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Big College Experience Part 2

Started by cantthinkofname4212, November 13, 2020, 11:34:20 AM

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Adult Content, all characters are 20 years old

Part 2 of, idk how many yet. Still thinking. Let me know if you guys and gals approve.

It had been about a month since the squashing Steph gave to Tim in the old office building. Ever since then, Steph had, more or less kidnapped Tim twice a week after their class together for her sexual purposes. The thing was, Tim resisted, but deep down, thought very highly of the whole situation he had going on. He did feel bad though, he hadn't told his girlfriend about the things he was doing with Steph. He did feel awkward about the whole thing, but he knew that he had to tell his girlfriend, Sam eventually. He thought about this again during one of Tim's night classes he had with Steph. He had decided that he couldn't do this anymore. Normally, Steph kept Tim on a short leash, tonight, Tim prepared himself for escape. Tim always sat in the back of the class with Steph, while she sat in three chairs that barely contained her massive 1,200 pound ass. Since the start of the semester, Steph had been eating a ton and weight training. The "Freshmen 15" had nothing on her as she gained 200 pounds in a matter of weeks.

At one point, Tim came up with a plan. He whispered over to Steph, "Hey can you watch my things, I have to use the restroom?" "Hmm okay little man, but hurry back." Tim left a backpack on his chair as he left, but he also had one on his back the whole time that actually had his belongings in it. He stepped out, thinking he was home free. Steph still sat in class, thinking about Tim walking out. She looked over at his bag, thought for a second, then realized that the bag he always carries was black while this one was blue! "Fuck! That little fucker tricked me!" Steph angrily thought. She collected her things quickly and squeezed herself through the door to the lecture hall to leave. She looked to her left down the hall, then to the right, she saw her prey. Tim was just barely pacing around the corner when Steph saw him. She grinned menacingly and briskly walked in the same direction.

"I gotta get back to the dorm. I'll tell Sam everything, I'm sure she'll forgive me, it wasn't my fault!" during his panicked thoughts, Tim stopped in his tracks. He felt the building shaking in short increments, he quickly put two and two together. "Oh shit... she found out." Just as Tim started to sprint, Steph rounded the corner in her own run. For as giant of a girl as she was, Steph was also just incredibly strong and graceful in her own way. Her weight did slow her down a bit overall, but she was still really fast. Her huge fat legs and hips had plenty of muscle within them, something she had demonstrated to Tim MANY times before. Her strength and the fact she could out pace Tim being at 7'2" meant that she could still run a little bit faster than Tim. Tim failed to realize this, as he questioned how she was gaining on him. "I ran track in high school, how this is girl catching up to me?!" Tim thought.

At this rate, Tim knew he wasn't going to beat Steph to the dorm. She was going to catch him by then. He figured the quick math out when he turned around to see his predator chasing him. Her breasts flopped heavily about and as large as her belly was, it didn't seem to impede her speed by much. That too was flopping around, her thick thighs completely overpowering the amount of weight her belly produced. Her belly itself was a good 200 pounds right there, if her legs could push through it like it was nothing, how could Tim possibly out run her? Tim figured he needed to try and hide. He went into the Fire escape to try to get to the first floor. Right before he went through the door, Steph grabbed the collar of his shirt and ripped a piece of it off. "Grrr, you little bitch!" Steph angrily yelled. Tim could get through the door no problem of course. Steph considered doors her natural enemy. She could wiggle her way through, but  it took a few seconds to actually fit her fat frame into the door. This gave Tim a bit more of a lead.

Tim did get to the first floor, Steph wasn't far behind so he knew he couldn't get to the dorms still. However, he could hide... He noticed the campuses gym center was down the hall and decided to run there. Tim entered the gym just as the front desk girl was closing up. "Umm, sorry guy, but we're closing, like now. You need to leave." Said the girl. "No please, I just-" he was cut off by more of the small earthquake created by Steph. Tim didn't even say anything else, he ran past the front desk while the girl was distracted. "Hey, like, you can't go back there!" The girls words fell on deaf ears, Tim was gonna be no where near this girl in case Steph found her, which, she eventually did. The girl stayed at the front desk counting out the register. "Oh wow... uhh I mean, sorry but we're closing up." The girl was amazed by Steph. People had talked about there being a giantess on campus, but seeing her in person was different. "Have you seen this pathetic little man run through here at all?" Steph panted. "Look, I don't know what's up, but you need to leave. It does look like you need the gym, but you'll have to come back tomorrow." The girl snorted to Steph. This was not about to bode well for the front desk girl. Saying nothing, Steph stomped over to her and picked up the stick thin girl with absolutely no effort to face height. "Did you see him?" Steph asked sternly. "Holy crap," the girl finally registered Stephs anger. "Yeah... I saw him... I'm not sure where he went... I think..." In that instant, Steph lowered the girl into her canyon like cleavage and gave her a nice bear hug. "Mmmm some good foreplay to start," Steph said to the girl. She wasn't sure what Steph meant but it didn't matter. She was losing air fast and Steph was swaying back and forth, feeling the tiny girl squirm within her fat tits. Steph was enjoying every second of this, but the tiny girl didn't last very long. Ultimately, she passed out and Steph simply dropped her on the floor, unconscious.

Steph now knew that Tim was somewhere within the gym. There was only the one entrance in the front and seeing as how the keys were on the front desk girls keychain, she knew he couldn't escape through the back door. To solidify her inevitable victory over her prey, she grabbed a bench that sat along the wall and barricaded the entrance with it. It was entirely made of metal and heavy even for Steph. No way was Tim gonna be able to move it If he found his way around her.

The time for Tim's punishment had come, Steph was angry about the whole situation at first, but she actually came to like this game of cat and mouse. For the past month, Tim had been an obedient sex toy for her, with the occasional resistance, although that did nothing but amplify her pleasure. Tonight's chase was actually pretty fun for her. Things were starting to get a bit boring. Steph walked around the gym casually, it was very late and she had all night. No one else was coming around and if that front desk girl woke up again, she would be in some serious trouble. Tim was panicking a bit. His plan was to call for help, but somewhere during the chase, he dropped a number of his belongings out of his bag, one of them included his cell phone. All he could do was hide and hope Steph would move on.

"Hey Timmy boy... where are you?" Steph chimed in a sing song tone. Tim was in a decent spot, he climbed up on top of a weight rack and was able to squeeze in a vent high up off the floor. Steph kept walking around, "If you come out now, I'll only smother you with my tits a bit. Just like I did to that rail thin front desk girl. I promise I'll make it last until I cum just once. Then I'll let you go." Tim knew better, there was never a time in which Steph was merciful and why would she start now? Steph kept puttering around. She approached a barbell with a ton of weight still on it. "I have some time to kill I guess. Maybe a set or two." Steph did some quick math in her head with the barbell, about 500 pounds on it. "Pfft is that all?" Steph thought to herself. Tim was watching Steph in front of the weights. "No way. No way could she lift that. That's what the football players do." Tim thought to himself. He watched Steph bend over to grab the weight, her humongous ass sticking out still surprised Tim, even to this day, despite being underneath it often. Her ass was probably her biggest feature, a huge amount of fat, but also muscle. Her one cheek alone was the size of a single twin bed. Steph used a good portion of her strength to pick the barbell up, much more quickly than Tim would have ever thought. She then went overhead with it, turned and tossed it about 15 feet in the open gym area.

"I'm starting to get angry little man!" Steph growled. Tim was in complete disbelief. This woman was superhuman, an amazon. Her body wasn't just for show, she knew exactly how to use it. Tim got really nervous after that display of physical strength, he slowly moved backwards into the vent more and when he did, the back part of the vent collapsed, making a shattering sound. He knew his time was up. Steph turned and smiled a wide from as she walked over to the vent. Tim wasn't about to get cornered and he figured, since he was made, it was time to run again. He pushed the vent open and jumped out. "There you are my man! I was starting to get worried!" Steph came at him as he tried to run away. Tim was able to dodge her and run to the entrance. He thought he was home free... when he noticed the large bench sitting in front of the door. Tim tried to push the bench out of the way, but it was no use. He saw Steph coming towards him, she wasn't even running anymore. Just casually walking to him with a lustful smile on her face.

Tim went to the unconscious girl at the front desk, "Hey! Wake up please!" She actually did begin to stir. "Huh... what...?" The girl started to wake up a bit. Right as she opened her eyes, Steph's shadow enveloped them both. She stared down at Tim, "Miss me?" She asked sarcastically. "Okay, Steph... just wait one second..." Steph cut him off, grabbing the scruff of his shirt with one hand. "No more waiting little man. I have to admit, I'm loving the new game though. You were starting to get boring and then you pull a stunt like this? You must really have a thing for me after all! You know exactly what I like. And just in case you forgot..." With that, Steph held Tim out in front of her belly, she pushed her big hips back and then jetted them forward, crashing her belly into Tim's whole body while letting him go. Tim went flying about 30 feet and crashed against the wall on the other side of the room.

"How was that, my lover?" Steph asked shyly. "Holy crap... you're going to kill him!" The desk girl was waking again and was trying to stop Steph. "Wow, I thought you'd be out for a lot longer there... Ashley." Steph said, bending down and looking at her name tag. "Get out of here, you fat bitch." Ashley coughed. "Fat bitch, huh? Never heard that one before." Steph sarcastically said again." Steph picked Ashley up by her leg with one hand and brought her over to the chair at the front desk and placed her in it. "so this is where you work huh? You'll be more comfortable in your chair then." Steph placed Ashley in her chair sitting down.

Ashley was still winded from the earlier squashing Steph gave her, but she was starting to stir back to reality again. Just as she was, however, she looked up to see her worst nightmare. Steph had turned around facing away from Ashley, bending over slightly with her hands on her hips, Ashley knowing full well what she was about to do. With not enough time to move, Steph quickly lowered her huge bulk down, but didn't apply all her weight. She stopped right before she fully applied much weight on Ashley. "Hey there Ashley, are you scared?" Steph moaned. She was looking forward to doing this to Tim, but finding a new victim made her incredibly turned on. "Y.. yes... I am," Ashley whimpered, "Why are you doing this?" "Why?" Steph asked. "Because you're tiny and I'm not. Because I'm a giant goddess and you're not. Because I'm gonna get such pleasure squashing your small form with my giant fat body. How much do you think I weigh, Ashley?" "What? How the hell- AAAAAHHH" She was cut off by Steph applying some weight down on her lap. The pressure was immense and Ashley tried her hardest to push Steph off of her, but to no avail. Ashley couldn't even reach her arms to either of the girls hips. Ashley herself was about 5'2" but she figured that Steph's body was even wider than that! Steph released the pressure. "Come on, take a guess." "I don't know! 400 pounds seems like a big number for a freak like you!" Steph sat down again, "Sorry but nope. This is about what 400 pounds feels like and that's not even half my weight."

Steph was loving this. She really didn't like hearing Ashleys screams so she leaned back against her smother her again. Stephs ass was not only just wide, but tall, even when she leaned back while sitting on her lap, it was still the top part of Steph's ass that was covering the rest of her body. Steph stood up again and this time, turned around to face Ashley again. "My legs... they hurt so much... I can't..." "You still haven't guessed my weight little girl. Aren't you curious to know how much weight is gonna crush you while you're nothing but a sex toy to me?" Steph laughed. "What the shit is wrong with you? If you didn't catch me by surprise I'd kicked your fat ass!" Steph's booming laugh projected throughout the gym. "Seriously? Well maybe we can try that another day. But for now, you're my sex slave, plain and simple."

Just as Steph was about to pick up Ashley for another creative squashing, she was interulpted by a loud grunt and a force hit her ass from behind. Tim had picked up a barbell with a weight on the end of it and using all his might, thrusted it into Steph's backside. Steph stood there for a second, completely unharmed. "Oooooh you tickled my G spot a bit with 8th at one hehe!" Tim was in disbelief. That bludgeon would have killed any other person, but Steph was nothing but a mountain of sheer fat and muscle. "Okay Tim, you want to play hero to all of the ladies except for me? FINE!!!" Steph started to get angry now. She was looking forward to squashing and getting the orgasms that always came with it, but Tim had complicated things tonight. Steph was going to make this worth her while, at least.

Steph grabbed Ashley by one of her tiny arms and brought her into the open area of the gym. Steph laid Ashley flat on the turf and said to Tim, "I think I need to stretch out." Steph also sat down in front of Ashley and then lifted one her gigantic legs up and gently lowered the weight of her thigh onto Ashley's body. Ashley was completely enveloped under the biggest part of Stephs thighs and despite the fact that it was only one of her legs, the fat on it sprawled out across most of Ashley's body. The fat of her one thigh covered Ashley from her knees all the way up to her chest with her arms pinned under it too. "Little Ashley here won't have much time before she passes out again, but if you can get her out from underneath just one of my legs before she does, I promise I'll let you both go free tonight." Steph made the bargain and Tim had an initial shock, but quickly overcame it when Ashley started to groan.

Continued in next part...