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Big Alice Takes On Two Biker Chicks

Started by levisman09, November 09, 2008, 06:46:24 PM

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This story takes place in a small town in Pennsylvania. We have a lot of biker girls in the area who are anywhere from 22-30. Occasionally, these women get in fights among themselves, but more often, a biker chick gets into a fight with one of the girls from the high school nearby. These kids frequent Taco Bell quite often as do the biker girls. I don't know what it is, but there's some bad blood between these two groups. And to this day, after witnessing at least six such fights, a biker chick has never won one of these fights--not one!.  At least two even practice Tae Bo or karate. Maybe they just couldn't kick that high in their tight jeans and boots.

A few of the girl jocks (softball, volleyball or basketball players) have been known to pick fights with the older girls. They're pretty cocky and at least two were over six feet tall. They look down on the biker women who are mostly just strippers at a local nudey joint in town.  These women are nothing to them and the teen jocks, some as young as 14, often enjoy picking on them and beating them senseless. 

The fight of record here is a biker chick's worst nightmare:  confronting a fat, vicious teen country girl who is as tall as an NFL lineman and nearly as strong.  It's bad enough when a couple of skinny 25 or 26 year-old biker chicks get in a scuffle with an average-sized high school girl.  But when the girl is both tall and as fat as a barnyard door, it's enough to make a biker chick piss her jeans.  And that's happened, believe it or not.

It was a busy Friday night and cars streaming through the drive-thru were backed up to the street.  There was a stillness to the niney-degree August air as two blondes pulled up for service in a black Trans Am, its muffler spewing toxins into a billowing grayish cloud outside the double bubble window.  Their names were Barb and Bev, two Harley-loving strippers who wanted to feed their anorexic, tight jeans-clad little bodies after a hard night of pole dancing, hip thrusting and bikini-string ass-shaking before hundreds of perverted, sex-crazed maniacs.  The car pulled up just as a big, fat girl named Alice, a seventeen year old high school girl--already worked up and highly agitated from a night of rude, demanding customers--approached the drive-thru window after taking their order.

"What's the hold up here," shouted Alice, her sonorous voice competing with the beeping fryers and boisterous customers milling about.  "I need one more Taco."

Alice looked through the window and spotted the two blonde biker women.  Both wore white, sleeveless Harley shirts.  And the driver had on sunglasses with a black, studded choker encircling her scrawny neck.  The exhaust smoke was making Alice sick to her stomach.  "Come on, already."

With the drive-thru timer already surpassing 200 seconds, the driver got a little agitated. 

"Where's our food?"

"It's coming," shouted Alice.  Both blondes seemed taken aback.  The driver then said,

"How 'bout picking it up a little, tubby."

Alice turned back and glared at the woman.  "Who you calling, Tubby, bitch!"

"You and that big caboose of yours, fatso.  And you can't argue because the customer's always right."  The driver looked at her friend.  They both laughed.

Now Alice had been thinking of quitting her job for some time.  After all, she had made quite a bit of extra money at school bullying other girls.  She didn't really need the job.  She charged girls twenty-five bucks a week to avoid a beating.

"Besides, I'm coming right back in there and tell your boss you called me a bitch," said the driver.  "I bet he'll fire your big, fat ass in a jiffy."

Alice gritted her teeth and clenched both fists.  At 6'4" and over four hundred pounds, she wasn't used to taking this much crap off of anyone. 

"Your order will be right up," she said, her big, moon-sized face frowning and suffising red with ire.  Then in a lower voice:  "A knuckle sandwich comin' up."  She smiled to herself.

"I bet it will," said the driver.  She revved her engine.  Alice coughed as the smoke thickened.

Alice walked back to her friend Cathy and told her to take over at the drive-thru a second.  She then squeezed through the doorway, walked outside and waddled up to the Trans Am which was still parked at the drive-thru.  The women were just getting their orders as the driver passed food over to the other chick.

Alice walked up to the Trans Am, lifted her immense leg up and slammed her foot down on the front of the car, putting a huge dent in it and busting out part of the front grill.

"You stupid, fat cow," the driver shouted.  Her squeeky little voice was a bit muffled but Alice heard every word.  She promptly marched to the passenger side, opened the door, grabbed the closest chick and pulled her out of the car.  The blonde landed on the ass of her indigo Levi's, boots heels over her head.  Her bag of food was now on the parking lot.

"Hey!" she shouted.

"I'll deal with your little ass in a minute."  She then squeezed her rhino-sized body through the passenger door, reached in with her long, thick arms, grabbed the driver by her long-haired mane and pulled her out the door.

"Nobody talks to me like that," she shouted, as she brought the blonde driver to her feet, reached back and delivered a crushing backhand across the blondes' cheek and mouth.  The blonde teetered against the window, legs now rubbery, armpits hanging over it.  Her tight little jeans ass was perfectly positioned for a stomping which the brutal teen quickly executed to perfection.

The force of the blow practically knocked the door off as the woman's arms slid off the top of the window and she fell to her stomach.  Her sunglasses were now on the pavement.  Alice sneered and squished them under her foot.

"I ain't even halfway done with you yet," shouted Alice.  She pulled the woman up by the hair and brought the blonde to her knees.  She was screaming.

"Please, I'm sorry.  I didn't mean . . ."

Alice jerked her to her feet.  She stood there goggle-eyed and bleeding badly from the mouth.  Her mouth was split open about an inch on the right side.  Another haymaker came out of nowhere and busted the biker chick's nose.  She fell to her side with blonde spattered all over her sleeveless white shirt.  Alice kicked her in the stomach but the woman was already out of it, her slender body contorted into a lump of twisted leather and denim.

Alice turned toward the other woman and promptly got popped in the gut with a side kick.  It didn't hurt that much because of the padding of fat.  The extra fat was a real plus in a fight, but it was practically superfluous against these skinny biker chicks who'd probably even get decked by the average eighth-grade middle school girl.  Arms up in a Tae Bo stance, the blonde threw a roundhouse kick which Alice caught in the shoulder.  The woman was trying to aim for her head but was a little limited in the tight jeans.

"You're going down, skinny biker slut!  I'm going to really whale on you now."

"You are a whale," the blonde said, as she thrust her foot out.  But Alice was ready this time and grabbed her leg.  "Lights out, bitch," she shouted, as grabbed a fist full of denim at the woman's knee, pulled her forward, picked her up like a rag doll and tossed her onto the roof of the car.  The woman skidded across the shiny black surface of the roof and slammed against the drive-thru window.  The woman barely had time to recover before she felt herself being pulled back by her armpits off the car and onto the parking lot.  Her boots clopped against the pavement as she landed in a standing position, facing the raging, rondure face of the big teen girl.  She cringed at the site of the big, balloon-faced girl who was glaring a hole right through her.

The woman staggered a bit as Alice held her at arms length.  The girl then hauled back--snarling and red-faced--and delivered a right cross to the biker chick's jaw that echoed throughout the parking lot.  The woman's body landed perpendicular to the other blonde, her outstretched hands splayed across her friend's dark, tight Levi's.

"That was just a warning, you little sluts.  But I catch you around here again, you won't be walking out of here.  YOU HEAR THAT!"  Alice reached down and grabbed the bag of food that had fallen out when she pulled the first hapless chick out of the car.  She opened a couple tacos, crushed them in her fat fists and sprinkled them on both women.

As loud as Alice shouted, the woman were too stone-cold out of it to respond.  They remained splayed on the pavement to the consternation of nearly two dozen folks who had witnessed the incredible scene.  Inside of two minutes, Alice had pounded the two stripping biker chicks into oblivion.  Big, fat teenage Alice, an excellent softball player who could hit a softball a country mile, had pummeled these two hot blondes in tight Levi's and various pieces of leather rather effortlessly.  It was definitely a mismatch to begin with, being that the women weighed about 230 pounds combined--fully clothed, and Alice tipped the scales at over 425 pounds, which was probably vastly on the modest side. 

Skinny biker chicks and strippers don't have a prayer against a girl like Alice.  Fat girls drool over such fights because these types of woman are easy prey.  I kid you not.  Fat girls love beating the snot out of biker chicks because these fights often go unreported.  It's too embarrassing for the women.

But I've seen fights where  just average girls between 16 and 18 who weigh about the same as these biker chicks, have clobbered their ilk and kind. Equal size gals going at it at various locales. You'd think the fights would be close, and perhaps one of the biker women might actually win one of the fights. But only two of the fights were close. One blonde couldn't even get a slap or punch in on a stern-faced brunette. And a brunette biker chick actally gave up--pleadingly so--as some young girl practically slapped her face off.

Sad but true, and being a biker myself, I thought these women were supposed to be tough, prancing around in their tight jeans, leather and Harley bandana's. They're great in the sack.  But they continue to get their asses handed to them in this part of the world by the high school girls.