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another new one started.

Started by fuel1563, November 29, 2004, 11:32:53 PM

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What I saw as I entered the establishment was an absolutely amazing sight, awe inspiring in fact. Just a few feet from me sat two of the fattest women I had ever seen in person in my life. Well, perhaps ever, anywhere. One woman was white, and she had the most enormous belly I have ever seen. It totally filled and overflowed her lap. She actually had no lap. Her belly filled every inch of space from what I would consider to be her chest, (and where her breasts would be if they were proportionate enough. She had them, but they just seemed small due to the emmensity of her belly.) out to her sides, over her hips. Also straight out in front of her as she sat there, and beyond the area where her knees would undoutedly be, but they too were covered by her blubbery belly. She would likely measure perhaps four feet, maybe more, from side to side, and the same from front to back. Indeed the rest of her that was visible was also quite large. Her upper arms, and her calves were equally awe inspiring, just not so much as her belly.
The other gorgeous femme was a black woman. She was likely to be of near equal bulk overall to her friend, but was of a different build, and none the less awe inspiring. It was apparent that she carried considerable girth in her buttox which was somewhat hidden from my view as she sat, but that carried over into her amazingly bulging hips, out from which her barrel sized thighs protruded in front of her. Her belly though, hardly concealed any of them from view. Several large rolls of fat and a few smaller ones cascaded down each of her thighs and turned into more rolls down her wonderfully massive calves. Yes the black woman's calves were indeed of greater portion than the white womans. Also the black womans breast seemed much much bigger. Their arms seemed to be about the same size, both were massively fat.

They were sitting facing eachother at a small table. It looked small compared to them anyway. It's surface was covered with plates of food, about six different plates, and two large glasses. I could only imagine the strain that was being put upon the chairs they each sat on, or how they kept from breaking under such weight. They were metal though, which was becoming more popular than wood.
I approached the two, and considered introducing myself to them, because I was thinking I would like to photograph them. For one I was attracted to fat women, and two I knew I could be onto something good, maybe a big seller finally, and this could be my big break to get into the upper ranks of the photography world. My theme would be...
"Fat Ladies of the Circus"...like those done of the clowns I'd seen. I could try to capture that inner soul, that emotion. But, they were both very busy it appeared in their eating and drinking. So I decided to wait until they had finished. That ended up being two hours later. They ate every crumb of food on the six plates, and six more plates were brought out to them. They each consumed a dozen fried eggs, and a dozen strips of bacon, six sides of hashbrowns, six bowls of oatmeal, and a dozen biscuits with sausage gravy. Each of them drank two large glasses of milk.
Finally I could introduce myself, and give them my proposal.
We all sat there for another hour and had coffee while we talked. As it so happened, and to my delight, they were both retired for the most part. They were both into their fifties, and both had worked as, I couldn't believe it, circus fat ladies, and had been around the world. They were now both living together and were business partners, but they wouldn't say what that was at that moment.
I went on and made my offer to them. I was prepared to pay each of them $25.00 to pose for me. That was good money at the time, damn good. However they seemed disinterested in the money. I was invited to their residence to discuss things further with them. I would find out why fifty bucks didn't interest them.

After leaving the resturant, I saw them enter into a limosine. I rushed to my car and began persuit. In a few minutes I followed them into a private drive that went a ways through some forrested land, and then we came to a clearing and there was their house. It was a large rock mansion, with two stories. So it seemed these two fat women were loaded. They were riding in a cueffered rolls royce that probably cost at least $20,000, and they lived in a house that probably cost $100,000 in a time when most folks paid $3,000 at most for a really nice new car, and less than $15,000 for a nice new house. Inside the house they had an elevator that was rated for 5,000 pounds. I found out that between the two of them they were somewhere between 1,400-1,600 pounds, and fully expected to be over a ton within the nearer future, so a two and a half ton lift made good sense, to be on the safe side.
I waited on the first floor while they went up on the lift to go freshen up. An hour later they returned wearing dresses as they had worn earlier, but of different colors. The white woman, Alice, was wearing a full length sleavless, but the black woman's, June, was a knee length, and also sleavless. I was so happy to see their bare and enormous fat arms jiggling as they moved. We all three retired to the parlor to have our disscussion.
I learned that they had both started working as circus fat ladies just as they hit their twenties, and quickly became successful, in that endevor aswell as learning about another vocation that paid them a great deal more. It was an unheard of fetish back then. They had many men, and some women come to them, and ask to be sat upon,and squashed by them. Others wanted them just to eat all they could in front of them. Some even wanted as much as to be trampled by the huge women. Most all of these clients were well to do people, and so for nearly a full decade Alice and June recieved their percentages being circus fat ladies, and also made as much as $1,500 each some nights. They both invested wisely, and also bought as much gold as they could. Then came the crash, which lasted just over another decade. The circus pay died to a trickle of nothing, and their investments became mostly worthless, but they had the hard currency of gold still. Never the less they both lost 200-250 pounds each through this dark period. Only a handful of their night time clients remained.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.