in a most fascinating way. Not just inside her but her thighs and her belly...her ass, her breasts. All this softness moving on me, rubbing against me, at times almost engulfing me entirely was so enchanting I didn't want it to stop even though it was at times taking my breath away. She had been 50 pounds lighter the last time she was on top and it didn't feel this good.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

Keep in mind, Amy being about 275 pounds may not sound so heavy to you, but to me she is gigantic. I am a little person...did I forget to mention that? Yes, I am what some may call a midget, but I prefer the term little person. I don't really have the stereotypical features of some small persons. I look like an average guy in many pictures of me that don't have anything to scale my size by in them, but in fact I am only 4'6" tall, and I weigh just 90 pounds or so. Yes I'm little in height and weight, but very big of heart. I am a full grown adult and red blooded man also. So you see why, Amy, being 5'7" tall and weighing 275 pounds would be huge to me, and how she could so easily envelope me and take my breath away. She was becoming more and more fond of doing this too. Just about every time we made love, regaurdless of if she was using sex to bribe me for some other piece of furniture she had broken while I was away, she ended up on top before we finished, and then time and again she would collapse on top of me and just lie there panting heavily, and seeming to enjoy how her body covered me and the bit of a struggle I had to endure because of how heavy she actually was to me.

She was getting fatter and heavier by the day, but somehow I was adjusting to it, and even begining to enjoy her weight on top of me as long as she didn't get to carried away, and put too much on me. But her body got softer to with its increasing weight, and that I had decided I just really loved. All that soft flabby flesh jiggling and bouncing just gave me an instant hard on. On our one year anniversary here weight gains had slowed a great deal. She weighed in at just 395 pounds which she was somewhat down about.She had figured on being over 400 pounds by then, but she didn't stay sad long, cause she still had clothes I bought her too small so she could stuff herself into them and rip out the seams like she enjoyed to do so much. I also let her finish breaking most of the rest of the furniture in the house that she hadn't already broken, but I bought new stuff to replace it all and she knew she wasn't to break it. She could go to garage and yard sales and find plently of cheap old furniture to break with her weight if thats what she wanted to do to furniture. I bought her a great big cake which she had me watch her devour completely in just fourty five minutes. I bought her a new digital scale that goes up to 1500 pounds, and she really loved that one. I bought her a new digital camera so she could document her weight gains, which she also loved. And lastly, I took her to all three of her favorite resturants that night.

another year on into our marriage and Amy was still getting slowly but surely fatter by the day, and heavier of course. She had amazingly gained exactly another 120 pounds bringing her weight up to 515 pounds of pure blubber. There were only three things that she truely loved to do at this point. Her favorite being eating, sex, and complete domination of anyone who would let her get on top of them, willingly or otherwise. Those last two items being just about tied for second. She was totally enchanted with her own body, her size, her shape, and the softness and weight of all her fat, and the power it gave her over average size and smaller people. In her ever expanding group of friends, and followers she had accquired there were frequent visitors to our house, both men and women. Most merely desired to see her eat, others wanted to feed her. they were the majority. Then there were others who wanted to wrestle with her which she was always so happy to oblidge. Then there were the very few and far between that wanted Amy to literally squash them with her weight. This I found to be incredible. I suffered her weight and often but I had little choice in the matter, but often I enjoyed it too.

One time in particular this one very peteit young woman came by. I figured her for a feeder type, and possibly a lesbian or something, because she was very excited about seeing Amy. I was so shocked to find out the tiny woman...she was taller than me at about 5'2", and she weighed about 100 pounds probably...not only wished to feed my wife, but she wanted Amy to crush her. No woman had ever seriously requested to be crushed before. There were some who wrestled with her playfully and some would have her on top of them but never without Amy keeping much of her weight off of them, sort of like a play squash. This skinny little woman requested to be crushed.
"I want you to step on my stomache...and sit on my chest and stomache sideways...and sit on my chest with my head between those gorgeous thighs, and under your belly...and I want you to really crush me good." the little lady said excitedly.
Amy and I couldn't believe it.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.