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BBW Revenge

Started by miami_FA, June 28, 2005, 10:16:30 AM

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So the mall i used to work in was literally dying. I say this because all the stores that used to line the walls are all boarded up now. So i used to work with my cousin in his shoe store in one of the less frequented corners of the mall. It wasn't a real job just something i would do for some spending cash, besides i spent the majority of the time goofing off. Well across the way from or store was a little shop for fresh cinamon rolls, i've been there a couple of times but didn't go often cuz the cashier always looked at me funny. She was fucking enormous, i mean i would stare at her breasts when i saw them, u couldn't miss them. She was about 5'3and like 300lbs. with massive EE breasts and the manager must've been twice her size. So one day my cousin was really busy in the shoe store and i was hungry so i went to the cinamon roll shop to get some food. I order and she brings me the food and her phone number, i smile and tell her i'm not interested and walk away. I'm not that attractive myself, but 5'9 at 160lbs, i could do better. Later on i was joking about it with my cousin, and as we looked over to the girls u can see the cashier eating the frosting straight from the canister so we laughed harder, i don't know if she noticed but when we looked back she was gone. So the day went on and i evntually saw a couple of friends of mine and told my cousin i was gonna be gone for a bit,
"be back before i close if you want a ride from me" he said as i walked away
"yeah yeah" was my response and i left walking. About 2 hours had passed and my friends had to leave so i start to walk back towards my cousin's shop. As i pass the cinamon roll place the manager flags me down, i walk over to see what the problem is,
"could u help me get some of the frosting off the high shelf in the back, i don't reach and everytime i get on a stoll it breaks" asks the manager,
"ummm..." i say stifling laughter, "sure why not?"
So i walk in behind the counter and she points me to the back where i can see the other fat girl trying to reach for something when all of a sudden, she falls and i run over to see if she's ok, again trying not to laugh. As i'm asking if she's ok i feel a shadow over me, as i'm about to look back, its too late, the manager wrapped her arms around me as the cashier on the floor grabbed my legs. Before i could scream a hand covered my mouth and i felt my legs being tied together. I struggle some more only to feel my hands tied at the wrists in front of me. They then proceeded to drag me out of the room and into another, i assumed all the machinery and the smells meant this is where the cooking goes on. The manager removed her hand from my mouth and before i could react stuffed a cinamon roll in and tied a scarf around it. They pulled me straight up and i took a look at my surroundings. It seemed like something out of a movie, over sized bowls and giant machines, even stranger was that the entire floos seemed padded, after about 30 seconds they pulled me to the largest clearing in the center of the room and proceeded to secure me to the machinery. They lifted my bound hands straight up and i fell onto my back and they tied them to a machine, the younger one the straddled me as the manager tied both ankles to another machine, all the time with the cinamon roll jammed in my mouth.
"Now just relax" says the younger cashier "we've got a lot to talk about and all the time in the world"
It was then that she stood up and left leaving me there on the floor and i looked at the door. Sure enough i was able to see outside, i could still see the mall, and people! there were still people outside and i started to struggle when i saw a couple walk up to the counter but then i saw the manager wave them off and lower the chain link fence signifying that they are closed.
"oh no" i said aloud to myself,
"oh yes" said the manager walking in, "see they're closing off most of the stores in the rest of the mall, but they are leaving our cinamon roll shop here cuz people love to indulge in sweets"
I stuggled against my restraints but they were on tight, thats when the younger one came in, this time with only her bra and panties.
"what the fuck...?" i thought to myself,
"See," says the manager, "your cousin's store is moving to the other side of the mall where everyone else is at, along with any other store around this area of the mall, however mall personal got one look at our machines" she looked at the pieces scattered throughout the room "and said we can stay here and they'll give us a discounted rate as to not have to move those things." she grinned and we agreed, but they had to do some remodeling first"
thats when the younger one stepped in, "so they've closed down all traffic entering and exiting this wing of the mall, so basically for the next week no one will be around here due to construction, except us cuz we do "maintenance" on our machines"
i didn't like where this was heading,
"you thought you were all high and mighty brushing me off like some groupie, then you sit there and laugh at me with your cousin, well its a good thing ur cousin saw u leave with ur friends, otherwise he might be worried."
The manager walked in now also only wearing panties and a bra and removed the gag
"BITCH!!"i yelled but was cut short as the younger flopped her breasts onto my face, i couldn't breath and i couldn't struggle. I kept fighting and fighting and thing started to get dim, i felt weak when she jumped off of me. So there i lay panting and these 2 fat bitches laughing at me.
"you're gonna cooperate, you'll soon see that things will be a lot better once u start to cooperate." and with that they both stripped off their clothes and came over to me. They went to my restraints and untied me from the machinery and pulled me onto a padded bench and tied me to the sides of that. i was screaming the entire time and they were smiling,
"keep screaming, it'll tire u out and you'll be easier to manipulate" says the manager.
"let me go," i pleaded, she just laughed. "i'll whatever u want" i said,
"i know," she said. Fuck, this isn't working out, as i lay there thinking to myself the younger one straddles my chest and dangles her breasts in front of my face. "Lick it!" she screamed, but i turned away, so the manager came up facing the younger one and began to kiss her passionately. The entire time they were making out i was being smothered by both sets of breasts. "I can't mmmph, bre...mmmph," i try to talk, "Lick it!" she yelled again, this time the both just fell onto my face with their tits and i was completely engulfed. Eventually my stuggling died down and they got off and whispered amongst themselves. the older one left and came back with 2 pieces of padding,
"what the fuck is that.." i managed to get out between gasps,
"u didn't cooperate, so we had to improvise" she said to me and began working next to my head. When she was done i have a hard piece of padding next to my ears and a strap across my forehead.
"it hurts" i say, "we'll take it off when u learn to cooperate" she said to me and pulled out a big spoon with cinamon roll icing on it. She held it high above my head and kept spinning it with the piece of frosting about to fall, i saw this so i turn my head when, oh no thats what the bitch did, she fastened my head so i couldnt turn it to the side.
"what did u do to me?!?!" i yelled, "i'm assuring myself and my co-worker that all this planning doesn't go to waste cuz you wanna be a prick about it, so we want to make sure that u taste every bit of us, since your so attracted to fat girls, right?" she said sarcastically, "i'm sorry," i sobbed and with that a chunk of icing fell right onto my face and without missing a beat the younger one jump on in a 69 sort of position. except that she was sitting straight up and grinding into my face. This went on for another 10mins before she was satisfied with herself. She got off and the manager straddled my chest and dangled her breasts in front of me. "Lick it," she said, this time they were covered in frosting, i looked at her breasts and at her, "clean all the frosting off," i began to protest and she moved closer and i realized i couldn't move my head so, i gave in. I began licking at the icing greedily and she ran her fingers through my hair "thats it, good boy" she would say to me as she guided her massive tits around my face and mouth. Finally the majority of the frosting was gone, and the younger one was above me again. This time her pussy was covered in frosting as i stared up in disbelief. This woman was enormous, all the icing glistening. she would move and you could see there was icing in her folds of fat, "oh fuck" i though to myself. she got closer to my face, "i want you to lick my pussy clean slave" she said to me, "NO" i responded. Licking huge tits is one thing but this bitch can't be serious about making me eat her snatch. "No, ok then," the manager laughed as the young one moved up. "whats so funny" i asked, and before i could answer the manager put a cinamon roll on my face. I couldn't shake it off since i was held down and the younger one moved a little closer.
"We got a problem,"says the manager
"what seems to be the problem?" says the younger one,
"that cinamon roll is lacking its icing"
"oh no!"says the younger one in a playful voice, "what ever shall we do?"
"we need a way to get icing into every nook and cranny of that roll"
"i've got an idea," and with that the younger one slams her pussy onto my face, icing shoots out from inbetween her ass crack and her thighs, but you cannot see my face. "commence friction" says the manager, "commencing friction" responded the younger one and she began to grind into my face. the roll is crushed into pieces but it doesn't hurt so much since the excessive icing provides some lubrication. When i suddenly stopped struggling she let up a little so i could breath, i decided to play possum.
öh i think he's out cold," says the younger one, "well you better find out" says the manager, and with the the younger one dropped straight onto my face and lifted up and slammed her ass back onto me again. She did this until she saw me moving again, she then stopped and looked back at me, icing everywhere and piece of a cinamon roll on my face, "now clean it" she said again, "NO!"i yelled, "ok" she said, "time for plan B" all of a sudden the manager was gone, she came back with what looked like a chin strap only, there was a dildo attached to it. "what the...mmph" she stuffed a piece of cinamon roll in my mouth and proceeded to strap the dildo to my chin.
"i'm gonna cum, whether you want me to or not, the only thing ur struggling does is making me hornier, meaning i want to come more than once." and with the she mounted the dildo. Now she's thrusting back onto my chin as i'm strped to the bench, everytime she goes back, my face goes in her ass crack. She getting closer to climaxing and the manager is sitting on my legs making out with her. Now the young one sits straigh up burying me with her ass while she keeps riding my chin and kissing her coworker. They rub icing up and down each others rolls of fat and lick it off of each other. Then it happens, she comes all over my face, her weight on my chin forced my jaw open and she came into my open mouth, i gagged and tried to pit it up but she was back on my face riding me again. This went one for a good hour before she decided to take a break. "Thats what u get for not coorperating" says the manager, are u gonna cooperate now, "yes" i say, " good she responds" and the untie me from the bench and take me to the mat in the middle of the room. They then tie me to the machines again and set a bucket ot icing next to me. The younger one came in with 2 stools and the manager says, "lets see what u've learned today" and she dunked her foot into the bucket and held it out over my face. "clean it, slave" and i started licking the soles of her foot, she then stuck her toes inm y mouth and played with my tongue, "suck them dry slave," thats when the younger one dunked her foot into the icing, she then began rubbing them up and down my face and finally they settled. So now both these bitches have me tied up to these machines and they've covered there feet in icing which they have me licking off of their feet and i've just stopped struggling all together. I don't even know how long its been, no ones probably looking for me, since i've been known to disappear for days at a time with random fiends. I start to drift off and then i realize that they're just there having a conversation, as if i don't exist. Like if i'm just part of the machinery there, after a stressful day they come in and relax on my face. "...but i thought u thought he was sexy," says the manager to the younger one, "i did but then he laughed at me and now he's nothing but a toy to me, something to be used for my pleasure," and she jammed all her toes into my mouth.


"Ok," the manager gets up, "time for the next test," and she stood over me and turned around and began to descend her ass onto my face "oh fuck," i muttered under my breath right before she settle with her sphincter at my nose, she then leaned back so that her asshole was now over my mouth, "mmmmph mmph" was allÃ,  i heard since her ass cheecks went around to cover my ears, but when she pressed her hole to my face i knew what she meant, so i began licking. Apparently the icing was smeared everywhere cuz she tasted great, and i was begginning to lose the feeling of disgust i had, i was beginning to get turned on, i couldn't believe it. I must've not been the only one to notice, there was a muffled conversation going on above me and thats when it happened, the manager with her ass pressed against my mouth and nose, farted a disgusting wet fart. I twitched, that was all i could do and she got off of me ad they both stood there laughing, the young one had a half empty bottle of jack daniel's in one hand, and a box in the other. Apparently she was already drunk, had i been down there that long, but so was the manager, and they kept muttering to themselves. "he looks like a pale hitler, see how he's all white from the frosting, and the little shit mustache u gave him," this led them to laugh some more, the young suddenly changed her expression, "i gotta pee" and she stumbled over to meand she sat on my face. The manager's broke the panicky screams i was making in my head and said, "this is the first part of ur final test, now drink up," and with that the young one let lose and all i felt was a warm feeling flooding over my face, i was trying to kick and kept bucking so the manager held me down until the young one was done. "I was saving this till u really pissed me off, guess now is that time," she opened the box in her hand and the young on was standing right next to her, the each ate about half the contents, although the manager ate more than her coworker. "i told u to drink it but u didn't cooperate, now u must be punished, that was our agreement."
"no wait,"i pleaded, "i'm sorry,"
"too late," you thought her pissing on u was bad, take a look at this," she held the box so i could read the label, "just this part,"she pointed


"Ultralax, most powerful laxative available, fortunately i've been constipated for 5 days, due to the medication i was taking, so the doctor prescribed this laxative and told me to give myself a free day whenever i decide to use this."
Thats when the younger one interrupted, "and we've got a free week thanx to all this contruction," she laugh and i was about to scream but she put her foot on my mouth, "lick it," and i bean to lick her foot. the manager then straddled me and told me to clean her pussy while she waits for the laxative to kick in. I'm freaking out, but i do as i'm told, if this is them happy, i don't want them to be mad. He decided he was going to have to submit to there every demand if he ever wanted to see the outside world again. Right above him the manager is sitting on his face while the younger one positioned the stool so that she would be sitting right in front of the manager. She then put a cinamon roll inbetween her legs, squeezed them shut and opened them again and the manager began licking away happily. this went on for another 20mins before the young one suddenly jumped up. "its almost time," she said and with that they untied me from the machines and pulled me back onto the bench. They strapped me into the bench "what are u doing," i managed to ask "making sure u have to look up at our beatiful asses, so now u will be sompletely covered in our shit and piss until you decide to eat it, understood, good" before i could respond she leaned on the bench to push while the other one pulled, when she leaned she completely cover my face with her tit sincei couldn't turn back. Then we stopped, i looked around and was startled when they slid me into this machine. "whats happeneing!" i yelled and the darkness in front of me opened up to these 2 big bitches.
"hurry hurry," yelled the younger one, i didn't know what was going on, but then it all made sense, around my head was a clear plastic tube, i was on the bottom half, the top half was connected to a toilet, it wasn't until i saw the lid that i realized my fate. thats when the lid open and the young one sat down, her ass was barely 2 inches from my face, had she positioned herself differently i would be eating her ass, but she wanted me to see it coming. without warning it happened, she farted and the smell was intense. Her asshole pucker and the turd began to slide out, she paused and yelled "eat it," so i opened my mouth and it touched my lips, i tried not to gag as she let the rest of ir come out. Every part of my mouth was covered with shit, so much so the it was coming out of my mouth and down my neck. I slowly began chewing and swallowing the turd, she just kept on shitting into my face with random farts that would spray the shit onto my face. After what seemed like an hour she pissed again and got off.
"My friend is dying to get on you but we decided it would inconsiderate for us to force feed you and not give you a chance to enjoy our offering, so we shoved a plug into her ass and is eating cinamon roll after cinamon roll until you've finished eating my shit," my eyes widened at this, i couldn't even talk "the best part about it, instead of cinamon we've used more laxative on the roll, to make sure she cleans her system, she has 5 days of crapping to gett rid off." I was able to see her manager through the corner of my eye, she even seemed fatter, like she's bloated. I started chewing faster and swallowing when the younger one quickly jumped back onto the toilet and prceeded to gush a chunky stream of shit into my face. Only this time when she jumped down, she went too low and jammed my face into her ass, i couldn't refuse it, even if i wanted to, i don't even think it bothered me anymore, as i lay there swalowing her wastes. Everytime i would look out through the side of the tube i would see the manager shoving another roll into her mouth, its been 30 minutes and she hasn't stopped eating. 15minutes later the young one opened the top, äll done? good" she said as she sat down and pissed into my face. She then stood up and i felt a strange feeling in my stomach, thats when i saw her ass descending upon the bowl. When she sat down however, she was so big there wa snothing she could to stop my face from going into her ass. She still pulled up a little, to let me breath she says before letting lose a fart that vibrated my nostrils. Then i heard her bubbling, i saw her asshole clench, then open up with an avalanche of shit behind it, my head literally was pushed back from the force of the feces and there was nothing i could do. The turds were continous, only breaking when she would fart, eventually the entire bowl was filled with shit, let alone my mouth but she wasn't down yet, so she stood up and kept shitting. It looked like an ice cream cone, only i was underneath it, i had stopped moving altogether, but i was still awake and somehow breathing. "Time for the final test" said the manager, "sure why not" said the young one.
"can you hear me?" says the manager, "if u can here me move you arm"
oh she's talking to me, i move my arm.
"are u our slave?" she asked allowed "1 tap for no, 2 taps for yes"
i tap twice, "good," and thats when i felt all the restrains release me, there i lay with my limbs dangling off the side of the bench. Pile of shit literally 2ft high on and around my face, my face isn't even visible. I go to move and they stop me, "no, not till u finish ur dinner" and i lay back down. i don't want anymore dinner, so i roll off of the bench and fall down, i get up and stumble to the door, i make it but there's no knob. "oh no" i hear from behind, "you tried to escape, what a pity," and with that they rushed me and took me into one of the big oversized bowl and began to wash me and themselves. Every couple of minutes they would push me under the water and press me against there clits. after we were washed up they chained me to the machine by my ankle, to prevent further attempts at escaping, gagged me and tied me to the bench. "Well it seems a week wouldn't have been good enough for you anyways, so we put out an ad in various flyers that people around here read. Lets how well you do with the neighborhood ladies. Just then i heard a womans voice in the background, only it wasn't the younger cashier, "wonder who that is," says the manager as she walks away. About 10 minutes pass by, i hear commotion outside and the manager comes back in, "seems like the mall is no longer going to be remodeled, and they want to try and bring back mall traffic to this area up a little." She grinned that evil grin, "yep looks like we're gonna have so many customers we needed to hire some help," she removed the block that held my head in place, and walking in through the door was the largest women i've ever seen. I was gagged so i couldn't express my discomfort at the situation, only moan and struggle, so the manager put the block back in, straightening out my head. But my eyes were still wide with horro, this lady must've been 5'5 and somewhere between 400 and 450, her breasts were enormous, watermelons aren't that big, and yet they still sat on top of her stomach, and her ass, standing sideways this lady was bigger from belly to ass than she was tall, i was moving around a lot so i couldn't here them talking anymore, but all of a sudden what seemed like a table cloth landed on me, it was her underwear and i freaked even more. She gingerly lifted her underwear, and they removed my gag since no one could here me in this back room, then straddled me facing my feet, and leaned forward. An all too familiar smell filled my nostrils as i looked into her snatch, it glistened but not with her moistness, it was icing. "Apparently she's a little bit larger than we expected, but u don't mind right, thats why we went ahead and used an extra bucket of icing, enjoy," and they walked away leaving me with the oversized trainee. I was trapped, tied down could her the manager and cashier explaining to someone outside how they've got a brother inside who loves to torture overweight women and make them cry, and how as a part of therapy he would have to be forced to be intimate with overweight women, the bigger the better, he then heard a female voice making an appointment and the manager telling her to tell her friends. "Hey," i snapped back to reality, "lick it, slave, lick it clean," and then she brought herself onto my face, all light disappeared, only smells and tastes remain, and she said, "welcome home."

miami_FA from anyone will be appreciated, good news, bad news, any kind of criticism is welcome, this is my first attempt at a story...


Thanks for the new story!Ã,  I liked most of it but maybe it got a little too extreme in parts.Ã,  Dont worry too much about the limited responses, this board doesnt seem to be too active and i think most just like reading the stories here...

keep up the efforts - I would hope to see a second try!!



I'd agree with volup. I'm not one for that whole "extreme" thing, if you get what I mean, just love the straight up squashing/crushing. It was a good story. Would love to see some more of your stuff.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


hey well thanx a lot, i appreciate it, i only get a chance to write while i'm at work cuz i fried my laptop at home last time it rained, so i just have to wait for the next time my boss is traveling...but thanx again for ur input


wow, this story made my night, big props to you for writing this, dont get discouraged! this was incredible, i wouldnt change a thing about it except im not into scat lol but other than that, a+!Ã,  8)
sit on my face, grip that headboard and ride it while i eat that pussy till you fill my mouth with your hot cum baby


Id love to know where that shop is. Not only to have sexy fat girls sat on you, they use u as ther personal toilet too. Hmm delicious chocolate-fudge from their sexy ass