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A year had passed since that fateful night Beth first dropped her 470lb pound on the napping John, casting her ownership and changing forever the way their lives were taking course.  After a few months both of their desires grew and changed them, Beth taking on the role as Goddess, no longer worrying about where she would find her next "victim" to use for a conduit of her desires. And Johnny, well he grew accustomed to giving his life over to this huge woman, pleasing her every whim and fantasy. Most of which lead to his body being crushing without mercy for hours-sometimes whole days at a time.  Throughout the year, Johnny found himself in the ER many times with broken ribs, once a fractured spleen, and numerous other injuries which his body obtained while trying to cope with Beth's massive drive to crush. Yet he always came back for more, time and time again. He found himself hooked to Beth's body, her many rolls of fat, beautiful dark skin, and endless sexual drive.

Their bodies also went through some changers over the year they spent together. Beth's eating took on new force, having every meal either prepared and fed to her by John, or merely ordering huge portions from many of the local take-out restaurants and stuffing her goring body while Johnny gasped and pleaded for air underneath. Beth's body grew wider and heavier, leaving behind her previous weight of 470lbs and shooting past 530 pounds of beautiful female flesh.  Johnny on the other hand, was eating less and less, often being given nothing more then water and the scrapes of which Beth had left after feasting, soon his body weight sky-rocketed down from 150lbs to a meekly 103lbs on his 5'6 frame.  His entire body seems drafted n size in comparison with one of Beth's legs alone...

"MMmmmm...another lovely meal, don't you think, slave?" Beth was wearing what was now her usual house wear, an enormous pair of black panties which were growing increasingly too small for her, and a matching bra which barely contained her massive hanging breasts.

Johnny-also wearing his typical in house attire, a small pair of briefs which did nothing to hide the frainity of his body-couldn't bring himself to answer. He was laid out over a chair in the kitchen, his shoulders and head hanging over one side, his legs the other, so that only his tiny chest and stomach was centered on the chair, totally buried in the avalanche of fat that beth was. His breathing began getting very spotty just as she was finishing her third dessert, and Beth knew that she'd have to get up soon, as in this position, there was no in-between from the crushing force of her ass and weight, and Johnny's tiny little ribs and lungs. The thought depressed her, but in her own way she had grown to love Johny as the perfect, strong bodied slave he was, and didn't want to crush him to death.

Beth hoisted her body up, even with the added weight she had kept her mobility and movement sharp as ever, turned around, and bend, giving Johnny a small peck on the lips. "Now clean up the table, ad come to bed."

Johnny watched, his head still hanging upside-dwon as Beth walked away, her mountainous backside swaying back and forth, like two huge waves of fat colliding with one another, then he gathered his breath, sat up, and did as his Goddess commanded.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

Johnny finished clearing the table, and cleaning the many dishes which just momnets ago were piled high with the delicious food that Beth devoured in mere minutes. As he went through the process of cleaning them, Johnny found himself licking the plants clean for crumbs, beth once again being so self-involved in her own feasting that she hadn't given Johnny any dinner for himself. The thought did get to him, and make him feel even more so a slave to beth's desires, the fact that here he was, skinnier then he had ever been in his life, begging for crumbs while just in the next room was a woman who was over a quarter ton of fat, stuffing her face day in and day out with delight.

"Hurry up, little boy!" Beth yelled from the bedroom. Johnny left the few remaining dishes in the sink, and began to make his way to the bedroom. He was breathing deeply, trying to work his lungs back to shape after the monumental crushing they had just been dealt during Beth's "dinner squash". He continued, his frail body in nothing but 'tightie whites" (underwear which he never cared for, but wore only for Beth's amusement). He didn't know what Beth had in store for him, just found himself hoping it didn't leave him in a hospital for another two weeks, as he just got his rib's un-bandaged from the last barrage of Beth's weight.

When Johnny walked into the room, and saw that besides the small lamps to either side of the bed, the room was totally dark. He stopped and tried to let his eyes adjust, but before they could, Beth grabbed him from the shoulders and shoved him into the wall, following close behind with her amazing belly and brests, pressing into him, smothering his face in breasts, and crushing his body into the wall with fat. Being as thin as he was, Beth's fat truly engulfed him, touching the wall of her bedroom on either side of his body. The pressure and warmth which Johnny felt was once again new and incredible.

Patting the top of little Johnny's head, pushing her huge body against him with greater force each second, Beth asked, "So...just how do those ribs feel now, slave..."
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

Johnny of course couldn't answer his goddess back, his mouth and face totally enveloped in her massive breasts, along with the crushing power her belly had as it pressed forth into his thin body. As always when he found himself on the receiving end of such a total onslaught of squashing, Johnny's mind raced. Beth on the other hand was very focused. Johnny's bones and muscles popped and twitched while trying to withstand the crushing forth of her own, and Beth felt each one of those sounds and motions through her huge belly and rolls of beautiful fat. Her smile was broad and her eyes were lit up with heaven. She could feel his arms moving and trying to push her back, out of a simple urge of survival. Of course they were no match for beth's force, and she knew that. The fact that she was more then five times his weight sent shivers up her spine as she crushed his.

After a few minutes, Beth backed away off Johnny, which send him dropping to his knees in front of her. She brought her thick hands to his face, holding it up carefully and with a loving touch. Johnny's eyes were half-open, still trying to regain himself. Beth looked down at him, and slowly rubbed his cheeks, saying: "Such a pretty boy slave you are, aren't you? You just can't get enough of this sexy belly, can you?" Beth brought his face to her handing belly, which Johnny began kissing out of reflex. Beth moved his face and head around in small circles, pressing his face deeper and deeper into her fat as she did, then finally couldn't stand it anymore and stepped forward, and leaned in with all her might, crushing Johnny's face and head between her belly and the wall. Completely smothered would be the best way to describe Johnny at this point, and once again, Beth's huge black belly engulfed everything in it's path, swallowing Johnny's head as if it was a peanut, and touching on either side of his ears. Beth began to speak now, though Johnny couldn't hear her words through the fat.

"I'm going to crush you into paste tonight, little man. You'll still be alive by morning, that I will do for you, but your body is nothing but mine tonight. And you'll be fighting to survive every second."

Beth backed away once again, and this time Johnny fell right to the rug in his passed out state. Beth picked him up by the arms and tossed him on the bed, climbing on right after him. The mattress had very little give to it at this point in it's existence, and showed it when Beth's feet sank in deeply into it. Her hands up high, her fingers sliding along the ceiling of the room for balance, Beth positioned herself so that she was standing and strattling young Johnny right over his chest. Then she bend her powerful legs and leaped in the air, coming down with all of her 530lbs of fat with her knees directly on Johnny's thin and flat stomach. In an instant Johnny snapped back to reality and felt his body well with pain. Beth's belly slammed down on his chest and neck, sufficating him, and his eyes nearly shot out of his head. Johnny was pressed deeply into the mattress, so that from sone one standing int he doorway of the bedroom, you would be shocked to learn there was a person actually under Beth as she sat on her knees.

"Well," Beth said, reaching down and stroking Johnny's red, sweating face,"that was one. I think tonight we're going to go for twenty, how's that?"

Johnny shook his head as best he could while Beth's hanging belly held him down by his chin. "Noooo...please,'ve gotten too fat...I can't....nooooo," Beth cut Johnny off by hopping forward a few inches on his body, the pain shooting through Johnny once again, though this time her belly was covering his face up to his eyes, which were slammed shut as he tried to take the squashing pain.

"That's right, I have gotten fatter. and you've gotten smaller. Which is just why this is so much FUN!" Beth said with a laugh.

Beth braced herself with her arms, pushing on his chest to get herself back to her feet. This time she stepped right onto Johnny's chest, trampling him in his place, so he couldn't move.  Then she bend at her knees once again, every inch of her fat shaking with delight and lust, and Beth said: "Ok, one down, 19 to go..."
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

Two hours later, Johnny found himself coming to from his last "pass out" session, laying on the floor of the cold kitchen floor. His bones felt brittle, and he found it near impossible to sit up. He felt a little dribble of liquid on his face, and brought his hand up to find out his nose was bleeding.  He was trying to put what had happened in the last moments before he passed out together in his head, when his brain stopped cold and dealt with the sight of Beth who had just stepped into the room. Johnny laid down still, staring up at Beth from his position. Her impossibly big hanging belly, never-ending wide thighs, full breasts, and of course beautiful, smiling face.

"Too bad you passed out, Johnny-boy. But I see you got a little nose bleed. I think that was from when I leaped off the bed and landed ass first on your face. Guess those good looks just can't hold up against this booty of mine." Beth was now breaking out into a full on giggle. Then she felt the slight hunger pains take hold, and rubbed her belly. Johnny continued to lay out on the floor, transfixed as Beth seemed lost with her own body. Watching her rub her belly, her massive fat rolls moving with such sensual motion.

Beth broke her belly-rub up, and walked right up onto Johnny, his groans taking up the sound in the room. Beth stood there and reached towards the fridge was just a few feet to the side of where Johnny was laying. She stood on his chest, her wide feet digging into his much too crushed body as she browsed for something to eat. She lightly bounced in place, causing Johnny's feet and head to bob up and down off the floor. Beth took notice of this and started laughing.

"Ha, you're just too cute, little guy. I love seeing your tiny body trying to deal with my weight. Oh and look at that, your nose is bleeding again. Ummm...I wonder..." Beth broke off in thought, leaving Johnny laying trampled expecting what was to come next. Holding on to the fridge door, Beth bent at the hips and hopped in the air, coming right back down with her 530lbs on Greg's body. The unmistakable sound of a loud "CRACK" filled the room, and Beth knew that once again, she had broken one or more of Johnny's ribs with her size. Looking down at his face again, she also saw her previous thought was confirmed, hopping on his small chest had caused more blood to rush out of his nose.

Johnny at this point felt considerable pain, and was gasping desperately to get air into his lungs again. His eyes were open though, and he was just staring ahead at Beth's body shake with the after effects of her hop.

"Look at that, I knew I could flatten a little more 'juice' outta you. Though it sounds like you might have some rib trouble again. How many do you think I broke? One," Beth stepped up with all her weight on one of her feet, the other hanging in the air while she paused for a moment..."or two?" Now bringing her other foot back down on the lower part of Johnny's chest.  Johnny was kicking his legs, his head tossing back and forth in pain. Though despite it all, he still found himself with a raging erection. Beth noticed this too, as his tiny body in the 'tightie whiteys" which she forced him to wear, left very little to the imagination. Once again she lifted her right foot in the air, and brought it down on his crotch, slightly applying more and more pressure on Johnny's hard penis as she spoke...

"And just how many more ribs do you think I'll break before tonight is over...?"
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

Hey fuel thanks for the support of my stories , I've read every story on this page and some say that their true and you seem to dominate the page w/ your stories just wondering how many have you had happen to you . As for me not at all but would love to have my story actually happen to me yah know . Well thank anyway and keep up the good work .

Reguards PFJ

When Johnny awoke, he heard the familiar beeps and sounds of a hospital room. Looking around confirmed his thoughts, he was in bed at yet another hospital. He tried to sit up but was greeted with a terrible shooting pain at his sides. Giving up he just laid his head back down on the pillow and drifted off back to sleep.

When he awoke, he saw that he had a visitor. And it was none other then Beth herself, stretching out the armrests of one of the visitor chairs with her massively wide thighs, belly hanging over them in a hardly adequate blue blouse. She was just sitting back, reaching into a bag Johnny reconzied all too well from Krispy Kream, pulling out on delicious treat after another and stuffing her sexy full lips. Beth finally noticed that Johnny had come back around.

"hey there, little guy. How you feeling?" she said.

"My sides...what happened?"

"You don't remember...? Aww, thats too bad. Last night I propped you up on two chairs, your midsection hanging just in the air, and took a nice standing position over you. Then," pausing to take a considerable bite out of another cream filled treat, "i through this big beautiful legs out and brought my near 550lb body butt first right on those exposed ribs and chest of yours. And you being the puny little thing you are, you didn't hold up and we went just crashing to the floor!" Giggling now from the huge woman, he belly rippling as she did. "I heard and felt quite a good few loud pops and cracks from you, and you just blacked out. So I carried you tot he car and drove you to the ER, claiming you had falling down the stairs in our apartment building. Little do they know, right?" A flash of a grin now. "And here we are. They saw you fractured two ribs, and broke six others. Guess your skinny ass can't handle a Goddess like myself anymore."

Johnny felt the urge, and against all common sense-he was in a damn hospital after all due to this super sized black woman-he answered back: "Sure I can. I just must have been caught off guard."

A sparkle gleamed in Beth's eye. She had this boy hooked on her power and sexiness, there was no doubt. She hefted herself up out of the chair, which was not as easy as it should have been, due to her fat overflowing the armrests, and waddled over to his bedside. She loomed over the crushed, injured boy, stroking his hair as she looked at him sweet as sugar.

Lowering voice to just a whisper, not wanting any pesky nurses coming by the room and hearing her words, and said, "I'm very glad to hear that. Cause Once you get out of here, which the doctors tell me should be in a couple of days, I have so much planned for you. And of course, as you can see," gestering over to the bag of Krispy Kreams on the chair, "I have been eating right to keep up my figure. And i plan to get as fat as i can for when I get you back to the house. And if you think these tiny ribs of yours have had it rough so far," running her hand down to his thin tummy and patting it lovingly, "they haven't seen anything yet. Now I have to be going, I have a beauty appointment in an hour and I don't want to be late. So I think it's time for you to just go back to sleep, tiny man."

Johnny was nodding along with her words, till she grabbed his legs and pulled him down the bed, even that slight movement jarring his sides and causing him undo pain. Then she turned around, and gave Johnny a few last seconds of vision at her mighty and insanely large butt which was hardly clad in a pair of blue hip huggers which must have had stitching from the gods to hold back the flow of fat. Then Beth sat down on Johnny's face, engulfing him in his hospital bed with her fat. After a few seconds his legs began to kick and his arms were flaying-causing intense pain to his ribs, but he couldn't help it. he wa shocked and defenseless. Bethh was going to smothering him with her fat till he passed out, right in his own hospital bed. Soon the kicking stopped, as did the arms. Beth gave the cute and frail boy's face a little bounce just for good measure, and then stood back up and turned around to enjoy her damage. Johnny had a red line running up his face, a seam of her tight jeans, no doubt. Then putting her arms under his armpits, she lifted him back to his normal postion, collected her bag of Krispy Kream, and walked out of the door of his room, stuffing a full donut into her mouth as she did.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

A couple of days later, Johnny got a pat on the back from his doctor, a few jokes from the nurses, "Just be careful on those stairs now," and was sent on his way from the hospital. He exited the front revolving doors to see Beth sitting in her car, engine idling as she waited for him. Once she saw her little cushion come through the doors, her eyes widened, and she found herself smiling broadly. Johnny himself was smiling as he slowly made his way to the car, putting one hand to his injured ribs as he did, hoping it would be a sign to Beth to be merciful on him. After he got in, Beth leaned her weight-Johnny feeling the car shift with her-and kissed him on the cheek.

"How you feeling, cushion?" Beth asked, starting the car up and pulling away from the entrence of the hospital.

"I'm...ok. My ribs still hurt, but the doctors gave me a few pills for the pain." Johnny replied.

"Good, thats good." Beth just drove on, noticing Johnny trying to sneak glances at her overflowing in the driver's seat. She wanted to look sexy for her cushion, and also wanted to show off as much of her massive curves as she could so she dressed in a dark purple miniskirt which rode up high on her thunderous thighs-looking as they could crush my head in a second, Johnny thought to himself-and a thin tight black blouse which was cut high on the arms to show off Beth's "wings". Johnny also did the calculation and realized Beth's single arm was probably wider than his waist or chest. And of course peaking out through the bottom of Beth's blouse was her huge dark belly, just itching to be worshiped. Johnny took the initiative and reached over and began to gently caress his Goddess's belly.

"Mmm, that feels good, tiny man. I'm glad you didn't forget your place after being away so long. I have a little surprise for you when we get home. But first, I'm hungry. I think a nice good stop at Burger King is in order. I want to make sure I have my belly nice and full and heavy for your surprise." Beth said, patting Johny's head as he leaned down-trying to forget the pain in his ribs-and began kissing Beth's belly.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

#7 March 21, 2008, 01:40:54 PM Last Edit: April 01, 2008, 03:58:56 PM by fuel1563
After hitting the drive thru at Burger King, Beth spending over fifty dollars and filling the front seat with bags of burgers, fries, and various dessert goodies, the two continued home. Beth instructed Johnny to feed her while she was busy driving, which he did, bringing burgers and fries to her lips as he focused his other hand to continue rubbing her belly which was now overflowing her mini-skirt and almost lapping against the steering wheel. By the time Beth was parking the car in front of her apartment building, she was feeling incredibly turned on as well as Queen-like. Johnny of course was intensely excited as well, just by feeling the passion of feeding this huge Queen, nothing more then a servant and cushion to her as he was. Beth had also eaten her way through more then half of the haul she bought at Burger King, and after pulling herself up and out of the car, instructed Johnny to carry the rest of the bags to the apartment for her.

"That was a nice little snack, cushion. I'm almost feeling a little full. I'm just so excited to should you your surprise when we get upstairs..."

Once the two of them made their way into the apartment, Johnny walked over and set down the bags of food on the kitchen table. Beth walked behind him, and was standing at the doorway to the living room, almost completely encompassing the space with her girth, and seemed to be just waiting for something. Johnny was looking at her, and then heard a faint muffled sound coming from deeper in the apartment.

"What's that?" Johnny asked.

Beth was smiling with that mischievous way she had and answered, "That's your surprise." Then she backed out of the doorway and walked towards the bedroom, Johnny following close behind.

Once in the living room, Johnny saw a very petite blond girl, around the same age as him-middle twenties-laying out on the weight bench Beth had used so many times before to crush the life out of him, tied around the arms and legs to the bench and what looked like a pair of Beth's huge panties stuffed in her mouth.  Johnny was shocked, and found himself speechless.

"See little man, I knew your ribs would be a little too worse for wear for me to get all my 'fun' out on you tonight, so I thought, why not find another replacement crush-toy for the night. I picked her up at the mall earlier today. I caught her joking with her friend at how fat I was, and followed her to her car after she parted ways with her friend, and well, a little of this and a little crushing of that, and here she is. Your surprise is this. I want you to watch me squashing this annoying skinny bitch into oblivion tonight. Hell I want you to even tell me how you'd like to see her flattened under my titanic butt." Beth had been circling the skinny girl who was bound to the bench as she spoke, the look of fear in the tiny girl's eyes matched only by the dumbfounded one found in Johnny's.

Beth made eye contact with Johnny, and then lifted one of her incredible legs up and over the bench, so she was now straddling it and the girl underneath. The skinny girl was now trying her best to toss from side to side to free herself from her helpless position, but it was fruitless. She was eye to eye with the larges ass she had ever seen in her life, and it was just a mere three feet over her pretty face.

"So take a seat, little guy and enjoy the show," Beth said, dropping her 530lbs of Goddessness directly on the beautiful face of the bitchy skinny girl, Beth's ass totally engulfing the girl's head with her fat, smothering her new cushion in darkness and fat.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

Thanks fuel - another great little plot twist!  Somehow I get the feeling Beth isnt quite thru with Johny just yet though - lmao
;D :P ;D

Johnny had taken a position leaning against the wall of the bedroom, watching wide-eyed as Beth sat on the skinny girl's face. You could make out the petite girl's struggles from the shaking of her torso and legs, though their movements were quite restricted by the thick silk bindings Beth had used to tie her to the chair. Beth was in heaven, which was also quite easy to tell, from looking at her face which was one of painted sexual satisfaction. Johnny never had seen a squashing from the third person view, and was mesmerized at the effect. Could he really be on the receiving end of that? Beth looked fatter and larger than ever by contrast to the helpless skinny girl she was smothering. Johnny knew all too well what the weight of Beth felt like, and was sure that this tiny girl wouldn't be able to take much more if Beth had decided to really go off on her.

Beth had just lifted her ass up off the girls face, which was now terribly red and gasping for air; Beth dropping back down on her encasing the girl in fat once again. "So what do you think, little guy? How do you like playing spectator in the crushing game for once?" Beth asked with a grin.

"It's...I can't believe it. Maybe you better let her up....she's getting smashed under you." Johnny said with a tremble in his voice.

Beth laughed at his meek response and leaned back on the girls face, which was now deeply buried in Beth's huge cheeks, and used the leverage to lift one of her awesome thighs up and onto the skinny girl's body. Then the other. Beth was now sitting fully on the poor girl, who was now being flattened with every pound of Beth's 450lbs. Besides the tiny feet coming out from between Beth's ankles, you couldn't see the young thin girl under her at all anymore. Totally engulfed in the powerful flesh of Beth as she was. Beth continued to lean back, using her arms behind her to support the position. Johnny began to move forward towards Beth, entranced by the rolls of fat that were still jiggling from the last movement Beth made.

"I know you don't really want me to let this annoying skinny brat free just yet. Cause if I did that...well I'd have to find someone else to destroy with my body. That means you. Now go get over here and massage my belly as I smother this bitch out."

And Johnny of course did as his Queen ordered.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

An hour later, Beth had finally gotten up off the "squash bench" where the skinny blond still laided. Johnny looked over and saw a sight he knew personally all to well. The skinny girl had passed out from the trauma of being flattened by such an immense woman.  Beth was standing at her closet, where she began to pull off her tight blouse, Johnny turning his attention to her beautifully fat body in motion as she did. Each curve and ripple jiggling and swaying as she then pulled down her mini-skirt. Beth struggled a bit trying to get the thight skirt down past her huge butt, and turned to look over her shoulder at Johnny.

"Don't just stand there drooling, tiny, get over here and help me out!" Beth said. Johnny rushed over and slipped his fingers in-between the mini-skirt and Beth's amazingly ample thighs. He began tugging down, Beth standing there trying to be patient as Johny's weak arms were failing to get the skirt down.

"No, get on your knees and pull down, that will give you the leverage." Beth suggested.

Johnny dropped to his knees, putting his face directly in front of Beth's butt which looked like it would just swallow him whole at any second. A few tugs later and down came the skirt, the force of the last tug sending Johnny's face dead center into Beth's massive cheeks.

"Mmm, good boy. While you're down there, show me how much you missed that huge ass, little man." An suggestion that Johnny immediately followed. Johnny began kissing Beth's dark skinned bottom, trying to make his way from either side of her wide butt.  When he crossed over her dark crack between the cheeks a second time, Beth reached behind herself and grabbed a hold of Johnny's hair.

"Right there, lick." A command. Johnny drew his tongue up and down Beth's cheeks, letting Beth set the motion of his placement while she held him by the hair. Johnny began to feel the pressure coming from Beth's grip, she was moaning in pleasure as she forced his tiny cute face deeper into her huge ass. Soon Johnny was breathless, buried into the fat of Beth's butt up past his ears, his tongue still going as Beth kept forcing him deeper and deeper.

A ground shattering orgasm later, one that nearly crushed Johnny's poor head as Beth clenched her ass turning it into a vice which put a tremendous squeeze on Johnny's head; and Beth pulled a very red faced and breathless Johnny from his smothering. Beth truned around and retook a hold on Johnny's head, this time with a hand under his chin, pulling him up to his feet.

"That was just delightful, cushion. Though now you know what I need, don't you? You know better than anyone how much I need to do a good flattening out of someone after I orgasm. So hurry up and catch your breath, and then untie that skinny little thing from the bench and lay her out on the floor in the living room. I am going to go feat a little more on the rest of the Burger King."

Beth walked away, Johnny watching her sexy mountain of a body making it's way inside and then got to work untying the still blacked out girl. As he did, he took more account of just how small the girl was. If it wasn't for how she was dressed, or the age on her face, Johnny would have been shocked to learn she was any older then 12 years old. She was only about 5 feet tall and hardly 90lbs. Which still was a struggle to move down off the chair and attempt to life so he could carry her into the living room. Johnny himself was only a few inches taller and a few pounds heavier then the skinny girl. Just as he decided he would have to drag her in by the ankles, it hit Johnny. Both him and this new "victim" weren't even amount to a half of how big Beth was. He shook the thought off the best he could, but as he got to work making his way into the other room he could only hear Beth's words echoing in his head, "lay her out on the floor...need to flatten someone out..."

Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

#11 March 24, 2008, 07:25:38 PM Last Edit: April 01, 2008, 03:59:46 PM by fuel1563
Once back in the living room, Johnny let go of the ankles of the passed out skinny girl and walked a few more paces to see Beth sitting at the kitchen table indulging in her second favorite activity. Eating and stuffing her glorious belly away. The first being crushing out tiny people under her massive body, something Johnny knew all too well.

"Oh, good boy. And just in time," beth pushed away from the table, one hand patting her quite stuffed belly as she did. Taking a look at the skinny girl laid out prone on her floor, Beth told Johnny, "Why don't you lay out right next to her."

Johnny's eye's grew wide, first with fear and then with the knowledge of what was to come. "Ok, Goddess."

Beth moved closer to the helpless girl laid out, as Johnny too his place next to her.

"Very good. Mmm...two tiny slaves just waiting to be flattened. I don't know where I should start," Beth said. "How!" Beth said, dropping one of her wide feet dead center on Johnny's chest. The pain in his ribs matched only by the volume of his breathe being rushed out of his lungs. Beth continued to lean more and more of her weight into him, her foot sinking into his flesh. Johnny was in intense pain, but knew he had to serve his Queen. Then after a moment, Beth lunched forward, her other foot coming down on the upper chest of the bratty girl from the mall. The incredible pressure snapper the skinny girl out of her blacken haze, her eyes opening to see the huge body of Beth standing over her. She wanted to cry for help, but was too helpless and found her breath being caught deep in her throat as she tried to breath and survive under Beth's 530lbs of flesh.

"Oh yes, that's much better," Beth said, standing on her two slaves. Amazingly she could feel the struggling and fear that rose from them through her legs and course though her body. Beth then took turns lifting her feet off one of her squash-toys and leaning her weight onto another; loving the symphonic sounds of their gasps as she did. She looked down past the huge curve of her belly to see two very red face and pleasing little slaves, her thick and beautiful feet flattening their lower stomachs out to an almost paper like statue.

Beth enjoyed this for a time, then stepped of to either side of her slaves, leaving them finally able to breath totally, and staring straight up helplessly at her huge thighs and protruding belly and ass. Picking a random number between one and ten, beth then settled and dropped her huge body down upon them, tossing her legs out and coming crashing down in an earth-shattering force directly on their chests. Past her girth she saw four legs jump in the air from reflex and then settle down to the floor, squirming and pain filled...
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

Swaying back and forth on her two helpless crush-toys, beth was having quite the night. And she hit another height of pride in her size and power. Her beautifully fat body had now grown to large she could easily squash two with the same effort as one. "Movin' on up..." she began to sing to herself, giggling between the lines as she bopped up and down, totally ironing out the two little people under her.

Beth soon decided to give the two throughly crushed people a little break, rolling off to the side and off the two, at one point this put almost all of Beth's colossal weight on the face and neck of the skinny girl with the attitude from the mall. There was a small crushing sound, and after she rolled completely off she could see the girl was bleeding a bit from one of her nostrils.

Making her way to her feet, looking down at Johnny-who was clutching his ribs in agony and trying to refill his lungs with breath-and the girl-who was now trying to keep the strength in her arm to hold her hand to her broken nose.

"Tisk tisk, looks like I messed up your pretty little face with my fat ass. That's what you were calling me, right? A fat ass? Well you were spot on I'll tell you that much, cause this fat ass is bigger and heavier than anything you've ever felt, and I promise you by the end of this night, you'll know it all too well." Beth said.

Beth leaned down and took the girl by her arm, and began pulling her as if nothing but a ragdoll a few feet away from where Johnny was laying flat, now watching intently every motion of Beth's. The girl couldn't amass any fight at all, having been so throughly pushed past her physical limits in such a short time. And Johnny of course knew better than to move from his spot.

Beth than began to walk a looping 8 around the two. Occasionally patting her huge belly with a look of playful evil.

"You know what I haven't played in forever?" Beth asked the two bony young people on the floor, "...hopscotch!" Completing her turn so that she was now standing over Johnny's body, she gently nudged her foot over his face, bringing her toes just across his face. Johnny of course reached up with his head and began to suck each of her toes on Beth's right foot. Beth moaned passionately and then moved her foot so that it was just over Johnny's tiny chest. Once again looking down past her massive girth, Beth was delighted in the sight of how big her foot was, how perfectly able to destroy the little man under her it was.  Then dropping it down on Johnny's chest and standing full weight onto his body with her other foot coming down just on his lower chest, ironing his thin stomach to an almost paper-like width. She looked towards the girl now who was appearing to black out again, judged her distance, and then made the leap. Beth came crashing down, her huge body being so unbelievably agile, and allowing her to make the distance with ease. Just as Beth's wave of fat came crashing down on the lower chest and crotch of the now crying skinny girl there was the sensational audio mix of Beth's belly slapping against her own thighs when she landed, the girls surprisingly loud groan and gasp as two of her ribs were fractures and all the air was forced from her body, ending with the sound of her little legs falling back to the rug after being propelled upwards from relax of Beth's thunderous landing.

Johnny who was laying only a few short feet away, and who was also certain another of his just healed ribs cracked from when Beth crotched down to make her leap off him to the girl, was watching in shock. His own flattening trauma being forgotten in an instance as Beth made the impossible leap to the girl. He watched as Beth trampled on the girl a bit, building to the point of just marching all over the girls now totally flattened body. He watched it what felt like slow motion as Beth's huge dark thighs lifted and came crashing down, how Beth's weight and foot totally mashed the girl's petite from, smooching her small breasts flat. Then Beth, satisfied with the incredibly sensual feeling of having trampled the bitchy little model into the rug, turned her attention back to Johnny. He couldn't fight his sexual excitement, his short white underwear filled with a raging erection as Beth smiled and then bent at the knees...a moment before propelling her tremendous fat body into the air, coming crashing down feet first on his stomach and crotch...Beth was aiming. And she aimed well.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

#13 March 25, 2008, 07:51:21 PM Last Edit: April 01, 2008, 04:00:24 PM by fuel1563
Through the darkness, as he was coming back to the living world, Johnny could hear the now poetic sounds of someone being squashed. The sound of a hugely fat woman's naked flesh colliding with another form, the gasps and pleads for mercy-which wasn't given-and then the sweetly forceful giggling that would escape the lips of Beth.  Johnny was hit with the light in the room, and then the two drastically different body types coming more and more into focus. Beth had been busy while he was blacked out. The skinny girl with the very smudged makeup, flattened breasts, and battered body was now laid across two chairs in the dining room. He could see Beth was back to stuffing her face with love, savoring each bite of her countless burger for the night, her wide body sitting side straddle on the little girl, who had nothing to take any blow from Beth's weight while being propped up on the hard wooden chairs. He legs and arms dangled lifelessly in the air, every now and again she would try to push Beth's body off her with her tiny arms, to which Beth would just laugh at and bounce with more force on her tiny torso. Settling in each bounce with a long bit of grinding in her seat, no doubt turning the helpless cushion under her into mush.

Johnny continued to lay on the floor, not wanting to make his freshly awaken self known to Beth, he was simply enjoying watching this display of power, fat vs. skinny. Unfortunately he must have woken up too lately to get the full time to bear witness, and soon beth had shoved the last morsel of burger into her mouth, chewing, swallowing, and then licking her lips like the huge Goddess she was. Beth then leaned onto the table in front of her, giving the tiny girl the smallest bit of relief from the super pressure she was under, cutting off that relief by shifting over to her side a bit, Beth's massive ass was now dead center over the tiny girl's crushed face. Then Beth simply let herself fall backward with full force, her five hundred and thirty pounds once again smashing and swallowing the girl's head whole in her fat bottom. Johnny counted the seconds, watching the girl's arms and legs begin to  once again, obviously desperate for oxygen. After Johnny counted to the two minute mark, a good time after the girl's body stopped moving at all, Beth stood up, her belly hitting the edge of the table and knocking her huge thighs into the chair, sending it flying backwards, along with the girl. Beth waddled her immense body over to the girl and bent down, placing two fingers to her neck. "Just right," beth was overheard saying by Johnny. And then Beth looked over to where he was laying and saw he had been awake.

"Been enjoying watching me destroy this little bitch?" Beth asked.

" was amazing," Johnny answered.

Beth walked over to where Johnny was laid out, standing over his prone form and smiling down at him, one of her feet on either side of his sides, giving him the astounding view of every fold and inch of fat. "I'm very glad you thought so. But I'm done with her for now. Crushed to mush in under a night, I must be getting good..." Beth then cut herself off, placing one of her feet right on Johnny's chest, bending at the knee and leaning more and more of her weight on his boyish face, "...or I'm just getting heavier. What do you think, little man?"

"Uhhhggg....b...both!" Johnny was able to finally squeak out from under Beth's crushing force and foot.

Beth had a flash of how powerful the orgasm would be if she just stepped up with her one foot, putting all of her weight on Johnny's head and popping it like a balloon under her. But she cared too much for the little cushion...I mean where else was she going to get such a strong one who kept coming back for more? So she stepped off, and reached down, pulling Johnny up to his knees.

"I want you to go get rid of her now. Take her to the car and then drive her someplace, doesn't matter where. Then make sure you stop by a store and pick me up some midnight snacks. You are going to have a busy night, first getting rid of her," gesturing over her shoulder at the flattened girl on the floor, "then you have to deal with  trying to survive the night with all of this...' kicking out her legs and coming crashing down on Johnny's chest, her hanging fat belly slapping right down on his face, "rolling around and sleeping on you for a good ten hours or so. Now get up and get to work."
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

#14 March 26, 2008, 06:15:40 PM Last Edit: April 01, 2008, 04:00:49 PM by fuel1563
The next morning was bliss for Beth. She woke up late, having called in and taken the day off from work, patted her hungry belly lovingly, and made her way into the bathroom to wash up and prepare for some breakfast cooking.

Johnny on the other hand was still trapped between the mattress and box-spring of Beth's queen sized bed. When he came back home last night after doing as his Goddess had asked, Beth was already laying in bed. Johnny took his place next to her, his much smaller body feeling utterly meaningless by her mountainous size and beauty. He put his hands to work gently rubbing her huge thighs, enjoying the soft movement of her fat, till his was soon kissing and drawing his tongue against her huge belly. Beth purred with delight, and reached down to his cute face, bringing it up to her own. She kissed him deeply, Johnny feeling as if the huge woman might just swallow him whole-as he usually did when she kissed him-and asked if he had done as he was told. "of course, my Queen." Johnny responded.

"Very good. Now I'm tired, it's time for sleep." beth said, shifting her bulk up and off the bed, the springs in the mattress groaning as she did. Johnny knew what his place was and crawled off to the side of he bed, his thin arm pushing the mattress up enough for him to climb under. Beth gave him a helping hand, holding it up while he laid out on his back. "Goodnight, cushion," she said. Then dropping the mattress right on his now buried form, Beth hopped on the bed, her massive belly slamming hard against the mattress and throughly crushing Johnny underneath. Listening to the sweet sounds of his muffled gasps, Beth soon drifted off to sleep.

In the kitchen now, Beth was perparing a massive start to her day, eggs, bacon, ham, pancakes, anythign she could find she was cooking up. Johnny soon crawled his way back into freedom from between the bed, and into
the kitchen. There he saw Beth wearing nothing but a pair of black panties which formed to her fat amazingly, and a large bra struggling to contain her massive breasts.

"Ah, still alive, huh? That's very good. i was just about to come get you. Breakfast is almost done and you know I don't like sitting on these hardwood chairs without an appropriate cushion." Beth said.

Johnny nodded and climbed onto two of the kitchen chairs, laying out much like beth's skinny female victim was the night before. The images of Beth's elephantine ass slamming down on the little girl kept going through his mind, right through as Beth finished setting the table with her many plates of food, right up until the mental pictures became a reality and the light from the room was blocked out by Beth swinging her massive body into place, her ass now almost as wide as the whole of Johnny's body. Beth's body overtook Johnny's body like a tidal wave. Every nook of his face was filled with Beth's fat butt swallowing him whole, his still sore ribs contorting to the incredibly pressure of having a 530lb woman sitting on them. Beth wiggled in her seat, just so that Johnny's little cute face was partly freed, him being able to breath only from his nose as hs mouth was now squashed under her. Johnny's eyes were squinting from the intense pain, finding himself once again fighting against Beth's weight to get an erection as he stared up at the huge rolls of fat which were out and looming over him. Beth could feel his excitement of course, and delighted in how her ass almost completely crushed it out.

"Enjoying this, aren't you, cushion? Maybe just a bit too much!' Beth bounced on the small young man, with the purpose of crushing his penis even further. Her eyes fluttered from the pleasure of feeling his air being forced from his body, and running up her thigh and side. The she got to her breakfast and feasted away while Johnny began to whimper from his squashing...
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

Her plates empty, and her belly feeling stuffed, Beth finally sat up and off the throughly crushed Johnny. She turned around and glanced at him as he laid flat on on the two chairs. Wearing only his tiny briefs, Beth was able to pinpoint each bruise on his body. His rib-section looked bluish, obviously still too weak to handle the last day of crushing he had endured. Johnny's head hung over to the side of the chair which his upper body was under. He was rolled and smooched to the side a bit when beth leaned her huge ass to her left, flattening out Johnny's groin while shoving him a bit to the side. Besides his head, his arms also hung off the chairs, having lost the strength to support themselves right around when Beth stopped for her first break of feasting on breakfast. Johnny's lips were parted, his chest moving with each shallow breath he drew into his lungs.

"Awww, poor little guy. Don't tell me I'm getting too heavy for you?" Beth asked sarcastically. "You look like you could use a little food. And what a nice Queen I am, i saved you some." Beth reached on the table, and pulled a single plate with one pancake on it. She had made just one silver dollar pancake for Johnny, saving the rest of the batter to make the full stack for herself. Johnny watched as Beth poured a little syrup on the small pncake, and then set the plate down on the floor at her feet.

"Now come eat your breakfast," she said.

Johnny reached down for the strength he needed to roll off the two chairs, though not finding enough to sustain himself, thus he fell to the floor, on his knees and hands. Which were just what he used to crawl to beth's feet, where his plate lay. Once he got there, he began to reach out with his hand for the small plate, which got Beth to comment: "Oh no, you're gonna need your hands for support, tiny. Just lick it up."

Johnny began to do just that, when beth moved to his side, lifted one of her huge dark legs up and set it over his small framed back. Johnny felt the shadow of beth's massive size cast over him, and he was just touching his lips to the silver dollar pancake when Beth bent at the knees and set her huge body on top of him. The small of his back felt the largest strain, as it was centered under Beth's earth shattering ass, and her belly, huge and flowing as it was dark, over took the rest of Johnny's small body. He could feel the tip of her massive belly resting just on the back of his neck. His small arms and knees began to quiver and shake, the weight of Beth was all too much for him to handle, and he knew that soon he his limbs would give out and he'd be sent crashing to the floor with an almost quarter ton of fat woman on top of him. Beth was delighted to hear and feel Johnny's struggles, knowing all too well it was only a matter of seconds before the pathetic boy's arms and legs gave out, and she dropped on him fully. She felt herself growing more and more sexually aroused, waiting for the rush of crashing down on him and decimating his helpless body with her power and size.

Johnny held on just long enough to his "horse" like positioning to finish the meager meal Beth had made for him, and then came what both of them knew was enviable. Johnny's arms gave out first, shooting straight out in front of him, followed by his legs which did the same straighting out. In the brief half second before Beth came down on Johnny's back he could feel a moment of relief wash over him. And that of course was flattened out of him along with his air and Beth's over 450lbs smashed onto him. The room shook, and Beth's ass and belly slapped forcefully down on Johnny's body, her legs now stretched out in front of her. Johnny cried out in pain, which added just the touch Beth needed to send her over the edge and into another blissful orgasm brought on by squashing.  In the moments after the huge drop, beth's body continued to vibrate and jiggle. Johnny's on the other hand was almost lifeless, him having passed out from the pain and shock of what his body was just put through. beth rode out the aftershocks of her orgasm on his back, feeling and hearing popping sounds coming from the cushion under her.

Once she was able to gather herself, she rolled off the poor boy under her, once again enjoying the sounds his bones and ribs made-much like the creaking of a bed-and stood up. She loved herself, and the power her fat gave her. Such a thrill it was to flatten and demolish without any thought at all. Leaving the crushed and battered Johnny on the floor, Beth made her way to the bathroom for a shower, thinking about what she would make for lunch...
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

Johnny awoke in darkness-not a new happening for him at all, since coming across the path of Beth so long ago-and was totally unaware of what was happening. He could feel the heat and pressure closing in around his head like a vice, and a strange sensation from behind his head as well. He realized he was sitting on his knees, and had free movement of the rest of his body. Picking up his exhausted arms, he began to feel around himself. And of course directing in front of him was the unmistakable feeling of Beth's hugely fat thighs.

"MMMMhmm, I was wondering when you were going to wake up, little man. Don't worry I almost have you all nice and secured in my ass. Just sit still, now."

It all came crashingly obvious now. Beth had shoved Johnny's tiny face and head between her mountainous buttocks, his small face being engulfed past his ears in her fat, and she was now trying to tie him inside her, trapping his face in her ass for as long as she wanted. Johnny, totally devastated by his more recent squashing at the hands of Beth, had neither the will nor inclination to fight back. He just kept to his knees, feeling the wide belt which Beth had wrapped around her hips and his head squeeze her fat bottom more and more around his face. From the outsiders view, once Beth was finished tightening the belt to it's final inch, her massive butt had fully wrapped around young Johnny's tiny head, so that the force of her belt made her ass cheeks once again touch. It looked like Beth 's backside had completely devoured the boy's head whole. Beth waddled over to her full length mirror, Johnny behind breathlessly dragged behind her, his small arms and legs just dragging across the floor behind the loud footfalls of Beth. Each step smashing his face more into her ass, her cheeks rubbing up and down, demolishing his once handsome face with the pressure.

Once she checked out her handy-work in the mirror, feeling the thrill of sexual satisfaction and power wash over her, Beth then strode towards the kitchen to prepare lunch, dragging poor Johnny behind...
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

Johnny's legs and arms tried to find their placement in the current situation, but it was useless. Johnny's face buried deeply within the huge butt of Beth as she made her way around the kitchen, the belt she had used to secure Johnny in his placement digging just slightly uncomfortably into her thighs and ass, yet she had to keep it tight, god forbid Johnny were to slip out of his encasement and suffering.

Beth felt Johnny place his small hands on her hips and push into her, trying to pull his head out from it's entrapment, which tickled her. She began to giggle with delight at his struggles.

"What's wrong, Johnny-boy? Having trouble breathing? You might as well stop struggling, you're not gonna get free. You should know by now you don't stand a chance against a Goddess," Beth said, clutching her massive butt tightly, the effect on Johnny feeling like that of a car running over his face. Instantly his struggles ceased, and his arms fell back to their hanging point near Beth's calf. Beth finished preparing her lunch-four microwaveable frozen pizzas. Spreading out her delicious looking lunch on her kitchen table, she pulled back a chair, and made the minor adjustments so that Johnny's head still smothered in her ass was perfectly set for her to sit down on the chair. Johnny's face-now turning several shades of red and blue, was totally crushed by Beth's over 500lbs of fat, his pale thin body spreading out from under her, and between her legs in front of the table. Beth lifted her thighs up, and settled them over Johnny's thin chest, totally covering them from view-each of Beth's huge black thighs were wider than Johnny's chest alone-with her beautifully manicured feet resting on his crotch, and erection.

"Mmm, I can tell you're enjoying your little torment, aren't you, tiny boy?" Beth said with a few bounces on Johnny's head, the air supply was rapidly running out from between her cheeks. His body was twisting and jerking while he struggled to breath, which only aroused Beth more. She decided he'd have to wait for air till she finished the first pizza, reaching over her massively hanging belly and starting to feast on her lunch.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


you and beth RULE!  (had to do it soonr or later - lol


ps - keep up the great work!

Beth was wiping her mouth, one hand gently patting her full belly lovingly. She jousled in her seat a bit, and felt Johnny's face still trapped between her fat butt. Beth was shocked, she had gotten so wrapped up in her large lunch, she had forgotten all about her cushion, still tied and smothered in between her cheeks. She had been leaning forward now and again earlier in the meal, giving him just enough air to tease his lungs, but hadn't in the last twenty minutes! Beth stood up, Johnny's head and body following along, and she moved aside the chair, and undid the belt which was wrapped so tightly around her thighs and the back of Johnny's head. Amazingly, Johnny had been buried so deeply in Beth's massive ass, even with the belt undone, his face still remained trapped in-between her cheeks. Beth was giggling as she reached behind herself, and had to pull him out by his hair. Johnny fell to the floor, and Beth found herself worried that she had finally finished off her favorite cushion. Stepping over him, and squatting her huge body down, she looked into Johnny's face, and checked his pulse, happy to find it was still going strong.

"Aww, just passed out from a little smothering. And you had me a tiny bit worried, slave. I thought I'd have to find a new crush toy to punish. You're fine." Beth said dismissively, Standing back up, and stepping over the tiny young man's prone body. Making her way into her bedroom, Beth laid out a nice outfit for the evening, and then got to work squeezing into it. Skin tight jeans which by miracle held their stitching over her incredibly thick thighs and ass-Beth didn't even bother to button them over her hanging belly, simply letting it hang over her belt. A simple black bra and black tank-top which did nothing to cover her fat covered arms, and astounding breasts. Also, Beth found herself quite pleased that her beautiful dark belly still hung a few inches out from under her tank top. Slipping on a pair of flip flops, she made her way back into the living room, where she saw that Johnny was just coming to.

"Good, you're awake. I thought I'd have to hop up on that cute little head of yours to wake your skinny ass up. Hurry up and go put on some clothes, Johnny. I want to go see a movie. And of course, you're coming along to play theater cushion."
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

Standing on line at the theater made Beth think back to her first squashing experience so long ago it seemed, when she met her two lovely fat friends, Tami and Susan. How they talked her into sitting on young, Greg, at the time, how wonder the power felt shooting though her body as she felt his body compress and struggle under her. All delightful things.

Johnny stood beside his huge Goddess as she purchased the tickets, not even bothering to ask just what it was they were going to see. Making their way inside, Johnny felt the anticipation of what was to come. Being flattened and squashed under Beth for a full two hours as she stuffed herself with treasures gotten from the snack bar. Beth wanted to make sure they got good seats, far in the back of the theater and away from any pesky people who might notice a near 550lb woman crushing her small companion. And they were in luck, it seemed, the movie Beth had picked out had been running for quite some time, and even at five minutes to showtime, besides one older man sitting quite far up, they were the only two people in the theater. Beth cooed with delight, as she made her way up the few stairs to the back row.

"OK, we have our seats, now go get me some goodies, cushion," she said to Johnny. Johnny nodded, not able to keep the smile off his face, "I'll flatten that smile away in a moment, little guy" Beth thought to herself as Johnny made his way back out of the theater and to the concession stand.

When Johnny returned, his arms overflowing with an assortment of candy, nachos, popcorn, and soda, Beth was patiently sitting in the back row corner, gently patting her belly. She smiled at Johnny as he made his way up the stairs, the lights just starting to dim as the coming attractions began playing. Beth stood up, raising her titanic bulk up with grace, and Johnny noticed that beth had pulled up the armrests for the three surrounding seats on either side of her. Handing Beth the popcorn and a box of chocolate, he set the rest down carefully on the floor at Beth's feet.

"Lay out, cushion. " Was all Beth said in a seductive whisper. Johnny of course did as he was told, his small frame now perfectly laid out on the three seats. Beth looked down at his tiny and now helpless body, side-stepped slightly to the right, so that now her massive ass was hovering just over his chest and stomach. Beth pictured those little ribs of his, and just how much fun it was going to be to feel them compress and struggle to survive under her weight, turned to her cushion and said: "Enjoy the show." and then said down.

Not wanting to alarm the still only other theater goer, beth sat her 520lbs slowly on Johnny, had she dropped from her standing position she was sure the crack of one of his ribs or his loud gasp would have been heard. Johnny of course instantly turned very red in the face, his entire body trembling with dealing onslaught of squashing Beth's huge overflowing fat gave him.

"MMM...good cushion," Beth said, grinding the poor little man under her with her butt, till she was satisfied with her seat. Then, Beth trained her focus on the screen, and dug into her snack food...
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

#21 April 26, 2008, 02:43:51 PM Last Edit: April 26, 2008, 02:51:31 PM by fuel1563
After being buried under Beth's huge body for close to forty five minutes, Johnny felt the all too familiar sensation of darkness filling his head. Her amazing weight had completely obliterated his sense of self, Johnny began feeling like nothing more then an inanimate piece of furniture-which of course was just how Beth thought of him. Every now and again, Beth would shift her bulk to the right or left, occasionally looking down her beautiful body of fat at his strained face in the dark. At the moment, beth was just finishing her second box of chocolate, slightly bouncing on Johnny's throughly flattened ribcage, her left arm extended, so that her hand was just covering his mouth. Goosebumps were brought up on Beth's arms and neck as she delighted in the slow and uneven breath she was able to squash out of Johnny's lungs and across her hand.

After an hour, Johnny got a much needed full breath of air as Beth leaned forward and lifted her body up and off him. He laid still, his chest struggling to deal with the new found air rushing in and out of if, as beth side-stepped her way a few feet to the left. The light which was cast on the back row and on Beth's massive body-her huge butt barely contained under it's pants, her slightly swaying belly, and her beautiful fat arms and rolls-was now eclipsed as Beth took a position, standing just over Johnny's face and chest. The blood being able to course though his body once again, Johnny found he had a strong erection, a sensation he felt he just had to enjoy, but before he could take the few moments to, Beth began her descent down onto his tiny and trapped head. And then there was nothing but darkness. Darkness and the helpless feeling which always came crashing down upon him when he was smothered with Beth's huge ass. Johnny's face was totally engulfed in fat, the jeans rubbing hard against his face, his nose battered and smooched, his lips, still parted, trying to intake any air he could, finding nothing but a mouthful of Beth's ass.

beth bounced in place a bit, loving the feeling of what she figured was Johnny's nose flattering against the center of her ass, fantasizing about how powerful she was. How easy it was to totally dominate and conquer Johnny with the simple act of lowering her massive weight upon his meek frame. After a few moments, paying no real attention, more as just a secondary action as she watched the film, Beth leaned her weight to the right, settling her right thigh on Johnny's pulverized chest, and gave him a few mouthfuls of air. Then, as quickly as it's given, it's taken away and Beth drops her left leg and side down, once again totally enveloping Johnny in fat and helplessness.

Beth did this for the remainder of the movie, pausing only now and again to continue eating her snack food and saying, "Mmmm...good little cushion."
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

As the credits rolled, Beth continued to sit happily on her cushion, Johnny. Johnny on the other had, was now beat red from his head to this toes. His ribs felt like they were on fire, and his feet were constantly shuffling as his body tried to deal with the flattening out Beth was giving him.

Beth stood up from her "seat" as the lights went up on the house, and walked to the end of the row. Looking back to a still unmoving, but heavily breathing Johnny, she said, "Come on, cushion. Time to go home. Don't make me wait for you."

Johnny took her words for what they were, a threat of non-stop crushing, and used the little energy he had in his tiny body to force himself to a seated position, and then standing. He walked over to Beth, his legs dead asleep from the long squashing, thus making his movements shaky and unnatural. Once getting close enough, Beth reached out and tussled his hair even more, sliding her hand down his cheek while she smiled.

"Aww, poor cushion. You look like you were just run over by a car. All you had was over five hundred pounds of me crushing the life outta you," she said with a giggle, making her way down the stairs and towards the exit; a very shaky walking tiny man following her.

After being tossed into the car by Beth, laying out on his back like so many other times he had in Beth's car, being crushed by her weight when she plopped down onto him and drove off, Johnny began to fade away into darkness from the exhaustion his body had been going though trying to support itself under Beth. When he awoke, he found himself squinting in a bright light above. A few moments later, when his eyes adjusted, he was able to make out a more detailed mental picture of just where he was. He was laying on his back in what seemed to be a shoe store, alone. He tired to sit up, but felt his stomach muscles just wouldn't support the option, so he continued to lay still on the thin carpet. Then he heard the voices.

"Oh I just love the idea, babe. Nothing better for trying out some new shoes then a nice unwelcome mat." An unknown voice said.

"You have no idea, girl. These heels fit well, but you ain't getting my money till I see what they do to his poor little body," the familiar voice of Beth said.

Then, a second later, Beth rounded the corner, looking much bigger than she had the last time Johnny found himself laying on the floor watching her tremendously fat body waddled towards him. Then he noticed her feet, which were spilling out of a pair of three inch high heels.

"Oh lookie, he woke up," the strange voice said, Johnny finally being able to see it's deliverer. it was a small white blond wearing a pair of dress slacks and a white t-shirt which clung to her tight stomach and breasts. She was drawfed by Beth's massive body, making the vision from below all that much more surreal for Johnny.

"And just in time," Beth said. "I called up my friend Mickey while you were passed out in the car, little guy. I felt like I needed some new shoes, and she, being the manager of this place, allowed me to stop by for a little 'after hours' shopping. So tell me, what do you think of these...?" Beth said, picking up her right leg, Johnny watching helplessly as Beth's huge belly rubbed against her thigh with motion, the wide heeled foot raising up and then lowering down onto his torso. Johnny grunted and groaned in pain as Beth applied more and more weight, Beth's friend, Mickey, standing by and giggling with delight as she witnessed for the first time how easy it was for her huge friend to demolish another with her fat.

"I told you, those heels were great." Mickey said.

"Yes yes, but we haven't even gotten to the hopping yet," Beth said with a sinister smile, Mickey's mouth dropping with shock as she looked down at poor Johnny and pictured his body being crushed to paste under Beth...
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

There were shoes, heels, even one pair of black leather boots, were strung all over the fall of shoe store, Beth going through each one over the last two hours as she trampled, stomped, and hopped all over Johnny's now black and blue body. Beth's good friend Mickey had been watching in absolute delight as her much much fatter friend's body moved, totally owning over the tiny young man who was now rolling around on the floor slowly, his thin arms wrapped around his ribs as he moaned.

Beth was sitting in one of the chairs off to the left, well as best as she could, her backside being so vast and wide, she could hardly fit her thunderous hips between the arm rests. She had just taken off a pair of red high heels which she found she liked the best, and would buy. The shade matched perfectly to Johnny's forehead when she looked down past her huge belly to see him pleading for air underneath her.

"So what do you think?" Beth asked her skinny friend, Mickey.

"i think it's incredible. I can't believe he's still alive, even!"

Beth smiled, and answered back, "I was talking about the shoes, but yes, he," gesturing over to Johnny who was now flat on his back breathing very shallowly, "is quite something. I can't explain how wonderful it feels to feel his body struggle to survive under my feet. Each of his ribs bending, and sometimes breaking, under my sexy weight. You should have seen us a few hours ago. We went to go see that new Russell Crowe movie, and he was my cushion the whole time."

"Really? You actually sat on him for two hours? Amazing. did you sit on him?"

Beth could see the light in her friends blue eyes. She was throughly fascinated with Beth and her (hardly) breathing cushion.

"I'll show you," Beth said, getting up and walking over to her friend. Mickey watched this huge woman waddle up to her, each roll and inch of fat dying to squeeze through her tight outfit. Soon the back of Mickeys shins were brushing against the long velvet bench which was placed against the wall. Beth stepped forward a few more feet, the lower hang of her belly now pressing into Mickey's flat stomach. Beth looked down at her friend who was now visibly shaking with anticipation of what was coming next.

"Lay out on you back," Beth said.

Mickey nodded, her eyes wide, and never leaving Beth's as she sat back on the velvet bench, then swinging over so she was laying flat out on her back on it. Beth looked immense standing over her much smaller body.

"Ready?" Beth asked with a grin.

"! Wait, first, can you tell me how much you weigh? Just...just so I know?" Mickey said timidly.

"Sure, it's only fair," Beth said, turning around so that now her huge jean clad ass so it was now hanging over just couple of feet from Mickey's shaking and slim body. "I'm over five hundred and forty pounds," Beth answered, kicking her bare feet out, and coming crashing down on Mickey's totally unprepared body. Hearing just how much her fat friend weighed, Mickey hopelessly put out her arms trying to stop Beth's immediate descent, but they simply crumpled and folded against her body as Beth's incredibly heavy body plopped down onto her. Mickey's blond hair hung over the side of the bench, her thin legs kicking out from under the other side of Beth. The rest of her body was totally engulfed in the intense pressure of fat which was now totally dominating her.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

After only a minute, Beth leaned forward and brought herself to her feet, leaving behind a very red, loudly gasping little girl behind her. Beth spun on a her heel, much faster then most women her size would be capible of, and even grabbed her own bely as it jiggled from the movement as she looked down at her thoroughly crushed friend.

" was something like that. Only I didn't get up after a short minute like I did this time. He had all of my weight flattening him out for two hours."

"!" Mickey said, slowly making her what up into a seated position. "I can't believe how..." she trailed off, as Beth finished her thought for her...

"How huge, heavy, and fat I've grown?" Beth then giggled to let her friend know there was no harm done.

"Well...yea. i mean...that was so intense. I thought my insides were going to squish!" Mickey found herself giggling despite herself.

"I'm sure he's felt the same many times," Beth said, glancing over to Johnny who was still in a daze from the long crushing and trampling he'd gone through during the night.

"I mean, just feeling you drop on me, it felt like my head was going to explode, I can't imagine how it feels to have you..." Micky once again trailer off in her sentence. Her eyes drifted towards the floor of the store, and when they rose to meet Beth's, she could see Beth's mind working with the idea. Beth once again started to move toward her friend, Mickey; who while still stunned from her surprise squashing knew she would never be able to take Beth standing full weight on her. Mickey made a move to run towards the door, pleading, "No, please beth, you're too hea...," tripping on one of the shoes which Beth had tried on, and falling face first towards the floor. She never had a chance after that, Beth was standing over her, lifting her left leg and quickly dropping her bare foot on the small of Mickey's back, stopping the girl cold as she applied more and more of her powerful weight. Mickey groaned loudly, sounding like a car had run over her, which would have been nothing considering what she was in for.

Beth leaned fully on her one leg, and then brought her right on the small of Mickey's shoulder blades. Now the frail girl was completely trampled by the massive weight of Beth. Her gasps and groans sounding like music to Beth's ears. Beth found herself bouncing slightly as she stood on the girl, each bounce crushing out a different moan from her new victim. And the night was soooo young...
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


Thanks much for keeping this really great storyline going.  Another plot twist I suppose I should hve seen coming but didn't until you had Mickey flat on her back...

You are a beast, or more correctly that sexy thing Beth is!


ps - I thought the way we were going was to have her run into some of her old friends we remember form other stories

The stories of Beth and her crushing adventures are great. Read them over and over. How about Beth inviting Tami and Susan to help her out with some of her crushing fun from time to time. Keep up the GREAT work.

k, waiting for this next installment is dreadful...whens the continuation?

so im guessing fuels done with writing his great stories about skinny girls getting squashed?

Quote from: kalaa on June 10, 2008, 05:12:54 PM
so im guessing fuels done with writing his great stories about skinny girls getting squashed?

Im guessing he is just taking a break and looking for a lil inspiration.  Any ladies here want to volunteer to do something that might inspire our "blocked" author?
;D :o ;D