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  • (April 02, 2020, 07:36:09 PM)
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Part 4, adult content etc:

Eventually it came to it's conclusion. Steph was not about to get rid of penny any time soon, so she stood up and then collapsed on the floor, laying on her back with a giant thud that scared all of her victims. Steph was incredibly sweaty and incredibly satisfied. She actually thought of letting the others go for a minute, but she figured that she might not get the opportunity to crush four victims at once. All the giantess needed at this moment was a rest. "You still in the land of the living, tiny girl?" Steph asked after she caught her breath. "Ugh... my... everything..." Penny could barely reply. "I'm surprised you're even conscious." Steph said sitting up with her legs splayed out straight. "That was the best orgasm of my life little girl. Thank you so so much! I have half a mind to let you go free." "You... mean that?" Penny asked. "I did, but how could I let go of a squashing slave like you now? I'll give you a rest for a bit. I still need to see if Tim and Sam can top what you just did haha!" She laughed to herself. Penny was dead tires and wanted to tell Steph off, but she didn't have the strength or courage at this point. She just laid there on the oversized bed with the oversized indent within it. "Alright little girl, your turn is over, wait here a second." Steph went over to the unconscious body of Jen, picked her up and tossed her on the bed near Penny. She then decided to go looking for Sam and Tim. She surveyed across the large single room suite for them, but upon first glance, didn't see them. She walked over to the door to investigate it and it still looked intact. No way they escaped, they must still be in here, she thought. Tim and Sam were actually hidden within Stephs cabinets in the kitchen. Since they were both small, they were easy prey for fat giantesses, but they could hide easier than them at least. The obese predator strolled around the dorm, "There's no chance to escape you know. Just come out and accept your fate under my big ass." She continued to search around, she went into the bathroom and closed the door. "Tim," Sam whispered to him, "We haven't tried the windows yet." "It's no use," Tim replied, "They are locked shut and the glass is too thick. I tried to escape through there before." "Before?!" Sam raised her whisper a bit. "So exactly how many times did you cheat on me with this enlarged psycho?" "It's not like that and you want to talk about this now?" "Why not? It sounds like she's going to kill us underneath her anyway!" Sam was getting frustrated. "Look, I never wanted this to happen. Steph came to me and made me her slave. If I ever told you, she said she would crush you too!" Tim explained. "Well obviously she lied to you you idiot!" Sam then climbed out of the large cabinet and made a mad dash for the window that was above Stephs bed. Just as she approached the window, the bathroom door swung open, "There you are Sammy! I want you to stay right there. I need to take a nap and you need to be under me so you don't escape." Sam was filled with fear but she turned her attention to the window and starting pounding on it. Steph realized that was bad for Her, since there were still security guards still about at this hour. "No! Stop it you dumb bitch!" Steph rushed at Sam and picked her up by her one leg. While she was upside down, Sam started punching Stephs belly as hard as she could. "Hahaha!" a booming laugh came from the giantess. "You honestly think you can punch through all this? A pistol shot couldn't get through this armor of fat! Let me show you." Steph then backed her hips up in anticipation for a belly thrust and Sam saw her life flash before her eyes. Steph wanted this to be special so she put extra weight into it and pushed her belly forward onto the poor girl, much harder than she ever has with a person before. She never wanted to use too much force for fear of killing her victim, but she decided that Sam, the girl that Tim couldn't shut up about, deserves more punishment. The belly smacked the upside Sam with abnormal speed and strength and the girl went flying upward and hit the wall, actually putting a bit of a hole in it right before she fell to the floor. Sam was knocked out. "Now, where's..." Steph was caught off by the man himself. "Steph! No!" Tim came running to Sam. "Steph please, take me instead." He begged to his captor. "Oh I plan to take both of you. It's high time I turn my squashing talents into a squashing left. After a good nap of course." Steph grabbed Tim and Sam and threw them on the bed next to the other girls. "Tim, do something..." Penny pleaded with him. "Alright, I need a rest before we continue. Penny here gave me a great fucking climax and I want her to top it in an hour or so." Steph was about to climb into bed, but then there was a knock on her dorm door. "What the hell?" Steph said. As soon as she said that, Tim and Penny both started to yell but we're quickly silenced by Steph forcing her belly onto them and muffled their shouts. She pressed her belly on them until they all passed out, she put on her car tarp of a robe and went to the door that was still being knocked on.

She opened her oversized door and looked down to find a security guard. "Damn it! That bitch Sam...." Steph thought. "whoa! Uhh I mean, ahem excuse me miss?" The guard said, "I was patrolling and I heard some banging on a window somewhere in this building. I'm not totally sure if it was here or another floor but have you heard anything?" "Hmm," Steph raised her voice and pretended to act cute for the guard. "Well I haven't herd anything. It's late and I've been sleeping sir." "Huh, okay, do you know anything about that hole in the doorway there?" He pointed to Tim and Sam's room that was obliterated. "Umm... construction...?" Steph just said the first thing that came to mind. "Huh, okay, I was right not to mention it to anyone then. Probably an animal or something." Steph couldn't bbelieve she had gotten away with that. This guy wasn't very smart. "You... haven't reported the noise to anyone else then...? "Stephs eyes lit up. "What? Oh nah, I'm kind of new and I didn't want to bother my boss about it. I'm sure it's fine. Have a good night." The guard was about to walk off. "Wait!" Steph said. "Uhh yes...?" "I haven't heard anything but I think I might have an issue that needs fixing..." she bent over while talking And exposed her grand canyon cleavage at him. "Oh... oh... well uhh..." "What's wrong officer...? I'm a young lady in need of an officers help. Won't you help me...?" Steph said with a pout and puppy dog eyes. "Yeah... I mean... sure... I'll help..." The guard was entranced with Steph. Her large body and confidence was enough to get any man to succumb to her. "Right this way..." she flashed her giant ass at him and squeezed back into her room." The guard followed suit and walked into Stephs room. "hey... who are they!" He noticed the other victims on the bed. "Oh crap, I didn't think you'd notice them right away... Oh well..." Steph sighed. She closed and locked the door behind her and grabbed the guard and brought him up to her mouth for a kiss. The guard tried to fight Stephs vice like grip, but it was futile. She kissed him and then bear hugged him into her boobs. "I'm pretty tired and don't have the time to wait for you to pass out so... sorry I guess?" While she had the poor guy bear hugged, she then simply fell forward and landed on top of him on the floor giving it an enormous shake. She heard the guard scream a bit but that was it. He was subsequently passed out. Steph got off of him to check on him. She noticed his badge and his name. "Alex huh? Welcome to the spiders web there Alex haha!" What a lucky night for Steph, she now had FIVE squashing toys to play with after her rest. She placed Alex onto the bed and came to a slight rest, hugging all of her victims and took a nap with them in anticipation of the fun they were about to have.

A little bit later, Tim woke up feeling a ton of weight on his lower body. He looked around and he saw that he was laying down in a row next to everyone else and apparently, a new random person? He didn't tthink too much of it and He looked in front of him. He saw the enormous body of Steph laying on her stomach while it pooled out on top of the legs of everyone who was laying down in a row. While it didn't hurt Tim, he still felt that his legs were trapped and he tried to wiggle free. Between the amount of fat covering his lower body and being on a soft bed, his efforts to escape were like being in quicksand. He continued to push against his fat captor and as he did, she began to stir and then woke up. "What a great nap, huh Tim?" Steph said. She then simply rolled over onto every at once. Some of her victims were taking her belly, her hip or maybe her breasts, but she easily covered everyone's body with hers. She was truly a fat enormous girl. "Oh man, I am rested up and ready for more! How about you guys?" Everyone muffled under her, trying to get free or any bit of oxygen they could, but it was like trying to get through a giant bag of sand. Every time one of the squash slaves opened their mouths to yell, it was then full of Stephs fat. The giant girl was in heaven, "This is how I should wake up every morning! Haha." She laughed and bit her bottom lip, she then rolled back to her first position and looked down at her victims. They were all awake now and coughing, desperate to get back some needed oxygen. "Miss, I'm going to have to insist you let me go or I'll write you up to the public safety office!" Alex the guard said sternly. Everyone else looked at him with a look is disbelief. He clearly didn't understand the position he was in. "Is that so, Alex? Maybe if you fight me, I'll surrender to you..." Steph mocked him. "Don't joke about that, I'm trained in Krav Maga!" "Okay fine. If you win our fight, then I'll let you go." Steph couldn't believe this idiot. Either he was really confident in his ability, or he had another plan. Steph rolled off of everyone and they all breathed a sigh of relief. She went and stood in the middle of the room. Alex got up to, his legs were wobbly and his head hurt, but he adjusted himself and got out of the bed. He then noticed something, "Wait... where is my clothes?" He looked down to discover that he was fully nude, looked back at the others and realized they were too. "Can I uhh... have my walkie talkie for this fight? I need it..." Alex pleaded. "Real smooth guy, really smooth." Jen said to him. Steph didn't want to wait anymore, she stomped forward to Alex with a large step and knocked him off balance and he fell down. "Haha I haven't even touched you yet and you're already down. That's pretty pathetic!" "I just slipped, that's all!" Alex was very embarrassed and became angry. He then sprinted as fast as he could to Steph, "Take this!!!!!!" He winded his arm back and using the entire force of his body and arm, he ran and threw a punch directly into Stephs large gut. He was very proud of himself, that was a very strong punch, however, Stephs fat belly gave her plenty of padding and the punch had absolutely no effect. "Oh, sorry are we starting?" Steph said at the dumbfounded security guard. "But... that... I punched you as hard as I could..." "Little man, do you not see how big I am? Do you think you have enough strength to take on 1,600 pounds of beautiful woman?" "Wha.... 1,600...." Alex was completely taken aback. He didn't truly realize how massive Steph was. He was just some cocky guard who weight lifted often to call himself strong. But this girl was superhuman, how could he beat someone who could take no damage? "I'm not done yet..." Alex tried to sound brave, he then went on to continue to punch Stephs belly and circled around her to hit her ass too. He was throwing all manner of punches at her ass until Steph decided, "Okay, this is just sad now..." All Steph did was sit down directly on top of Alex with a loud thud and there was a loud crunch along with it. No doubt a few bits of cartilage getting rearranged underneath the behemoth girl. "Ooooh that was a good one." Steph said with satisfaction. She also noticed that Alex wasn't moving, it seemed like she knocked him out again with the force of her ass. She stood up and looked at the crumpled body of the security guard. "That was quick. Alright guys, sorry about that I thought he would be more fun. Looks like the original team is gonna have to bring this home, huh?"

The original team themselves looked on at the, "fight," that just happened. She couldn't be stopped, Alex was a somewhat big guy, being muscular. Even he could stand no chance against Steph, they decided to just do what she says and try to enjoy it themselves. "Alright, here's what I want to try. Tim, go grab that step still over there and Penny and Jen, you lay next to each other on the bed in the middle." They all did what they were told, but Sam noticed her name wasn't called. She decided not to speak up. Maybe she was done with Her? Steph stood in front of the two naked girls on the bed looking down at them, "Mmmm you two are so thin and tiny.... I can do so much damage to you..." Steph was trying to get turned on. Tim came back with the step stool. When he did, Steph placed it behind her and spread her legs. "Alright Tim, I want you from behind," Steph said. "What?! No way Tim!" Sam protested. "Oh... Sam don't worry, you're coming in from behind too. My ass is so big that I doubt Tim could reach my pussy, I need you to push him into my ass until he gets stuck." Even describing her sexual needs to the group was turning her on so much. She didn't say it menicaling, she said it in a cute way biting her bottom lip. She already wasted a lot of time with foreplay. It was time to just get going. "How about this Sam, if you don't do what I say, I'll just suffocate your friends until they die..." Steph then leaned forward onto the two girls on the bed. She was bending over with her exposed ass sticking out and opened already. "Tim, you know how to save them..." Steph said. "Sam I'm sorry, but we aren't in a position to argue here..." "Tim..." Sam realized they had no choice, but to see him with another woman was a lot to bare. Tim went up on the step stool. At the highest part of it, he was waist height with Steph and then pushed his dick forward into her ass. "Don't be shy Tim, if you are, then the girls will suffer." Tim then pressed further in, but just as Steph predicted, he couldn't fully make it to her pussy. Her ass was too massive. She then stood back up, trapping Tim in her ass and giving the girls much needed oxygen. "Ooooh yes... keep wiggling in there Tim." Steph turned to Sam, "You know, that's not his first time there? He has been in my ass before. I couldn't hear him, but I think he said he liked it." "You... evil bitch!" Sam yelled at Steph. Without saying anything or taking her eyes off her, Steph lowered back down onto the two girls, she positioned them so that her nipples were covering their faces. She figured they could provide her extra stimulation, and she was right. Tim was still somewhat stuck in her ass, but not as far as she needed. She continued to look at Sam and then motioned for her to go behind her with a head nod. Sam realized she had no choice and went up on the stool behind her.

Continued in next part...