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Beth's Return

Started by fuel1563, September 08, 2008, 05:38:19 PM

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A year had passed since Beth had had her fateful night in the shoe store with her tiny friend Mickey and the slaveboy Johnny. A year since Beth was arrest for minor assault charges after the tiny ruin Mickey reported the tremendous crushing Beth had given her. Due to the oddness of the crime, one which none of the prosecutors quite knew how to follow up on, Beth was given a small sentence of two to four years. In prison, Beth had immediately taken over, though she made a vow to herself not to squash any of the many tiny girls which she was around in the prison's population. She had to get out of jail, she needed her freedom to do as she pleased, as any Goddess should. Also, due to the terrible conditions of the food which they served at the minimum security prison, Beth could not stuff herself with various treats in the decadent way she was accustomed to. due to this her weight hardly advanced from the massive 540lbs which she was when she was first arrested. leveling off at 550lbs, Beth still felt like the huge beautiful Nubian Goddess that she was, however it almost seemed wasted, her size and power, due to her own restraint when it came to crushing any of the much smaller women around her, especially her annoying cellmate who was so petite each and every one of her bones in her chest and stomach were visible. Many a night passed when Beth would lay in her much too small cot and listen to the slow breathing of the stick figure girl above her. She found herself fantasizing about grabbing the girl and tying her to the lower bunk, then climbing her way to the op bunk, and tossing her incredibly fat body upon the mattress, sending it rocketing off its hinges and destroying the small girl below. Yet Beth showed willpower, and did her time in peace. The pay off for this, was a release for good behavior after only serving a year.

Beth had the support of her friends while she was serving her days inside, Tami, a women of astonishing size and weight herself who also loved the feeling of squashing smaller people made sure to visit with Beth every week. She was in the one who kept Beth up to date with the outside world, and most of the news was very troubling. Johnny, the boy which Beth put so much time into crushing nightly for over a year, transforming him into a mere cushion and victim for her many bursts of flattening urges had been moved away by his parents, who bought him his own apartment in Florida. This saddened Beth a great deal, as she had been counting on taking her rightful place on top of the skinny lads body once she was released. There was however one bit of news which Tami reported to Beth very regularly, and always with a sinister smile across her beautiful fat face. Mickey, the anorexic girl who had reported Beth and sent her to jail had never moved or even left the city. This of course served to fuel Beth at her most boring and saddest of moments behind bars. That tiny bitch had no idea what she was in for.

The day of her release, Beth was picked up by Tami in her new truck. "Had to make sure I had a car that could handle us," Tami had said, giving Beth a wink and a grin. Beth's possessions had been stored for the last year, and then moved into her new house, Beth wanting to come home to a huge place with plenty of space upon her release. Using funds from her lifesaving's, and the help of her most wonderful and equally huge friend Tami, that was made possible. once they had both made the slightly difficult squeeze out of the truck and into the front doors of the new place, Beth grabbed her friend and gave her a loving hug and kiss on the cheek. Due to the expanse of their combine bellies and chests, the women had to stand at an almost ninety degree angle to accomplish this, but it was done. Beth toured the new huge home with her friend and then they both sat down on the way too small loveseat which Beth had used to torture so many tiny people in the past, and when Tami felt her friends thick thigh and rolls rub against her (as there was not an inch of space between the two women which had a combined weight of over half a ton), a smile playing over Beth's sensual luscious lips, she knew just what memories her friend were thinking about.

Hours had past, and the girls had gone through almost every take out place in the area. Both of them, feeling stuffed beyond imagine, just relaxed and chatted as a television played out in the background. Then, the interruption of the doorbell came.

"Oh that's right, we forgot about the Thai place we ordered from. Ok, who's turn is it to get up," Beth asked her friend.

"I had to get up last time for that rude Chinese delivery boy, so it's your turn at the plate, girl."

"Ugh, ok," Beth said, making the difficult journey to her feet. "Damn, i haven't felt this full in so long. i forgot how tight and heavy my belly could feel."

Tami smiled, "I know, don'tcha just love it?"

Beth waddled her way towards the front door, loving the echo the large house provided her with each step. In her excitiment at her new found freedom and as the result of the huge feast the two women had embarked on, she had forgotten all about unbuttoning her jeans, and letting her belly hang out over the waist band, or at least where the waist band would be had it not been engulfed in fat. So you can imagine the shock that Sam the Thai delivery boy felt when the front door opened and before him stood a near 600lb black women with a belly which huge out before her like an avalanche of dark fat. He simple stared into Beth's insanely vast belly, the rolls of flab which hung from her side, and her deep dark bellybutton.  Beth had soon realized in her excitement she had forgotten to button herself up, though in reality that would had been impossible with how full she was. Sam had continued to stare openly, his mouth hanging open at the titanic women before him.

Beth looked on for the brief moment of shock and awe that had stunted the process of paying for her food at the slim cute boy who was gawking at her. He seemed almost feminine looking, as a great deal of Asian males with long hair do, of course his size didn't help much. Standing at a very short 5'1 and weighing no more than 90lbs, Beth would have been shocked if this kid could take pushing his bike up a steep hill at all.

"So are you gonna give me my food or what, boy?"

Sam finally found his moment back and looked up to deepest and lovely eyes he had ever seen. Beth was trying to hold back a smile but doing a poor job of it, the thoughts in her head were traveling at the speed of light.

"Uhh, yes, so sorry," Sam said, looking down as he held out the bag of take out toward Beth. Thank god she and Tami had paid for the food over the phone with a credit card, there was no way this kid could handle counting money in his present state.

Beth reached forward with her arm, watching Sam stare up at her beautiful fat 'wings' on her upper arms, and grabbed not the bag of food, but the boy by the wrist. God, his wrist is so thin i can wrap my fingers around it twice, Beth thought.

"I'm not feeling up to carrying anything right now, why don't you come bring the food inside for me," she said, give the boy a slight tug of the arm which sent his meek frame colliding into her belly, his face and chest making a slapping sound as he bounced off her blubber.

"Hehe, oops. Didn't mean to pull that hard," Beth said, her eyes gleaming in a way which made her apology a sly joke. "Come on in..." she said, turning, and pulling the now very embarrassed and stunned delivery boy beyond the doorway, closing it behind him.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


"OOOH... and who is this?" Tami said, sitting on the loveseat and leaving very little space left on it. She had just been polishing off the last chicken roll from the Italian place they had ordered from, and was wiping away some of the sauce from her upper lip with her tongue.

"This is...actually, who is this," Beth said laughingly to Sam who was at this point beyond words. From the sight of Beth to this second hugely fat woman who seemed to wear the loveseat she was seated on as most women were an accessory :(. The two women stared at the near mute boy and then shared a small eye link of their own. In one moment, Tami knew just what her friend was up to, and it being so long since she had last felt the struggles of a tiny being under her weight, couldn't be more pleased.

"Looks like you found the Asian Helen Kelly, Beth," said Tami and the two girls cracked up with laughter which filled the room.

Sam stepped forward and placed the bag of food on the coffee table which was littered with various wrappers from all the near by delivery places. Then he turned and tried to make a half hearted dash to the front door in his utter embarrassment. Beth however was having none of that and stepped in his way just in time, which sent the tiny Sam slamming into her bare belly once again, this time with enough force for him to bounce backward and to the floor.

"Look at that, girl. Our guess was trying to run out on us. Can you believe it?" Beth said with mock surprise.

"I think one particularly tiny take out boy needs to be taught a lesson." Tami responded.

Sam brought himself to his feet and kept his head down, knowing he would crack into tears from fright at the position he found himself if he met eyes with either of this elephantine women. "I sorry, very sorry. Must go now, enjoy food," once again making a move for the front door, this time slower.

Beth once again cut off his path, this time placing a hand on his shoulder, almost totally blocking out it's small size with her thick ring covered hand. She could feel the bony shoulder of Sam quivering underneath his shirt as she spoke. "Now, what's your name?"

In what would be generously called a whisper, the slim boy answered, "Sam."

"Ah, ok. So, Sam. We're gonna have to teach you why it's never polite to be rude to a lady. And why you should never be rude to a big woman.  Especially two very big women like my friend and I here. Now, Sam, I want you to answer me truthfully. Lie, and I'll know it. It's very late, where we your last delivery for the night?"

Sam simply nodded his head to the affirmative. From the couch, Tami asked, "And are you expected back at the restaurant tonight?"

Knowing this could be a fateful answer, yet too afraid of the massively fat woman who was tapping her foot awaiting a response, Sam just couldn't bring himself to lie. "No, I am suppose to go home after delivery."

Had he been staring someplace else but the floor of the living room, Sam would have seen two very wide and very sinister smiles find their way across the faces of the two women. Beth then reached down and ran her finger up the center of Sam's bony chest, coming to his chin and bringing his face up to meet her gaze.

"That's very good, Sam. You were smart not to lie to us, Sam. Sam, Sam, Sam. You know I don't like that name. I think we're just going to call you 'cushion'. What do you think of that, cushion?"

Sam's eyes went wide and before his lips could form the quickest of replies, Beth reached for the slim boy's hair and pulled his cute thin face deep within her breasts, both of them totally engulfing Sam and his shriek in breathless darkness. Beth leaned back and hoisted the boy up so that now his feet were no longer touching the ground, kicking in the air as they were. walking over to the loveseat, Tami sat up and hefted her huge fat body up, causing a wave of fat to transpire over her belly rolls. She moved a bit out of the way, giving Beth enough clearance to toss the pathetically tiny young man on the loveseat. his petite frame had the time to bounce only once before Beth and Tami had stepped into position, each of their impossibly wide and heavy butts now hanging out over their helpless victim. Sam outstretched his arms in a desperate and silly ploy to stop the unstoppable. Both of the 550plus pound women bend at the knees and dropped their asses onto his frame. The living room shook from the incredible force of these too huge women dropping their weight onto the loveseat. Sam was pulverized instantly by the shared butt drop, each bounce that occurred from the aftershock of Tami and Beth's drop forcing him into further dimensions of suffering. The two girls just rode them out, hardly feeling the struggles of the poor boy which was not completely engulfed under their massive weight. Watching each others rolls of fat shake, the knowledge of Sam's total domination and flattening, and the sensation they both shared of how amazing it was to finally have someone struggling to live from under their bodies caused both of the girls to moan and giggle with white hot delight.

"GOD, I MISSED THIS SO MUCH!" Beth said, creating her own few bounces to add to the joy of returning to her rightful spot in the world, squashing and crushing tiny and lesser beings under her body.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


Tami, who was sitting on the upper body and face of the now thoroughly crushed Sam leaned her bulk forward every other minute, giving the girls the delight of hearing a high pitched yelp/intake of air from the 90lb body struggling to endure the worse punishment of his young life. Beth wasn't as kind, she had been trapped in a jail cell far too long, and had too many vengeful plans. She would continuously stand up, giving the lower stomach and frail thin legs of Sam a moment's relief, only to kick out her legs and come crashing ride down on top of him. Tami would time her own movements just right for each of these events, leaning just ever so slightly off the now purple and red face of the pretty boy Asian so that she could feel the rush of air being forced out of his lungs by Beth's butt drops. Tami was so happy she decided to wear her black jean mini skirt for today. Her random movement had forced the skirt up past her fat thighs, so that it was even resting on top of her counter top bottom. She was feeling each small gust of air blowing right through her silk blue panties.

"MMM, I love this so much. I missed you, girl," Tami said to her friend Beth after her fifth drop.

"You and me both. God it's been so long since I felt such power. I was behind bars for a year. A YEAR!" Beth punctuated this with another disastrous bounce on the quickly deteriorating legs of Sam. "Get up, i have an idea and I want to talk to our little toy."

Tami grabbed onto the arm of the loveseat and used her upper body strength to help life her 570lbs of flab up and off the barely living being which had been smothering under her for over an hour now. due to the tremulous strain of pressure which his chest had been under, even once freed from under Tami's weight, Sam still had trouble getting his lungs to catch up and breath.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


OMG!!!!!!!!! hes alive and still writing great stories



Tami excused herself to the kitchen to get some of the ice cream the two girls bought earlier in the day to save for dessert and left the very crushed and very tiny Sam with Beth. Beth watched the two huge beachball sized buttcheeks of her friend swing and sway in all directions as she walked away to the kitchen. Sam also found his eyes attached to the motion of Tami's waddling. he had finally been able to draw breath in and out of his lungs again, yet even though these two massively obese women had released him from his confinements under their weight, he still felt this sensation of intense pressure on his chest and legs. Phantom crushing.

Beth then made the sensation very very real again, lifting her right foot and dropping it on the lower stomach of Sam, and then leaning down with all of her weight into his now very smushed tummy and organs. Much to Beth's delight she could actually see her foot-with the help of her astonishing weight-shifting the body of Sam, his thin stomach being pancaked to the point of being an inch thick from front to back, his whole body contorting into a U like shape. Sam was groaning and struggling with all of his useless and pathetic might to push Beth's foot up and off him with his arms, which brought giggles not only to Beth but Tami as well who had just returned to the room with two gallon containers of cookie dough ice cream. Beth then spoke down to her helpless victim, "Don't even try to fight it. You might not have figured it out yet, but you're ours now. Every moment of your life from now on will be spend pleasing us and our fat bodies that you just couldn't help staring at. So you just get used to not breathing, get used to feeling your ribs cracking, and get used to being smothered into the next universe. But for now, you're going to get used to being trampled on by both of us."
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


Tami moved to Beth's left and grabbed a hold of Sam's ankles. "My god girl, I think my thumbs are thicker," Tami said with a laugh. Beth lifted her fat foot off of the center of Sam's now very flattened body, and snatched up his arms. Together the girls lifted the tiny delivery boy up and off the couch, and carried him over the coffee table and toward the large unfurnished section of the living room. Sam was in a daze, his eyes barely registering what was going on around him, all they could perceive was a blur of endless fat, and a feeling of total lightness. The girls counted nonchalantly dropped the semi-conscious lad onto the rug floor, his landing producing a muffled thud.

"I wanna go first," Tami said in a mock-childish voice, Beth answering with a smile an a nod of her head. Tami lifted her right foot and brought it down upon Sam's left thigh, so thin as it was, she could actually feel his bone under foot. Sammy's eyes shot out of his head with the spike of pain and pressure, and once again he desperately tried to clutch and lift the cause of his pain off his small frame to no avail.

"Come on, girl! You call that a trampling?" Beth taunted. Tami's face drew bright red from bluching, and then she leaned all of her weight into her right leg, smashing down even more on Sammy's thigh, and stepped onto his right thigh with her left foot. Now both of Sammy's arms wailed back and forth in response to the crushing pain of having this huge five hundred plus pound women standing full weight on his tiny legs.

"Wow, it's so amazing, Beth. Look at him, he can't take it at all. I feel like if I bounced his legs would just deflate. Ha!"

'Well, don't do any bouncing just yet, I want to have some fun with him, first," Beth then stepped forward so that her two feet were on either side of Sammy's now tear stained face. Squeezing her legs together a bit, she now had his head in a frozen lock with his face staring right up between Beth's legs, his entire body now covered in shadow between the two mammoth women. From his position between Beth's legs he could see just how large the expanse of her body was, from her mind blowing hanging belly to her large protruding backside. Then, Beth shocked both him and her friend Tami by stepping onto his head, pressuring it to it's side. Beth then stepped onto his body with her other foot, so that now he had the combined weight of over a thousand pounds standing on him. Ever nerve and muscle in his body was screaming with agony. Tami just stood on his legs shell shocked at seeing Sammy's small head being compressed under Beth's foot, how his mouth hung open and his tongue laid out like a dog while it napped.

'Now THIS is trampling!" Beth said to her friend.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


The next morning, Beth awoke with a hangover as massive as her own lovely body was. it was a struggle for her to roll her huge belly to the side, sliding herself towards the edge of her king-sized bed. She brought her hand to her aching head, trying to will the headache away she was suffering from the previous night's drinking. Her mountainous breasts sat high on her bare gargantuan belly, which spread itself over her equally large thighs and lap. keeping her eyes closed for fear of the morning's light adding to her pain, she heard her cell phone ring. Beth dared to open her eyes, locate her cell on the nightstand next to her bed and answer.

"So are you as hungover as I am, fat girl?" Her friend Tami's voice came through the speaker.

"Ugh, I can't even begin to tell you. What the hell happened to us last night?" Beth asked her friend.

"Well after stuffing ourselves silly, we found a nice skinny Asian boy we victimized with our huge butts, and then we drank half a bottle of vodka. You know the usual," Tami forced herself to chuckle through her own hangover.

Beth did the same, "Yeah, fun all around for sure."

"So what did you end up doing with him?" Tami asked.

Just then it hit Beth that all of the summary from her friend was actually true, not a slight joke that she first figured. 'Oh my GOD! i actually thought you were kidding, girl!' Beth said.

Beth propelled herself to her feet, feeling every inch of her fat covered body shaking and swaying in the process. She looked around on the mattress, on the floor next to the bed, in the hallway outside her room, all the way downstairs through the remaining rooms. No flattened boy anywhere! Beth came back upstairs and started guessing over the phone as to what could have happened to poor little Sammy from the night before, all of which was interrupted by a low groan from under the mattress.

"Ha, I think I found our little butt cushion. Lemme call you later, sexy," beth said, shutting her cell and tossing it back onto the nightstand. Then, using her own body weight to help the shift, Beth pushed the mattress off the boxspring and bed frame, reveling a very groggy, very red, gasping tiny delivery boy.

'Oh, so there you are! I knew you must have been hiding from me!" Beth said as she reached down, and took a hold of Sammy's wrists, dragging him off the boxspring and onto the floor of the bedroom. The slim boy, who still had not yet recovered from his torturous night spend as further bed padding for this over 500 pound woman, coughed and failed at trying to bring himself up from his prone position once, and then succeeded at lifting himself to his hands and knees. he wasn't talking-far too dazed for that-he just began the impossibly slow motions towards the door. Beth played with her own hanging fat on the sides of her still bare belly, a tsunami of dark smooth, perfect feminism; and watched the boys movement with delight. Beth always loved seeing the aftermath of her squashing a much smaller person. The total devastation which her body causes simply by being lowered down onto another being. Then, when Sammy had gotten far enough towards the door, or at least as far as Beth was willing to see, she made her motion towards the lad, her booming footsteps sending shivers down Sammy's spine as he knew the huge woman was in chase. Soon Beth overtook the tiny Asian boy, each of her legs straddling a ribcage that even petite women couldn't compare to in smallness.

"Goodie, I love horseback riding!' Beth said with a childish giggle, and then bend at the knees and lowered all of her weight onto the boy's back. Her girth being so incredible in it's size that the bottom of her belly rested heavily on the boy's head and neck while her awe-inquiringly fat and heavy butt totally dwarfed the rest of his back and legs. The time span that Sammy's back held up for, couldn't even conservatively be called a second long, and soon Beth and each of her quarter of a ton pounds was crashing down to a now severely crushed Sammy. His nose began bleeding from the shocking force at which his body had been squashed, and Beth knew from sounds all too familiar that he had broken at least two of his tiny ribs in the drop. Beth just continued to sit, her body of bare wondrous fat smashing the slim boy into paste on her bedroom rug, and listened to the beautiful sounds of his moans, and whimpers.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


Awesome to have you back...but some more girl on girl soon would be terrific...I think it's what alot of us come here for, heh


Hey fuel -- whats up with our favorite girl lately?  We want to hear more about Beth's adventures!