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Big Beth

Started by fuel1563, December 02, 2004, 03:15:41 PM

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Found this story on another board, thought it was worth putting up here.

My name is Bethany and I am a very Big girl, and I always have been.
I'm 28 years old, 6.8ft tall, 425lbs 48JJ-38-56 and shoulder length wavy
strawberry red hair. Any way I live sort of a secret life, for I have a
severe lust for crushing things under my extreme wieght. I mean all my
things are often destroyed by my wieght, for instance all of my furniture
has broken arms. I have never had a boyfriend and I've always been lonely,
but I have finally had enough it's time for this world to face me and my

I made my way through the park like I did every day on my way to work. It
was a beautiful day, as I walked along the same tarred path I did every
day. However this time a young couple was sitting along the side on the

"Wow look at that thing." said the man as he looked up at me, and then
over to his skinny flat chested little girlfriend.

"Ewww she is so fat and ugly." said the woman as she repositioned her self
to look at her boyfriend more then me.

I was walking by when she repositioned herself, and her right hand landed
on the tar three steps in front of me. I looked down and with the way I
was feeling, and with what the couple had said I couldn't help myself. I
stepped foward with my right foot in its four inch high heel and stepped
down on her hand.

"Excuse me" I said as I began to step down on the skanks little hand, I
could feel it getting flatter as I stpped down.

The little skank screached in pain as I stopped with one foot on her hand
and the other in the air. I loved the feeling as I felt her hand being
crushed under me, I could feel and hear the bones in her hand bending
and breacking.

"What's wrong honey?" the man asked his woman as he tried to comfort her.

But the woman didn't answer she still just screamed and tears were
rolling down her eyes. The pain I was causing her aroused me in a way,
I could only get from crushing things. The man still didn't understand
what was happening as I bounced on her hand feeling it snap and crackle
under my foot.

The woman let out another high pitched scream, and I just kept standing
there enjoying myself, as the little wench suffered under my wieght.
Finally her boyfriend realised what was going on and stood up.

"Miss your standing on her hand." whimpered the man as he noticed that he
only stood nipple to eye with me. I looked down between my mammoth breasts
and starred at him looking back up at me. I liked people who were average
size or smaller, they never dared to fight me, I was just to much bigger.

"Oh I'm so sorry." I smiled as I stepped off her hand and continued
walking to work, looking over my shoulder to see the skank clutching her
right hand and curling up in a ball.

I couldn't wait to get to work, becuase it was the one place I got to
sqaush little people, and no one thought any thing of it. Being a female
wrestler at the mud pit was the best thing that had ever happened to me.
I mean how great is it to be paid to do the very thing you love most of

I mean just yesterday I was wrestling this little 5.1 woman who didn't
even wiegh 100 pounds. I crushed her into the mud as she stayed under me
during the entire 30 minute match. I just wish they would allow more
then just 30 minute matches, I enjoyed crushing her but I wanted more
time to do so.

I finally reached the Mud Pit, which actually had five different arenas
in it, including a wrestling ring. I was shocked to see so many people,
what was going on here today that would bring such a crowd. I quickly
went to my dressing room and got prepared for my match against an unknown

I had my purple unitard on as I walked barefoot down the hall toward the,
back stage waiting room. It was here that I all ways waited for the match
maker to come and inform me about my match. As I enetered the room I saw
a good friend of mine and an opponent wrestler I had sqaushed many times.
Rebecca was a little tiny woman who loved being crushed, she stood only
5.1 feet tall at 37 years old and wieghed 92 pounds. Her stick figure
body was hard to describe as anything else, at 30AA-19-30 and crew cut
straw blonde hair.

"So you getting used to me, yet?" I asked her as I walked in the room and
sat down on one of the big fluffy recliners.

"Not really," said Rebecca as she looked at me kinda scared. "I just hope
I don't have a match with any one big today, I'm still in pain from the
sqaushing you gave me yesterday."

"Since I started here we've had five matches, and you're still not use to
me." I said as I looked her over noticing several bruises on her.

"Well you are a lot bigger then me and you get carried away easily."
explained Rebecca trying to defend her pried. "I do like having you on
me but sometimes you go to far."

"Yeah that's what I like about you, rather then just giving in like all
the other little wrestlers here. you actually fight back until the end
of the 30 minute match." I said smiling at her as I suddenly noticed the
Match Maker walk into the room. His name was shawn and he was 30 years
old, 6.1ft 215lbs had a big strong figure and golden blonde hair just a
couple inches long.

"Alright Bethany, your opponent is in the ring waiting for you." said
Shawn as he motioned for me to follow him. I waved bye to Rebecca and
followed Shawn to the ring as I did everyday. I walked down the ramp and
to the pudding arena, there stood my foe, standing knee deep in pudding.
She was probably a model from the look of it, she was 21 years old 5.9ft
110lbs 34DD-20-34 with perfect blonde hair.

"The following match is a 10 minute pudding match between the 110 pound
Shania and her opponent wieghing in at 425lbs BIG BETH!" annouced Shawn
as he rung the bell, starting the timer and match.

"Noooo." moaned Shania as she saw me and quivered, I walked over to her
and bumped her with my belly. Shania flew five feet through the air and
landed flat on her ass in the pudding. I took this oppertunity to do a
belly flop on her.

"Splat,!" I laughed mocking the busty little model as I came crashing
down on her, pudding flying every where. I laid there on her crushing
her smothering her down in to the pudding, and releshing the fact that she
was being destroyed under me.

I got up and stood over her as she looked up into my eyes, I smiled at her
and then ass dropped right down onto her big fake tits. I was hoping I
Would burst them but I didn't, I did how ever send Shania to a level of
pain I'm sure her tight little body had never expierenced.

"Please no more." begged Shania as I got up off her, I looked at the clock

and we still had five minutes to go. I was glad this wasn't a 30 minute
match cause I could never make my self let her last that long. I knew
from the past that we would only be paid if we both could last as long as
the time limit.

"Ok" I agreed as I grabbed her by the shoulders standing her up, time for
a different attack. I grabbed the back of Shanias head and pulled it deep
into my huge cleavage, I then arched my back and pulled Shania up off the
floor. Shania was dangling by her head, which had dissappeared between
my big meaty breasts, and her body lay limp on my big fat belly. I stood
there smothering here in my fat sweaty pudding covered cleavage, for the
next four minutes.

"Finish her, Big Beth!" the audience hollered with excitement, trying
to encourage me as the last minute arrived. I was so aroused now that
there was no way I was not going to finish this model off for good. I
tossed Shania down in to the pudding and climbed up the 8 foot wall that
each arena had sorrounding it, I looked down at the little model and was
so aroused I was on the edge of having an orgasm.

"8 foot body splash!" I yelled to the crowd as I jumped off the wall and
fell through the air landing with a huge thud and pudding flying up over
the wall and on to the crowd, who was now giving me a standing appluase.
I landed on the little model so hard, I felt her ribs crack, her
implants burst, and I knocked her out cold. I just laid there on her
squashing her even more as I had a breath taking orgasm, I Just loved
feeling things go splat under me escpesccially living things!

The match had ended, and I went back to my dressing room to cleanup, and
as all ways my opponent was hauled of on a stretcher to the hosspitol. I
had made 100 dollars for that match and wouldn't need to do anything until

With my hundred dollars I decided I wanted to go buy myself some new
shoes. There was only one place I ever shopped for shoes, and that was at
the Walk Way. As I made my way to the store, I had to pass through the
town park, and pass an old man who was homeless and always bothered me.

I walked down the pathway and saw him up ahead, lying on a park bench. He
had a bottle of wiskey wrapped in a brown paper back, in his hand dangling
off the bench. He must be drunk and that ment he would really harress me,
but today if he did I would be prepared for him.

I reached the bench the 65 year old man laid on and was soon past it as
he seamed to be asleep. I felt such dissapointment he had bothered me so
many times and I just wanted to smash him, so bad. As I walked on, I heard
a thud and the bottle breacking behind me. I turned around and saw that he
had rolled over and fell off the bench, he now laid directly in the path.

"Oh crud!" I said looking around to see if anyone else was watching, but
no one was any where to be seen. "I must have dropped it back there." In
case any one was around I wanted them to believe I was going over to look
for something.

Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


I walked back down the path toward the man, his legs were facing me so I
walked right between them and stopped. I looked around once more and the
area was clear, so I stepped up onto his gut. My 4 inch heel sunk into
his fat old gut and it amused me, this was the first time I had ever
trampled some one. Well at least out side the mud pit, but my excitement
was deminished as I realised he was drunk and had passed out.

"You sick old man!" I hissed down at him, knowing it went to death ears.
Then I stepped foward onto his stomach watching myself sink in even
further, if only he was awake, I could hear his agony. I stood there for
a momment and then stepped up onto his chest, I could feel his old man
ribs creaking and groaning under my wieght as they bent.

I looked down at his still unconscouis body, at least I knew he would be
in alot of pain when he woke up. I used my left foot to kick his face to
the side and then stepped up onto his head. I don't no if it was my
imagination or not but I could have sworn his head actually bent in under
my wieght. I stood there on his head for a good minute, as I felt it
get even flatter.

I finally stepped off and back on to his chest, I did this a little fast
and I heard a crack come from his rib cage. A big smile lite up my face,
as I thought about how much that would hurt him when he woke up. I stood
there wondering wether or not I should jump, but I decided against it as
I would rather he be awake to feel the pain.

I stepped down on to his stomach and the his gut, where I stopped staring
down at his crotch. Suddenly there was a rustling in the bushes to my
right and I was totally scared I froze right where I stood, was some one
watching me? I stood there staring at the bushes waiting for someone to
show them selves, I knew I was in big trouble!

"Is somebody there!" I hollered lightly as I watched the bushes for any
sighns of movement. Suddenly a pigeon flew up out of the bushes and into
the sky. "Damn pigeon, I oughta crush you for scaring me like that!"

My nerves were really tensed now and I just wanted to get out of here,
before I was caught. I stepped foward and felt something go squish, I
looked down and saw that I was standing on the old mans groin. I must
have stepped on one of his testicles and smushed it, from the feeling
under my shoe there couldn't be much left.

"Damn it!" I cried as I continued walking down the path to the Walk way.
"I wish he was awake to feel that, guess I'll have to make sure I come
by this way tommorrow."

I looked over my shoulder and the old man still just laid there in the
path. I felt so good so aroused, from trampling him and I wanted a person
to crush who was awake. All I wanted was a man tied down before me, so
I could crush him under me. Listening to his screams while I stomped him,
I guess any one foolish enough to be tied down in my way, would be in for
the trampling of a life time.

I walked into the store, I was here all the time and had a large shoe
selection. Suddenly some little girl in a cheerleader out fit and silicone
breasts smashed into me and kept on walking.

"Watch it you cow." hissed the cheerleader as she headed out of the store.

I ignored her and continued on my way until I reached my favorite
department in the back courner, where Amanda worked. Amanda was 21 years
old 5.7ft 144lbs 36D-26-36 and worked here as a shoe sales lady. Although
I must admit, she was really no good, but I liked her any way.

"Hey Bethany you here pretty late." Amanda said as she looked at me with
a comforting smile. "What can I do for you.?"

"It's so good to see you again." I said as I looked over at the
clogs selection. "I'd like a pair of those, and I'll be on my way"

"Ok here you go." said Amanda as she handed me the clogs. "Hey do you
want to try out our new walk way?"

"A new walk way?" I wondered as I sat down on the bench and put my clogs
on. "Where is it?"

"Right over here." said Amanda as she lead me around the courner. I was
so surprised to see a man I'd never seen before tied down to the ground
before me. It was like my prayers were going to come true.

"I'm gonna crush him." I growled as I could no longer contain my desiree
to detroy him under my wieght. I looked down at the man he was 21 years
old 5.5ft and 120 pounds. He really was kinda small as I looked at him
his face went flush with fear.

"No,!" yelled Amanda as she grabbed my arm, "Be gentle your way bigger
then he would ever let trample him. He's my boy friend and I don't want
you destroying him. Fact is I don't think anyone would let you trample
them, so I want you to see what it's like."

"Ok I'll be good." I smiled as my excitement dissapatated, if only Amanda
knew what things I had done today. I then put one foot on to his stomach
and started stepping down, his stomach was going splat under my foot and
I could practically feel his guts. I looked over at Amanda and she had an
expression of curiosity on her face as she watched me step on to her
little boy friend. I had finally stepped all the way up onto his stomach,
which seamed to sink down about 4 inches, until I really was standing on
his guts. Ofcourse I'm sure that was just my imagination, but still.

His head looked like it was going to explode, and I was only standing
on my stomach. I knew my wieght was just too much, his face was
turning red and he could obvoiusly not breath. I Then stepped up on to his
chest, and his ribs bent so much under my wieght I was amazed that they
didn't snap like twigs. It was clear to me that I was the largest woman to
ever trample him. This alone made me wet, it was my dream, I wanted so bad
to just crush him. Why'd Amanda have to use some one she cared about.

"Hey Amanda it's time to close," said some woman as she appeared from
between aisles looking over at me standing on Amandas boy friend. "I'm
sorry miss but you'll have to come back tommorrow." She started to head
back the way she came, as she stopped and turned around. "Oh yeah, Amanda
if your new walk way isn't operational tommorrow, you can kiss your job
good bye."

"Ok, I'll finish here and close the store." said Amanda as the woman
headed off toward the front doors.

"I sure wish it was that bitch I was standing on." I stated as I
looked over at Amanda. His face was turning purple and I could feel
his feeble attempt to breath, all I had to do was just stand here and he
would die. I then stepped over on to his stomach as I didn't want to upset
Amanda who was now completely pissed off.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


"You know if this was her." said Amanda as she walked over and stepped up
beside me on to his chest. I looked down at him and he looked like he was
already dead. "I'd jump up and down on the bitch and squash her real

I stood there on his stomach, with Amanda beside me on his chest. Amanda
gave me a wink and on a silent count to three we both jumped. We both came
crashing down onto him, so hard it blew the tape off his mouth as any and
all air in him was forced out.

"Yeah and I'd stomp her crotch." I said as I stomped down hard on his

"Yeah and I'd kick her in the face." smiled Amanda as she kicked him in
the face.

"Yeah and then I'd jump again." I laughed as I jumped up in to the air
crashing down on to his stomach. Amanda had stepped off him and was down
by his face, as I stood on his stomach.

"Get off him," cried Amanda " We got too carried away."

I stepped off him and looked down at him, with the tape removed he was
breathing, all be it just barely. I looked at Amanda as she tended to
his wounds, she really seemed to love him. Too bad I couldn't find such

"Well I gotta get going if you'd just ring me up, and let me out." I said
as I walked toward the register.

"Yeah." said Amanda as she rung me out and walked me to the front door.

I left as Amanda locked the doors behind me, I was now going to go home
for the night. As I started walking I could hear some one else around
me, I wasn't sure where or who, but some one was watching me."

The next mourning I went to work with no encounters, I was dissapointed
that no one got to feel my wieght in the park today. I would have loved to
meet that little wench whose hand I crushed the other day, her other hand
was still fine, and ripe for standing on. As I made my way to my dressing
room, all I could think about was Amanda's boy friend. I wanted to trample
him some more today, guess I'll be buying some more shoes. I finally
reached my dressing room put my purple unitard on and headed to the
waiting room, where I saw Rebecca talking to some girl I had never seen

The girl was pretty big herself although half my size, I wondered if she
might be a new wrestler. She was 24 years old 6.1ft 215lbs 38F-26-44 with
red hair. As I took a seat while the two talked in low voices, Shawn came
and got Rebecca for her wrestling match. The other woman turned to leave
when she saw me, and walked over to where I sat.

"Hello I'm Kelly and I would like to invite you to a party I'm having
at wonderland tonight." said the woman as she smiled at me. "I'm sure you
would love to see the entertainment."

"Did you invite Rebecca?" I asked her as she smiled looking at the clock
on the wall.

"Well sort of," replied Kelly as she turned toward the hall way. "She's
going to be some of the entertainment. Well I must be on my way, so I'll
see you there."

Kelly walked off toward the exit as Shawn came into the room and looked
a little displeased with something. I stood up and walked over to him,
wondering what kind of bad news he had for me.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


"Whats wrong" I asked him

"Well your opponent hasn't showed up and its seams she isn't going to."
Shawn said as he looked at me in a dissappointing matter.

"Well than looks like I'll be making my own match then." I growled as
I made my way to the ring. I was pissed I love crushing the little
bitches the put up against me. I walked down the ramp and saw the
wrestling match going on between Rebecca and some other little girl
Rebeccas size. It was a straight up wrestling match, I was really pissed
now and had decided to flatten both girls as I made my way in to the ring.

"Hey you aren't part of this match." complained the girl I didn't know as
I grabbed her from behind lifting her way up over my head. "Let me go
you big fat bitch."

"OK" I growled at the rotton little girl as I moved her in position, with
her head between my legs. I then procedded to piledrive her into the mat.
I got up looked for Rebecca it seamed she had high tailed it, as I
couldn't see her any where. Too bad for this little skank I thought as I
picked her up over my head and power bombed her into the mat.

"Big Beth, Big Beth!" the crowd was now chanting as I destroyed this
skinny little ho. I picked her up and leaned her against the turnbuckle,
and then splashed her flattening her into the courner. The girl fell flat
on her ass and that set her up perfectly for my next move. I turned around
backed up and squatted as I gave the skank a stink face. Her entire head
dissappeared up my huge wide fat ass, as I grinded my ass on her face.

"Do you give up?" I asked the skank as I walked to the middle of the ring,
and starred at the barely conscouis girl.

"Yes!" the little ho quickly replied. "Please don't hurt me any more."

"To bad this isn't a match." I laughed as I walked over to her lifting
her over my head and suplexing her. I then climbed the turnbuckle and
frog splashed the little ho, I knocked the air out of her and was
loving every minute. Normally I never got to do anything like this, as
Shawn didn't want my massive wieght on the girls, with the hard mat under

I got up and looked down at the flattened ho who was now out cold, I then
proceeded to my dressing room to change and hurry off to the walkway I
had a few different shoes I wanted to try on. Ofcourse I also wanted
to spend a little time with the druken old man.

I reached my dressing room and the place was a mess, some one had been
in here searching through my personal possessions. It had to be the same
person who had been watching me yesterday, who could it be and what did
they want?

I headed out side and into the park wondering who was stalking me and why?
I remember feeling as though someone was watching me as early as the other
day when I was trampling the drunken old man in the park. Good god could
he have had a friend in those bushes who saw me? was they gonna turn me in
or exact some other kind of revenge?

My thoughts wondered as I walked down the path toward the Walk Way and the
drunken old man, soon two colledge students came into view sitting on the
old mans bench. My heart sunk I felt so robbed and disappointed, the
drunken old man should have been there. Instead these two TSU students sat
on the bench, as I got closer I could see thier name tags. The first girl
was Donna she was 21 years old 6.2ft 210lbs 40DD-28-44 with thick black
hair. The second was Danielle she was 20 years old 5.7ft 132lbs 34C-20-34
with long silky black hair.

"Ohhhnnngg!" I heard a groan over by Donna only to realise she was sitting
on the old mans chest and Danielle was sitting on his stomach. My spirits
lifted and I watched as they just stared at me wondering what I was going
to do.

"Do you mind if I have a seat?" I asked pointing at the old mans face.

"Sure go ahead." said Donna as she moved a little to make room for my big
fat ass. "Besides he probaly wants you to."

"What do you mean?" I asked as I turned and sat down on the old mans face,
I could feel the whole bench buckling under my wieght and knew it would
not hold for long.

"Well earlier when I asked him if he would sit up so we could rest here.
He told us that sweet sexy girls like us shouldn't sit on the hard bench
and to just sit right on him." explained Danielle as she heard the bench
start creaking.

"Hey I'm headed to the Walk Way." I smiled as I looked at the bending bars
of the bench. "Wanna come?"

"Actually that's where we're going." stated Donna as the bench started
groaning under our combined wieght. "But it would be fun to go all

"Yeah we could teach that perverted loser a lesson he won't soon forget."
giggled Danielle as she bounced a couple times on the old mans stomach.

I sat there and thought about it, our combined wieght was nearly 800 lbs
and that might be too much for Amandas boyfriend. If we all went together
I knew we would get excited and that would probably serouisly hurt Amandas


The bench collapsed and we all came crashing down on the old man I felt
his skull crack under my ass as I slammed down on it with extra force
from the fall. I looked over at the other girls and they were giggling as
if the funniest possible thing had happened.

"I think I just broke all his ribs." giggled Donna as she tried to get up
and fell back down heavily on the old mans ribs.

I got up and looked down at the old mans face he was still alive but he
was in agony and most likely close to death. As I stood there Danielle got
up and walked over stepping up on to his face, giggling the whole time.

"Um I think I'll be going." I mentioned as I turned to go to the Walk Way.
As I turned I noticed A dog lying in the grass 20 feet down the path
watching us. As I walked toward the Walk Way I got closer to the dog, but
it jumped up and ran away. I had no idea why the dog was laying there
watching us but it spooked me a little.

I turned around to see that niether of the two colledge girls had took
notice to my leaving and were still having fun with the drunken old man.
I watched as Donna stepped up onto the old mans face with Danielle and
they both started bouncing on his face, suddenly the drunken old mans
head exploded under them and they stood there on the pavement laughing

I was disgusted, even I had limits and these two well they obvouisly did
not. I wasn't sure what to do, so I decided that I would forget about
the whole thing. I could not go to the Walk Way anymore knowing thats
where they would be going, so I had to go some where else.

"See ya in the store." giggled Donna as she walked past me on the right.

"Yeah we got a student waiting for us!" giggled Danielle as she passed me
on the left.

Both girls headed down the path to the Walk Way as I had decided to go
some where else. I remembered that other girl Kelly had said wonderland
was having a party tonight. I guess I would be arriving early, maybe I
could get the first shot at some of the entertainment!
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.