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Beth's Desire

Started by fuel1563, June 07, 2007, 02:08:02 PM

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June 07, 2007, 02:08:02 PM Last Edit: June 07, 2007, 08:27:13 PM by fuel1563
It had been nearly a year after her encounter with the young Greg, and Beth had gone through a few small changes. Well maybe "small" wasn't the word. Beth had put on some weight, going from around 380lbs to a now even 400 big and beautiful pounds. It was a small increase, one that was hard to even tell on a girl of her size to begin with. However that wasn't all that had changed. Since her first taste with the power that came with using her massive body to her own means of pleasure, squashing and flattening out smaller people with it's grace and weight, she felt herself become addicted to the idea. A day didn't go by without her spotting at least one would-be victim for her desires. Someone she could totally dominate and make her own personal seat cushion. A year had gone by, and she felt herself building up inside. It was too long a time to go by without hearing the delightful whimpers and gasps of someone under her large bulging ass.

And it was exactly this that crossed her mind as she sat on the downtown train, coming home from another fun BBW Gathering. Sitting there, taking up two full seats on the late train, her mind was wandering, struggling to deal with all the possibilities of squashing. It took the boarding of a drunken college boy to pull her out of it. He shambled on the train during one of the local stops, making the trains car population reach 2. Beth found him cute, despite his drunken state, longish brown hair cascading over his face, thin and in shape. He slumped over in a seat, parallel from Beth, and she put his weight at around 150lbs on a 5'7 frame. She smiled as she did the quick calculation in her head, comparing her vast size to his. It was then that he looked up and caught sight of this wide beauty appraising him, realizing for the first time that he wasn't alone in the subway car. He dropped his eyes quick, shyness overtaking him. Beth wasn't fooled though, she watched him as he tried desperately to peak through his hair at her huge curves. She knew he was taking in the awesome size of her thighs, how they spread out like an avalanche of fat over the small seats of the bench, he belly bulging out onto her lap, and her thick arms as they laid across her very ample chest. Beth watched on, thinking she just might have found the break (giggling to herself at her pun) she was looking for...
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

June 07, 2007, 04:22:03 PM #1 Last Edit: June 07, 2007, 08:40:01 PM by fuel1563
After a short cat and mouse game of who could catch who looking, the booze in the college boy's system eventually won over, and he began drifting off to sleep. Beth looked on as his head lowered, and his body slumped in his chair as he found his way farther and farther into dreamland. She could actually feel the tingling in her butt as she looked on, plotting out her next move. Taking another look around the subway car to confirm what she already knew-they were alone-she lifted up off her double seat, and made her way slowly to the sleeping college boy. Staring down over her large chest and bulging belly, her eyes lit up and she shifted her feet, turning around on a dime so that her incredibly thick and fat bottom was directly over his prone form. She bend at the knees a little, her huge lower half stretching out her black jeans to their max, and then she simply just fell backwards. Her waking cushion emitted a loud grunt as he came to to find the beautiful SSBBW he was staring at on his lap and chest, using her huge body to squash him into the hard plastic seating. He was covered in his slumping position, the top of Beth's massive ass resting against his chin, the total of his body completely covered under. His legs were laid out from under Beth, coming out between her own huge thighs. Beth places her hands high on her hips, grinding slowly as all of her lit up in excitement. She had almost forgotten the rush squashing held for her.

Vlad, who was the young college student Beth was now smothering under her fat, was taken totally but surprised. In his drunken state he still could not totally comprehend what was happening to him, just that he felt completely engulfed in this large woman's body, his body straining to hold up in it's tired state under the pressure of her weight. He could actually feel his tongue roll out of his mouth as he gasped for air. Beth just smiled, adding a few bounces to her squashing. The cute college boy was a bit too lumpy for her, she'd have to fix that. Higher and higher she bounced, forcing Vlad down farther under her butt as she did, his much smaller body crumpling under the dropping bombs she was delivering it. Soon she had managed to squeeze his body so far down that when she stopped bouncing to catch her breath, she found he was now totally mushed under he wide butt and thighs. She sat still and counted to one hundred, enjoying each and every one of his squirms as he fought to breathe-despite how impossible it was. With each gasp, Vlad just found himself inhaling more and more of Beth's gigantic lower half. Soon he began to fade from lack of oxygen, his lungs not able to withstand begin devoid of air for a long while in his drunken state. Once she reached one hundred and twenty in her head-she decided to add a few more moments to his suffering-Beth stood up and looked back on her latest victim. Vlad was totally crushed, almost into a ball on the subway bench, his tongue out of his slightly purple lips, eyes closed. Beth turned and bend to check for a pulse, which she was happy to find was still fairly strong. She didn't want to use up all her fun just yet.

Beth knew her stop was coming soon, so she readied Vlad to be moved. At this hour the station would be empty, and her car was only a few short blocks away from the station itself. Holding him up, his arm over her shoulder, Beth decided she couldn't pass up the last chance for a little crushing. "Something for the road," she told herself, letting Vlad drop hard on the floor of the subway car. She nudged him until he was on his back, sprawled facing the ceiling of the subway car. Raising her left foot, she brought it down-red heels and all-right on Vlad's chest. She applied more and more weight, awaiting him to wake up from the pain-which he never did. Then, using the handrail next to her head for balance, she lifted and brought her other foot down on his stomach. She could feel her feet and heels sink into his skinny body, as all of her 400lbs stood on his ribcage and organs. She stepped in place a bit, slowly trampling him with her massive weight. Then, holding tightly on the handrail, she bend at the knees and hopped up in the air, coming crashing down on Vlad's poor chest and stomach with a mighty stomp. His legs and arms jumped in reflex from the onslaught, Beth stood still on him, her thighs rubbing together in delight. "I'd love to do that a few dozen more times, but so ah wll." Beth thought.

Stepping off of Vlad's body-his chest now already beginning to darken with huge black and blue marks under his shirt, Beth bent and lifted her new toy up into her arms. She brought him to a standing position, his head buried in her sexy cleavage, until she got his arm over her shoulders, and the train made it's final stop. Beth held up her young student, and walked off the train and into the station...
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

June 09, 2007, 05:19:02 PM #2 Last Edit: June 09, 2007, 05:30:32 PM by fuel1563
Holding Vlad at her side, his much tinier body squeezed against the rolls of fat around her, Beth marched him out of the station and onto the street. In the late hour there was practically nobody else out, and Beth liked that just fine. Less witnesses.

Vlad began to come out of his haze, first realizing he was no longer on the train, and the thought, "Wow I'm so bombed I can't even feel myself walking." In a moments time it came to him that he was actually being half carried down the street, and by the huge woman he had been making eyes at on the train no-less. The same titanic woman who had been crushing him on the train before he lost sense of the world.

"Where are you taking me," he asked, not even bothering to struggle against Beth's strong grasp.

"Oh, you're awake? Goodie. I wouldn't want you to miss out on all the fun. And to answer your question, little man, I'm taking you home with me. And there's nothing you can do about it. See, you're now my property. I own you. As soon as you stepped foot on that subway car, you became my cushion." Beth said, stopping in her tracks, and juggling him a slight bit into a bear hug. Locking her fists around his body, squeezing him against her belly and breasts, his helpless face turning red as she continued, "The rest of your life you'll be used  for nothing more but my pleasure. And enjoy your breath while it lasts, cause once we get back home, I've got a lovely cake with some delicious vanilla icing on it, and I'm going to finish every last bite as I smother you under my huge ass."

Vlad began to struggle now, but it was helpless. Beth simply leaned back and began walking again as she held him in her death-grip against her large girth. Another block in this crushing grip, and Vlad lost the world again, his gasps the last thing he heard as he blacked out. Coming to her car, she laid him out across the hood as she opened the door. Pulling him by the shirt to a sitting position, she tossed him into the car like a rag doll. Then bending over into the front seat she grabbed a a hold of him and did some re-positioning. Laying him across the front seats, his legs bend up in the passenger seat, as his face and head were stretched out on the driver's. The holding on to the car door for support she turned and lowered her elephantine body onto his chest and head, burying him in 400 pounds of fat. Beth sat back for a few moments, as utter joy washed over her. Then, grinding in her seat as she did, Beth started the car and began the short drive home.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

June 10, 2007, 01:31:25 PM #3 Last Edit: June 11, 2007, 03:21:53 PM by fuel1563
Leaning to her right every so often, her weight shifting from the crushing position on his head to his chest, Beth afforded the poor Vlad with enough air to sustain his lungs. Only to drop back over on his face, burying him again in her butt. Soon she was pulling into her usual spot in front of her apartment building, and lifting her bulk off of her new found and out of the car...

Vlad awoke an hour or so later to find himself bound in tight white cord to a weight bench. It was the usual sort, roughly two and a half feet off the ground, with two out-shooting legs to keep it up. He was wrapped tightly around his arms and stomach, along with his legs to the bench, and besides the fidgeting of his shoulders and head he could not move at all. His mind blurred with all that had happened in his night, from meeting his friends to celebrate a birthday, to the train ride where he first laid eyes on the massive woman who had kidnapped him, to now. Looking around, taking in his surroundings, Vlad saw he was placed in the middle of a common living room. He could make out a couch-with very sunken cushions-to his left, and a entertainment center to his right. There was a small outpouring of light from the kitchen which shared the space with the living room-a small half-wall and turn separating the rooms-and this a along with the moonlight, was the entirety of his light. His heartbeat raced as he tried to get a hold of the situation, trying to think of any means of escape, and that was when he heard the loud footfalls of a very big, very dominating woman.

Beth strode into living room, now wearing nothing but a pair of tight white panties and bra-both two sizes too small to contain her jiggling sexy fat- holding a folding table in one hand, a tray with a cover on it in the other. Vlad just stared, unable to deny just how beautiful this woman was, and watched her walk towards him as he laid stretched out, her naked thighs rubbing against each other in a large swaying of incredible fat.

"Oh, you're awake? Goodie. I was afraid I was going to have to throw some water on you to snap you out of your slumber," Beth said with a smile. "You like what you see," she asked, turning around and bending slightly to unfold the table and place her tray on it, her gigantic bottom pulling against the thin fabric of her panties in protest. Vlad just stared in awe at her ass, realizing it could cover him in his current state almost completely.

Beth looked over her shoulder, and before Vlad could get out a desperate plead of "Mercy", Beth sat her huge body on him. Her wide thighs and ass covering him from his bottom lip to his thighs, Vlad felt every part of his being being crushed and flattened under more pressure then he had ever felt in his life. There was very little to the cushion on the weight bench, and it offered no protection against the onslaught of Beth's power and size.

"Oooo...that's nice," Beth said with a voice full of ecstasy, wiggling her body on Vlad, slowly compressing all of the air out of his mouth with a gasp. She looked briefly down her side, and just over the expanse of her fat she could see his little head, turning very red, his eyes squinting with pain. Then she turned her attention to the tray in front of her on the small table. Lifting the tin cover, she had a large piece of a soft buttery cake, smothered in vanilla icing awaiting. "Mmmm...that looks good," Beth said, rubbing her large belly which was now overflowing her panties. "Doesn't that just look amazing, little man?" Beth asked the poor soul under her. "Oh I guess you can't really see it can you? You're just a bit too busy trying to survive all of..." pausing to propel her bulk up, coming crashing down on Vlad with each of her glorious 400 pounds, Vlad emitting a whimper in resonse, "THIS!" she finished.

Then, grinding in her seat again, Beth reached out and brought a piece of her cake to her thick full lips and devoured it in one mouthful. She was a goddess on her throne and she was very very happy.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

After finishing her pie-which Beth took a good long time to savor-she pushed her floding table forward a few feet, giving her enough room to stand back up. Looking back over her crushed boy toy, she could see the he was hardly paying attention to much at all. Vlad's eyes had rolled back into his head, and his chest raised and dropped with an extreme sense of urgency, taking in all the air possible while Beth's humongous body wasn't there to suppress it. Beth leaned forward, placing her hands on his small stomach, leaning all of her weight onto them, and she could feel his lower ribs and organs try to deal with her crushing force, very hands on if you will. She smiled and looked into his now very purple face, "You don't look so good, little man. At this rate you'll never make it till morning."

Vlad got out a barely audible moan in response to what Beth had said, his head tossing back and forth as she leaned into him with more and more of her awesome weight. Beth just remained still, listening to his moans and pleading, trying to think up the next step in her return to crushing. Then, nodding to herself, she giggled at her new found idea. Leaving Vlad to gasp again for breath, she waddled her way into the hallway which connected the living room to the bathroom and bedroom. In the hallway she opened her storage closet, and pulled out her step stool. Walking back into the living room, she noticed Vlad watching her with desperate interest. Watching as she made her way back to the bench he was bound to, unfolding and setting up the step-stool next to him. As Beth placed one of her thick sexy feet on the step-stool, Vlad's eyes widened with the possibilities of what she had in mind. Beth looked back down to him, drawing her fingers across her huge thighs as she did so, putting her awesome size and power on display for him to see. Then, turning her attention back to the step-stool, Beth grabbed the handle sticking up, for balance, and began stepping up to the highest step, a good three and a half feet off the ground.

Vlad now began shaking his head side to side in a "no" fashion, while muttering: "Please...you'll kill me..." over and over to this Goddess of fat. Beth's feet were now standing on the top rung of the step-stool, and they were higher than Vlad's prone body on the bench. Just before she leaped, she simply responded to Vlad's pleas with a "Maybe." Then sticking her right leg out and up, she leaped off her perch, and came smashing down on his helpless body, each of her dark massive legs on the side of the bench, with her butt and belly landing completely unimpeded on Vlad's chest and stomach. There was a loud boom as she landed, along with the slapping sound of her fat against his body. Vlad let out a burst of air and soon darkness began to cloud his vision. Riding out her landing, Beth grinned and moaned at the struggles from the flattened being under her. She rubbed her fat belly and breasts, finding a whole new sense of sexual satisfaction. Looking at Vlad she could see he was losing it fast, so she had to make the best of his awakened mind. She bounced her huge body up his small body, till her legs were outstretched over his shoulders and his face was smothered in her large belly. Beth could feel his lips under her flesh, trying desperately to intake any air at all, and all he could find was her fat. Bouncing now, her belly slapping against his face, she took a bet on how many of those amazing drops it would take to totally flatten him...
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

fuel, where the heck did you go? This was getting to be almost as good as After Class!  Come on back and give us some new updates - please!!!


Vlad awoke the next morning to find himself laying in a king-sized bed. He didn't recall getting into the bed, or when he had passed out the night before. His last memory of the night was beth leaping off her foot-stool for what had to be the tenth time of the evening, crashing down on his bound body and sending him into oblivion.

Vlad tried to sit up in the bed, but he found that once he lifted his chest off the mattress he was wretched with incredible soreness over his entire upper body. The sun coming into the window gave him the light he needed to investigate, and he saw he was covered in large black and blues. No doubt from Beth's 400lb body running wild on him the night before. Vlad dropped back to the bed and started at the ceiling when he realized he was alone in the room. Where had she gone? The Goddess he saw on the subway train in a drunken stupor that had turned him into her slave. Vlad could hardly move at all, so no change to escape. he just laid back and contemplated where the huge Goddess could be...
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

Where Beth was, was in the kitchen. Wearing her favorite pair of sweatpants (which had grown too tight for her years ago, now barely holding together over the expand of her massive ass and belly) and a baby-t which showed off her large middle roll of fat on her belly. humming to herself as she tinkered around her kitchen, preparing a breakfast feast that could few an army-or a big girl who loved her food. With all of her stove's burners going she was cooking a dozen eggs, and a full package of bacon along with a large stack of pancakes. Bopping her butt to the song she was humming, cooking away. Soon the sounds of her moving and cooking in the kitchen drifted into the bedroom, where the laying Vlad was. Upon realizing he was not alone in the apartment as he once thought, he broke out in a sweat. Wondering how long it would be until Beth came back to force him into submission as her living furniture again.

he didn't have to wait long. After finishing the last of pancakes on the stove, beth laid it all out on her kitchen table and began to waddle back to her bedroom, smiling with anticipation of her meal. Vlad could hear her coming, Beth not being afraid to drop each of her feet down with all the purpose and determination that she could. And soon, there she was filling up the doorway to the bedroom, Vlad unable to do much of anything by stare in awe as she wandered over to the bedside, leaning down to his prone form.

"Hello there, handsome. Looks like you've gotten some color over the night," Beth chuckled to herself. "breakfast is ready, and I'll be damned if you're going to lay here all day."

Despite his pleads, Beth grabbed Vlad by the ankle and began to walk towards the door, dragging him off the bed and onto the carpet with a thud. with thew greatest ease, the huge woman strode into the kitchen, dragging Vlad behind her. Vlad lost in the motion of her mountainous butt as it jiggled and swayed under her tight sweatpants. Through the hall and the living room and into the kitchen she dragged him, letting go of his ankle as she reached the table.

"Come on now, get up and on the chairs." Beth commanded.

Vlad looked to see that she had pushed two of her chairs together, making a makeshift bench next to her kitchen table. The smell of the food was incredibly strong and with help from her, Vlad was able to sit up and get onto one of the chairs. Sitting upright now, she saw Beth smile and wave her finger, "Not like that, little man. Lay out on both of them."

Vlad did as he was told, turning and laying his very sore body onto both of the chairs so that his legs were in the air on one side, the rest of his thin frame spread over the chairs. Beth allowed him a small kiss on the lips, licking his lips as she pulled back, as if tasting him to see if he was ready. "Good boy," she said. Positioning herself between the table and her "bench", her belly rubbing against the side of the table as she did so, she dropped back slowly, Vlad watching with a mix of impeding doom and amazement as she lowered her huge body onto his. Soon she was sitting squarely on his belly and chest, the fat from her thighs covering him up till his chin. Beth ground him into the bench a bit as she got herself comfortable, then looked down her left side and smiled once again at her new toy. Her eyes were lit up by the sight of Vlad's very red face. Finally comfortable she turned her attention to her food, which she attacked with a lustful vengeance.

After decimating most of the eggs and bacon, Beth sat back in her seat, enjoying Vlads struggles and groans-he had been under her for over twenty minutes now-and she lifted her sexy growing black belly over the band of her sweatpants, taking in with delight how it spread over her fat thighs. She bounced slightly, not wanted to over do it and give herself a belly-ache, but just wanting to hear Vlad gasp out. "You're taking this very well, cushion. I'm proud of you, but we're not done here yet," she said.

Vlad watched and fought for breath as she pulled the plate of pancakes over to in front of her, drenching them in syrup, and brought a large forkful to her lips. He watched over the side of her rolls as she looked down on him and chewed slowly, syrup on her thick full lips. She was in ecstasy, flattening out a smaller human being, while stuffing herself with the mornings meal. Forkful after forkful she ate, rubbing her belly at times, and grinding poor Vlad in more as she did.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

Soon all of her huge meal was finished, and Beth was incredibly full. For the last hour she had stuffed herself on delicious food, and it showed on her and Vlad both. Beth's belly was completely our and laying on her thighs now, both of her hands slowly running up and across it's expanse. Her head was tilt back and she was amazed at how much she had ate. Vlad on the other had spend the last hour being crushed under Beth's now more then 400lbs, nothing between her huge body but him and the hard seats of the chairs. His entire body was hurting, and he could feel the sharp pain of his ribs being compressed. Yet Beth showed no signs of getting up. She was too full to life her bulk up and off him, so he had nothing to do but lay back and take her squashing him.

After another twenty minutes or such, she finally lifted herself up and off his frame. Vlad was hardly awake now, his body drawing in shallow breaths. Beth stood to his side and looked down at the empty plates and red smashed boy. She really had just demolished both the mounds of food and this college student with nothing more then her amazing body sitting and eating. It was an orgasmic feeling, the power she felt at that moment. She knew Vlad wasn't going to be moving anytime soon, so she left him hanging on the chairs, and walked back to her bedroom to prepare for her day...

After showering and dressing herself, and tying Vlad to the bedposts to ensure he would be right where she wanted him when she got back (despite him not saying anything or moving much since the mornings event). Soon she strode out of her apartment building and towards her car, enjoying the feeling on the sun on her in the beautiful day. She was wearing one of her favorite outfits, light blue short-pants, and a white blouse which was growing tighter and tighter every day. Every curve and shake came threw perfectly with the outfit, and she couldn't past any car window without looking at her reflection and smiling to herself as she witnessed each jiggle and shake as she walked to her car. Soon she was in the car and on her way to the mall to shop for some new clothes...
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

Beth had just finished up picking out and buy two brand new pairs of flip flops for the coming warm weather when she was walking out from the store and say the shoplifter. He was a teenager, maybe about 16 or 17, dressed as most are, the usually skater garb, and he was running out of a videogame store, a clueless clerk following him for a bit until he gave up the chase. Some people never learn, Beth thought to herself.

After a bit of checking out a few stores, Beth found herself in the Plus Size store in the mall. She had just picked out a few new pairs of panties and jeans and was just going to try them on in the fitting room when she came upon the shoplifter again. She opened one of the stalls in the back, and he was there sitting on the small bench, obviously hiding from mall security.

"Hey, you're the kid that stole from the Gamezone, aren't you?" She asked.

"Listen lady, I'm just hanging out here, ok, waiting for the cop to stop chasing me. Just go find another stall, you cow." The kid replied.

beth just looked at this skinny boy with a growing evil smile on her face. I guess I'm going to have to teach this punk a lesson, she thought. before the thief knew what was happening, Beth charged him where he sat, smashing into him with her large stomach, and knocking his head against the wall of the fitting room. She leaning into him for a minute or so, smothering him with her belly. When she pulled back he flopped to the ground un-conciseness. Just what Beth wanted. She hosted him back up to the bench and let him lean against the wall of the room. Then she undressed, soon standing in front of him in nothing but a pair of tight white panties and match bra. Hanging her clothes up along with the others she had in her hand, she pulled him down to the ground and laid his head back so that it was turned upward on the bench while he sat on the fall. Then she stepped on either side of him, turning around so that her massive ass was directly in his line of sight. The she lifted simply flopped backward, dropping her full weight onto his unwilling face. She bounced a bit, and swayed back and forth a bit, to further engulf his small face into her ass. Soon his head was totally buried in her ass, riding deep in her crack. Beth was in heaven, feeling each of the teenager's shallow breathes deep in her ass, and found herself growing full with the impeding orgasm. Harder and harder she ground him in her ass, and soon her whole body shook wild with passion as the orgasm overtook her. Every inch of her fat quivered and shook with delight as she rode it out on the shoplifter's face. After a few moments to compose herself, Beth lifted herself up, only to find that the teenager's face was buried so deeply in her ass that his head raised with her. She laughed as she reached behind and pulled him out from between her huge sexy cheeks. The boy was still out of it, which was all the better for her. She simply slip down her wet panties and tossed them on the thief's stomach-enjoying the fact that her large panties covered most of his chest. Then, tugging on his legs a bit to bring him all the way on the fall she stepped on up him, with both feet on his chest, flattening his chest plate hard on the ground. Then, with no second thoughts she tore off the tag from the new panties she was going to buy, and slipped them on, enjoying their snugness against her body. Lifting each leg cause a groan from her floormat as she did so. The, doing the same with her pants, she stepped off the battered teenager, and slipped on a pair of her new flip flops. She didn't want the new jeans too much anyways, so she left them too behind. And as common place as anything else she picked up her bags and started to walk out. But then she stopped and thought to herself, "Might as well." Taking a couple of steps back to the boy, she raised her right leg and brought her foot down on his face. Then she raised the other one and brought it down on his stomach. he now had over 400lbs of woman standing on his face and stomach, and the intense pain awoke him. He screamed bloody murder, but no sound was heard as Beth's large foot was completely covering his face, except his eyes, which stared up in horror at the fat woman standing on him. Beth stared down at him over her mounds of fat and said in a slow but steady voice, "Didn't anyone tell you, crime doesn't pay?" And with that she bend at the knees slightly and hopped up, being both her feet down on his stomach and chest, hearing at least two ribs crack under the intense pressure and tossing him back into darkness. With that, Beth stepped off him, and walked out of the fitting area and the store itself.

All that fun got me hungry, she thought as she walked towards the food court...
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

Waddling down the central walkway towards the food court, Beth felt a glide in her stride. The last bit of throwing her weight around in the fitting room of the clothing store put a huge smile on her face. There were so many choices in the food-court-one of the reasons she loved this mall so much-beth didn't know where to start. Standing near the opening of the seating area, Beth got an idea.

After glancing around a bit, she picked her spot. She was a cute petite blond, couldn't be more then 5'5 and 90lbs; sitting by herself at a two-seated table.  She was wearing a pair of tight jeans which showed her lack of any real curves, and a blue tank-top that she needed a push-up bra for. Shame she doesn't have the good naturally, beth thought to herself as she made her way towards the table. Glancing around the fairly empty food-court quickly, Beth mock-dropped her bag next to where the skinny girl was sitting. She turned and bent over to pick up her bag, making sure her wide butt was facing the skinny girl, who turned to her right and looked at the huge ass inches from her head and frowned disgustedly. if only she knew what was coming. Soon as Beth picked up her back, she simply dropped back and landed square on the tiny girl's lap. With a loud slap she landed as her titanic weight landed on the girl's pencil thin legs. Beth just maneuvered on the girls lap so she was sitting on the girl square in front of the table. The girl had been totally taken by surprise in mid-chew of the fat woman sitting on her. With a mouthful of burger she couldn't even call out or scream for help as Beth sat on her. Beth just smiled, leaned all the way back, flattening out the girl's small chest and breasts with her weight, and picked up the juicy looking burger the thin girl had been eating. beth took three massive bites out of the thing, completely devouring it as she sat on the girl. The poor girl under Beth's squashing onslaught didn't know what to do, she was completely covered by Beth's fat.

Beth grabbed the girl's coke and drank it down in a few large gulps. Beth started wiggling in her seat, the girl under her being totally helpless as the burger she had been chewing acted as a gag, her being unable to even swallow it down as beth sat on her. Beth keep looking around for any possible witnesses, and was pleased to see that nobody was really around, the few who were there weren't even paying attention. Suddenly Beth found herself hiccup. Out of nowhere, obviously from eating and drinking soda too quickly after one another, beth was struck with a violent case of hiccups. beth found herself giggling in between hiccups at the whole situation, taking the chance to lift herself up with her arms and drop back down on the girl with each hiccup. Soon she was making too much noise, between the hiccups, the gasps coming from the victim under her, and the grown the chair made with each drop of Beth's weight. Beth was sad to admit it, but she had to make her way on with her day. Using her arms to help, she squeezed her fat belly out from between the girl and the table, grabbed her bag, and didn't even look behind her, moving very quickly through the food-court and towards the exit to the parking lot. The girl who had been crushed, as just getting to swallowing her food, and catching her breath, getting ready to call out for help by the time Beth made it to the parking lot elevator and was on her way to her car. Overall it had been a fine day of shopping.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

Very good history, we wait for continuation.

Beth returned home to find that Vlad had somehow drifted off to sleep in his bound state on the bed. Looking at his battered body sleeping peacefully, she decided that a nap would be a good idea. Her adventures at the mall had been quite exhausting. She waddled over to her lining closet and grabbed another clean comforter, and then unfolded it and tossed it over Vlad. He was still sound asleep, and didn't have any clue to Beth forming him to another layer on her mattress. Soon he was totally covered but the comforter, and you'd hardly know there was someone else under there, unless you looked close enough to see the skinny outline in the blanket. Beth undressed, then in her bra and new panties, she climbed onto the bed on all fours. Vlad just beginning to stir from his sleep when Beth threw out her legs and arms, her large bosom and belly landing with a crash on Vlad. Beth pulled a pillow over under her head and drifted off to sleep, Vlad smothered under her.

Beth's nap lasted hours, every one of which Vlad was awake for. Trapped under her crushing force, each minute feeling like an years. Between Beth's weight ironing out his lungs, and the comforter over his head, breathing was very hard. He begged for mercy, and for the huge woman on top of him to awaken, and finally three hours or so later, she did.

Beth brought herself to her feet, standing on the bed, looming over Vlad as she pulled back the blanket, the last light of the day making Vlad squint. Soon his eyes adjusted to the dark goddess standing over him.

"Have a good rest? I know I did," Beth talked down to him while playing with her belly roll which over hanged the waistband of her panties. "Now, I could use a shower though. And I bet you could too, must have been hot under all this blubber," she joked. Then, turning to step down off the bed, she put on foot over his stomach and leaned all of her weight onto him as she hopped off from the bed, the walls of the room shaking. The small air she got as she fell made her think of the tiny Greg she has so much fun with so long ago. Ah...memories, she thought to herself.

Untying Vlad from the bed, he crawled down from the mattress to the floor, now on the rug on his hands and knees. he had become overtaken with Beth, his whole life changing to form the slave and victim she had told him he had become. Watching him take his breath on his knees and hands, Beth found her imagination running away with her. She stepped up to him, each of her massive dark chocolate thighs on either side of his ribs, she lowered herself down on his back. She pulled him by the hair, all of the strength left in Vlad struggling to hold him and her up. Leaning down to his ear, she bit the lobe sensually and whispered, "Take me to the bathroom, now, little boy."

And there was Vlad, finding an inner strength which surprised him and Beth both-she would have guess he would have collapsed to the floor before making it to the bathroom. But yet he got them there, and one in the doorway, Beth stood back up, taking the immense pressure off his back. Vlad fell to the floor on his back, staring up at beth as she casually took o ff her bra and panties. Soon standing in front of him naked, every inch, roll, and dimple perfectly visible to him. Amazingly her belly, breasts, and ass looked even larger, free from their constants. Without needing to be told, be too pulled off his underwear, laying on the cold bathroom floor naked. Beth watched, smiling with her tongue slowly rubbing across her lips. As if she's staring at a meal, Vlad thought.

Beth then turned around and bend at the waist, giving Vlad the view of her huge butt spreading as she turned on the water to the shower, then stepping in. Vlad watched in amazement as the water cascaded down her fat, and then climbed into the shower himself, as she called to him him with her forefinger...
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

The water was warm, and steam soon filled the bathroom. Beth was in heaven once again. She positioned Vlad behind her in the tub, on his knees, spreading her huge and hot butt open, smothering and crushing him against the tiles of the shower wall as the water ran down her. Beth ground his face in deeper, as she had done the shoplifter earlier in the day. Soon he was buried past his ears in her mountainous cheeks as she soaped herself up. Vlad's hands reached up to her thighs, his slim hands trying to push her back away as his air had been completely cut off. This only served to turn on Beth more, and she kept him engulfed for another few moments, letting the idea of him downing her her fat sink in for both of them. Only then did she back away, freeing his face from her backside. Beth turned away and looked down on the poor boy, trying to catch his breath. He was now eye level with the bottom of her hanging belly. Beth laid her hands on the college boy's head, running her fingers through his hair as she waited for him to fully regain his breath.

"How you doing, little boy?'" She asked mockingly.

"I'm...fine." Vlad managed to get out.

"Well we can't have that, now can we?" She responded with a giggle.

Beth pulled his face deep into her belly, smothering him with her flesh. Every half minute or so, easing back, allowing him a few moments to breathe. Gasping each time his face was freed, Vlad soon began kissing her belly, Beth leaning her head back in delight as she felt his lips on her fat. Soon she felt it was time to stop taking an easy on the boy though. Beth grabbed him by the hair once again, and bent in the shower, so she was eye to eye with him. Despite the incredible view of Beth's belly and breasts hanging as she bent at the waist, Vlad's eyes couldn't pull away from the sexy and sinister eyes that Beth was giving him.

"I'm going to trample you now. I want to feel you under my feet, your ribs and organs fighting to handle my 400 plus pound body as I walk on you. I don't know if you'll surive this bath, but that doesn't matter. You're mine .Mine to crush at will if I want to. Now lay down."

Despite his fear at the huge woman's words, Vlad obeyed. Laying on his back in the shower, the warm water splashing off Beth and onto his thin prone body. his legs were bent in order to fit completely in the bath, Beth standing between them. She raised her left foot first, holding on to the wall for support as she stepping onto him. Then she followed with the right. The ceiling to the shower was low enough now that she could reach up and touch it, and that's just what she did. Pushing down with her fingers, applying more and more weight to poor Vlad's body. The water was now getting in Vlad's open gasping mouth and he began coughing for air. Beth continued to step in place as if she wasn't crushing a boy under her. She looked down at his stomach and chest compressing under her feet, picturing him growing flatter and flatter with each step. The thought drove her crazy with desire, and with that she began hopping on Vlad's chest. The sounds from the shower now almost totally down out from the gasping and pleads from Vlad, along with the loud crash each of her hops made. Beth felt her massive body shake and jiggle with each hop, her fat swinging and shaking with the moment.  Beth stopped holding back at all, now bouncing and hopping harder and harder on Vlad, picturing him being totally squashed under her size and power. She was picturing being even fatter, even bigger, using her weight to totally dominate smaller people every where she went. She had lost count long ago, but somewhere around hop 20, more then a few after Vlad lost conscious, Beth enjoyed her second orgasm of the day. She stopped in place, and enjoyed each of her after shocks, both from her leaps and her orgasm. She looked down on the now crushed Vlad, not sure if he was still breathing or not, Beth not caring much either way. He was just a toy to her. She rinsed herself off, and stepped off the boy, out of the tub. She dried off, and left Vlad in the bathtub, walking out of the bathroom in nothing more then a towel, wondering what she had in the fridge to eat.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

that we do... wait anxiously for your continuation Fuel.  Continue to dazzle us  ;)

While she was sitting on her couch, pigging out on what was left of the contents of her fridge (she'd have to get to the supermarket first chance she got) Beth received a phone call from her good friend Jen. Jen had a 14 year old troublemaker for a son, and wanted to know if beth would be free to hang out at Jen's house, kinda babysitting Will her son, making sure he didn't burn the play down or anything while Jen took the weekend to have fun in Maine with her husband. Beth would only have to stay for the day though, as Jen's sister was going to be swinging by on Sunday to take over. Beth agreed cause she owed Jen the favor. They set it up and Beth hung up the phone. It was early the next morning, and she still felt the delightful soreness in her legs from her jumping marathon on Vlad the night before. She reminisced to herself a bit as she began getting ready to head over to Jen's place. Vlad on the other hand had been folded up in the sofa bed, enduring the last two hours of shallow breath and agonizing pain as beth sat and bounced on his crumpled form. Beth didn't even think twice of taking Vlad out of the sofa bed before leaving. He was simply cushion for her ass, and victim for her bouts of trampling and squashing.

Beth was soon ready, and headed out the door, just as Vlad was passing out in the confines of her sofa. it was a fairly decent sized drive to Jen's house, and by the halfway mark, beth was wishing she brought Vlad along for the cushion. His gasps and groans would have made the drive that much more pleasurable.

"Hey there, fat-girl!" jen yelled as Beth pulled into the driveway, a large smile on her face. Jen was a petite girl, always had been, but that was her standard hello for her friend Beth. There was no malice in it at all, Jen knew Beth loved being fat, and she respected and envied her for that kind of self-appreciation.

"How you doing, girl?" Beth asked, taking her tiny friend in her arms for their usual hello hug. There were times when beth had to hold herself back, as she often wondered how much fun it would be to just squeeze her thin friend in harder, smothering her against her large breasts. All playfully of course.

The two girls shared small talk, catching up on things, and soon it was time for Jen to head off and pick her husband up from work. They were cutting it close on the plane's takeoff time, so they would leave right from there.  Jen walked Beth in before leaving, and wanted to re-introduce Beth to Will, it had been a few years since Beth had seen her friend's kid. Upon walking into Will's room, Will took one look at Beth and said, "Hello fatty," with none of the playful kindness that Jen had earlier. Jen yelled at Will, who only smirked it off. Beth smiled pleasantly and didn't bother to respond to the comment. Jen explained once again about the conditions of beth watching over the house and such, to which Will whined about not needing a babysitter. This went back and forth for a while, finally ending with a grief-ridden Jen walking out of the room and down the stairs. Beth followed, and walked her friend to the car.

"Don't worry, honey. Go have a good time with Fred. Me and the squirt will get along just fine," Beth promised.

"I hope so, girl. Any problems, you know all the numbers. And if Will gives you any trouble, just sit on him." Jen said with a laugh. Beth shared in, not bothering to tell Jen just how right she was...
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

Beth made her way back inside the house, and it was not ten minutes after her friend Jan pulled away that trouble started. Will planted himself on the living room couch and started up one of his videogames, the surround sound system turned all the way up, booms and the crackle of gunfire filling the house from his game. Beth walked into the living room and told him to turn it down some before the neighbor's complained. When Will ignored her, she made her way to the entertainment center and turned it down herself. Bending over, her massive body blocked Will's view of the screen, and he let out a cry of "Move, you fat bitch!."

beth turned around and Will's face dropped. The huge woman was staring at him with such resentful and sinister eyes, while a wind grin stretched across her face.

"'Fat bitch', huh? Well you got that right, Will. I am a fat bitch. A very fat bitch. Over 400lbs of bitch," Beth grabbed her hanging belly and gave it a shook to make the point. Will watched as he flesh jiggled from every which way. "Did she say '400lbs'," he thought to himself.

Beth began to walk slowly toward Will, and he leap up and tried to make a move to leave the living room-not liking the look in Beth's eyes. Beth was close enough to grab his wrist before he could take off around the couch towards the kitchen. Will began to curse at Beth, and before he could fully get going berating her, Beth pulled his arm tight, and he spun, slapping into her mountainous belly and breasts. Beth leg go of his arm and wrapped both of her thick dark arms around Will's back, catching him in a bearhug. He began to whimper and groan as she squeezed tighter around the thin boy's back. Beth was now holding Will off his feet, between her strong hold on him and the expanse of her belly, both of his feet were quite a bit off the ground. Beth walked over to the far wall, and kept walking, catching Will between her belly and then white wall of the living room. She slowly slipped her hands out, leaning more of her 400lbs into him, crushing his chest and stomach as he was hanging off the floor. Will's arms were also trapped in Beth's rolls, so fighting back wasn't an option against the large woman.

"This is just a lesson on how to talk to a woman, Will. Especially a big woman who just loves ironing out little punks like yourself." Beth said. Will tried a response, but was cut off mid syllable by Beth taking one of her now free hands and grasping Will behind the head, forcing his face into her full breasts, smothering any chance he could have at talking back.

Beth stayed like this for a while, occasionally letting go of his head so that he could refill his lungs with air, only to lean even harder into him, the extra weight squeezing the air back out....
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

September 21, 2007, 06:43:34 PM #17 Last Edit: September 21, 2007, 07:15:31 PM by fuel1563
Meanwhile Vlad was just coming to, across town. He had never felt so drained in all his life. The days of being tortured and smothered by the sexy fat woman he first saw on the train were pushing him past limits he didn't even know he had. he was still trapped in the folded up sofa-bed, struggling with all his might (the very little he had left) to free himself, but to no avail. After a while, he surrendered and simply waited for the return of the woman who made him her cushion...

Beth pulled back, the winded Will crashing to the floor. He was just sitting there, mumbling something about telling his mother when Beth reach down, grabbed him by his hair and arm, yanking him up and over her shoulders. He didn't even try to contend with her power, he just let her carry him out of the living room, across the hall and into the master bedroom. As soon as they reached there, Beth just tossed him on the bed like a ragdoll. Then, as Will watched in horror and amazement, Beth pulled him and pushing him till he was dead centered on the mattress. Then beth climbed on top of the mattress, much like she had Vlad. Once she was on all fours over the boy, her heavy belly pushing into his body and against the mattress, she tossed one leg up and over on him, so that she was now straddling him, facing his feet. All of Will's view was now maximized but the rotund butt of Beth. Then, Beth pushing upward with her arms, she lowered her perfectly big ass onto Will's upper stomach and chest. Will felt every muscle in his body contract trying to withstand the weight of her, and she pulled her feet forward, now sitting full weight on the boy's chest. Beth's backside was so wide, especially in comparison to the boy, that on either side of Will, Beth's butt and thighs touched the bed. Will laid gasping between cries, tears now flowing from his eyes as Beth crushed his body into the bed.

"What was that you called me earlier, Willy? A fat bitch? A...," breaking off each word with a large bounce on the boy's body,"...fat...BITCH!" Beth stopped and rode out the few shock waves of her last-and largest-bounce. Now all Beth could hear from behind was the sound of Will's low gasps, interrupted by his whimpers as he cried.

"You want something to cry about, Willy? Fine by me," she said, leaning forward with her weight and then bouncing back on the bed, actually moving her whole body back inches, with nothing under her ass as it came crashing down but Will's face. She sat on him, smothering his body, Will's chest rising and falling a bit as he went through the last bit of air he had in his lungs before he was engulfed in her power and size. After a few moments, Beth leaned back a bit, and lifted both legs up and onto Will's body, burying the snotty boy under all of her Goddess-like body.

After a minute of the squashing, Beth rolled off to the side, to find once again, a victim of her glorious fat passed out. She carried him from the master bedroom into his own room, laying him on his bed and closing the door behind her as she walked into the living room to enjoy the rest of her night, not having to worry about Will as he didn't wake till the next morning after beth was well gone and Jen's sister took over. And of course he mentioned nothing of the day before. He couldn't imagine what Beth would do to him had he.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

When Beth returned to her place the next morning, she walked in on Vlad laying on the rug in the living room. Throughout the night, with tremendous effort, he had freed himself from the couch.

"I'm gone for one night, and look and what you get up to," Beth said, mockingly. She had actually legitimately forgotten all about Vlad in the cushions of the couch.

Vlad looked up at the looming figure of Beth, and watched as she just walked right up and on him, making sure to drop both of her feet on his stomach, giving him the look of a half empty toothpaste tube on the fall. She stood on him for a few minutes, re-breaking him in and relaxing from her long drive back. Then she stepped down and walked to her bedroom to get more comfortable and put away her bags. Vlad continued to lay on the floor in a heap for a while, then finally making his way, crawling, to the kitchen. It had been twenty four hours since he had eaten anything and he was totally starved. Making his way to the fridge, he popped it open and found a leftover crumb cake that Beth had not gotten to in her gorging a couple of nights past. He was eating right out of the box, hoping to get any nourishment he could when he felt the footfalls of Beth as she made her way from the bedroom. He was sitting on the floor eating what was left of the cake when she walked in on him.

Beth had gotten undressed quickly, and she was now standing in front of the poor Vlad in nothing but a bra (which had grown too tight, her wondrous breasts were overflowing) and a pair of white panties that highlighted her size and curves in the contrast of her dark skin.

"Hey, don't you dare finish that," Beth warned, grabbing the remaining cake from Vlad and feasting on it as if she hadn't eaten in weeks. The crumbs fell from her thick lips, rolling down her protruding belly and on to the floor. Vlad watched each crumb's descent as if in slow motion. Beth finished, and immediately began rubbing her belly, Vlad watching it's massive waves and rolls as she did. Standing over him like this she looked twice as big as she had when he last saw her. And she certainly was larger. From the drive from Jen's house, back to home, Beth had stopped four times along the way, decimating large full meals from the fast food stores on the way.

"You missed me, huh?" Beth asked with a playful smile.

"Yes...I...you're...you're so huge. And beautiful." Vlad stammered out.

"Good answer. Just for that I'll let you live to see morning," Beth said with a giggle. She bend down and picked Vlad up from her shoulders, bring him to his feet. "I want to watch some TV. Come on," she ordered.

Vlad followed her, walking slowly not only because his legs were both still numb from the night before, but also to witness the massive amount of movement that Beth's body went through, just from the simple act of walking. Once they got back to the couch, Vlad laid himself out on it.

"You're finally getting the idea, aren't you? You realize now that you're nothing but my property. Yo uwill worship me, and you will just lay back and take the crushing you have coming, when I say you do. Very nice. Cause when I have to fight you, I get very, very..." Springing up with an unbelievable amount of air, coming crashing down on Vlad's hopeless chest with both of her wide knees, "...mad."

The pain was excruciating. Beth ground her knees into him more, and he felt his rib crack before he heard it. Beth heard it too.

"Oops! Looks like I might have broke a rib on you, little man. It's ok, you have plenty more. And you're not going anywhere..." Beth left off, climbing off him and dropping down on Vlad's twisted and tearful face with her butt, smothered into darkness again.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

Fuel -- its been too long!  Please update us one what Beth is doing or planning to do to poor (as if!) Vlad next.

I seem to recall she might owe her girlfriends a shot at her toy after what she did to finish off theirs after they met up at the movies.... hmmmm

;D :P ;D


The days felt like months, and soon enough Beth grew bored with the pleading from Vlad. His cries for mercy had grew repetitive for her. She found herself wanting a new victim to suffer under the massive weight she carried around. Early Sunday, Beth decided it was time to move on. Vlad was past the point of any fight at all. Being so hopelessly flattened under Beth, each and every hour of the day, his bones and muscles had been pushed beyond any hope of stoppage of the onslaught he suffered. So it was without any struggle that he let himself get picked up by Beth, and carried into the kitchen. Beth let him drop on the cold floor of the kitchen, walking away to the living room to bring in her "crush bench".

Beth was wearing a pair of grey sweatpants which she had long overgrown, the bottom of her belly bursting through the front of them, every stitch of the cotton struggling against the contorts of her ass. She wore no top, he beautiful hanging dark brown breasts shaking with each of her motions. Vlad was in what came to be his "uniform", nothing but a pair of white briefs. Beth loved the size difference her nude black body presented against his bare white form so much, she forbid him from wearing anything else.

"Ok, little man. I think it's time you went bye-bye under my fat." Beth said with a devilish smile.

Vlad was horrified at the thought of his life being snuffed out under the ass of Beth, however he had came to realize this was his fate long ago. His life was finished once he crossed paths with the mountainous Goddess. He was living each day from that point as her toy-till she tired of him.

Beth pushed the weight bench to a comfortable place right in front of the refrigerator. She opened the door, and warmed to the light from inside. Earlier in the day while Vlad was passed out on the floor of the bathroom after a "dry-off" trampling Beth had delivered him, she went shopping. She splurged a bit, filling the fridge and freezer with assorted half-gallons of ice-cream, pound cakes, whipped cream, and any other sweets she could grab at the supermarket. The clerk behind the counter ( a thin Asian woman Beth thought would look lovely gasping under he weight) gave a dirty look, and then quickly hid her face before the huge black woman saw it. She had a feeling that the fat woman was capable of doing a lot of damage...if only the clerk knew.

Beth helped the weak Vlad to the weight bench, so that he was laying out perfectly on it, his frail legs hanging off the to the sides as his slow rising chest played an "X-marks the spot" for Beth. She then stood over the bench, so that each of her thick thighs were on either side of Vlad's chest, he butt facing the helpless Vlad's face.

Looking over her shoulder and protruding backside, Beth spoke to Vlad: "Ok, little guy. I'm going to sit my 400 plus pounds on you, and squash you out of this world. I'm going to eat and eat, growing even fatter as I smother you to death. I want you to know this is it for you. Any last words, my victim?"

Vlad was about to respond, to beg for his life, knowing it was hopeless, but before he could verbalize a word to Beth, she kicked out her legs and came crashing down on his head and neck. Bringing her legs up on his lower chest and thighs, totally engulfing him under her quivering fat, Beth had totally covered Vlad. Her huge backside gave way to his face so much, that beyond Vlad's neck, his head was totally buried in her ass. Breathing was impossible. Dropping so fully on Vlad's face had broken his nose. Yet the stinging pain was nothing compared to knowing he had had his last breath.

Beth on the other hand was in heaven. Sitting totally on Vlad, crushing him with every ounce of her body, she reached to the open refrigerator and pulled out her beginning to her feast. It started with a pound cake...

Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

...it didn't last long for Vlad.

After a minute of being devoid of air under Beth's huge butt, his legs began to kick around. All of his struggle did nothing to move Beth, who sat upon his head and body like it she was forever made for it. Beth had finished of her pound cake, along with a dozen twinkies in that time, feeling her body fill with love for herself with every bite. Vlad was fighting like crazy to get her huge body up and off him, but to no avail. Beth held herself back from bouncing, knowing it would give him a little bit of air every time she lifted up off him. By the time she was half through the half gallon of chocolate icing cake, Vlad wasn't moving anymore. And she knew he was finished. Smothered to the end under he glorious fat ass. Her body shook in delight, the fact that she had such power to end a life with the simple act of sitting and eating. Knowing of Vlad's demise, she didn't dare stop feasting. Continuously she ate he sweet delightful treats, till her large dark belly felt full...and then she ate a little more. Being beyond full, and having the flattened Vlad under her gave her multiple orgasms. Riding each one out in delight, every inch of her fat body jiggling, Beth reached a new high for herself.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

Can I be your next victim please Beth,
You can do anything you want to me