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  • (April 02, 2020, 07:36:09 PM)
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As best as I can remember, I was probably 4 or 5 years old when I first began taking a conscious interest in big girls, though at the time my enchantment with fat was yet undeveloped. I was just drawn to females that were big to me, but not neccessarily fat. I had a cousin for instance, and she was 12 years old and therefore a great deal taller than me, but she wasn't fat at the time. I used to follow her around like a puppy.
Then I met a girl that was in my class at school. Her name was Beth. We were the same age, and the same height within a half inch or so. Where we differed in size was that I was an average 4 or 5 year old boy, around 40 or 45 pounds, and she weighed at least twice as much as that, 90 pounds at least. I immediately became currious about her fatness, and as luck would have it we quickly became friends. I some time passed I noticed she was always eating at every opportunity. She ate chips, candy bars, cookie dough, cheese logs, and whatever she could get her hands on at every recess, not counting lunch. The first time I went to visit her at her house she was eating when I entered the house.
Somehow it came up about how fat she was and how much she ate all the time. Then she began to brag about how much she weighed.
"Come in here with me...I'll show you how much I weigh." she told me.
Naturally I did indulge myself to sate my curriosity. She led me into the bathroom and over to the scale. She stepped onto it and looked down at the meter with a big smile on her face.
" says I weigh 9.....94 pounds." she said with a giggle.
"'re really heavy." I asured her.
She stepped down and looked at me, still smiling.
"Now you get on and see what you weigh." she ordered.
"Alright." I said and I stepped onto the scale.
The nubers hardly moved. She looked down at the meter and began to giggle again.
"You only weigh 41 pounds." she an attempt to embarrassed.
"So...I'm not fat like you are." I replied having been somewhat embarrassed for some silly reason.
"Come back to my room now with me." she ordered.
*She is being so bossy* I thought to myself and I didn't care for that much, but I followed her anyway back to her room.
Once we entered her room she closed the door, and she hadn't done that before.
"I want you to lie down on the floor right here." she told me.
"Why?" I asked.
"Just do it....cause I want to show you something."
I finally did as she asked after a bit more coaxing from her, and I lied down on the floor at the foot of her bed.
"No! on your back." she scolded.
"GOSH!" I asserted in objection.
*Bossy fat girl* I thought to myself.
I got in position as she had ordered, and then impatiently awaited to see what she had to show me that I had to lie down on the floor for. Then I saw her nearing me, and then she stood right beside me with her bare toes just touching my forearm at my side. Then I realized, with great shock, what she was doing, though too late to do anything to prevent it. Her right foot was planted firmly on my stomache, and was quickly pressing down into me with great force. Her full weight was soon supported by nothing more than my tiny abdomen, but then she raised her other foot off the floor, and placed it onto my chest. Now my stomache didn't feel as bad but it was very stressful still as was the presure upon my chest now. I could not breathe for several seconds under the presure of all her weight. In a moment though I guess I was able to adjust to the restriction and could then draw small gasps of air between my grunts and groans under such strain. She stood there on me balancing herself by holding onto the bed's railing for what seemed an eternity, but it had only been 20 or 30 seconds. Finally she stepped down off of me, and a rush of air flooded my lungs. My body ached still as it felt as she was still standing on me. She walked to the door and left the room. I didn't move as I felt exhausted for the whole time she was gone. A few minutes later she returned carrying a bag of cookies and a tub of icecream.
To my horror she came back over to me, and I tried to move, but couldn't. I tried to sit up but my stomache muscles protested, and I could move away from the bed as she had me blocked in. I watched her towering over me, and then she turned around. Her rear end looked huge, and seemed to be getting even bigger within my field of view. Her knees were bending and she leaned forward. All of a sudden I was subjected to a massive impact as her bottom dropped down onto my chest and stomache with a big thud and a smack instantly compressing me flat and forcing all the breath out of me oncemore. I could do nothing but grunt and gasp again after the initial blow. I was in great disstress, more so it seemed than when she had stood on me. The force of the impact on me was so great.
Then she just sat there on me, and gathered up her goodies, and began eating them with vigor. Thirty seconds passed and she still sat on me giving me no relief. I was able to breathe just a little buy that time, but my body ached beneith her. She sat there on me for at least 45 minutes, until finally she had consumed the entire bag of cookies aswell as the tub of icecream.
I prayed she was going to get up and off of me, and finally she did. She got up and walked to her dresser, opening the top drawer, she pulled a big box out. It was a box of chocolates. Again she came over to me and once again turned her back towards me and plopped her fat butt down onto my chest and stomache. My legs flailed into the air as she landed on me, and I was relegated to nothing more than a grunting groaning and gasping seat cussion for her while she ate. She put 2 and 3 of the chocolates into her mouth at a time and it took a couple of minutes before she could swallow them. Then she repeated the process. There had been only a couple of the candys already eaten, and otherwise it had been a full box of about 22 or 23 various chocolates. Over the next 25 minutes she ate them all. It felt to me as though I could feel her gaining weight with each mouth full that she consumed, she felt heavier and heavier to me.
"My belly's so full." she admitted, as she sat there rubbing it with her hands.
I couldn't really say much in reply, but I managed to grunt out,"Get off."
"I'm really squashing you good?" she giggled.
Then she finally got up and looked down at me. My lungs filled with air again, but it was painful to take a breath.
"Lets go see how much I weigh now." she said to me.
She grabbed my arm and made me get up, then led me into the bathroom again. She stepped onto the scale.
"97 pounds." she said proudly.
*I'm glad* I thought to myself,* but why?*
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

Five years had past, and I had gone to Beths house at least twice a week throughout the entire time. Nothing changed really as for how things happened. She continued to sit or stand on top of me and was usually eating while doing so, as she had before. I had become accustomed to this, and eventually began to enjoy being beneith her, and also seeing her eat, especially when she really put an effort in to really gorge herself, which she did most of the time. What had changed was her weight. Due to all the eating she did, it had at least doubled. She was near 200 pounds at just 10 years of age. Now she was really fat, and I found that very appealing though not as yet in a sexual manner, but I was becoming a true fat admirer. We had both grown in height and were about the same there, but I was only 85 pounds soaking wet. Somehow though as she had gained weight my body was adjusting to handle it. Only when she really tried to make me beg her to get off of me, by dropping her rear down from a standing position onto my chest did I ever have any problems handling her weight, or if she would stand on me for a long time and or bounce on my ribcage, but usually she was content just to sit on me and eat.
I began to go to her house every day during the summer, and every one of those days I spent being sat on by her most of the time while she consumed huge amounts of food. By the time we were 13 she could eat an entire large pizza and most of a second if she really felt like it, and still keep munching on other junk food, cookies, candybars, icecream for another hour afterwards. One day in particular she finished 2 large pizzas in whole, and then went on to eat a whole cheese cake, 6 candybars, and all of a tub of icecream all while sitting on my chest and stomache, squashing me joyously.
By the summer we were of 15 years of age her weight had increased to 375 pounds. She had become a mass of almost pure blubber. I was just 130 pound tall sack of bones. I was now 5'8", and she was just 5'4", and wide as a house.
I  began to truely enjoy her weight on top of me. I felt like I was in a happy place when she sat on me, especially if she was being a real glutton. There were times however she would be in a pissy mood, or she just felt like fucking with me that I didn't enjoy as much. I could just try to endure. She would sit on my head or trample me, and she was getting too heavy for that kind of stuff. My face would feel like its about to break under the presure when she sat on it, and often suffocating me to the point of near blackout. What was worse was when she had the idea to trample me, and especially when she put her full weight onto my chest, crushing it flat. But as time went by she most often just sat on my chest and stomache and ate, and ate and ate. Her bottom was rapidly covering more and more of me as the months past. She went from 375 pounds to 495 pounds in a year. Her rear, hips, and thighs covered me from my chin down my pelvic bone when she sat on me. She was now with some effort on her part able to consume three entire large pizzas, inside of three hours, and still be able and willing to eat even more.
"I want to become the fattest and heaviest woman ever." she addmitted to me one day.
"It wouldn't suprise me if you did...just keep eating like you have been." I comforted her assuringly.
"I know."
Now ten years on she has done precisely what she had said she wanted to do. She acheived a weight of 1,695 pounds at just 26 years of age, and at her height of no more than 5'6". I felt her great weight upon me as routine throughout her ledgendary gain, even through the past six years of it as she became more and more immobile. Through some 1,200 pounds of weight gain I felt every once plus the 495 pounds she started with. Somehow there always seems to be a way that I find myself flattened benieth her. Today however she spends more time eating than anything.She consumes a food or beverage for 30 minutes of every hour of every day on avaerage. By next year she plans to be over 1,800 pounds, which she will easily acheive. 2,000 pounds soon to come. I can only imagine being benieth her, surrounded in her blubber, and her weight crushing me flatter than ever.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.