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Biker Chick Flattened By Girl Named "Bulldozer"

Started by slimchick04, June 28, 2009, 08:12:01 PM

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June 28, 2009, 08:12:01 PM Last Edit: June 28, 2009, 08:15:14 PM by slimchick04
I really feel sorry for some of these women today who find themselves going up against a big, sturdy high school girl or any high school girl, for that matter.  They just don't know how tough and brutal these girls can be and probably aren't mentally prepared to fight them.  I mean these girls go for the throat and won't hesitate to pound anybody into oblivion, especially an older woman.  And when these girls get a chance to go after some biker chick or stripper, they're out for blood.  I kid you not.

If you're an older chick fighting one of these girls, especially the bigger, sturdy jocks, you better have something for them.  If you're under 120 pounds you better have some type of martial arts skills.  But even that may not be enough because ultimately the stronger girl can circumvent your moves, get you in a hold and take you down.  Then you're done.

I dated this biker chick a few years ago and actually had a couple photos of her.  She was about 29, blonde and only 5'6" and 110 pounds.  She used to be a stripper but was also smart.  She used her stripping to get through school but later stripped to make some extra money.  I didn't mind at first but then it started getting to me.  I broke up with her shortly after a trip to Florida.  We were on spring break, and though I didn't ride my bike down, I took it on my truck.

We were with some other people and Sheri starting drinking.  We had been arguing and I pretty much knew I wanted to end our relationship. 

Toward the end of the night we were in the parking lot of the Daytona Inn.  A group of high school girls were staying in the hotel.  They were rowdy as girls can get when in a group and somehow Sheri got into an argument with one.  One thing led to another and Sheri ended up throwing an opened beer bottle at the girl.  But instead of hitting her the bottle plonked some behemoth standing behind her in the arm and beer splashed all over her.

I mean this girl was huge and fierce looking.  She had those wide hips and big arms.  Her head was smaller and a bit out of proportion to the rest of her but she was a monster.  I estimated that the girl was 6'4" tall and over 300 pounds.

"Hey, biker cunt!" she shouted.  "You got me all wet here."

Sheri was a bit scared, I could tell, despite being drunk.  She recoiled a bit and starting walking back to our little crowd. 

If you know anything about bikers, they usually enjoy a good fight.  And sometimes they'll let their bitches go at it without intervening.  I am not like this but Sheri had really pissed me off.  So I let the scene play out.

"Hey, bitch, I'm talking to you."  The girl approached our crowd with her entourage behind her.

Sheri turned around, looking at me briefly then again.  She was scared out of her mind and I felt sorry for her. But she shouldn't have thrown the beer.

The girl grabbed her arm and pulled her toward her.

"I think you owe me a new shirt, you skinny little cunt!"

Sheri jerked her arm away.  "I don't owe you anything.  You girls started it."

"I don't think so," the girl said, and grabbed Sheri by her gray shirt.  She wore blue jeans with a long-sleeve gray shirt with the sleeves rolled up.  The top couple buttons burst when the girl tugged her toward her.

Sheri flung her arm out and the buttons busted nearly down to her waist, exposing one small, pert tit.

The tall, fat girl laughed at her.  "Look at this slut.  She's as flat as a pancake . . . And she's gonna be as flat as a pancake herself when I'm done with her."

The girl grabbed for Sheri again, but Sheri ducked.

"Fight . . . Fight . . . Fight!" the high school girls were chanting.

The girl attacked again and Sheri ducked.  She slapped at the girl when she came up.  The girl deflected her arm as if it were nothing and grabbed Sheri by the hair.  Sheri screamed.

"Get off me, you fat bitch!"

The girl hurled Sheri into a nearby car.  Sheri bounced off it and fell to her ass.  The girl then came over and picked her up by her hair again.  Sheri screamed.  I felt terrible but didn't make one effort to help her.  The girl bounced Sheri off another car.  Sheri was on her ass again and flailing her arms out when the girl reached down and pulled her up by her hair again.  Sheri screamed some more.

The girl didn't throw her this time.  She hiked her knee up, still holding Sheri's hair, jerked her head down and drove her big knee into my girlfriend's face.  Sheri went down like a rag doll.  She landed on  her side.  The girl started cackling, a big booming cackle that sent chills up my spine.

Sheri's nose was bleeding.  She was on her side and crawling toward our crowd.  She didn't get far because the fat chick came over, picked her up by her blonde mane again and pulled her to her feet by the back of her belt.

"I don't like taking a bath in beer, biker bitch."  She held Sheri by the hair while facing her.  Sheri slapped her arms at her put couldn't do anything.  The girl was way too big and strong. 

"Knock her ass out, Andrea," one girl shouted.

"Yeah, flatten that skank, Bulldozer." 

Bulldozer, I thought to myself.  What a fitting name.  As I cogitated about the name the girl drove Sheri against some other car with her massive body and knocked the wind out of her.  Sheri started gasping for air but this was when things started getting brutal.

The girl started punching Sheri in the head as Sheri covered her head and tucked her elbows in for protection.  She punched Sheri in the face again and again as Sheri held her arms up in a rope-a-dope manner.  But the punches jarred her head each time.  The girl then grabbed her left tit and squeezed it.  "How do you like that, you skinny bitch."  Sheri grimaced and scowled at her.

"There's nothing there to hurt, bitch!" the girl shouted.

The girl then punched Sheri in the face and knocked her back against the car again.  Sheri was hugging the car to stay on her feet, but the girl grabbed her by her hair and jerked her around.  Then the girl cocked her arm back and delivered a blow that knocked Sheri down and off her feet.  She fell like dead weight and landed by the rear tire of the car.

The girl jumped over and started kicking Sheri in the stomach.  She then stomped down on her a couple times.  Sheri was writhing on the ground as I started to walk over and rescue her.  She had her arms wrapped around her midsection.

"Piece of trash," the girl shouted, and then some girl handed her a beer.  The girl reached down and pulled Sheri up by the hair.  Sheri screamed as the girl pulled her to her knees.  The girl jerked Sheri's head back and tried to pour it down Sheri's mouth.  Sheri coughed as she got some down her windpicpe.  The girl then poured their beer all over Sheri and hammered her with a blow to the temple.  Sheri dropped like a sack of potatos on her stomach.  The fat girl had knocked Sheri out and she was lying there unconscious.   

"You got what you deserved, you skinny little biker bitch.  I hate these biker chicks down here," she told one of the girls.

"Me, too.  But you really put that one in her place.

"Yeah, I did.  But Hell, any girl in our school could've beaten her ass and ripped her a new asshole in the process.  She was nothing.  Just some skinny little biker skank.  Most middle school girls could mop the floor with her.  It's certainly the easiest fight I've ever had.  Nevertheless, you don't mess with the bulldozer."

And with that the girl kicked Sheri in the gut as hard as she could before walking away with her high school friends.

Sheri was a mess.  Her face was bruised for days and her nose was broken.  We broke up shortly thereafter.  But this is the way most real fights go out there.  They're over in a hurry if it's a mismatch.  And this fight lasted three or four minutes tops.  The tall, fat girl was vicious and could've killed Sheri if the fight went on much longer.  She handled her like a doll and gave her no respect.  She was a real bruiser  . . . no bulldozer!  What an appropriate nickname.

man i feel sorry for sheri, she seems like a good girl except for the stripper part but even that isnt that bad, but dont get me wrong, that was sick what she did to sheri