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BBW Professor

Started by miami_FA, October 10, 2005, 01:35:34 PM

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not my story...i found it on another site so i brought it here...enjoy

By George

Lisa Enwright was a psychology professor at a
major midwestern university. She was a very
large shapely woman who weighed over 400
pounds. She was 5'-11" tall, and had
a commanding personality to go with her
massive stature. She was a full professor at
the age of only 27 as she was as brilliant as
she was big. When she was a college student
she was known around the campus as "The
Amazon" and was the subject of much talk
among the male students, some of the talk
was made up by bragging males, but most of
the talk was actually based on fact. Lisa had
an enormous sexual appetite, and any male
brave enough to take her out had sex with her
even if he did not initiate it, she would.
During her four years of under-graduate work
she had sex with no less than 150 males
with at least 30 of them being abject rapes by
this big strong amazon woman. At that
time she weighed between 300 and 350 with a
very voluptuous shape. She had huge
shapely breasts, a relatively small waist, wide
flaring hips, a big round wide bottom,
huge thighs and full shapely calves. She was
extremely beautiful with long blonde hair
and sky-blue piercing eyes that could look
right through a man. She was one of the
most attractive women on the campus so
despite her large size she was in great demand
as a date. Especially with her reputation for
sex and many Frat houses rang with stories
of dates with Lisa. The main theme was that
you were not a man until you went to with
"The Amazon", and stories of her breaking
men's backs in bed abounded with great lust.
In truth, she sexually overwhelmed every man
she went to bed with as she was
insatiable with many an exhausted man ending
up with his face buried in her big hot
hungry pussy -held there by big strong
unyielding thighs that could squeeze a man
unconscious if necessary. Yes Lisa got what
ever amount of pleasure she desired at the
time. Now with those times behind her she
faced life as a serious college professor,
and somewhat limited by this position her sex
life now suffered. With her weight slowly
rising she faced a somewhat doubtful future in
the romance department as most men
shunned this very large woman. She secretly
longed for the days when she had sex with
at least one new man a week, fucking him to
exhaustion and then forcing him to
go down. These were her most intense
orgasms, when she was dominating and in
control. She loved to physically overcome a
man and grind him into sexual oblivion. For
a few years during grad school she was active
in a S&M club being an active
dominatrix. Here Lisa enjoyed the pleasures
of dominating willing males and
experimented with all aspects of this scene.
With her major being psychology she became
a very astute practitioner of sex in the mind.
As she went from assistant professor to
full, she withdrew from publicly engaging in
this type of practise an had male slaves
from personal ads. She was not happy with
the kind of person that answered those type
of ads with many of them being either
cheating husbands or people whom she
considered illiterate. In addition, many of
those who responded were shocked by her huge
size and so when her weight passed the 400
mark she withdrew from this small avenue of
pleasure completely. She also stopped
weighing herself and had no idea of what
she weighed only knowing that it was well
over 400, and possibly over 450. Even at
this size she was still very shapely although
more bottom heavy than before. She did
know her measurements for clothing and at
present measured 72" in the bust, 53" in the
waist, with her hips being 81" on a good day.
Her massive thighs had blossomed to 44"
and her calves measured 27". She longed for a
time when she could put her body to
work on a man and wondered how it would
feel to wrap her now massive thighs around
a male head, and whether she would
completely engulf him. The thought made her
very hot and moist to the point where she
masturbated to this theme on a continual

The first semester of the 94 fall term had
started with Lisa teaching three different
psychology courses, one of which was "The
Psychology Of Sexual Feeling". On her first
class in this course Lisa stood at the podium
of the lecture room as the students filed in.
One student a male about six feet tall very
thin and very nice looking caught her eye. She
watched him as he found a seat and she
secretly studied his face as the room filled
with students. He had light brown hair and pale
blue eyes. His features were fine and almost
childlike with a mannish tinge. He would be
considered more cute than handsome.


She began the class by introducing herself
and then said, "We shall go around the room
with each person giving their name and where
they are from, their year, and their
major." When it came to be the young man's
turn he said, " Paul Johnson, Milwaukee
Wisconsin, Freshman, Psychology." Lisa
noted all of this with interest as she was
already formulating plans to make Paul part
of her life this semester. She then began her
lecture stating that as Freud had said we are
primarily motivated by sex. Sex plays a
part in every thing we do and that one of the
objectives of the class was to heighten this
sexual awareness in each student. She went
on further to state that each person has
both dominant and submissive traits which
vary with each individual. Some people are
somewhat equally balanced and others have
one or the other suppressed to some degree
or another. The balance of these two traits
forms the major avenue of the personality of
each individual. The major project of this
course will be to pair off with an
opposite personality for those who have one
trait predominant, and similar personalities
for those who are neutral. These pairs will
work together as a team analyzing each other
and writing a paper on the findings. I will give
the class ten minutes for each person to
analyze them selves as to how they are, and
I'm sure at this time in life everyone Knows
how they are to begin with. The important
thing is to be truthful in this matter since it is
immaterial to this course as to whether you
are dominant or submissive or neutral but if
you are not honest you will cause problems
for yourselves and most likely fail this
course. After ten minutes Lisa went around
the room and listed to each persons
traits. When she came to Paul and he
stuttered out submissive she almost had a
spontaneous orgasm and her panties became
soaked beneath her skirt. When everyone
had spoken she said, "We will now pair off,
and there being 37 people in the class, I will
work directly with one of you. Lets see now,
I am a dominant personality so I would like
a submissive male to work with me. All
submissive males raise their hands." When the
submissive males raised their hands she very
coyly picked Paul making believe she didn't
remember his name by asking it and telling
him to stop and see her at the end of class.

When Paul was picked by Lisa he was in
heaven since not only was Paul submissive
but he was also an FA although he was in the
closet about it and in fact Paul being so shy
he hardly ever dated and had never even taken
out a heavy woman in his life. From the
moment he walked into her class Paul was
enthralled by this beautiful large woman and
the thought of actually working together with
her made his mind reel. He had sat there
and admired her big beautiful body all through
the class and when she walked around in
front of the podium he saw the full breasts the
wide flaring hips and the beautiful large
calves that were in full view beneath her skirt.
Paul thought to himself that she must
weigh over 250, never imagining how much
she actually weighed due to his lack
of experience with big women. At the end of
the class Paul meekly went up to Lisa
and said, "Professor Enwright I'm here to
talk to you about the project as you re-
quested." She replied, "Yes Paul, let me see
your class schedule so we can get together
and start. Do you have a class you have to go
to right now?" and when he replied he
didn't she said, "Good, we can talk a bit right
here for a few minutes, but I have one
more class today in 50 minutes, sit down
while I look over your schedule." Paul
sat down in the first row and nervously
pondered the big woman as she took his
schedule over to her desk and sat down. After
making some notes she rose and walked
over to where Paul was sitting and stood so
close over him that the inside of her right
calf pressed against the out side of his left calf
and the soft warm feeling of her leg
started to excite him as he stared up into her
beautiful face framed by her large breasts.
Her largeness both overwhelmed and excited
him as his face was only six inches from her
stomach and her nipples were actually
hanging over his head only any inch away.
He swallowed nervously as he continued to
look up at the beautiful breast framed face.
She said, "I am free for a couple of hours late
tonight and we can get started if that is
alright with you, do you have a car Paul?"
"Nn-no he stammered." "Oh", she said, "I live
way out in the country and it is only
accessible by car. Lets see," she said as she
gazed at his schedule and bent slightly forward so
that one breast rested heavily but softly on
the top of Paul's head. "Perhaps you can come
home with me tonight I see that you
do not have a morning class tomorrow and
nether do I, and its very important that you
get started. You can sleep in my guest room.
Go to the dorm and get what you need and
come back here in two hours." she said,
purposely not giving him a part in the

Her domination of Paul had already begun.
Paul almost came from the large breast on
top of his head and her nearness and exotic
perfume. He was about speechless from all
of this anyway and just went along with what
Professor Enwright said. "Go now", she
told him without backing off from her close
proximity of him. "What are you waiting
for, stand up and go." Paul could not stand up
without brushing against her as he rose,
his face passed through the spatial valley
between the big breasts and he stood looking
into Lisa's exquisite face and eyes as his thin
body pressed against her mammoth softness.
His erect penis bulging at full mast jutted into
her soft underbelly and did not go
undetected by her. "Go", she said and he had
to put a hand on each soft hip as he
squeezed by her large soft shapely body. The
width and softness of her hips did him
in and he came heavily and intensely right
there in his pants, the wetness coming
immediately through the lightweight fabric.
She saw this and scolded him "Can't you
control yourself, you came in your pants you
idiot. How can I team up with you if you
can't control yourself. We are going to have
to talk on a variety of very intimate things
and I will have to give you a long talk when
we get to my house, now cover that spot
with a book so no one sees you coming out of
my classroom like that and get your ass
back here ready to go in just under two
hours." He was shocked at her a college
professor using the term "ass" as he
walked through the building and back to
the dorm covering the cum spot. Paul
packed what he thought he would need for
both the night and tomorrow afternoons class.
Two hours later he showed up at Professor
Enwrigth's classroom, and she having finished
with her last class said, "Good - lets go."
They went outside to the staff parking lot and
she motioned to a black Mercedes saying, "That's
my car-get in." The inside of the car was fitted in
black leather and Paul inhaled the rich exotic smell
of the cars interior. As Lisa got in the car settled
a few inches to her side as her heavy weight
bore down upon the seat and her wide
body pressed against and over Paul's left
thigh. The feeling of her thigh was very soft
and yet heavy as she pinned his leg to the seat.
She laughed a little and said, "You see Paul
I'm even dominant when you just sit with me
in a car. I am so wide that I take up over
two thirds of the front seat. By the way what
body type do you like thin, medium, or
fat?" Paul did not answer immediately and
Lisa chided him, "Well I'm waiting, when I
ask you a question I want an immediate reply,
otherwise I may think that you are making up
your answer. Lets hear your's right now."
Ffffat Paul stammered out. "Good Lisa
replied I though you might because most sub-
missive males like large women. Later in
my course we will go into the psychology of
that aspect but we will let it rest for now.
Did you ever go out with a large woman
Paul?" "No", he said. "Why not?", she asked.
"Because I am very shy and also due to the
fact that I do not know any large women",
he said. "Well then Paul, let me ask you how
many women have you had sex with?", she
asked. "None.", he blurted out. "You mean
you are a virgin Paul?", She asked. "Yes",
he replied. "Don't you even masturbate
Paul?", she asked. "Er yes.", he said. "How
often?", she asked. "Er a er a few times a
week.", he said "How many is a few times a
week Paul and I want the truth Paul do you
masturbate at least once a day or more?",
she asked. "Yes." he said, "sometimes more
than once a day." "What do you masturbate
to Paul?", she asked. "Pictures of heavy
women's bottoms especially if they have a lot
of cellulite, it kind of turns me on, and if I have
seen a sexy large women during the day I
masturbate to that, or if I see someone in a
skimpy costume or bathing suit It makes me
masturbate.", he said. "That's very interesting
Paul.", she went on- "I am going to take
your virginity today Paul whether you want
me to or not. Besides being very large I am
very strong and can easily overpower you if
you resist. I have overpowered and raped a
lot of men and love doing it so that's just a
little of what's in store for you. To ad to my
pleasure and perhaps yours, we will say that I
am presently kidnapping you to rape you
and make you my sex slave. I am going to
use you for my pleasure whether you want
me to or not. We are already way out in
the country and soon we will be at my
house where your enslavement will begin."


Paul pondered his fate with mixed emotions,
having sex for the first time would be great
but what was this sex slave thing, he didn't
know and asked her "What do you mean
about me being a sex slave, I don't understand
about that." She replied "In a dominant,
submissive relationship, the dominant person
is of course in charge and the submissive
becomes in effect the slave, to be used for the
pleasure of in this case the mistress which is
me. The slave must obey or be punished.
The slave no longer has a will or say and
is just an object to be used when and how
the mistress desires. The slave is held
in the position of slavery by force against
his will and by fear of punishment. The slave
can be held in actual captivity by bonds or
can be held by physical force and strength of
the mistress if she is strong enough to carry
out this kind of arrangement and I am. I
prefer this type of slavery as overpowering a
man really turns me on." Paul thought to
himself, I'm a man and she thinks she can
over power me although she outweighs my
150lbs. by probably a 100lbs. I think I can
handle myself with her so I'll just go along
and have sex and won't do any thing I don't
want to and we'll see if I become her slave or
not. He was very excited about the
thoughts of having sex with this beautiful
large woman or he would have attempted to
escape her clutches. He was on that hand in a
state of sexual ecstasy almost to the point
of ejaculating again and he struggled to
control himself as the Mercedes pulled into
the driveway of a beautifully landscaped large
house that was seclude by woods on all
sides. Lisa spoke now, "This is my home
which I had built to my specifications. I come
from a very wealthy family so that my work
as a professor only supplements my
income. You will find my home very
comfortable and it cost me over one and a
half million for the house and the surrounding
woods." As they approached the house, one
of the four garage doors opened and the car
entered. The door immediately closed and
Paul thought to himself that if he was going to
try to escape that would have been the
time. As Lisa got out Paul found that the door
on his side was locked and would not
open. As the large woman circled to his
side she smiled and said, "That's the locking
system I had installed on the car for just such
an occasion, it's a child locking system that
I control. Not only were you locked in the car
but your seatbelt is locked also, try it."
Paul did and found that he was actually
locked in the seat. As she unlocked the
door from the outside she said to him, "You
see Paul you have been a prisoner from the
time you fastened your seatbelt you had no
chance to escape from that point on. So now
when I release you, you will obey and do as I
order or I will punish you. You already
have punishment coming for cumming in your
pants so don't add to it. I am going to take
you by the wrist into the house and bring you
to a room where you will be locked
in while I change. I want you to strip take a
shower dry yourself and lie down nude on
the leather covered bed and await my
entrance. Do you understand Paul?" "Yes,"
he replied. With that She slapped him in the
face "You will reply yes Professor when
you speak to me from now on, an be advised
that the Professor is in lieu of Mistress
because you are also my student I don't want
you blurting mistress out by accident in
class some time in the future." "Yes
professor," he replied as she released the seat
belt and dragged him out of the car by the wrist.
He was surprised at her strength as she was
now pulling him into the beautifully furnished
house to an open elevator. As she pulled
him in he was pressed against her large form
with her looking straight in his eyes as she
said to him. "I have reserved some rooms on
the third floor as "fun rooms" In time you
will see them all. In the meantime do as
instructed." When the elevator came to a
stop on the third floor she yanked him out and
pulled him to a heavy oak door which
she unlocked with a key and pushed him in.
The room was dark even though it was still
light out and Paul realized that the room had
no windows. She turned on the lights and
Paul saw the room which was heavily
carpeted and furnished with many strange
devices and a leather covered bed. She said to him,
"Do as you were instructed." and closed the
door and he heard her lock it. He looked
around the room at the strange devices and
figured that they were different types of
bondage devices. Just then Lisa's voice
boomed over a loudspeaker, "Do not waste time you
must be ready when I return or you will
face further punishment." Paul found the lush
bathroom and removed his clothing and
showered. After drying himself he did as
instructed and lay down on the leather
covered bed. The leather felt nice against his skin
and the smell of the soft black leather was
overpowering as Paul lay there. He pondered
the events that took place and exactly
what was going to happen. Suddenly the
door to the room opened and Lisa walked in.
She was dressed in a black kidskin cloak that
went down to almost the floor. She
immediately instructed Paul to turn around so
that his head was at the end of the bed
away from the wall. When Paul had turned
around she positioned him so that the top of
his head was about six inches from the edge
of the bed. She loomed over him as he
looked up at her massiveness in the black
cloak. She quickly flung it open and off
and Paul looked up at this magnificent woman
dressed in a black rubber bra open at the
nipple exposing the straining pink tips of her
giant breasts, with the only other item
of clothing being a black leather garterbelt
with multiple garters holding up long black
opera hose on her massive but shapely thighs.
Her shape was overwhelming as her very
wide hips accentuated the relative smallness
of her waist and overall a very shapely
women's body. Her skin was a creamy pink
covered with fine cellulite on her upper arms,
belly, hips, and thighs and as she turned
around he saw the big wide full ass above him
which was completely covered with very deep
cellulite and the flesh jiggled as she
backed up to the end of the bed. Paul's
mouth opened in awe of the greatest full body
he had ever saw, And as the big bottom
started to descend he was paralyzed with a
combination of lust, fear, and wonderment.
He lay there looking up at the massive
buttocks as they spread wider and wider
in their decent. He went under without
uttering a word as his face was pressed into
the big buttocks and her weight began to
bear upon him. The sensations Paul experienced
began with the fulfillment of a lifetimes
desire to be sat on by a big women's bottom
so he was in heaven as he realized what was
happening. Just before her flesh made contact
with his face Paul could see the big pink
anus and the pink lips of her opening vagina,
in the diminishing light beneath her big wide
bottom. At first contact her flesh felt warm
and soft and he inhaled the wonderful
female musk of her body. Paul was then
plunged into complete darkness and he found
that he could not breathe as her big buttocks
engulfed his head. More and more
weight pressed against his face and as it
increased he began to feel crushed as well as
smothered. He attempted to cry out only to
find that his mouth was completely sealed by
the soft now hot feeling flesh and Paul began
to panic trying in vain to get out from
beneath the big bottom that now straddled
both sides of his face and he was pressed in
deeper as the heavy weight continued to
increase on the frightened victim now
imprisoned in the depths of her big bottom.
As the weight continued to increase and
Paul continued to suffocate he thought one
panicky thought that didn't she know she was
both smothering and crushing him. Was he
going to die in her ass?, it was never like this
in his fantasies. He started to kick his legs
fruitlessly since he was securely engulfed in
her big fat bottom. Lisa on the other hand
knew very well what was happening to Paul
and what he was experiencing. She had sat on
many men and especially loved sitting on a
mans face for the first time and was extremely
turned on by the mans futile panicky
struggles to escape. She did however not put
her full weight on Paul at this time perhaps
only half so she could reserve that pleasure
for another occasion. She was on the verge
of orgasm and hoped that Paul would not die
or pass out before she came. It was
happening and started when Paul first began
to kick, waves of intense pleasure flooded
her entire loin area so much so that she had
extreme difficulty in not pushing her full
weight down on the imprisoned face as she
spasmodically convulsed, and trembled in
complete ecstasy. Wave after wave of
pleasure flowed through her buttocks, thighs,
abdomen, breasts, and especially her pussy
and ass hole. She gripped her breasts with
each hand and squeezed the pointed pink
nipples as hard as she could intensifying
the pleasure as she knew she had to get off
before Paul expired beneath her. Paul's
penis had gone from a state of rigid erection
to flaccidity in a matter of moments and he
urinated in deep panic as he was quickly
loosing conciseness from lack of air while
Lisa was in ecstasy above him with each spasm of
convulsion being transferred to his helpless
face. Just about when Paul was about to pass
out, she rose off of him and he lay there
sucking in the cool fresh air as she rolled to
the side still continuing to cum. Her glanced
at her big wide ass laying on a big hip just
inches away and he jumped off the bed in
terror lest she sit on him again. He ran to the
door, his panic being so great that he
would have tried to escape nude as he was,
only to find the door locked. She glanced
over to him and said, "There is no escape for
you, the key is here around my neck on this
leather thong." He saw the thong and noted
that it descended deep between her
big breasts. She said, "If you try to escape
again, I will sit on you until you pass out, so
remember that." As she turned around she
saw the puddle of urine on her nice leather
cover. She screamed, "You stupid bastard
you pissed on my beautiful leather." with that
she rose and walked over to him grabbing him
by the back of the neck and pushed him
over to the bed forcing his face down into the
puddle. "lick it all up.", She screamed,
"Right now before it ruins the leather. Do
you have any idea what this leather costs
stupid?" "Nnnno professor," he stammered,
still stunned by the strength she exhibited
when she pushed him over to the bed, he
meekly licked up his own piss as she stood
over him. When he finished she instructed him
to go into the bathroom and get a towel to
completely dry the area and he complied
without hesitation. Lisa watched as Paul
finished wiping the area dry and said, "Now I
am going to take your virginity Paul, one
step at a time. When I finish not only will you
be initiated into the world of sex, but you
will have started your training in the art of
pleasing a lady. Lie down on your back with
your head in the middle of the bed." Paul said,
"Wwwhat are you going to do to me now, I don't
want to continue this I want to go home."

Lisa slapped him hard twice across
the face and screamed at him, "Do as I
command, or I will punish you." Paul quickly
got into the position she desired. Lisa
then straddled Paul's head and looked
down at his frightened face between her big
thighs an said, "I am going to teach you
how to eat my pussy. I want you to lick it
using your tongue as I direct you. You will
start by running your tongue up and down the
lips." Lisa positioned her vulva directly
over Paul's mouth, covering him so that his
nose was just clear of her blonde bush
affording him the ability to breath with just
half of each eye covered by the big thighs
with her weight pinning him in this position.
Paul's view of the world was very limited
to Lisa'S abdomen, the underside of her large
breasts and what portion of her face as was
visible between them. Paul was so terrified
from the previous experience that
claustrophobia was overcoming him and he
struggled to get out of this frightening
position. He knew if she just moved he
thighs together he would smother again and
he bordered on complete panic. Lisa sensed
this and reveled in the feeling of complete
domination as she looked down on him and
said to him, "This is not for punishment Paul,
this is for my pleasure. I will not smother you
unless you disobey me by not licking
immediately." Paul began to run his tongue up
and down her pussy lips as far as he could
with his face immobilized under her. She rose
slightly to permit him more movement
and moaned and instructed him on how to lick
and flick his tongue. Paul was now
enjoying his work and his fear abated. She
guided him to her clitoris and told him to
lick it as hard as he could. She moaned with
the beginning of an intense orgasm, bearing
down on him with all her might. He was
unable to continue licking as her heavy
spasms and weight immobilized him and he
was once again both smothered and crushed
beneath her as her throes of orgasm
continued. Panic overcame him as she came
with such tremendous force and movement that his
face was wrenched and contorted as
she rubbed her pussy over his entire face.
Finally it was over and Paul could once again
breathe as he looked up from between her
thighs. She looked down at him and said,
"That was not bad for your first time eating a
woman. You have great potential Paul
and I am going to develop you into a first
class cunt lapper." She got off of him and
stood next to the bed looking down at Paul's
now raging hardon. "Now is the time Paul,
I am going to fuck you. I love to fuck
immediately after I am eaten, I can't get
enough." She said as she quickly mounted him sliding
his cock into the moist hot hole before Paul
Knew what was happening. She immediately
began to ride him stroking up and down on
Paul's cock. She realized for the first time
how really well endowed he was as she
engorged herself with his entire shaft. She
thought to herself about all the pleasure Paul
would bring to her in the future. As Lisa took
his member into her insides Paul felt the
sensations of real sex for the first time in his
life and as she pumped her big body up and
down on him, threads of orgasm were
beginning to form for Paul and he could
not believe the pleasure and he loved her for
this. Lisa still in a state of arousal from
being eaten was pleasure stroking from the
first entry and continued to increase both her
down force and speed as she went out of
sexual control riding his shaft to the very tip
until he was almost out of her and then
slamming down on him with all he might, the
force of which sent the bed into a bouncing
motion with Paul being bounced about
beneath her like a rag doll. He came first,
shooting thick gobs of semen into her hot
cock consuming insides time and time again. He
was on the verge of passing out from
this new and extreme pleasure, his virginity
gone with the first ejaculation. Lisa felt the
hot cum shoot into her pleasure mounting
vagina. She pumped him out of control,
milking him dry and continuing to stroke him
with all the speed and force of her body
so much so that she screamed wildly at the all
consuming pleasure emanating in her loins
and radiating through her entire body. She
almost passed out from pleasure finally
collapsing forward on Paul's prone form
breathing heavily from her exertion. Her breasts
cradled Paul's face and she said to him that
was just great, I just had one of the greatest
orgasms of my life. I will take you often Paul
but remember all will not be pleasure for
you, as you must pay the price of such
pleasure and earn it as my slave.


Thanks  miami -- this is sweet having all the new stories you posted

;D 8) ;D



ur i got bored of all the old stories...i've read them each like 2-3 times...


Love your stories man, but I got to ask.....will there be more?  ;D


I found your story very nice with the beautiful, pear-shaped. woman and her massive ass and thighs doing all the work. I'm not interested in any violence but the facesitting and smothering is extremely erotic with a very big woman. It starts out very softly, delicate flesh surrounding, then the massiveness overwhelms and the woman with this power becomes excited about it. She may have never found such control possible over the "stronger man" and can become addicted to the feeling of complete and total domination. Smothering a man until he becomes weak wrapped up in her glorious thighs.