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Biker Chick Thrashing On Spring Break

Started by bikemancody, November 26, 2012, 12:31:10 AM

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I've ridden bikes for years and often go on spring breaks. But it never ceases to amaze me how much trouble some of the biker chicks get into. These babes must have targets on their backs that say, "Beat My Ass" because they're always getting into fights. And some of the smaller ones somehow end up on the short end of a punch from Alice Q. Bruiser. Such was the case on spring break in the spring of 2012. This 24 year-old biker chick named Karen was having a few drinks near the hotel pool. She was getting a little drunk just before dinner, which is never a good idea. Suffice it to say that alcohol can loosen the lips and sometimes get your lips smashed in.

We were staying at a hotel during the high school spring break. She wasn't my girl friend--more of an acquaintance. I really didn't like her that much. Karen had just gotten cleaned up and wore tight jeans and a halter top. There were a couple other bikers and women at the ppol. Earlier, she'd been tanning in a spaghetti-strapped bikini that left nothing to the imagination. And she was getting eyed by some of the plumper high school girls at the pool. Karen had just turned and bumped into a fat girl who was just getting out of the pool. The girl, clad in a black one-piece bathing suit--with rolls cascading from her stomach, sides and elephantine thighs--was wiping her eyes. She looked at Karen who got bumped back about three feet. Karen looked at her shirt and said (a bit loud, I might add), "You got me all wet, you stupid cow."

The girl's stare turned into a glare . . . then a look of hatred.

"Whatta you lookin' at, you fat fuck. Want a a piece of this?" Karen raised both arms, a beer can still in her right hand. She waved the girl toward her. I mean this chick was 5'4" and weighed no more than 115 pounds fully clothed.

"Get her," another plump girl said from a lounge chair on the far side of the pool. Karen and the girl were near the middle of the length-side of the pool.

"Yeah, fuck her up, Fat Theresa," said another girl. I later learned the girl was a champion shot putter and softball player who could hit the stuffing out of a ball. Had I known this,  I might've intervened. The girl could probably pick Karen up and throw her half way down the beach. She looked that strong. But that fact might've had Karen pissing her jeans, especially if she she were a bit more sober, which she wasn't.

Karen knew a little karate but the high school girl was about 6'0" tall and easily 300 pounds. And that spells disaster when you're on the ground against a huge opponent. Karen sucked down the rest of her beer and tossed the can at the girl. She then walked up and shoved the girl. Karen couldn't budge her and actually slipped forward because of the girl's slick bathing suit. I heard her say, "Ohhhh" just before the girl slugged her in the gut with a punch that echoed with a "thud."

"Uhhhhhh," Karen exhaled, before dropping to both knees. A fat fist then came out of nowhere and slammed into her temple. Karen got knocked three feet to her right. I actually saw her knees leave the ground as the force from the blow catapulted her near a table.

"You skinny little biker cunt. You oughtta be smarter than to start something you can't finish." The fat girl then grabbed Karen's hair and pulled her to her feet. Karen screamed as the girl kept pulling, even while both were standing. "I am gonna fuck your skinny ass up, bitch--and I'd probably fuck ya fer real if I had you alone. That's the ultimate humiliation for skanks like you. Won't be nothing left of you, though, after I pound those tits flat."

This is when the one-sided beating started, which is one of the worst ones I've ever seen. This girl was vicious and nuts. She started pounded the thin woman with both fists--body shots that produced equally loud thuds to the gut punch. Karen's voice rumbled with each blow as she cried out in agony. The other girls were laughing and cheering Fat Theresa on.

The next blow was a right cross that connected with Karen's nose. The punch knocked her against the table. She then fell to her knees as she grasped at the table for dear life. A blow to the back knocked the breath out of her.

The fat high school girl then bear-hugged Karen from behind and brought her to her feet. And as she turned Karen around, I saw blood streaming from both nostrils and trickling from her lips. Karen got kneed in the ass three times, which undoubtedly left some huge bruises. The girl held Karen by the throat in a hammer lock. The woman was gagging. She then bent Karen forward, her tight-jeaned buns facing me, and starting punching her in the face. Karen then got tossed near the edge of the pool and landed on her stomach in an awkward and bent position. She looked like someone a ragged doll that had just gotten the stuffing beat out of her. The girl walked over and put her large foot on Karen's hip. And with one vicious and angry shove, knocked Karen into the water.

Karen came to--as she had been briefly knocked out--arms flailing and gasping for air. This is when the girl jumped back in and dunked Karen, jerking her head under water. The fight thankfully ended as Karen surfaced and got backed against the far edge of the pool. The girl trapped her briefly with her immense belly before dragging her trailer-size ass out of the pool. A couple woman helped Karen out of the pool, and she got medical help from the front desk. I couldn't believe the thrashing the girl gave here. Those high school girls are brutal. I know this because I work at a high school and hear about all their fights. But the ones against the biker chicks always seem to be the most violent.



It is useful to read I'm not very good I am. This is a great story of another. I read a great advantage as much as I do.