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He tried to get away, but I was so much bigger and stronger. I think he was only about 120 pounds at the time, so I had quite the advantage, so when I wrapped these big, beefy thighs around his head, he was finished. I think that's where all this dominant like personality came over me. I just kept squeezing him until he passed out. I was so scared, but I was also turned on. I also got my first orgasm. He did come through, which I'm so glad, because then the next week he actually had the nerve to ask me out." "Lucky guy.." winked Evan. "Not as lucky as you are going to beââ,¬Â¦. I've got a big crush on you. " Laughed Tamara and then with some concentrated effort, she pulled down her jeans. Once out of her jeans, Evan's eye's widened. "What's the matter Evan?" asked Tamara. Evan was speechless. Tamara was just in her underwear and T-shirt. She stood facing towards him. She was so well rounded. Her thighs were so huge and so solid looking and from her narrow waist, her gigantic hips looking wide and smooth. "You lââ,¬Â¦look so good!" stuttered Evan. Tamara grinned proudly. "Not bad, considering how much I weigh." She said turning around to proudly swat the bottoms of her huge, fleshy behind, which bulged out from her large panties. "J..just how much do you weigh?" asked Evan in astonishment. Tamara smiled and shook her head and said. "Well Evanââ,¬Â¦. That's not something I tend to give out, but let's just say that I have to use two scales. Funny thing is I actually checked today because after I saw what was on your computer, I was thinking of you and imagining how much fun it would be to have you between my big, juicy thighs. I think I'm the only woman in the world who weighs as much as I do and gets on a scale with a doughnut in her mouth and loves what she sees." Evan nodded. "You really do look good. So you use two scales. I still would like to know." Said Evan still looking at her in Awe. "I suppose you would." Said Tamara running a hand down her firm thigh. " Judging from the looks of you, I'd say I'm probably close to four times your weight."
"Not that much." Said Evan doubtingly. Tamara laughed. "Well yah! At Five hundred and sixty pounds, I'd say so. Just look at us. My calves are bigger then your thighs." boasted Tamara and then picking up Evan's jeans she put her large foot into them and started pulling them up, they stopped half way up her huge calves. Tamara grinned. "I can't even get your jeans up past my calves." Evan smiled. "Try it." Tamara smirked. "Ok little man." and with another tug, she pulled them up and the jeans ripped apart from the strain of her too thick, round calves. "Didn't even make it up to my knees. Now I think we've had enough of this. Take me to your room." Said Tamara pulling them off and flinging them back at Evan. "Uh yah." Moaned Evan and as he took her by the hand, he walked forward, Tamara held his hand tight and jerked him back, her big feet planted on the rug. "Not like that, I want a horsy ride to your room!" said Tamara. "You're kidding." Said Evan with raised eye browse. "No I'm not! Growled Tamara and turning Evan around, she put her hands on his shoulder and down Evan went onto his knees. "On your fours!" demanded Tamara. Without any further hesitation Evan got on all fours. He had no idea what was in store, Tamara sat on him and as soon as he tried to move forward, he immediately plunged flat down on the floor. The wind went rushing out of him. Tamara continued to sit on his back. "Come on Evan, take me to your room." Evan struggled, but couldn't budge. "All I'm asking for is one little horsy ride." said Tamara with a slight bounce. Evan struggled but it was no use. As Tamara sat there on top of his back, she just felt heavier and heavier. "That's too bad." sighed Tamara and getting up, she walked over to her jeans which were a pile on the floor.

Tamara picked up her jeans and walked over to the couch with them. "That wasn't much of a horsy ride. I'm sort of disappointed in you. If you tried harder, you would have been able to take me to your room. Guess you don't want me bad enough." Said Tamara with dismay. Evan could barely focus, he was short of breath, his arms, his knees, his ribs, all so sore yet he the stiffness and erotic desires were now so intense. He watched in agony as Tamara proceeded to pull up her jeans. She had them up to her upper thighs and at this point, she had to start wriggling her huge, curvy hips. Inch by inch, she worked her jeans up until they moved up to the thickest part of Tamara's huge ass and hips. "Tamaraââ,¬Â¦Iââ,¬Â¦. I just wasn't ready, I can do it." Panted Evan. Tamara stopped and looked over at him sympathetically. "No Evan. I wish you could, because I was so fucking horny, butââ,¬Â¦. I don't think you're nearly strong enough and I just can't give in that easy. I wanted a horsy ride to your room and I meant it. Those were the conditions and you failed." sighed Tamara and then with a good hard tug, she pulled her jeans up the rest of the way to her narrow waist. She pulled up her zipper and did up the button. "Yes it's really too bad Evan, cuz I think it would have been fun." Said Tamara walking over to Evan. She held out her hand to him, like a champion wrestler taking pity on a badly injured opponent. Evan reached for her hand and was gently helped up. He tried to kiss her, but Tamara blocked him. "Well it's getting late Evan." Yawned Tamara as she turned towards the door. "You're really leaving? Just like that?" he asked. "Just like that." Smirked Tamara and towards the door she strutted in the most provocative, exaggerated walk Evan had ever seen. Tamara's huge hips swayed from side to side and her huge ass bounced up and down with each stride of her big, thunderous like thighs.

Tamara ran her hand along the wooden finish of the warm table. "Tamara, what's with you? You are in some sort of daze." Said Amy looking at her oddly. "Oh.. sorry." Said Tamara focusing back on Amy.
She reached for the coffee pot. "Wan another refill?" asked Amy. "Uh yah.. Sure." Said Tamara with a contemplating look. "What are you not telling me?" demanded Amy." Tamara swallowed and sighed. "I uhââ,¬Â¦ sort of got myself interested in this guy andââ,¬Â¦" "Your kidding, I uh thought you weren't going to date any body for awhile." Interrupted Amy. "I know, I know butââ,¬Â¦ I just couldn't help it. I really like him." Said Tamara with a widening of her eyes. "Tamara! After what you have been through with Paul, I don't understand" Tamara looked over at Amy in a look of near scorn. "It wasn't my fault. What happened to Paul was his own doing." Replied Tamara defensively. Amy took a deep breath and started to speak. "Tamara, this man was in hospital for weeks suffering from a cracked skull, three broken ribs. You're my friend, butââ,¬Â¦ how can you say that it's not your fault." "What if I told you that what happened was mutual. He got what he wanted and I got what I wanted." shrugged Tamara. "That's not what Paul said." Said Amy with convicting eyes. "He's fast talking, just like your Paul." sneered Tamara. Amy smiled. "I'm sorry Tamara, it's just that My Paul is good friends with your, I mean Paul Brown and I guess I get some pretty biased stuff coming from him. So what did happen? I'm listening Tamara." Tamara looked down at the floor and groaned. "OK.. ok. Remember just after I had just broken off with him and I was at your place having dinner when you know who just happens to drop by." "Of course I do, it was Paul and my idea to try and get you guy's back. It doesn't seem right me dating a married guy when your not." Laughed Amy. Tamara laughed. "Well it didn't work. so let me finish. After I left, your place, your Paul calls me and tells me that Paul wants to see me again and Amy, it isn't because I didn't want to stop seeing him because he was married, cuz like you, I didn't want to be tied down by anyoneââ,¬Â¦ well not until lately. I think that's changing, that's another story, so I.. I said no. But then I told Paul after that he could call me. I was feeling sorry for him and so Paul or should I say old Paul. Damn Amy, we are never going out with boyfriends with the same name. Too confusing." "Yah, ok, now tell me, tell me. What happened after?" said Amy leaning closer with great interest. "I'm getting there." Snarled Tamara jokingly. "So I end up going out to this way off restaurant, like we always did. Gues he doesn't want to be recognized. I think after about five minutes I get reminded just how stupid and egocentric he is.. the cars, the boatsââ,¬Â¦ I'm so good, I'm so sad, me, me meââ,¬Â¦ blah, blah, blah. Like I've told you before, the good ones are always taken. Not in his case. Basically I told that we were really through. So I start to walk off and he comes up beside me like some pathetic weasel. I told him to take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut." "So crued." Commented Amy. "Hey, I like that lineââ,¬Â¦... So I thought that would be the end of him, butââ,¬Â¦ he says in these exact wordsââ,¬Â¦. Tamara, I'll pay you a thousand bucks to sit that great big ass of yours on my face just one more time. I don't know what it was, but I all of a sudden I got really turned on to the idea, I usually do, but I only wanted to do it with my clothes on, so I told him that and he actually accepted. I was also way out in no where land and only ten bucks in my purse and I didn't like the idea of bussing it over a taxi to get back home." shrugged Tamara. Amy reached for her coffee and swallowed it down. "This is getting bizarre, but I do remember you telling me on several occasions that Paul preferred a dominant twist to things." "It's true I just never really got into it with you, can't explain why I'm telling you all this, but Amy, I didn't mean to hurt him, but he insisted Iââ,¬Â¦ I sit on him at his office and on his cherry oak desk and I wasn't about to go away either with out giving him his thousand bucks worth. So I sat on him and I rather enjoyed it, unfortunately he wasn't able to give me the signal." Smirked Tamara. Amy frowned oddly. "The signal, you mean you guys have a signal?" Tamara nodded. "Uh huh. He's suppose to slap the ground or in most cases the bed, but the way I was sitting on him, I had his arms pinned down as well and his hands were out farther then the width of the desk, so I didn't get the signal." "This is too weird, even for me." Chuckled Amy. Tamara smiled. "I don't think so. Look at me Amy, I'm a big, strong girl. Guys that are attracted to me, seem to go for that sort of stuff and I don't mind at all. Sure hasn't been a problem with sex after!" Amy closed her eyes and nodded. "What ever Tamara, so now I know what happened. Paul told us that you beat him up." "I would never do that, unless he wanted me to. All kidding a side, I'm not like that." Amy nodded. "Yah you're not. I just figured he deserved it." Amy stretched and got up to take a cigarette from the pack. "Thought you were quitting." said Tamara in a disapproving tone. "Not now. Nerves, besides if I do stop I'll eat and gain weight." Tamara huffed. "Yah right. Look at you. Your like a twig." Amy beamed almost proudly. "Yup, I've been the same weight since I was 15." "Probably have." agreed Tamara. "Mmmm Tamara." Mumbled Amy through her smoke. "So who's this new guy?". Tamara sighed. "Well he's not really new. Not much has happened yet, but it will, that's if he'll talk to me again." Sighed Tamara. Amy smiled. "Pissed this guy off too huh. Can't you be nice to guys?" Teased Amy. "Oh I could be real nice to him, I uh just got carried away last time I saw him. You know my boss Debra?" asked Tamara sheepishly. "Yes, you've talked about her from time to time, mostly good. "commented Amy. "Well it's her son." Amy looked at her blank and then started to laugh. "No! You can't be serious." With a raised eye brow Tamara nodded. "That's the one. Iââ,¬Â¦ I really like him." Confessed Tamara. "Have you been on any dates?" Tamara hesitated."Not really, I uh.. went up to his place last Friday. I had this good excuse going up there as I had to return his computer that his mother borrowed. Anyway, I knew right then and there that he was the one." Said Tamara dreamily. "The one! So what makes him so special. Is he married?" "No he's not married and he special in many ways. Great personality, great looks, although he is kind of slight." Amy smirked. "Hope he's not too slight, cuz after Paul, you'll kill him." Tamara laughed. "I was careful with him." Amy smiled with amazement. "You mean you guys did it that night!" Tamara giggled. "Not quiteââ,¬Â¦ Oh how do I go about saying this. Hmmââ,¬Â¦ Ok I sort of went through his computer before I gave it to him and discovered that he had a definite preference for bigger girls of my dimensions. He also is another guy that likes being bossed around in many of the way Paul does." Amy looked shocked. "You mean you actually discovered this all on his computer?." Tamara grinned. "Yup, I found other things too. His hobbies, interests, his letters to friends. He's very caring and sincere. He's funny, he'sââ,¬Â¦ Fuck Amy, I wasn't able to contain it. I wasn't in his place for more then fifteen minutes before I let him know how much I wanted to sit on him." Amy cocked her head and asked curiously. "So what went wrong, sounds like you were hitting it off." 'We were, but then I got really scared. I was so close to fucking him and then I thought.. What if this turns out to be a one nighter because he thinks I'm you know.. a slut. So after really leading him on and uh.. getting him extremely excited, I left him high and dry or should I say hard as a rock and know where to put it. Poor guy probably stayed up all night jerking off. I'm sure he felt awful." 'Did you call him up since?" asked Amy in a concerning tone. "I want to, butââ,¬Â¦ I have other reservations. I just want to be sure that were going to be on a serious level. I meanââ,¬Â¦ I know he super turned on to me, but that in private. What will he be like I public. I really dwarf this guy. Paul was six one. Evan's like five nine. He might feel embarrassed. I have to find this out. I'm going to meet him just before he goes home and try and meet him outside his work. If he has any reservations about me meeting him thereââ,¬Â¦ I'll know." Amy looked into Tamara's sad looking eyes. "Woah, you're really hooked girl." Tamar nodded in full agreement. "Don't I know it. I've been planning this in my head and to the point of what I'm going to wear. I want something different. I want a short, tight, leather mini skirt, high heels and sexy looking nylons. I even remember Paul suggesting he'd like to see me in something like that." "I don't think so!" retorted Amy. "If he sees you outside his office like that, he'll walk the other way. What would his co-workers say?" Tamara laughed. "Don't be silly. I'd wear a long coat. He'd never know until I get him home. By that time I'll have explained what was I was feeling. That's if all goes well. Problem is, there isn't a leather skirt out there that will fit around these big ol' hips of mine." Amy smiled. "Tamara, you're good at sewing. Soââ,¬Â¦ why don't you take that long, black leather coat that my mother gave me and do something with it." Tamara laughed. "You can't be serious. It's an expensive coat" "I hate it. It's gaudy. Take it, orââ,¬Â¦ do you not want to go through with it." Challenged Amy.
Evan leaned back in his chair and wiped a hand over a tired eye. "Open source this!" cursed Evan as he watched his computer freeze. "Get what you pay for. I've had enough of this place!" Thought Evan. He leaned forward and pulled a briefcase out from under his desk. As Evan looked up, he could see Charlie the guard coming towards him. "Whats up Charlie." Charlie looked down at him with a rather odd expression. "Uh hum.. There's a lady downstairs looking for ya." Started Charlie with a chuckle. "And uhââ,¬Â¦ better hope she's not a bill collector, cuz if she is, she could probably shake out every penny you ever owed." Evan nodded and smiled. "Don't think so Charlie, did she give a name?" "Yah she did, says her name is Tamaraââ,¬Â¦"
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

hey umm jsut wondering what happened to the parts 4,5,6,7 in this great series. love the detail and real-ness of this. sorry bout this jsut wanted to read tehm before i skip on to part 8.