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Beth's Journey

Started by fuel1563, October 21, 2007, 03:45:56 PM

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After finishing off her last "loveseat", Beth decided that she would take some time off from work and visit her best friend in California. She hadn't seen her friend in years, and decided it was time to make the cross country trip to pop in and say hello. In the past Beth and her pal, Melissa were inseparable when they were younger. Beth has always been a fat girl, though Melissa was always considered the "pretty" one. She had a typical wannabe model body while the girls were growing up, and a times others would comment on how poor taste it was for Melissa to hang around with someone so fat, to which Melissa would reply: Beth is beautiful, I wish I had the body she had. This of course always seems sweet to beth, though she didn't think her friend meant it, as she was always watching what she ate, while beth was reaching for seconds or thirds. Yet there loved each other, and still kept in touch online and on the phone, as after high School they both took other paths in life. Melissa decided to start fresh in California, while beth loved New York, and couldn't see herself living anywhere else.

Beth got the time off from work, and made the plans. In a week she'd be flying out for a nice mini vacation.

After Vlad, Beth found her hunger reaching new heights. Both for food and squashing. The thought of growing even larger while listening to the sweet moans and gasps from an unwilling cushion for her fat body, feeling the small struggles of another person under her large luscious fat, each one filling her with delight as she overpowered them so easily; it was ecstasy just day dreaming about it. She knew that she'd have to taste that at least once more before her trip to California. And she had just the victim in mind.

Since moving to her apartment, Beth had made the supermarket around the corner into a second home at times. Some days going to and from up to three times, as she quickly ate most of the sweets she bought just on the way from the market to her door, finding herself coming home with empty bags and a continuing hunger. And each time she was to check out, it seemed she always got the same snotty skinny girl who gave her dirty looks.  Beth usually just glared back a the small Asian girl, her flat chest and bony ass not even knowing what it was like to be a complete woman. But over the last few weeks, with the added feeling of missing out on her squashing, along with the skinny girl's attitude, it seemed it was time to get back to action.

later in the week, after some careful planning, Beth headed to the supermarket a few minutes before closing. What she had been hoping for came true. The small Asian girl was left there alone, no doubt being trusted enough of an employee to close the store herself. Beth waddled up and down the aisles, killing time till she was the last one in the store. it was then that she got lucky. The Asian cashier girl, must have thought the last customer had left, cause she walked to the door and locked it. Turning the sign hanging in the open window around, from OPEN to CLOSED, flicked off the main light in the aisles, covering Beth and the rest of the store in darkness with the exception of the light over the main register. The skinny girl returned to the register and began counting out the nights money, and that's when Beth noticed something. It seemed with every few hundreds the cashier would count out, she would put a few singles in another separate pile on the counter. She's skimming from the store, Beth realized. Beth continued to wait a bit, till the thin young woman was finished, placing the contents of the register into a lock box under the counter, and then sticking the fairly large wad of money left out in her jeans. Right about then is when Beth decided to make her move.

Stepping out of the shadow of the darken aisles, Beth said, "Hey there, twig."

The skinny cashier let out a loud gasp, as Beth had scared her nearly to death. After getting her bearings back, Jenna (the name of the Asian cashier) placed the huge black woman.

"What are you doing her, fatso? The store is closed, no more food for you tonight, get out of here now before I call the cops!"

"I don't think you will," Beth said. "I saw you pocketing money from the register. I wonder how your boss will feel when he finds out you've been robbing from his store, right under his nose."

Jenna stood there trying to calculate what this fat woman could want from her, not even realizing Beth had been stepping closer and closer to her with each word she spoke. Soon it struck her just how huge Beth was.

Beth was now only feet away from the incredibly thin young woman. She must hardly weight 90 pounds, Beth thought to herself. She felt goosebumps down her large body, the math in what was to come was astounding in and of itself. Beth took a few more steps towards Jenna, the small woman backing up till she felt the front of the counter brush against her bony ass. Jenna held out one hand, speaking with an authoritative voice out of nowhere, "What do you want?"

Her answer came in the from of Beth charging her 400plus pounds forward, each bit of her flab jiggling with each step-Beth moved quite fast for a woman of her size-and just as she reached the now terrified Asian girl, Beth pushed out with her belly, colliding with the skinny bitch with a slam. All of Beth's force and weight crushed Jenna into the front of the counter, Jenna blacking out from the shock and pain of the force. Beth stood there for a few moments, holding up Jenna against the counter with her large fat belly. Beth marveled at the size difference, knowing for sure that from the side it would seem as if this small Asian's shoulders and head came from nowhere, and Beth's belly touched either side of the counter around her.

Beth backed away, and the skinny cashier fell to the floor of the market.

"So I've got this nice cushion and the whole market to myself for the whole night it seems. This has possibilities."
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


fuel this story is great you should update soon!!!!!


Beth wasted no time getting down to business with Jenna. She dragged the now-fairly subconscious girl from the heap she was in next to the counter, across the cold floor of the market and into aisle five. Beth's favorite aisle. This was the home of all the various sweets the store had to offer. Everything from Chips and sugar snacks, to cakes and cookies. Beth was causally browsing around-as if she didn't already have most of the inventory memorized long ago-and came to a haul at a row of double stuffed Oreos. Her tongue dragged across her lips sensually. Dropping Jenna's foot, it falling with a thud on the hard cold floor; Beth reached for and opened a fresh package of the Oreos.

Jenna watched from the floor as this incredibly wide black woman brought two Oreos to her lips, devouring them with a few slow bites, and then beginning the process again with another handful of Oreos as she patted her overhanging belly with her free hand. Jenna had never seen anybody so lost in the act of eating, Beth looked near orgasmic. Jenna had hoped the huge woman was so entranced, that she could crawl away. After a moment of hesitation, she began to turn and lift herself up to all fours, and slink away.

Beth was throughly enjoying herself. She watched from the corner of her eye as the waffler thin girl thought of escape and then tried to slink away. Beth smiled as she watched the Asian's bony shoulders rise , he flat ass sticking out as she tried to crawl away like a dog. Ok, that was far enough, Beth thought to herself.

Jenna felt beth's movement before heard it. She didn't realize that when Beth wanted to, she could maneuver her obese body with the grace and silence of a cat. Soon Jenna had the thick tree-trunk sized legs of Beth on either side of her petite ribcage. Jenna stopped cold, looking over her shoulder and catching and eyeful of Beth's thick, huge soft belly.

"And where do you think you're going, skinny girl?" Beth asked. Then looking up to her right, Beth eyed a red box of soft Chip's Ahoy cookies. " these are to die for," Beth said, reaching for the cookies. And as soon as her fingers clasped a hold of the box, Beth kicked out her legs, her 430lbs coming crashing down on Jenna's tiny back. Jenna let out a dire groan as her arms and legs gave out, sending her flat onto the floor with the mountain of fat black goddess on her back. The landed with a large slam, Beth's overly ample ass making a slapping sound against the now flattened flesh of Jenna as she bounced back up slightly from the force of the drop. Jenna felt as if her intestines were going to fly out of her mouth, her body being ravaged by the weight of this woman like toothpaste being squeezed from it's tube.

Beth started laughing, as she opened the box of soft cookies, the sound of Jenna's breathless pleading and moans filling up the air. Placing the open box of cookies down to her side, Beth used her arms for leverage and she lifted her feet off the ground-Jenna feeling the full force of Beth's smashing weight as she did-and with great balance, brought each of her large beautiful feet down on the small girl's head, pushing her poor face into the floor. Wiggling for comfort, Beth said, "I just love the market," taking a large bite of the four small cookies in her hand. 
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


An empty box of cookies later, Beth rolled off to her side, and made her way back to her feet.  Jenna was laying still, besides the slow movement of her arms and legs and she struggled to move-unsuccessfully-and the coarse deep breathing she was doing. Beth loved looking down at the crumpled girl, admiring her own handywork. It felt so good to get back to what filled her with light more than anything-even eating. Squashing, flattening smaller people with her growing body. it was a new level of self love for sure. Never more did she feel like the Nubian Goddess she was then when using every inch of her body to overpower and engulf others.

Beth was needing something to help wash down the dozens of cookies she had eaten while on the annoying cashier, so she began walking towards the poor frame of the cashier. Bringing each of her steps down with authority, making sure the girl squeezing on the floor could hear and feel Beth coming, she walked back to the girl, and then stepped up and onto her back. Beth's large foot coming solely down onto Jenna's lower back, trampling the already thin 24inch waist of the girl. Jenna let out a painful grunt and yelp. Beth just kept walking forward, bringing her other food down on Jenna's upper back, crushing the girls small lungs and tiny breasts into the floor. Beth paused for a moment, as if regarding the foodstuffs on the shelf next to her with great interest. She looked down over the expanse of her gorgeous belly and pictured how the nasty cashier's body was holding up under her near quarter ton of weight. The girl's organs and ribcage being pulverized with a force they had never believe possible.

Jenna was near blacking out, her mind racing with what was happening to her. This fat bitch is going to crush me to death, she thought. She wanted to yell for help, but couldn't bring forth enough air to do so with beth standing on her back.

Beth grew with a perfectly lovely idea.

"Oh look at here," she said, making sure her voice was able to be heard over Jenna's constant groans. Jenna couldn't move her neck or head far enough to either side to see what the huge woman was referring to. "I just love Twinkies. One of my favorites, you know," Beth said with a giggle. Her full breasts, and hanging fat jiggling along with her, the movement sending small waves to her feet. Jenna felt the shockwaves of crush and began to cry out in pain even further.

"I just hate it when they put them all the way on the top shelf. Looks like I'm gonna have to hop to get them."

Jenna's thoughts and cries froze when she heard that. This woman couldn't be serious, jumping on her back would crush her spine. She frantically tried to move, to somehow unbalance Beth. It was useless of course. He small 85lb body found it impossible to offer and fight to move. Beth laughed outloud at the girls struggles once again.

"Skinny girl, you're not going anywhere. I just hope that pathetic thin body can take this. I don't want to break you yet, there so much time and goodies left to enjoy." Beth said. And with that, her large thick arms reaching out to the box of Twinkies on the high shelf, Beth bent at the knees and hopped up. her fingers just missed the box by inches, but she didn't miss Jenna when she landed. The tightly wound muscles of Jenna's back cracked loudly when Beth came crashing down on them with both feet, the sound traveling throughout the store. The thin Asian girls head also bounced back and forward, as did the rest of her limbs in response to the destruction force of Beth's body landed on her small back. Jenna found herself in a daze, and was barely able to make out what Beth said next.

"Darn, looks like I missed them. Lets try again," Beth said, unable to keep the giggle out of her voice. Once again she leap up, this time grabbing the box of Twinkies before coming down on Jenna's hopeless body with a double stomp.

To anyone watching, it would seem unreal, the height of from which this huge fat woman was coming down onto another person, let alone someone of such small meager size. Each part of her fat shaking and bouncing along with her, the rolls of her sides and belly totally visible from under the tight purple blouse and black spandex pants Beth was wearing.

Once again, upon beth landing on her back, Jenna's limbs jumped from the force, this time when her head came back down, it made contact with the hard ground, knocking her out cold. Shockingly her ribs did not break from the titanic force of Beth's trampling.

Beth stepped down and surveyed her work. Slipping her foot under Jenna's arm and lifting, she spun the girl around so that she was now on her back. Once again beth witnessed the results of such a massive trampling. The annoying girl was out cold. Beth, very pleased with herself, walked to the end of the aisle and grabbed a 2-liter bottle of Pepsi from off the shelf, holding the box of Twinkies under her arm like a trophy. When she got back to the crushed girl on the floor, she turned and slowly sat her wide backside down, dropping the last few feet to the girls flat chest. Bringing her fantastic thick thighs forward, she laid them over Jenna's head, leaving a small amount of space between their smothering fat for Jenna's tiny nose to breathe.

Twisting open the cap of the soda and opening the box of Twinkies, beth simply sat on the girl, squashing her into what would soon be a grease-spot on the floor, and stuffed herself, smiling and loving each bite.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


Checking her watch, Beth realized it was getting late, and didn't want to hang around too long in the store after it was suppose to be empty. She had finished off the last of her Twinkies as well as her soda, and Beth was finally feeling full.

"And how you doing down there, Miss Pancake?" Beth asked the gasping girl engulfed under the avalanche of fat. Beth began swaying back and forth, feeling each one of Jenna's bones under her. She loved the change in tone that she got from the poor Jenna as she moved. Actually hearing the air being steamrolled out of her from her lower chest to mouth.

"How does this feel, skinny girl? I'm not getting too heavy for you, am I? I know I've been stuffing my belly with the best your store has to offer for a while now, have you felt the added pounds? You'll probably never know how powerful it feels, with each step i feel my beautiful body sway and swing. Knowing with the simple act of sitting on an unlucky victim like you, I can totally conquer you small frame, sending it into shock as it tries to withstand my fat. I've been sitting here thinking of whether I should just spin around and lower this," reaching behind and patting the impossibly wide butt of hers, "huge ass onto your little face and smother you away forever. How would you like that, feeling your last breath trapped in your lungs, your face growing flatter and flatter as my 430 plus pounds crushes it."

Jenna began shaking her head back and forth in a desperate cry of "NO", which Beth felt and relished. Sitting on her stomach, her belly overflowing onto her amazing thighs, she couldn't even tell she was sitting on someone, aside the shaking and quivering of Jenna's body, and the long black hair laying between her legs.

Beth continued: "But I think I'll let you survive. See I know you've been stealing from your store, probably for a long while. And if you tell anyone about what happened here tonight, I'll make sure your boss finds out, and I'm sure he'd just love to press charges against a little thief like you."

Laying back, and bending her knees, so that her thick knees were on wither side of the Asian's head. Beth pulled her huge dark belly up and out of her spandex jeans, and let it slap down on Jenna's face. Leaning forward, she could now see Jenna's face, or what was left of it after her stomach spilled over it. Looking at Jenna's wide eyes, the rest of her face smothered in Beth's fat.

"But not only that, little girl. I'll come back and I'll bring some of my friends. Just picture that. Huge women dropping their bodies on you over and over, your helpless cries for help, my fat friends and I crushing you to dust. Now it's time for you to go to sleep, bitch." Beth finished, leaning forward so that all of Jenna's face and head was trapped in Beth's belly. She stayed like that for a while, till Jenna's kicks and struggles died out, when beth was sure the girl had passed out.

making her way to her feet, Beth composed herself, and walked to the front of the store. She grabbed a few plastic bags and filled them with assorted treats. Then she strode out into the night, leaving the passed out cashier in the store alone and completely squashed.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


Thanks for the latest story Fuel.  Can't wait to see where her journey takes her next!!!
;D :o ;D


Awesome Fuel, really happy to see some new writing from you, I only imagine it gets better.  ;D


A few days later from her late stop at the supermarket, Beth was at home getting a few last details squared away for her trip to California. Last minute packing, calling a few friends to let them know where she was heading, etc. Pulling the zipper on her last suitcase, she heard the bell ring.

Beth pulled a sweatshirt over her body-she had been packing in nothing but a bra and workout shorts-deep purple spandex shorts that saw no working out at all, except when trying to contain the overwhelming fat which made up Beth's butt and thighs-and made her way to the door.

In hindsight, Beth would have loved to have seen the look of surprise on her face when she poened the door to see the small thin Asian cashier from the supermarket standing before her.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Beth asked.

"I'm sorry...i asked Jeffery the delivery boy where you lived...I just I, " The skinny girl trailled off into a small mumble.

"Speak up, I didn't hear what you said. Why are you here?"

"I wanted to know if...if you could squash me more." Jenna the cashier said.

beth was shocked for the second time. After the through squashing she had given the snotty girl, she hadn't expected to ever see her again, especially at the market, where she was sure the cashier wold have quit out of fear of Beth's warning.

"Let me get this straight, little girl. You want to be crushed under me again?" Beth asked.

"Yes...I...I want to be flattened under you more."

Beth couldn't believe her ears. She had thought she put the small Asian girl through hell, yet here she was asking for more. But how could Beth turn her away, she couldn't pass up a chance to squash up such a smaller person, let alone one who was basically saying that Beth hadn't done a good enough job before.

"Ok, little girl. Come on inside," Beth said, moving to the side to allow Jenna entry into the apartment. Beth's belly was so large though, that Jenna had to turn to her side to try to squeeze through the small hall beyond the door. Just as she was halfway past Beth, Beth slammed the door behind her, and leaned into the 90lb girl. Jenna began to gasp out, Beth leaning more and more weight into her, putting her arms up, each of her thick hands on the wall as she leaned her full weight into the girl.

"So you like this, huh? You like being squashed by all my fat?" Beth asked the now red-face between her and the wall. "Then you'll get more. More then you ever thought you could handle.'

Beth backed away, Jenna taking in fresh breaths and looking up to the massive woman. "Come here, i have to make a call," beth said, taking Jenna's small hand in hers and leading her into the kitchen. "Get on the floor." Beth commanded.

Jenna's eyes grew wide, yet she did as the huge black woman commanded. laying on her back looking up at Beth. Her massive belly squeezing out from under the too small sweatshirt, her mountainous legs, dark and packed with curves. Beth picjed up the cordless phone from the kitchen counter and then leaps onto the girls chest. Jenna was shocked, expecting a slow step onto her body, not the tidal wave of 440lbs coming crashing down onto her small chest and breasts. Beth cared not for the girl she was crushing under her toes, she just dialed away, calling her good -and close to six hundred pound-friend Tami...
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


hey fuel great update on the story...can't wait til tami shows up!


Beth chatted away with Tami, occasionally doing a slight hop on the small helpless Asian girl, till Tami finally asked: "Girl, what is that sound I keep hearing?"

"The reason why I called. Remember that annoying little cashier, the snotty skinny girl I told you about. Well as we speak, I got her under my feet. What you're hearing is her little gasps." Beth answered.

"You're kidding? Cause I don't like to be teased." Tami mockingly warned.

"Not a bit, big girl. Apparently the crushing I gave her the other night wasn't enough. She came knocking on my door just a while ago begging for more. Guess I just didn't do a good enough job last time-now speaking to Jenna on the floor-did I?!"

Jenna's face was totally red now, all of the blood being rushed to her head and legs as this huge woman trampled her, Beth's thick bare feet crushing down Jenna's small stomach; flattening it out into the kitchen floor.

"Oh my god, you don't let her go anywhere. I'll be over in twenty. Oh damn, looks like I finally get to try out my new spandex dance pants." Tami said, her voice being carried by her excitement."

"Just hurry up, I don't know how much longer I can hold out from turning this little thing into a Chinese pancake.   Oh, and stop by Dunkin', I have a feeling we're gonna be working up a nice hunger."

Beth hung up with Tami and leaned forward, the shift in weight making Jenna wince and groan with agony.

"Well you wanted it, so now you're going to get it. You're skinny little body is going to be ravished tonight but a thousand pounds of fat."

Jenna's mind filled with all the fantastical and frightening possibilities of what Beth had said, leaving her mouth agape to try to breath, when Beth lifted her right foot up and brought her toes to Jenna's lips. Beth was holding onto both sides of the doorway entrance to the kitchen for support, glaring down at Jenna's face, which was now all but covered by her large luscious foot.

"Now if you don't want me to just hop right up onto that pretty little head of yours and squash it like a grape, you better start sucking those toes." Beth told the now teary eyed cashier. Jenna pressed her lips to Beth's toes, kissing them first, an then taking them into her mouth, sucking and licking each one. Beth giggled in delight at the sensation of the gasps of cool air that erupted from Jenna's mouth with each small hop she took on the poor girls' stomach. Oh yes, tonight was going to be fun...
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


Beth was sitting on the couch, polishing off a half gallon of chocolate chip cookie dough when she heard her doorbell. She buzzed Tami in and a few minutes later answered the knock at the door. Tami was wearing her new black spandex pants she had bought the weekend before for her dance class, and a button up red blouse.

"Damn girl, that spandex looks like it's barely holding on to your fat ass." Beth said laughingly, giving Tami a hug and a kiss on the cheek as she let her friend in.

"You're one to talk, looks like you've been emptying out the supermarket, oh wait you have. From food to staff." Tami replied. Both the girls got a laugh at that, a deep beautiful giggle that coursed through their bodies, electrifying each roll and inch of fat with movement.

The two massive women strode into the living room, the apartment absorbing the sounds of their heavy footfalls.

"So where is this wannabe crush-toy anyways?" Tami asked Beth.

"Beth walked to the couch in the living room saying, "Oh I don't know, take a guess," as she dropped back onto the sofa, a small squeal coming from beneath the cushions of the couch. Tami smiled wide, and walked over to the couch next to her friend, positioning her massive body over the little bit of seating there was left next to Beth, saying: "Umm...the kitchen?" Tami then did her own drop onto the helpless girl and couch. Jenna couldn't believe the added weight, Beth must not have been lying after all, her friend had to be close to six hundred pounds at least. Jenna was quickly running out of air, every fiber of her petite body was on fire under the avalanche of fat the two women were giving her.

Beth and Tami meanwhile were having the time of their lives, laughing and chatting about how the poor girl must be doing under them as they opened the box of dozen donuts and started picking through it.

Soon the box was empty, and both women were patting their overhanging bellies with pride.

"Well lets see if she's even still alive under there," Beth said, boosting her body up off the couch, Tami following suit. They lifted off the couch cushions and there laid Jenna, throughly squashed. Her eyes were squinting in the life from the living room, adjusting after being encased in darkness for so long. She was able to make out Tami in a moment, and let out an audible, "Oh my god."

"That's right, Tiny. I just weighed myself last week. You're looking at over 570lbs of sexy fat woman." Tami said, doing a little twirl to show the still girl all of her mountainous frame.

"i told you little girl, you didn't know what you were asking for," Beth said. "I hope you didn't have any plans for tomorrow, cause I don't see you surviving the night. When we are done crushing you to paste, you're just gonna be a little stain on my rug."

"I..." Jenna was still in the process of catching her breath. "I think I changed my mind. I've had enough. let me go," she continued.

Beth turned to Tami and spoke as if Jenna never let out a peep. "You know, this skinny bitch gives a wonderful foot massage. Highly trained in using her tongue."

"Oooo! I haven't had one of them in a long while. I want one." Tami said.

"In a bit. First i think she needs to be ironed out a bit more. Give me a hand, I have an idea." Beth said.

A half hour later, Jenna was tired to Beth's weight bench-much in the same fashion Vlad had been. Both of her arms out against her sides, rope bounding her to the bench.

"I don't know, we might just finish her off with this one," Tami said to Beth.

"Oh now, she can take it, can't you little girl?" At this point Jenna began shaking her head violently, pleading and crying at the same time to be let go.

On either side of Jenna, was Tami and Beth. Tami was standing one of Beth's footstools, her four foot butt pointed directly over Jenna's stomach and legs. beth was on the other side of the bench, Leaning over onto a chair from the kitchen, her wide ass also over Jenna, the shadow of it being cast over Jenna's tearful face and chest. Both SSBBW's were at least two feet higher then the bench, which Beth had lowered down.

"Okay, girl. On three, just fall back. Lets see just how loud this uppity skinny girl goes crunch." Beth said. "One...two...THREE!"

both Tami and Beth dropped back from their height, and came crashing down onto the bound girl's body at the same time. The living room let out a huge whallop of sound combining with the slapping sound of fat on the collision of both huge women on the bench. Their bodies were touching on their sides, each of their rolls of fat going through after effects. After they settled onto the bench, Tami turned to Beth's ear and said, "Wow girl, that was incredible. Get up so we can see if she's still breathing."

"No not yet, I'm enjoying the feeling of her crushed face under my ass..."
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


wow!!!!  It gets better and better :o


Jenna awoke to sunlight on her face. The night had past and she felt an incredible weight on her chest and stomach. Then it all came back to her. The night before, the thousand pound drop she took from the huge women who held her captive. She lifted her head and found the reason to the intense pressure she felt. Beth had fallen asleep while sitting on her on the couch. Tami was long gone, leaving Beth to herself and her cushion. Jenna couldn't move her arms at all as they were pinned under the girth of Beth. Soon Beth came around, looking around till she herself recalled where she was.

"Good morning, cushion. Sleep well?"

"Please...I can't take anymore...get off..." Jenna was once again pleading for freedom out from under Beth's 440lbs.

"Oh you want air? You got it." Beth lifted her titanic bulk up off Jenna. Fooling the girl into thinking she had a moment to fill her lungs. The moment ended just as soon as it began as Beth side-stepped to the left and dropped down onto Jenna's face and chest, loving the sensation of Jenna's still open mouth trying to close under her fat and failing. She could feel the girl twitching and shaking under her, trying to fight for air. A futile action.

Grinding her huge black body into the girl, feeling each bump of the helpless face underneath her with each motion Beth wondered out loud: "So what should I eat for breakfast..."
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


By the afternoon beth had decided it was time to finish getting ready for her flight to LA. She rolled off the couch, hearing the predicable gasping of air from Jenna who had been laid out beneath her.

"Oh little girl, I'm all done with you for now. Time for you to get gone."

Jenna was still catching her breath. Her arms and legs were numb from the sensation of being crushed for so long. Her small petite body felt out of place, as if she was roadkill which had survived, just moving slow and feeling flatter. She crawled off the couch, going sprawling onto the rug. Beth just towered over her, watching the pathetic girl trying to compose herself. The excitement of how completely out of sorts and ravished the small cashier was ran through Beth's body. As fat as she was she could engulf and destroy any average person under her with such ease. She only imagined how badly off this skinny girl would be if Beth's weight was at the 500lb mark. "She would have never survived the night. I would have broken all of her ribs and squished her organs in no time," Beth thought.

Jenna was still crawling on all fours to the door, struggling to freedom and tried making it to her feet when she hit the hallway. She rose to her knees, and fell back against the wall. She felt Beth walking up to her from behind.

"Having trouble?" Beth said over Jenna's shoulder.

Beth reached out to Jenna, spinning her around so she was face to face with her. "Looks like you took quiet the pounding. So, how'd you like being devoured under my ass, and Tami's?" Beth asked.

Jenna couldn't even bring herself to match Beth's eyes, only saying, "it was...too much."

Beth beamed at hearing the girls words. Beth had planned on pushing her past her limits, something she apparently wasn't able to do in the supermarket earlier in the week. Beth started taking steps closer to the girl, soon her massive belly rubbing upon Jenna's flat body, pushing her backwards towards the door.

"Now anytime you're feeling strong again, you just come on by. You know I loved hearing your little squeals and begs under my belly. Feeling your body fight to live under my's quite addicting. But it's time for you to run along home now. If you stay here any longer I don't think I'll be able to stop myself from dropping this fat ass on your head just to hear it pop under me."

Jenna's eyes filled with fear has she continued to back petal towards the door. Once her back brushed up against it, she tried to turn to open it, but found that Beth was still walking forward pushing her. Soon Jenna was pressed up against the door, Beth's massive belly and breasts hardly concealed under her shirt pressing more and more into her. Jenna started up at Beth's eyes for the first time since getting off the couch, seeing the huge woman's eyes open wide, surveying the damage she could inflict one last time. Jenna's chest began to concave inwards, limiting her airflow to her lungs. Beth keep leaning more and more of her awesome weight in. Beth's breasts overflowed onto Jenna's face, burying her in smothering fat, while her rolls of fat squeezed into and around Jenna, touching the sides of the door on either side of Jenna. Beth rocked from side to side, dragging Jenna's frame along with her with ease. Goosebumps rose on Beth's arms and neck as she could feel Jenna's lips moving as they were engulfed in her breasts, no doubt screaming for air or help or both.

And just as quickly as the belly smothering began, it ended, with Beth backing way, leaving Jenna to fall to a heap on the floor. Beth turned around and walked back towards the living room of the apartment, showing she cared now for the condition of Jenna in the slightest. Jenna found her way to her feet once again, then felt a trickle of blood come from her nose. She dabbed at the blood with her fore-finger, then looked once more and Beth as she waddled away. The thought of Beth dropped her full 440+lbs on her tiny face and head ran through Jenna's mind, the wide girth of Beth's ass in the air, the fallout being the total of Jenna's head. Her skull and face being decimated under the avalanche of Beth's black fat. Jenna quickly turned around and fled out the door into the building, making her way out and away as quickly as possible...
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


The days passed, and soon Beth found herself boarding a plane to California. After checking in most of her bags, giving the snotty looking blond bimbo who was the flight attendant a dirty look, she was squeezing her way down the isle of the plane towards her seat. Her massive girth made the situation difficult, both of her rolling curves rubbing against either side of the isle as she made her way towards the back of the plane, seat 73G. As she got there she saw a older teenage in raggy clothes sitting in the window seat. He looked like he had dozed off while listening to his ipod.

"Oh now, I couldn't," Beth thought to herself. But of course this was followed by her squasher logic. "Nobody will even notice it. He looks tiny, I bet I could totally engulf him in the seat." Beth looked around, happy to see she was one of the few passengers who had yet boarded the plane. She quickly shoved her carry on bag into the overhead compartment, and then carefully too hold of the teen by the shoulders. She moved him down towards the window seat, so that he was half sitting, have laying over on both seats. Then she turned around, knowing that time was running out, and slowly lowered herself butt first on the sleeping and unknowing boy. Her tight jeans made it hard to bend so slowly, she felt as if she was going to burst right out of them. A few inches short of contact, she couldn't hold it back and dropped fulling on the boy. His face and head was facing upwards, she had carefully positioned him like this so he would get no free space to scream out in pain, and just enough to room to get air. Though she wasn't very worried about him. In a matter of moments Beth had turned the thin boy into a mile high cushion. She looked on either side, happy to see she was totally covering both seats, her lovely rolls even overflowing onto the armrests. She bounced a bit in her seat, imagining the horror and pain the poor boy under her must be going through, and settled back for the flight.

Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


The plane's tired hit the pavement of LAX's runway as it reached it's destination. Beth sat back still crushing the teenage boy under her monstrous weight, he had spent the last 6 hours buried under the expanse of her butt, her fat overflowing into each inch of the two seats, smothering him in and out of conciseness repeatedly throughout the flight. Several times over the last few hours Beth found herself sure the boy was pancaked terminally under her fat body, only to find herself pleasantly surprised when she felt a small tingle of struggle from one of his limbs, his chest rising softly, pushing against her tightly stretched jeans.

Once again Beth waited till it was clear, most of the passengers having made their way off the plane, past the flight attendants. The she grabbed the seat in front of her, and using her arms, lifted her body up and off the now crumpled teen. She side stepped into the hallway, taking just a few moments to looked down and the boy. His hair was a mess, low hanging jeans and his t-shirt both a wrinkled mess. His eyes were closed, his mouth slightly agape with his tiny red tongue sticking out between his cute lips.  "Oooo...if only I had more time with this one. I'd love to see him suck my toes with those cute little lips of his while I caved in his chest." Beth thought.

Then, breaking her trance, she reached overhead and grabbed her carry-on bag and made her way towards the exit, either side of her rolls of fat and things rubbing and bumping into the chairs down the aisle.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


Beth wiggled her wide girth out of the cab, paying the dumbstruck cabbie the fare from the airport to Beth's friend's house. He was shocked when the huge woman flagged her down, and had been trying to catch more and more peeks at her body in the rearview mirror the whole drive over. Beth noticed this of course, and spend the ride over coyly looking out the window of the cab while rubbing the massive belly that laid out in front of her on her lap.  The cabbie drove off, almost driving off the road as he watched were in his rearview mirror. Beth giggled to herself and walked up the front steps, ringing the bell of her old friend's house.

Melissa opened the door and didn't recognize her best friend for the first few moments. Then it clicked. "Oh my god, Beth's gotten HUGE!" she thought.

"Beth what are you doing here!?" Melissa said, regaining her composure and reach out to hug Beth.

"I just thought it had been too long since I hung out with Skinny Mini," Beth said with a laugh, hugging her small friend back. Beth held the hug just a few moments longer then Melissa felt she should have, appling a bit more pressure then Melissa expected. Melissa felt her petite frame sinking into Beth's fat for the briefest of moments before they broke their embrace.

The two women walked into Melissa's house, chatting and catching up immediately. Melissa hadn't seen Beth in years and was very happy to get the chance to catch up with her old friend. They sat in her living room and chatted, three hours went by like nothing as they talked and laughed about old times.

"So where are you staying in LA?" Melissa got around to asking.

"Well I got a room at the small hotel down the road. They had a nice enough website so thats what I went with," Beth answered.

"Oh you mean the Magic Castle Hotel? Yea that is a good one. They have a great restaurant as well."

"Now thats the best news I heard all day," Beth said with a smile.

"I can see that, girl. You definitely look like you put on a few since I last saw you." Melissa said, leaning forward and playfully poking Beth's large soft belly.

Beth laughed and then said, "That's right. I'm a little over 440lbs I think. And I love it. Haven't felt so sexy in my life."

"That's great to hear. You do look breathtaking," her friend said.

"Girl, you have no idea..."

Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


Melissa made dinner for Beth and the two women sat around afterwards, making their way through a couple bottles of red wine, and soon it was late enough for Beth to take her leave. They made plans to get together the next night after Melissa got off of work, and then a cab was called for Beth.

Twenty minutes later beth was standing at the front desk of her hotel, checking in. The bellhop who came around to take her bags was obviously in awe of Beth as soon as he laid eyes on her. She could tell he had never seen such a big woman in the flesh before, and she got off on how wide his eyes opened at her mountainous body.

"Uh...right this way, ma'am." The meek bellhop said, leading her to the elevators.

Once inside, Beth leaned against the back of the elevator, moving her huge butt back and worth againist the wall, staring straight ahead. She could feel the small bellhop trembling next to her, his eyes dancing from her movement to the doors of the elevator.


The bellhop walked out of the lift, carrying Beth's bags. He listened to each of her footsteps as she walked behind him down the hallway. When he stopped at her room door, Beth "accidentally" kept walking, bumping him with her belly into the door.

"Oops...sorry little man." Beth said with a grin.

The bellhop turned around, stuttering out an "ok". Beth decided. The night would end with him crushed under her body.

He opened the door for them, and lead her inside. He placed her bags down on the floor next to the bed, and was turning to leave-wanting to get away from huge fat woman he felt had evil things in mind for him.

"Running off, already?" Beth said, slipping out of her shoes. "You haven't even shown me where the mini-fridge is  yet."

"Oh...yes, um sorry. It's right over here," the bellhop said, walking towards the small white fridge located next ot the entertainment center of the room. Beth maneuvered behind him, so that when he bent slightly to open the mini-fridge's door, the bottom of her belly was rest on his lower back. The bellhop stopped moving, frozen in his helpless position with this huge woman leaning over him. Beth pressed more of her engulfing belly into him as she spoke, "I saw you looking at me. You've never seen such a fat woman before have you?"

The bellhop simply shook his head slowly from side to side, gesturing that no he hadn't.

"Well then, you're in for a treat. Do you have any idea how much I weigh?" Beth said, placing her hand upon his hair, running her thick fingers through his light brown hair.

"No ma'am." The bellhop said, sweat now dripping from his terrified body.

"I'm about 450lbs. Four hundred and fifty pound of fat black Goddess." Beth said. She lef go of the bellhops hair and grabbed him by the shoulders. Lifting him to his standing height and spinning him around to face her. He was eye level with her breasts, the small bellhop not being any taller then 5'3.

The small bellhop was staring straight at Beth's massive breasts, her blouse struggling to contain them. He broke trance to look up at Beth's face which was beaming with a grin as it always did when she found new prey. He only got a glimpse, as Beth then grabbed him by the hair and pulled his face into her breasts, smothering him into darkness...

Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


Holding his face tight and deep into her large breasts, Beth dragged the small bellhop towards the bathroom of the hotel room. When Frankie-as it said on his name tag-was released from his imprisonment of his smothering, his eyes having to adjust to the light of the bathroom. Beth shoved the small man backward, him tripping on the side of the bathtub and falling into it, hitting his head against the wall of the shower. He sat there dazed, trying to fully understand what was happening as Beth began to undress.

"It's been such a long trip here, I've been dying for a bath all day." She began as she unbuttoned her blouse. Frankie looked on at the huge breasts and rolls of fat on Beth as she dropped her blouse and unhooked her bra. She continued to talk to her new victim as she struggled to free her curves from her tight jeans. "Wow, I can't believe how tight these have gotten on me. I'm surprised I haven't burst out of them by now." Soon she managed to get them down to her ankles, stepping out of them and turning around, giving Frankie a stunning view of her incredibly wide ass. She reached around her sides and pulled her thong loose from it's deep entrapment in her ass. He was stunned, as if witnessing a magic trick of fat, Frankie hadn't even been aware of Beth wearing a thong, it was so encased under her rolls of flesh. Soon that too fell around her ankles.

"Ah, that's much better. Nice to finally be able to breath again. Hehe, you'll be thinking that in a moment." Beth said, reaching down to the twenty-something bellhop who was frozen in place in the tub. Beth began pulling at his uniform, Frankie trying to struggle slightly, then giving up by the time he was barebacked. Soon he was sitting in the tub with nothing but his underwear, a very small white boy who couldn't look more helpless.

"Look at you, you're so tiny. How much do you weigh, 130lbs?" Beth asked, her hands on her hips, swaying her low hanging belly while she talked. Frankie was staring at her belly jiggling and swaying as he answered, his voice barely a whisper.

"I weigh 123lbs."

"My goodness, you are tiny. Lets see, thats about 320lbs less then I weigh. I wonder how well you are going to handle me crushing you in that tub. Lay out, now!" Beth commanded.

Frankie did as he was told, as if in a trance by this astonishingly fat woman. He did as he was told, positioning his bony body in the bathtub as he was told. He kept his head to the side so he could watch Beth's body as she moved towards the bathtub, and turned on the hot water. Frankie's small feet flinched to the hot water, a singal to Beth to add a bit cold water to the mix.

"Ok tiny, here I come. Enjoy your last breath." Beth said as she stepped into the tub, one of her feet finding it's ground on Frankie's lower stomach. The small bellhop began to groan with pain of the pressure of Beth leaning forward with all of her weight, stepping fully into the tub and bringing her other foot down on his stomach. Beth was now standing fully onto the bellhop's tiny body. The water began filling the tub, it's rushing sound combining with Frankie's sounds of pain. Beth took one last look down at the helpless bellhop, then turned around in place on his stomach, so that now the completeness of Frankie's view was of Beth's huge naked butt and body. Then she began to lower the massive butt down, dropping onto the poor boy's face and chest, cause a large splash in the tub as she landed. Beth stretched out her large thighs, completely covering the rest of Frankie's body as she sat back on him, his face buried in the fat of her lower back, he chest completely crushed under her ass.

"There we go, much much better, don't you agree?" Beth said, bouncing a bit and laughing at the splashing water. Her only answer was that of Frankie's body twitching under her, struggling to survive under her.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


great story so far. if you can, i would love to read some more parts about Beth squashing some teeny tiny girls.


Frankie's small limp body was laying on the floor, one of the the hotel towels which he worked for wrapped around his lower half. The towel covered his small body down from his waist to his ankles. He looked very much like a deflated adult under an airplane blanket. The same sized towel however hardly covered much of Beth at all. Frankie was laying on the floor, staring up and the jello-like jiggling of Beth's rolls of fat as she walked across the room and back, pacing slowly and sensuously in front of him, watching Frankie's body tense each time she passed by, knowing he was trying to prime his skin and bones for another crushing from her.

Beth was delighted with her stay at the hotel so far, she wasn't expecting to have found a suitable small victim so easily. And yet here she was, calculating exactly how to attack this pencil thin boy with her large, luscious body. Frankie stayed quite, too scared to move, and too excited by what this huge woman would do next.

Beth cut her pacing short in midstep, and walked towards the bellhop, watching his chest rise and fall with a quickened pace by her growing closeness. She bend at the waste, her belly folding over her hands as they held on to her massive thighs as she did so. Then, sliding out her thick fingers from under her flab, she brought her index finger down to the now very frightened bellhop, and slowly tapped as she talked.

"This is not going to be a great night for tiny bellhops." Beth said, her face broadening out into a large grin. Then  wshe dropped right down, bringing both of her thick knees dead center into the young man's stomach. Instantly his face went red, his eyes squinting with pain. Beth's knees, followed by with the incredible 440lbs of fat totally crushed his stomach, ironing it out so that it felt paper thin to her as she balanced herself on him, both of her hands on either side of Frankie's body. Frankie's feet and head began to toss from side to side as his body tried to deal with what was happening, shaking Beth and her massive hanging breasts over him, casting a shadow over him in the hotel room light. She giggled as her breasts swayed back and forth, and at how small and pathetic the boy looked under her. Using her hands for leverage, she began bouncing slightly on his stomach, Frankie feeling his insides being flattened and moved with each movement of this black goddess. He began moaning something unintelligible to Beth, what she was sure was pleads for his life. beth decided she didn't' want to finish off the bellhop so soon, as well as being a bit tired from holding herself up. She hopped up again, higher then any of her previous efforts, and straightened out, then dropped in a mini slash of her full body on the poor Frankie. It was better then the feeling of his organs being crushed, yet he could still hardly breath with his face and head being buried under the breasts of Beth. beth looks on either side of her gorgeous fat body, loving how  he disappeared under her, totally invisible from anyone who would be looking on as she laid on him. She then slowly stroked his hair, saying, "Don't worry tiny, you've got hours of life under my body left for you."
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


OMFG - this story just gets better and better.  Cant wait to see what or who Beth is going to do next!!!
;D :o ;D


After two hours of constant abuse at the hands-and feet and but and weight-of Beth, Frankie has passed out cold, his breathing growing so shallow, Beth had to keep checking his nose to make sure he was still alive. She dragged the battered Bellhop from off the bed where he had last suffered a long smothering from the expense of Beth's huge and low hanging belly, off too the floor and in-between the bed and the loveseat which was in the spacious hotel room. She paused, deliberating at her next move, and then put her massive naked body back into action setting up more fun for herself. She bound the boy's wrists together over his head, and to the frame at the center-side of the bed. Then using her bra which as laying on the floor, she tied his feet together at the ankles, bounding them to the leg of the couch which was parallel to the bed. There this naked tiny Bellhop was, helplessly tied to the bed and couch, spread out on the floor, not even aware of his situation.

Beth waddled into the bathroom and poured a cold glass of water. Walking back, taking a sip or two from the cup-crushing was fun though hard work-she splashed the rest of the water onto the boy's face. He came to with a start, and then found himself in the same position so many unfortunate small people have in the past, staring up at Beth, her goddess-like figure so domination and sexy, each of her rolls of fat and curves adding up to an incredibly large woman, one who was fully bend on having her way, squashing and crushing smaller people for her delight and pleasure. Frankie broke his gaze away from Beth's hanging belly-which was now jiggling with a mind of it's own as she laughed at the boy's struggles to free himself from his restraints.

Frankie was frantically pleading for no more punishment, and Beth just waved him off, her thick fingers and hand cutting not only through the air, but also his cries for help.

"Don't worry little guy, you're just tied cause I wouldn't want you to move and try to escape through the door. See, I've always loved playing on trampolines when I was a girl, though I never knew just how much more fun it was to play with one that could gasp. I'm going to hop on you, all of my sexy ebony fat is going to come slamming down on you over and over and over again." Beth said.

Frankie was now struggling with all of his might-very little of it that it was-to no avail. He was so tightly bound that even when struggling, his body could hardly move enough to buck and sway out of the way of Beth.

Stepping up on his stomach, his tiny body being flattened into the floor, Beth looked down at the Bellhop's face and asked playfully, "I wonder how many hops it'll take before your lungs pop out?" And then she set off, hopping into the air and coming down straight away onto his stomach with all of her near 450lbs. The room below them was luckily empty, or else the front desk would have received many calls wondering about an earthquake which had stuck the building. Repeatedly Beth hopped up and them came crashing down onto Frankie's rapidly flattening body. After the fifth leap, Beth felt the coming of a massive orgasm, and by the tenth leap, she felt the second. Beth and each of her bouncing pounds of fat were electrified by the 15th hop, when  she looked down to see the Bellhop's strained face, his mouth agape, his eyes rolled back into his skull. The booming sound of her falls filled the room, though her ears were only focused on the last gasps of air her "toy" had in his body, replaced with the sounds of his ribs cracking, and soon nothing. After reaching her third and final orgasm, Beth stopped hopping, and just stood still on the boy's destroyed body till she felt her own body calm down. Stepping off she looked at another victim of her glorious fat, smiled wide, and then walked into the bathroom to shower.

Later on she untied the Bellhop, and left him on the floor till early morning-which came fast enough as she had spend many of the night hours crushing him. She prepared her things, checked the hallway for any passerbys, and then carried the crumpled body of the Bellhop to the garbage chute, and let him go. She was fully dressed and checked out, hours before anyone even realized the boy was missing.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


Beth got into her waiting cab and then made her way to the next hotel which she had looked up for reservations the night before. Sitting in the backseat-taking up a large amount of it with her size-she replayed the previous night in her mind. Everything from her first contact with the small belhop, to his last gasps, seeing his crushed face, looking past her large belly, seeing his destruction over her curves. Unknowingly she started to smile and slightly bounce in her seat, the cab driver looking back to only wonder about the huge woman bouncing and swaying in his cab.

Upon reaching the next hotel, a mere ten blocks from her last one, she got out, paid the driver, and watched as another bellboy carried her bags to the front desk. She checked in, paid through the week-"No crushing the staff here," she told herself-and made her way to her room. She was there a short time before she found herself bored, and in need of getting some air. So she dressed up, wearing a pair of dress pants which clung tightly around her thighs and butt, and a blue blouse, taking the elevator to the lobby. She made her way out dressed to the nines, and hailed another cab. She had hours left before she had to meet her friend for dinner and drinks, so she had to find something to amuse herself with till then. She was looking online on her cell phone, for any bbw clubs or parties in the area, and found a hotspot named Club Jiggle. A weekly club for big girls to come dance. Giving the cabby the directions, she was on her way, knowing it was early yet, though still hoping to come upon some fun.

A short ride later she was there, walking through the front doors, pleased to find that the place was fairly full, all with big beautiful women in their skimpy outfits. She waddled to the bar, and ordered a drink to get herself relaxed. Four drinks later she was feeling very loose, and made her way to the dance floor. The song playing was one of her favorites and soon she found herself dancing and moving to the music. After a while a short young nerdy man moved next to her and started dancing with her. She smiled and danced with him, making sure to give him a few bumps with her large thighs, each bump almost sending him to the floor. Yet the little guy was a trooper and held his own. They danced for a few more songs and then made their way to the bar for a couple more drinks. After some casual chatting, the little man managed to pull up the nerve to ask Beth back to his place. She smiled and accepted.

Not twenty minutes later they were both on their way to his place, Beth sitting in the passenger seat, her fat overflowing to the driver's, sending the nerdy man into a frenzy. Upon making it to his apartment, Jeff-the nerdy fellow's name-got out and made sure to walk around to left Beth out. Beth took his hand, feeling more then a bit tipsy from her drinks, and got out of the car. Soon they were both heading up the few steps to Jeff's apartment.

Upon entering, Jeff offered Beth another drink, which she happily accepted. Another two of these and Beth was quite drunk. She found herself unable to control her lust, and the next time Jeff found himself seated next to her on the couch, Beth got up and then dropped down onto his lap, planting her fat ass over his small legs and chest. Leaning back so that her back fat smothered his face. It didn't last long however, as she qucikly got up to see a very happy looking nerdish guy with his glasses needing adjustment. Before he could say one word he was being pulled off the couch and onto the floor by Beth. The small man was in wonderment, thinking he had finally found his lucky woman, as never before had he moved so quickly with a woman. His amazement and smiles quickly faded however when Beth positioned herself over his tiny form and then dropped butt first onto his chest. All of his air was pushed out from his body, and he was still wondering what was happening as Beth pulled his face deep into the lower part of her belly, smothering him.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


Beth lifted herself up and dropped back down on the nerdy man's skinny chest, each time forcing him to expel out a large amount of air. Beth was drunk, and wildly acting out her devastating squashing lust, not even building up to the titanic crushing she was putting the little man from the nightclub, through. She went from 0 to FLATTEN in seconds, laughing and loving each movement of her body, the air rushing up the sides of her fat belly, the thrill of her massive booty cutting through the air, till the very impact on her latest victim. Beth lost herself in the act, lifting and dropping back down with no mercy over and over, losing all sense of time or effect from her actions....

Beth awoke feeling very sore on her backside. That was the first sensation she felt. Then looking around, she started to put together what must have happened. She drank too much, and lost track of time, passing out after going home with some stranger. Then Beth looked down. Coming out from between her huge thighs was the stomach and waist of the same small guy she went home with a few hours ago. He looked as if his body started at his chest, and grew out from there, between Beth's legs, and Beth realized she was sitting on his face. No wonder her butt was feeling so sore, she had this guy's face trapped under her for god knows how long.

Rolling off to the side, Beth gathered herself to her knees, and then to her feet. She was still tipsy from the alcohol she had earlier, though she was definitely in better shape then the poor little guy she was facesitting. His eyes were closed and his face was very red, with no breath coming from his lips. Beth couldn't believe it, she had gotten so drunk she squashed this nerdish guy to death, no doubt finishing him off by smothering him under her large fat ass, and worse comes to worst she couldn't remember any bit of it. Such a shame, Beth thought as she gathered her shoes, and bag. Then she took one last look at the smothered man, thinking: "He was kind of cute too," then she walked out of the apartment and into the LA sun.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.



IT keeps getting better, tho i can't wait til she meets up w/ melissa again?!?!


these are awesome stories looks like beth is on her way to reaching serial killer status keep up the great work


Hey fuel ... the holiday break is over - about time you got Beth back in action!
:o :P :o

J/k dude.  just really into your stories and would be happy to see another update!
thanks for all your efforts.


boy that was a fantastic !! story, i only wished that i was beth's kidnapped and squash toy, i can't seem to find a women who
injoys sitting or Dom a guy that injoys serving a women..

if anyone is interested just email me i live west of boston ma and my email is


 :D YES!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks for bringing back the squashing stories