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After Class...

Started by fuel1563, March 13, 2007, 08:21:00 PM

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Susan enjoyed her job a great deal. Teaching Health class at a nearby High School was not only easy as far as traveling time, but easy on the off hours. She hardly gave out homework, and when she did she spent the evening sitting at her desk at home, eating pound cake by the box, and giving %90 of all the papers graded a check mark. She couldn't be bothered to read them all, she was too involved into her eating and prime-time TV shows. And boy did she do the former. At 568lbs on a 5'9 frame, eating was the great majority of Susan's waking time. Another plus of her day job was the fact that it allowed her to sit on her ever expanding ass and eat all day long. She had even gotten to the point of handing out her daily assignments to the student with the best handwriting in each class, so that they could do all the writing on the chalkboard. She had a good thing going. So the days kind of ran together, work, food, home, food, wake up, food, repeat. That was till she got her new student into her 3:20pm class in the middle of the second semister. His name was Greg Cummings and he was new to the state. His family had just moved in from Florida, thus throwing his school year for a loop. Sarah liked the boy right off. It wasn't just his handsome face, and thin toned body that did it, but the feeling that Greg was staring at her constantly. And with lust. Sarah was always good at picking out a FA, and she didn't doubt her talent here.

For a while things changed for a bit. Sarah would get up to do her own board writing more and more, teasing the new boy with her massive hips, swaying as she wrote each word. She often misspelled words on the black board, as she was too busy thinking about how Greg's eyes must be burning through her backside. And what a backside it was. No matter what she wore out-though it was usually jeans or stretch pants, her ass stuck out so far most people double-taked when she walked by. They could see she was a very fat girl, but even then, DAMN! Though her backside wasn't all that caught young Greg's attention. Sarah also had a belly to be worshiped. Massive and wide, it hung to her very thick and wide thighs. Sarah would walk from the front to the back of the class, very pleased with herself as her body giggled and shook with each step. Today she did this, as usually on the very aisle which Greg was seated, though this time she cut it very close to Greg, gently brushing her belly and thighs against his shoulder as she made her way by. It was electric for young Greg, and he let out a short audible gasp that Sarah heard very well. She could ALWAYS pick out a new FA.

Later that week, Sarah was wearing one of her favorite outfits. It was a flowered top, which the cut ended just at the beginning of her black jeans. Though she had gained a few since she bought the outfit so long ago, so with most movements, her mid-belly poked through the two. The stretch pants also did their job, by making a lovely sound has her thighs rubbed against each other when she walked. It was minutes away from the bell that would end her last class of the day, the 3:30pm class, and was sitting at her desk, watching the students copy the homework assignment from the board. Soon enough the bell rung and the students began to gather their things and make their way to the door. Sarah lifted her massive bulk from her extra-wide office chair, and tapped Greg as he walked by. Greg's eyes widened and he told himself mentally not to get the usual hardon when so close to this fat teacher.

"Greg, could i have a short word with you, before you go?" Sarah asked.

"Sure, Miss Steward. What's up?"

By now they were the last two left in the class, a fact which Sarah proved to herself with a quick scan of the eyes. Assured they were the last of the last, she leaned a bit further down to Greg (as was needed to get closer, as Greg was very short for his age at only 5'3 and 120lbs).

"Greg, how do you like my class?" Sarah asked.

"'s fine. I like it fine. Is this about yesterdays homework cause..." Greg was cut off by Sarah who begain shaking her head.

"No Greg, it's about how you've been staring at me in class," she said.

Greg felt his jaw drop, he couldn't believe he had been that obvious with is lusting for the mammoth teacher. "But I..." again Greg was interrupted by Sarah.

"I know you like big women, Greg. And I've very big. Do you know how big?"

Greg was too stunned to answer. Did she just ask what he thought he heard her ask? Sarah must have caught his surprise cause she then followed up with, "I'm 568lbs, Greg. FIVE HUNDRED AND SIXTY EIGHT POUNDS. Can you understand how big and heavy that is, Greg?"

Greg answered very meekly, "Yes...yes I can."

"We'll see about that. Why don't you take a seat in my chair, Greg. I want to show you something."

Greg knew what the elephantine woman had in mind, but he didn't' think twice about it. He dropped his backpack and moved without a word to her chair. So many times he had looked ot his left when at the blackboard, and saw her mighty bulk overflow the wide chair; yet when he sat in it, he could still see a good foot of chair on each side of him. As soon as he looked back up, he saw one of his dreams-soon to be a nightmare-some true. His huge teacher was now facing the other direction, lowering her bulk onto the chair and his small lap. He had all of half a second to register this, as once she got halfway bent down, Sarah let the rest of her fat body fall back onto the chair. Sarah felt the hair on the back of her head actually move and sway from all the breathe being forced from small Greg's body. Greg let out a loud grown and moan at the same time, which caught Sarah right in her ear. She was herself surprised at how new and wonderful this feeling felt. It had been spur of the moment asking Greg to stay later, she had no idea that by this time today she'd be sitting on the cute boy, flattening his tiny body under he fat in her favorite chair.

"THIS is how big and heavy that is, Greg," Sarah said. The only response was the low moans under her...

More coming...
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


His breaths became very labored, and Susan could feel his heartbeat through his chest-how it struggled under her weight. Susan just continued to lean back onto him. Greg let out small breathless grunts as he tried to cope with this huge woman's onslaught.

"You're pretty comfy, Greg, you know that? I should keep you after class all the time, I could use the cushion as I grade all my homework." To this Greg just groaned some more. Greg's arms were laid out on the arms of the chair, with Susan's fat arms on top of them. She was very pleased when she looked down and realized that if she pulled his arms and tried to connect them around her bulging belly, they would barely make it halfway. Even her upper belly fat on her sides overflowed the armrests,which only added to the encompassing squashing Greg was getting. Still Susan sat, throughly enjoying how easy it was to render this young man into nothing but a piece of furniture for her.

"pppPlease get off.'re too heavy." It took a lot out of Greg to form the desperate plea for mercy.

"Heavy? I'm too heavy? Well why didn't you say so, Greg. Let me get off before I hurt you," Susan said in a mock tone. Then she lifted her huge body off of the small crushed form under her, though just as Greg was able to fill his lungs with fresh air, Susan came crashing right back down on him. Immediately all of the air left in Greg's body was forced out of his mouth, with enough force to make Susan's hair breeze forward. Pain surged up through Greg's body staring at his thighs with took the brunt of the squashing power of Susan's drop. Susan didn't lean back this time though, she didn't want to totally finish off the boy yet. So once again she propelled herself to her feet, this time not falling back onto the helpless "seat'.

"Still with me, Greg?" Susan asked.

Greg merely said, "Yyes," in a very low tone.

"Good cause we've got some more fun to have..."
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


Using her hands on her knees, Susan leaned forward and pushed down, lifting her elepantine bulk off her student. She took the few seconds to adjust her black jeans, which had rode up and she dropped on the to boy just moments ago. This finished she turned around to look straight into the face of a very scared young man. Scared and physically exhausted. Trying to sustain a fight againist the heavy load of his fat teacher has pushed Greg to limit he didn't know he had. And now here he was staring up at this hugh woman, wide enough to dominate the majority of his vision. She was looking down on his compressed form in the chair and smirking away.

"Come on, Greg, get up. It's getting late and they are going to close the school soon. Plus I think our ride is going to be arriving soon."

This perplexed Greg a great deal. He had no idea what this obese woman was talking about, but even still he tried to use a method he wasn't even aware his Teacher had used just moments ago. He clutched tightly to the armrests and used the upper body strength he had left to help life himself out from the crumpled position he was in and out of the chair.

Just like that he was standing right in front of his tormentor. This massive woman who's belly was now lightly brushing at his upper chest. Still she smirked, lightly swaying back and forth, knowing full well that deep down, young Greg was loving his treatment.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


really great stuff here with this one fuel.  I like the latest tease about what the little man has in store for him before the day is over!

;D :P ;D



"Come with me, Greggory," the massive teacher said in her stern voice. She walked towards the closet of the room located to the left of the door to the room, and pulled out her coat and bag. Greg who was close at her side had both f these thus towards him, "Hold these," his teacher said. Greg obeyed.

In moments they were out of the classroom and walking down the hall to the nearest stairwell. Greg was following a step or two behind so that he could keep his glare fixated on the massive behind of his teacher. He was staring so intently at her massive ass cheeks and thighs, that he didn't realize that they'd made it all the way outside intot he parking lot till he felt the cool breeze of the day against his back.

Breaking his daze, he asks, "Where are we going?"

"I told you already, Greg. Our ride is gonna be here. My friend Tami will drive us back to my place. And considering how long and hard you've been staring at my ass, I'm thinking you'll like her."  And just like clockwork, Tami pulled into the parking lot in her white truck. She pulled right in front of the teacher and the student.

"Hey, girl!" Tami exclaimed. "Who's the little guy?" She asked.

"This," Susan said, placing her hand on Greg's shoulder, "is Greg. One of my students. And he's been helping me out with my hard chair today."

Tami smiled knowingly. Susan had told Tami how she had been fantasizing about getting the skinny cute boy under her ass, and now it seemed he finally had.

"Get on out, Tami. Let Greg here get into place," Susan said. Greg had a puzzled look on his face after hearing this, which Susan noticed. She clarified things for him. "You're about to get crushed by two very fat women, Greg. It's not that long of a drive, so maybe you'll actually survive it. One way or the other though, I know we'll enjoy the ride."

Greg was shocked at the words from his teacher, but the shock quickly grew three times as he got a full clear look at Tami as she made her way around from the driver's side of the truck. Standing now next to Susan it was astonishing how huge these women were. Tami didn't have the gargantuine backside of Susan, even though her's was by far one of the largest he'd ever since, but Tami did have a one up on Susan. Her belly. Tami's belly was beyond huge. It stuck out far from underneath her blue blouse. It was raised over the waistband from her bluew jeans, and it hung down to nearly her knees. And on top of this gloriously fat belly were two equally huge breasts.

"The little guy looks a bit taken aback," Tami said.

"Hehe, he doesn't doesn't he," Susan replied. "Maybe it's cause I just informed him that he's going to be nothing but seat for our fat asses for the drive to my place."

Tami smiled large now, and started to rub her belly slowly. "Yummy," was all she said.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


fuel - you are driving me crazy with this one!  DON'T STOP!!!

;D :P ;D



All it took was a look from Susan, and a second later, Greg was climbing up into the truck and across the bench seating. He starting to sweat with the notion of the two very large fat women outside the truck waiting to lower their titanic weight onto his much smaller body. He could hear the tones of them women outside, however they were talking too low from him to really make out the details of their conversation. No doubt planning their hours on top of me, Greg thought to himself.

He was on his back, staring up at the ceiling of the truck's cab when the door opened. Suddenly he was staring upside-down at Tami's round and beautiful face. She looking at him and said, "See you later, little guy," and with that grabbed the steering wheel with her right arm and lifted her bulk into the truck. For the briefest of moments Greg had this incredibly round and wide ass right over his body, covering him in shadow. But then it came crashing down as Tami dropped herself onto the boy underneath her. She giggled at the grunt the now flatten form underneath her let out.

Now Susan was climbing in the truck, and with less caring and ease than Tami, she simply plopped her fat body right onto Greg's body. Greg was now covered in just over 1000lbs of fat women. He's form was competely flattened and pancaked beyond anything his mind could comprehend. All around and on top of him, fat flesh encased his struggles and cries for help.

"Check this out, isn't amazing isn't is?" Tami asked, pointing to her right thigh which was touching Susans. "We're so fat we take up the whole bench!"

Susan ground in her ass on Greg's poor waist and legs. "Yes it is amazing."

Tami started the car and they began their bumpy drive to Susan's house...
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


HI, Please Continue Woooww This is great !!!! :o


After rounding the corner out of the school's parking lot, both of the beautiful SSBBWs crushing poor Greg into a plup decided it was time for a little before dinner snack. Which meant one thing: McDonalds!

Pulling into the lot of the McDonald's, Tami said, "I had no idea squashing could be so much fun and tiring! And I don't have much at my place to eat, so we better load up here, girl."

Susan answered, "Oh don't worry, honey, this is on me tonight. Go wild."

Tami beamed wild as they pulled close to the ordering wall.

"Hello, welcome to McDonald's, can I help you?" The red and yellow wall spoke.

"Yes," Tami answered; lowering her hand down on the massive girth of her belly and rubbing it slightly as she contemplated her next feast. She was taking too long, the excitement of pigging out on her friends dime gave her so many options, just just couldn't narrow anything down for herself. Just then Susan spoke up and did the deciding for her.

"We'll take two of each of the value meals and four milkshakes. And be sure to throw in a dozen of those warm chocolate chip cookies," she said. "We'll try to save one milkshake each and the cookies for later," she whispered to her sexy friend behind the wheel. Tami deepened her smile and couldn't help from running her free hand all across her belly as she drove up to the pick-up window.

"Oops," Susan exclaimed, "We forgot to ask lil' Greg if he wanted anything. You didn't want anything, did you, Greggory?" Susan asked with a wide mocking grin and adding a few bounces on his must crushed frame. Both girls got a good chuckle out of that, meanwhile Greg's mind was racing. His body had been so compressed he was hardly getting much air into his lungs, and despite being completely buried in both of these women's mounds of fat he could still make out their order. "It's no wonder they're so huge," he thought. But it was what he heard next that got him shaking as much as he could under the pressure of over a thousand pounds of female flesh...

"And the best part of this, darlin'..." Tami said to Susan as she was digging in her purse to paid for the large order, "...we got a nice little comfy cushion to sit on while we stuff ourselves full."
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


The fifteen minute drive from McDonald's to Tami's house was almost too much for Greg to take. The girls had decided to hold off and wait till they got there to eat, and the smell of the bags and bags of food they had ordered was getting them antsy. And getting antsy meant a lot of bouncing and grinding into his body as they drove on. his air was constantly being steamrolled out of him, and he could feel his ribcage actually growing closer and closer to his back. And of course Tami made sure to hit every bump in the road along the way, she so loved the sound Greg made as both her and Susan came crashing down on him after getting a little air for hitting a big speed bump. it was a totally encompassing feeling, the smothering and squashing Greg was enduring. Every muscle and bone of his body was being pushed to it's edge, and he was falling close to unconsciousness a few times, yet he still had a very strong hard-on which Tami was also taking delight in.

Finally the ride ended though, as Tami pulled into her driveway. Turning off the ignition and looking to her friend seated on her right she sighed and said, "You know, I almost don't want to get out. This has been SO (adding a grind into Greg, under her) much fun!"

"Don't worry, girl." Susan said. "We've got plenty of more fun coming. But lets get the food and poor flat Greg inside first."

And with that, both of the huge ladies opened their doors and begun the process of lifting their titanic bulk off of Greg. Tami had a slight problem getting all the way up and out as her bulging belly pressed into her steering wheel and she almost got stuck behind the wheel-which wouldn't be the first time. After a long weekend at Susan's house where they surrounded themselves with bad movies from the 80's and tons of junk food, she often got a little stuck behind the wheel of her truck after getting in it for the first time. Nevertheless, Tami managed to get herself out of the truck, as did Susan, and soon they were looking down at Greg. His face and arms had turned red from the pressure of being squashed for so long, and his chest was enlarging and emptying fast-getting greedy for all of the air he was now able to finally breathe. he was staring upside-down at Tami who was standing at the open truck door looking down at him with a wide evil grin.

"So how's it feel to be able to breathe again, little guy?" She asked him mockingly.

"I bet he's missing that big butt of your's on his face already," Susan replied. "You get the food, I'll carry Greg inside for him to get a little rest on the couch." And much like that of a rag doll, Greg had been pushed so far during the ride to Tami's house, that he couldn't even left his arms to fight off Susan as she bend down and pulled him out of the car. Not that he would have...

Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


As she carried his body inside the house, Susan made sure to give Greg a little treat by holding his face into her bulging breasts, smothering him once again with her perfect body. She talked to him as they made their way inside, "You were able to handle a lot of crushing there, Greggory, I'm proud of you. Of course that was just the start. The three of us are going to have a lot of fun, and I'm just curious to see if you'll make it to Monday," she said with a giggle. Over to the couch now, she laid Greg down, and once again he was able to breathe after the breast smothering he was forced into taking. He was looking up to his teacher, and she down at him. Despite the last couple of hours he still couldn't believe her massive size. The sheer girth of her, and the beauty and power it held. Even with her little tease about the very long weekend ahead of him, his mind was racing with the possibilities of how he would be flattened and used for their enjoyment...
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


Tami made her way into the house, holding the bags of McDonald's close to her belly, and set them down on the coffee table in front of the couch where Greg was laying. He was still a bit out of it from the long squashing he partook at the hands of these two elephantine women. Tami looked on at the flattened form on her brown leather couch, and yelled out to Susan who had walked to the bathroom, "Hey, Susan, why don't you grab the rest of the bags from the car, I'm gonna take a little seat and rest a bit." Greg knew what that meant and got ready for what was coming. Tami walked around to the other side of the coffee table so that she was facing the prone boy, who was staring up at each sway and giggle of the 500+ pound woman in from of him as she positioned herself around. Her belly swayed with each step, mesmerizing Greg in a way he couldn't explain. She smiled as she watched him stare at her glorious fat. She reached down and lifted her belly up and out of her blue jeans so it was hanging down close to her knees. He belly's size was truly something to be in awe of. She patted and rubbed it lovingly.

"You like?" Tami asked?

"Yes, you''re just so..." Tami cut him off, "Huge? That's right, little guy. But you know that already, don't you?"

And before Greg could answer her, Tami raised her right leg up, surprising Greg with her flexibility. And just as he realized what she had in mind, her foot was already coming down and sinking into his little chest. He foot pressed him down into the couch, creating a indent in the cushions as she applied more and more weight. Tami relished in the sounds her victim made as she crushed him into her sofa. More and more she leaned onto the prone boy, smiling wider as she pressed down.

"Had enough?" She asked the now very crushed boy. Greg was however in no shape to answer as he couldn't draw any breathe into his body. "Oh, can you not answer?" She asked mockingly. Then she lifted her foot off of him so he could intake some air and answer her, though he was cut off from words as Susan walked into the room with the remainder of the food.

"Having fun without me?" Susan asked with a grin.

"Just a little," Tami replied.

"Well enough of that for now, I'm starved, lets eat." Susan walked over to the couch and pulled the coffee table over so that is was in a L shape with the couch, leaving the space in front of the couch open. Tami stood by, as Greg laid and watched as well, curious to see what Susan had in mind.

"Ok, Greggory, why don't you get up and lay in the floor," she said.

Greg with his somewhat regained composure slowly rolled off the couch on and on the floor. One the couch was vacated, Susan sat down on one end and patted the seat next to her. Tami followed suit and took a seat on the couch.

"You know what, girl? I haven't had a good foot massage in a long while." Susan said, and Tami's eye's lit up.

"Oh my God, that's a great idea. Now hand me over a burger and my milkshake."

The food was opened and laid out on these two big and beautiful laides laps and bellies, and they began to eat. There wasn't a word spoke to Greg, Susan just slipped out of her sandle and lifted her foot to his face as he sat on the floor on his knees. He knew his cue, and instantly grabbed his fat teacher's thick and sexy food and began to massage it with both his hands. Susan moaned when he made contact, and smiled with a mouth full of burger. Tami busied herself with her food for a while, putting away three burgers and two large fries, along with most of her milkshake as she watched her friend receive a foot massage from this much crushed young man. Full and satisfied for the moment Tami said,"My turn," and lifted her foot. Greg's hands slowly lowered Susan's to the ground and he slid over some to get closer to Tami's foot which was much thicker then Susan's with green nail polish on the toenails. Just has he took this other large woman's foot and began to perform the act of massaging it, she stopped him.

"No, I don't want that kind of massage, little guy. Use your tongue and suck those toes," Tami said with a evil grin and a giggle.

Greg hesitated for a moment which prompted Susan to say, "What, you want to get back under our 1000 plus pounds for the rest of the night already," in a slight threatening tone. That was enough to force Greg to bring Tami's foot to his lips and extend his tongue, starting off by taking a long drawn lick of her big toe. Tami shriver in delight, and Greg caught her fat shake in the aftermath. He had never been turned on so much in his younger life, and this pushed him to go all out. Taking each of her thick toes in his mouth, Greg sucked and licked them all. His tongue was getting quite the workout with Tami's foot. Susan felt herself getting turned on by watching their new slave service her best friend. Putting away her food now, not even taking the time to fully enjoy it, but instead just dreaming about what they could put Greggory through next...
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


Greg preform his duty as a living breathing foot masseuse to the full extend. But the time Tami had finished her milkshake, and another Big Mac, Greg had totally worshiped both of her lovely feet with his lips and tongue. Susan  lifted herself up and off of the couch with a short grunt, and began cleaning up a bit-empty burger wrappers and napkins and the like. She three them in a small shopping bag which the food came in, and walked out through the back of the house to dump them in the garbage pale; once again leaving little Greg alone with a now very full, very turned on Tami.

Tami lowered her foot from Greg's mouth and said, "Mmm...little man, that was very very good. Now lets see how you do with a big belly," pulling him by the showered closer to where she sat on the couch. He was now kneeling in front of her, between her thighs as her huge fat belly split out between her legs. Greg stared for a moment into her wondrous fat, and then went to work, slowly and sensually gliding his hands up, down, and across her belly. Tami sighed has the tiny man seems to have a magic touch. It had been too long since she was fully treated like the queen she was. As he got higher on her stomach, Greg noticed Tami must have spilled some of her milkshake during her fast food feast, as there was a little bit of cream right under where her belly went under her blouse.

"You have a little milkshake on you, " he said.

Tami smiled, "Oh yea? Where," as she pulled her blouse open with one quick motion completely freeing the rest of her huge belly. "Oh look at that, you're right. Well be a little sweetheart and take care of that, will you?" She said with a coy smile.

Greg lowered his hands to the tops of her thighs, using them to gather a little leverage as he lifted himself up off his knees, high enough so he could bring his tongue to the small dab of cream on this Goddesses belly. With one slow draw of his tongue he licked it off Tami, eliciting a moan from her lips. Tami immediately grabbed the boy with both of her pudgy hands from behind his head and forced his face into her flesh. She pulled hard, and he was now completely enveloped in her fat. He couldn't breathe, nor could he even open his mouth to do so, the force of which she smothered him was too strong. His tiny head was engulfed up to a little beyond his ears, to the point that he didn't even hear Susan's words upon re-entering the room. He had just know of her presence as the floor shook a small degree with each of her steps. He felt these steps from his humongous teacher get close, and then he felt her own crushing force, and she turned around and gently lowered her ass onto the back of his head, forcing him even further into Tami's fat belly. Tami removed her hands and pulled them out from under her friends wide butt, resting them on Susan's hips and pulled her down even harder on the boy and herself. Susan began to grind young Greg's face into her best friends belly, knowing full well that all he would be capable of breathing in was more fat girl. it put a smile on her face, and helped with the depressing notion of having to stand back up and let the little guy come back up for air. She didn't want to kill her young victim, at least not yet she thought with a slight chuckle to herself.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


It was quite the night for little Greg. Both the huge women took their time crushing him on the couch for a few more hours while they finished the remaining McDonald's they had ordered earlier, and then when the night got farther along Tami made her way to the bed while Susan just stretched out Greg and slept on him on the couch. it took a long while before Greg was able to find sleep, being totally smothered in his Teacher's fat while she laid back and slept, but eventually sleep did come for his flattened body. When he awoke the next morning he was surprised to find that he was able to breathe. This of course was due to the fact that Susan had gotten up an hour or so later and decide to get on her morning while her victim got some much needed rest. Both Susan and Tami enjoyed a very large breakfast, and then Tami made her way out to take care of some errarns she had to run (or waddle at least). She'd be gone for a short bit of the day, which gave Susan some alone time with young Greg. So the two big girls made plans to catch a movie later on, neither of them had ever enjoyed a flick at a theater with the appropriate cushion before, and off Tami went.

Susan took a long shower, and dressed in a pair of extra tight black jeans which hugged her massive butt perfectly, giving the illusion of it being almost twice the size it really was-which was incredible in it's own right-and a white tank-top that was cut just low enough to show off a bit of her glorious belly. She made her way into the living room just about as little Greg was coming to from his sleep. His eyes caught glimpse of this fat beauty and he felt as if he still must be sleeping, dreaming far and away.

"Sleep well?" Susan asked.

"Y...yes. I slept very well," the small guy answered.

"Good, cause you're gonna need your rest for today..."
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


"Go wash up, Greggory. We've got to get going to meet Tami at the movies in twenty. I've already called the cab," Susan said.

And Greg did just that. Lifting his crumpled self from the deep indent he'd been mashed into the couch, and trying to drag his eyes away from Susan's titanic thighs in her black jeans. It wasn't easy. Eventually he got himself to the bathroom where he was able to throw some cold water on his face. Looking in the mirror he could swear his face had actually gotten a bit wider, "Wow, they are really flattening me I can't believe it," he thought.

"Hurry up, little man, the cab is here!" Susan called from the doorway.

Greg toweled off and hurried out to join his 550+ pound teacher for whatever the day had in store for him. It was a typical cab, and a typical cabbie behind the wheel. He could care less about who the fare was, just so long as there was a fare at all. So he didn't notice as the huge woman who called for the cab shoved a much smaller young man into the cab's bench seating and then lowered herself right down onto his prone form. Greg put up no fight, this was all old hat to him. He was getting used to being crushed under his teacher, though the rush his body felt every time she lowered her bulk onto him never faulted.

Twisting a bit in her seat, grinding out a few of Greg's "lumps", Susan told the cabbie, "The AMC on Main Street, please. And drive slow."

Arriving a bit late didn't bother Susan, she wanted to enjoy her taxi ride as the whimpering form under her was ironed out once again. And it was so that they arrived ten minutes late for the film; yet Tami had already bought the tickets and left them at the front booth for them both. A trip to the concession stand later, which left Greg with armfuls of snacks for Susan and Tami, and they finally made their way into the dark theater. Tami had scored them a seat in the back row-so they wouldn't disturb any of the other very few movie goers with what they had in mind.

"About time, girl," Tami said. "You only missed the opening credits so don't worry about it, though. Lookie, goodies," she exclaimed seeing what Greg had in his arms. She stood up and took the snack load from his arms, just as Susan raised three of the armrests that separated the chairs. Four chairs now became one long bench with a slight gap in the middle of each cushion.

"Get comfy," Susan whispered to Greg, who took his cue and spread out over the four seats. As soon as his back hit the chairs, Tami turned and dropped her full weight onto him. He wide behind covered him from the tip of his nose to just past his groin. Susan then did her part and sat down and leaned far back, covering the rest of his small body under her. Both of the SSBBWs were touching sides, their fat rubbing into each other as they wiggled around in an effort to get nice and settled back.

"Now this is how you do a day at the movies," Tami spoke into Susan's ear, handing over the nachos.

"You know it," her best friend replied with a wide smile.

Greg was once again buried in just over half a ton of female flesh, yet thankfully he was able to get a bit more air then in previous smashing, drawing breath through his nose, the air tickling the side of Tami's thighs.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


Tami looked down her mountainous side, but in the dark wasn't able to make out too much detail of Greg's little head sticking out from under her fat; just knowing he was there for the crushing was enough for her though. The music kicked in as the first small shock in the Horror movie they picked to see played out on the screen, and Tami let out a little bounce in mock fright. It was also a small calculated move, as she knew the blaring music would cover up whatever grunt and moan that escaped her victim's body would be sufficiently covered up. Greg's eyes felt as if they were going to shoot out of his head after receiving the butt bounce. Susan to Tami's left felt the bounce herself, as Greg's flattened body set out a few small after effects, and she found herself giggling a bit. The girl's sat back, bouncing and grinding in tune with the suspense of the film, quietly eating their snacks-between the two of them, putting away two orders of nachos and two large popcorns and a large assortment of candy. Half way through the movie-the 45 minute mark of being pulverized for poor Greg-the girls found themselves with no snacks and still with a slight craving for some more movie food. A small silent game of "rock, paper, scissors" was played and Tami was decided as the one who had to get up and make the run to the concession stand. Susan had to stand to let Tami out and down the isle, and even then it was a very tight squeeze. Tami lifted her belly up so that it would hang out and over the back of the seats in the empty isle in front of them, providing her with a little more room to make by, but even then her butt rubbed a great deal across Susan's lower belly. Greg meanwhile just laid back, knowing there was more crushing to come, so he tried to gather as much breath in and out of his lungs while he was still able to. Finally Tami made it to the center isle and towards the exit door, and Susan waddled over a bit to her right, then sat back down slowly right in the center of their "bench cushion". She found herself enjoying the slow decent of her massive ass onto his small prone body more and more. Despite how much of a turn on it was for her to simply drop back with all of her 550+ pounds onto his small frame, it was the slow crushing feeling she felt as she sat back that really did it for her. She could feel his air being slowing ironed out of his tiny body, his chest and ribs contracting and getting squeezed-her butt flattening him out while he laid helplessly and took the destruction his huge teacher's glorious fat body gave out. Greg keep his whimpering down-not wanting to interrupt his Goddesses movie, but he couldn't suppress all of the sounds as his body gave way to being the crush-toy it had found itself to be in the last 24 hours. Susan looked down to her side, and Greg's straining face.

"How you doing, little man," she whispered. "You enjoying your movie theater experience?"

Greg simply nodded a yes back at her. She smiled bright and ground her massive backside into his chest and stomach as a sign of happiness. And she sat, watching the movie unfold and wondering were Tami was with the snacks...
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


Standing in line for the snacks, Tami heard a very familiar voice call out, "Hey sexy!" Tami turned to see her good friend Beth was standing right behind her. Tami had known Beth for a few years now, after meeting at a BBW get-together in NYC. Beth wasn't as large as Tami or Susan, but she still was far from small. At 5'8 and around 380lbs, she carried her weight in beautiful proportions, with a very generous ass to boot.  She was wearing a pair of dress pants, and black heels below a purple blouse which showed off her beautiful cleavage and a lovely shape of her belly.

"What are you doing here, girl?" Tami asked as she hugged her long time friend, their massive breasts and bellies squishing together in the embrace.

"I've been getting so stressed at work I just needed to take a break. I'm off till Tuesday, so I figured I'd try to catch up a little on some movies. I just finished watching 'The Blue'. It was just dreadful. But I figured I'd grab a little sweet something for the ride back home. What are you here seeing?"

"I'm here with my friend Susan-you know Susan, the teacher, remember?-we're here seeing that 'Black Glue' movie.  So fair I've been loving it, despite how silly it is." Tami responded.

"So what's so good about it then," her friend asked with a quizzical look across her beautiful black face.

"Well...tell you what. Let's grab some goodies and we'll sneak you in. It's half over already, but I think you'll just love what's left to be seen and felt."

Beth wondered what her friend meant about "felt", but didn't question it. She knew Tami loved a good time, and usually always had something fun in the works. Both the girls bombarded the skinny cashier with their orders, and after the moments it took together to round up, they were walking back toward the showing of Tami's movie. There was a great deal of people there that day-a superhero summer blockbuster had just been released-so it was nothing doing in sneaking Beth back into the theater. The big girls made their way down the isle, and Susan caught sight of Beth. In the dark, Beth couldn't make out exactly why, but Susan was sitting fairly high in her chair. "Must be that ghetto booty of hers," she thought playfully.

"Hey, Beth, how've you been. You look great. Small world, right?" Susan said.

"Yes, and a few big women," Beth joked. She was about to let Tami pass by to sit on the other side of Susan when she caught sight of why it was that Susan was so high in her chair. Susan and Tami both grinned when they saw the realization on their friend's face.

"This is why I've been loving the movie, girl. There's nothing like a personal human cushion to make a bad movie good," Tami whispered into Beth's ear.

Beth remained speechless when Susan stood up and she got a look at the tiny lad they had been sitting on. After a few hard bounces from Susan while Tami was away, Greg had lost conscience, so Susan gave him a few light slaps on the forehead-being mindful to keep as quiet as possible. Greg regained his sense of being, and for the second time that day awoke to find his eyes dead on a huge beautiful women. In the dark of the theater he could still make out her features. This one was smaller then either Susan or Tami, but she had a certain attractiveness that the others could only come close to matching. She was smiling in shock surprise at him, her eyes wide.

"You've simply GOT to try this," Tami leaned in and whispered to Beth. "It's just an amazing feeling. And don't worry about breaking him, we've got a little more junk in our trunks and despite our tries he's still breathing," she continued with a little giggle.

Susan bend over and told Greg to sit up in the seat. He made a valid attempt, but was just too weak from the onslaught he'd been enduring in the last hour to fully pull himself up, so Susan grabbed him by the shoulders and lightly righted him in the seat.

"There you go, big girl. Your throne awaits." Susan said, gesturing to the skinny boy now staring at Beth's large, shapely thighs...
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


Beth hesitated for a moment, but then figured what the hell, and stepped in front of Greg as he sat int he chair. His view was completely blocked now by her wide and heavy butt, it stuck out broadly and had he had a soda in his hand he was certain if he stuck in on top of her butt it would have stood perfectly. Then, just as he was beginning to adjust to the sexiness a mere foot in front of his face, she sat down on his lap, completely engulfing him and the chair he was on with her massive girth. From there she leaned back, compressing his small body even further into the theater chair. If it wasn't for the small thin arms sticking out from beneath her, who wouldn't have any clue that there was another person sitting in that chair. His arms were out and holding onto her side, slightly massaging the rolls under her purple blouse.

Susan and Tami took the seats to her left, both leaning over and watching their young friend's progress.

"Whadda ya think, Beth?" Susan asked.

Beth just squirmed a bit in her seat, getting her large booty into a comfy position on her newfound cushion, and turned to her friends with a smile that could win awards.

"I LOVE it!," bouncing slightly on tiny Greg, "this is so damn hot!" She finished.

Both of her huge friends giggled and smiled in response. Then they leaned back in their own chair, passing out the snacks and trying to enjoy the rest of the film. When Tami went to hand Beth a fresh batch of nachos, she found that Beth's hands were full, trying to pull little Greg's arms around the girth of her belly. They were too small to reach all the way around though, much to Beth's delight.

"Having fun, girl?" Tami asked.

"Oh yes!" Beth answered, her mouth wide. "Oh, goodies," she continued, letting go of Greg's puny arms and reaching for the nachos her friend was holding out to her. Taking them in hand, she wiggled in her seat more, and presented a nacho with a generous amount of cheese on it to her beautiful full lips. Greg meanwhile just sat back and took the crushing force from the very happy ssbbw on his lap.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


fuel -- you are a god my friend!

;D ;D ;D



A short while later there were credits rolling on the screen, and it was time for the trio of huge women to make their way out. Beth lifted her massive bulk off of Greg's much steamrolled body, his body inflating with air again as she got up. Beth turned around and looked at her red-faced cushion in now raised lights of the theater.

"Still alive?" Beth asked with a chuckle.

Both Susan and Tami laughed a bit at that as well, Tami following with, "Well the night is young, Beth."

With a little helping had from the dark skinned goddess who had just flattened out his lap and chest, Greg was able to pop himself out of the chair and join the ladies as they made their way to the exit.

"What are you up to now, Beth?" Susan asked.

"Well I was just planning to go home after my movie ended earlier, but now..." she said patting the much shorter and skinnier Greg, "I just might have to stick around a bit longer."

After a few moments of thought, the girls decided to grab some lunch from the famous diner not two blocks away from the theater. Greg lagged behind the trio a few feet, not only from his exhaustion from the last day's events, but also to take in the view of three of the largest, widest butts he had ever laid eyes on walking in step with each other-side by side. Each mountainous booty swaying and bouncing in step, the perfect tools for squashing and deflating their small victims. And he had found himself to be just that, a victim for their desire to use the beauty and power that came with such astounding size.

Soon they made their way into the diner, and when approached by a thinnish girl with four menus, the trio of fat women all said, "Booth!" in unison. Greg of course knew what this meant for him and the future of his breaths.

They all took a table in the back of the diner, behind a dividing wall so that they had a bit more privacy then the rest of the patrons. As soon as the seating girl took her leave, Tami pulled out the table centered in front of the half-circle booth, and pointed Greg to the red seating of the booth itself. Without word he squeezed around Beth to get by-who leaned her very thick behind into him as he passed. Soon he was laid out, slightly twisted to get the full length of his body on the bench seat.

"So where would you like to sit, my lady?"  Tami asked in a cute mock-southern voice to Susan. Susan responded but making her way around the table and dropping her full 550+lbs dead centered on Greg's chest and stomach.

"Ooo...good choice. Ok lets see, this looks like a comfy spot," Tami added in, moving her gigantic body around to were Greg's thin legs were outstretched from under Beth's butt.

"Well I guess I'll just have to make due here," Susan said, slowly lowered her fat butt tightly wrapped in her dress pants onto Greg's neck and head. His face was now totally buried under her ass, and he could feel each muscle in his face fight to deal with the onslaught of squashing that was being delivered. Beth wasted no time in wiggling in her seat either, compressing his head even further into the small cushioning of the booth. Susan then leaned her bulk forward and pulled the table closer to the table, following by handing each of her goddess friends a menu.

"Now lets see...what's good here...?"
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


Every minute or so, Beth would lean forward onto the table, and lift her huge butt off of Greg's face, awarding him with the air his lungs were so terribly lacking. Then, his lungs replenished, she would simply sit back down, burying him under her flesh once again. Soon the waitress made her first appearance, and took the ladies orders. Shockingly enough they were still a bit full from their snacks at the theater, so each of them just ordered a large ice-cream sundae to cap the evening off. The waitress collected their menus and went off to fetch their food, wondering as she went what Shelly was thinking, giving those women four menus instead of three. "She must have been seeing things," the waitress thought to herself.

The girls sat and chatted while they waited. Each of them grinding young Greg into the booth every now and again, while Beth continued her small dance of lifter her massive body up and off Greg for a few short moments of air, then crashing back down onto his face.

"This is just amazing," Beth said after a while. "You guys just have to let me borrow him."

Susan and Tami looked at each other for a short moment, considering. They had all just gotten over chatting about Beth's recent work troubles, and as they say, great fat minds think alike. They both figured Beth could use some fun time to relax.

"Ok, you can have him till the morning. But there's just one rule, " Susan said, a stern look on her face.

"Sure, what is it?"

"Don't break him up too much, we're still not done with him." Tami finished, and all the girls had a good laugh ending with the arrival of their dessert orders.

The girls took their time feeding themselves the delightful treat-"This is the best dessert place in the city," Beth said at one point-and enjoying their cushion. But even at pace, the girls didn't take long to empty their bowls, spoons hitting dish as they each sat back for a few moments, rubbing their stuffed and large bellies with a loving touch.

The check came and went, and it was time for the trio to break up the party. The table was pushed out once again, and with they lifting up of each of their titanic bodies, more of the very crumpled and flattened Greg was revealed to the world. Greg had passed out after Beth got carried away with her dessert and forgot all about him under her butt, trapping him without air for close to two minutes. The could all see he was still breathing, which was a a relief, so they decided not to even bother waking him up. Beth and Tami each grabbed the small 120lb body and the three made their way out the back exit of the diner to avoid explanation. They walked to Beth's car, a small Volkswagen that she could hardly fit her huge body into-she had owned the car for three years, taking delight in how tiny if got for her as she gained weight in the time she had it-and Beth let go of her end of Greg, while Tami grabbed him from under the shoulders, facing her belly and breasts, and gave him one last bone-crushing bear hug for the evening. He awoke to the sensation of being smashed inside, with his face smothered into the high part of Tami's sexy belly.  The car door open, Tami let him go, and he almost fell right to the street, his legs not being strong enough to hold up his own tiny body.

"Goodness, you've got to be careful there, little boy," said Susan with a grin. "You wouldn't want to put that fram of yours in any duress, would you," She continued with a laugh.

Beth took Greg by the arm and whispered, leaning her full lips to his ear, "You're mine for the night. So get in the car skinny boy, and don't think you're going to get it easy, either, just because you're going to be going one fat girl short tonight. You haven't seen anything yet..."

Greg's eyes widened as he took the sat in the drivers side of the car. Tami and Susan both watched happily as Beth then lowered her wide body onto him, putting her seat back a bit farther so she could see out of the windshield better. Her belly and fat rolls coming together, as she sat down on her now more comfy seat. Greg was once again just about completely engulfed and smothered out of view.

"I'll see you ladies, tomorrow," Beth said with a little wave.

"Yes, darling. Now have fun." Susan replied.

"Oh...I think I will," beth said with an evil grin on her face. And with that she started her small car up, closed her door and pulled way from the half ton couple of women. At the first red light, she bounced and leaned into Greg, all the air rushing from his mouth and breezing through her hair.

"Oooo...nice. I tell you, I really hope you survive the ride home, cause I've got sooo much planned..."
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


The 15 minute drive to her house later, Beth pulled into a spot right in front of her apartment building. Getting out og the care however, wasn't as easy as it was getting in. Then she had gravity on the side of her 380plus pounds. Now she was facing the same problem Tami had faced just a day earlier. Her massive protruding behind gave her enough trouble when it was just her squeezing in and out of her tiny car, but now she had the added height given by Greg under her to compound the move. Beth's wide hips got stuck between the steering wheel and Greg's chest, so she plopped back down on Greg's lap-Greg emitting a short groan, much to Beth's delight-and tried it again. The second time was the charm, and soon Beth was pulling her blouse back down over her sexy large dark belly, the ride and the squeezing to get out had caused it to ride up on her. Greg dislodged himself from the small indent his latest squashing had cause in the leather seats of the car, and pulled his way out of the car, closing the door behind him.

"Don't worry little boy, we're almost home," Beth said teasingly.

Greg nodded and smiled, falling in line once again behind Beth. Staring with awe at her fat body in motion. She truly was a Goddess. With each sway of her wide butt and hips, that Beth was so very proud of, Greg felt his heart leap into his chest. So far this truly had been one of the most exciting and flattening weekends of his life.

In the building, Beth led Greg into the elevator, pressing the "14" button with a sexy thick finger, causing it to light up in bright white. She stood looking over at Greg, swaying side to side in a slow sensual manner, watching as his face became transfixed on her curves and rolls in motion. She watched him, his crumbled hair and clothes, and she knew just what was in order...
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


The elevator continued to rise, and Tami asked: "You like my body, don't you, Greg?"

"Of course, you''re amazing," The little guy responded.

"Yea?" Beth asked with a raised eyebrow and a smile. "You like my breasts," She asked, running both of her hands over them.

"Of course." Greg replied.

"How about my belly," she continued. This time hiking up her blouse a bit, her dark tan stomach looking as if it was about to burst from under the waist of her pants. She ran her hands all across it, lightly pinching and wiggling the rolls which ran near her side.

Greg, growing more and more speechless mutter a low, "Of course."

"But I know what you like best," she said. "You just love this booty, don't you?" Now turning around and bending low and slow, her fingers gliding their way down farther and farther until they were across her ankles. Greg was simplely awestruck. Her ass looked as if it was pushing every seam on her pants to their breaking point. It was so wide and meaty he was certain that if rolled into a ball he still would be drawfed by it's mighty size.

Beth looked over her shoulder at him, a board smile on her face as she brought one of her hands up, and gestured with her index finger: "Come closer." Greg took three more steps towards her, and as soon as she saw him in range, she spun slightly on her feet with amazing grace for a woman of her size, and plowed back, trapping him while she was still bent over, between the wall and her huge ass. Greg was taken completely by shock with this move, and had no way to prepare for it. His chest, shoulders, neck, mouth and nose, all smashed against the back wall of the elevator by her ass. Of his face, only his eyes were still visible, and over the huge horizon of her butt he stared at the flashing numbers above the door. Up to '10" now, four more floors to go. Beth started grinding her ass into his face, and as he felt his head squeeze under the pressure he knew she'd keep him there for every one...
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


They both entered the apartment, Greg just getting his breath back form the ride in the elevator. Beth strode into her living room and through the hall, Greg watching each motion and jiggly of her as she walked. he destination was the bathroom, and he heard the shower being turned on. His mind raced with the possibilities, so much in fact he didn't even notice her march her way back to him.

"You look a little sweaty, Greg. I think it must have been when you were buried in my fat for the drive home. You even got me a little hot during that, I must admit. So here's what we'll do. You're going to hop your cute little butt in the shower, and hope that there's still room for mine when I get there."

Greg did just that, stripping down as he walked in to the hallway. When he got to his socks, right before entering the door to the bathroom, he took one look back.

What he saw was Beth without her purple blouse or bra. Her breasts and massive belly jiggling as she pulled down her tight pants over the huge expanse of her behind. She was focused on her own movement enough that he got this one sneak peak without being caught. Then he made his way to the shower, and stepped in the tub. The water was refreshing, awakening his body and mind to his imediate future. He never would have thought the events of this weekend so far were possible. And now here he was about to share a shower with a sexy black ssbbw who loved to put him in his place. His thoughts were interrupted by the bathroom door opening again, and the curtian to the shower being pushed back to the left. And there she was. Completely naked, every single roll of her fat totally visible. He large stomach and belly hanging down, swaying still slightly from her movement. The thickness of her hips, and he beautiful fat thighs which he was sure were bigger than the width of his body.

"I don't know...doesn't look like a lot of room for me in there." Beth said.

"Ssssure there is! Look I'll just move over some," he responded, his feet splashing in the water which was gathering in the bottom of the tub.

"No no, i think we'll just have to do a little moving around. Lay on the floor." Beth said.

Greg's eyes almost bugged out of his head when he made the connection to what she wanted, and Beth was fully aware. She just smirked at him and nodded her head, a look which seemed to mean: "Oh yes." greg made his way to his knees, and then on his stomach in the tub, his face close to the drain, which he just realized had the plug inside it.

"Oh no, I want you on your back. I want you to be able to see it happening." Beth said.

Greg rolled over onto his back without a word. The water from the shower-head flowing down on his small naked body. He watched with horror and incredible attraction as this huge woman lifted her right leg, up and over the side of the tub and dropped it onto his stomach. Her thick foot stuck right into his small stomach, and he felt a force of crushing power that he hadn't ever felt before. That is, until Beth lifted her other leg, all of her weight on her left now as it flattened his stomach, and brought it down on his chest. Greg was now being smashed with  close to 400lbs of female flesh. He could feel all of his ribs and organs contracting under her feet, and all he could do was stare up at her huge belly as she reached for the liquid body soap and began to lather herself up. Beth sung to herself, a song Greg couldn't quite make out over the pain and sound of the water gathering around him. he just laid there and took the onslaught of squashing. Watching the soap cascade and travel around Beth's fat, finding her rolls, dripping down her thighs. He watched with strained eyes as she lifted her belly, washing and massaging every fold of fat with a delicate grace...
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


She turned around on him, taking small steps as she did to keep her balance on his tiny body. Now he was faced with a very of her butt as she continued to soap herself up. They looked like two mountains of dark chocolate fat. Perfectly shaped and all. She started to do slight steps now, slowing walking in place on him, trampling his skinny body while she moved to the song she was singing. He felt as if everything inside him was being flattened with a truck as she did this, and she knew it full well. It excited her, keeping a man in his place, using him for a bath-pad for her feet, a cushion at all times for her huge body. There was one thing that she really wanted to try though, which is what she was looking forward to when they got out of the shower.

Now Greg was beginning to panic, not only from the incredible pressure of Beth walking all over him, but the water of the shower was now beginning to full the bottom of the tub. He could feel the sides of his head being covered in the warm water, and soon it would totally cover his body, making breathing impossible. Beth turned around now, knowing full well what she had done when turning the shower on with the bath-plug in place. The water grew higher and higher and she had to bend forward a little to see under her large belly, the face of a very scared boy now. She smiled as she found herself getting excited. Soon the water was high enough to cover his face totally, and she knew he was looking at her through the bathwater, wondering if she was going to let him up to breath at all. His hands began to run all across her shins as he was tapping out for air. She just finished rinsing off the water from her body, and then took a hold of the side of the bathroom window-located int he shower-for balance. And then, the last thing Greg saw before he passed out, was Beth's thighs tensing, right before she leaped in the air, followed by her coming crashing down with both feet on his chest. The small amount of air Greg was holding in his lungs were blown out with such force, the water in front of his face splashed upwards towards the sky...

Beth saw Greg pass out, and then shut off the shower. She carefully stepped out, then leaned back in and pulled out the stopper from the drain, the water quickly leaving the tub empty soon, with the exception of a small victim of what looked like the after effect of a building falling. Beth let him lay there and rest while she ran a towel through her hair, then carefully across her fat body, drying every fold and nook. After this, she lifted poor Greg up and out of the bathtub, and propped him up against the wall. Using her belly and breasts to hold him there, she put her arms to use drying him off. Satisfied he wasn't going to drag any water through the house, Beth picked the boy up in her arms, and carried him to the living room.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


Proping his unconsceince body on the couch-in a sitting position with Greg's back againist the front of the couch, his head leaning back on the cushions of the couch-and made her way to the kitchen to grab a late night snack. Greg was just coming to, when Beth made her way back to the living room, a slice of NY cheesecake in her hands. His eyes were just adjusting when she positioned her legs on either side of him, and sat back, crushing and burying his face in her massive ass. He was being smothered while Beth reached for the TV remote, flipping through channels while stuffing herself with the delicious piece of cake. Every no and again she bounced on his face, each time driving it farther and farther up her bare bottom. Greg was in no position to do anything about it either, as soon Beth pulled her feet up and on Greg's thighs, adding all of her weight onto him as she facesat him. Greg had the full force of close to 400lbs smothering him now, and breath was a far far away thought.

Soon Beth finished her cheesecake, and lifted her bulk off of Greg's face for a few short breaths. She was in heaven, this tiny helpless guy's face totally bombarded with her beautiful fat. She finally found a show she enjoyed and settled back, watching it. Soon Greg began tapping her thigh for air, to which Beth responded: "Oh stop, I'm not getting up till it's a commercial."

Eventually for his sake, the AD's did come, and she once again lifted her fat butt off of his red face. He gasped as air was once again filling his lungs with much needed air.

"Aww, and I too heavy for you?" Beth asked, mockingly. "Want to rest up for a bit? Ok, fair is fair. I promised Susan I wouldn't break their toy."

And with that she leaned forward with all her weight, and Greg had 380lbs standing on his thighs. However as Beth tried to trample off of him, she slipped a bit on his thigh-which was hardly as wide as he foot-and almost fell. Beth just barely caught her balance, and she was very mad.

"You little squirt! You tried to shake me off!" Beth boomed.

Greg could do nothing more then slowly shake his head back and forth in a gesture: "No, I didn't." But that wasn't enough for the huge woman who had just been crushing his face and head. He also could do nothing but watch as Beth climbed the couch, each inch of her rolls of fat shaking as she propelled her body higher.

"Now you're going to get it, little boy!" Beth said. And then it was nothing but shadow over Greg as Beth leaped into the air, Greg watching her huge body shake and quiver as if in slow motion as she made her decent. Beth landed right on his thighs and groin with her butt, her titanic bulk totally crushing his lower body, while her belly and breasts smashed into his chest and face. Just as Greg passed out, he felt many cracks and heard the sounds of his body being completely smashed under the force of Beth's landing. His arms jumped by response, and then there was darkness as Beth sat there, riding out the shock waves of her butt drop, and grinding her fat ass into his now flattened legs.

When Greg came to, he found himself without feeling in his lower half, and his arms bound to a headboard which belonged to the bed he was spread out upon. All he heard besides his own labored breathing was the sound of two female voices arguing beyond the room's shut door...
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


"Oh come on, I know what we said, but I just can't help it. I'm dying for some more," Tami was telling Beth in the living room.

"But he was suppose to be mine for the night," Beth replied in a sad voice. "That little runt tried to make me slip and fall, I've got to teach him a lesson."

"Well I'll tell you what, you let me in on some more fun, and I'll help you flatten out that little guy till there's hardly anything left."

Beth thought for a minute, the idea of adding Tami's 550+ pounds of crushing force to the equation would serve that punk right.

"Ok, deal. But listen, whatever happens, I don't want Susan to find out. I mean, she'll have to know, but as far as she is considered, we'll call it an accident." Beth said.

"'ve really got it in for him, don't you?"

"We're gonna have some fun, I'll put it that way." Beth said with a wink, playfully slapping her ass as she turned and led Tami into the bedroom where she had bound Greg earlier.

Greg heard the girls before he saw them. Their heavy footfalls on the hardwood floors were unmistakable. Something very big was heading his way. The door to the bedroom burst open, and there they were. Beth and Tami. Beth had put on a pair of new sky blue underwear and a matching bra. Neither did that well against her bulging curves and fat, and nothing was left to the imagination. Tami had changed since the last time he laid eyes on her, now wearing a yellow babydoll t-shirt, and a pair of black spandex pants. The babydoll t-shirt did nothing to conceal her huge swaying belly, which hung low with it's own heaviness. Tami saw the setup Beth had been working on before she answered the door, and was impressed. Greg had a pair of Beth's panties tied around his head, covering his mouth, as well as his arms outstretched and tied to the headboard, his legs spread out in front of him; Tami thought he seemed just perfectly helpless to whatever Beth and herself wanted to do to his tiny frame. She thought about what Beth had said in the living room and her face reddened with the possibilities.

"Looks like you're really in for it now, Greg. I've got reinforcements." Beth said. Tami behind her patted her belly in a perfect punctuation to her words.

"Mind if I begin?" Tami asked her sexy fat friend.

"Be my guest."

Tami waisted no time, stepping forwards to the front of the bed. Using her arms for leverage, she climbed onto the bed, starting on all fours, her low hanging belly rubbing across Greg's legs-which were still useless to him-and soon made her way to a standing position on the mattress. Each of her feet on either side of his ankles now, she looked like a building to him. Staring up at her, she never seemed bigger, fatter, more dangerous. He couldn't even beg for mercy with the gag in his mouth, even though somewhere in his mind he was certain it wouldn't have done anything to stop what these women had in mind for him. Beth stood by, watching Tami with a great deal of amusement. "She certainly knows how to move that body of hers," Beth found herself thinking.

Tami slowly ran her fingers over her belly, loving every minute of the situation, watching young Greg's thin body shake with fear was such a turn on. As much as she delighted in making him wait for the envable, Tami just couldn't contain herself anymore, bending a the knees and leaping in the air, straight away. She came crashing down on his body in a huge splash which snapped the small wooden legs of the beds frame, the small drop to the fall adding another huge crushing blow to Greg's totally dominated and smashed body. Tami just continued to lay there on her victim, and Beth began a small clapping of her hands.

"OH. MY. GOD! That was amazing, girl!" Beth exclaimed.

Tami looked to her left at her thick black friend, saying: "Sorry about the bed, darlin."

"Oh don't worry about it. I didn't expect it to last the night. Same goes for him," Beth responded, pointing to the mattress which Greg was laying on, completely engulfed form view by the ever surrounding fat of Tami's sexy body.

"Now...whats next?" Beth asked with a laugh.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


Rolling her bulk off of the smothered and steamrolled Greg, Tami started to get her feet back under her and stand again, overlooking the destruction her splash left. She turned to Beth, and asked: "Just how badly do you think he should suffer?"

Beth looked at her long time friend for a few silent moments and answered, "BIG time."

Tami smiled, and turned back to the unmoving victim on the bed. "Ok, I have an idea," she said. "Untie his arms and pull him over here," she continued, pointing to the hardwood floor on the side of the now broken bed.

Beth did just that, and Tami reached down and grabbed Greg's feet, the two girls carrying him off the bed and to the floor to the left. Tami instructed Beth to lay his head against the mattress, so that he was laid out on a 90 degree angle from it, his feet towards the windows. This done, Beth looked at Tami with a quizzical look, and Tami just smiled back in answer. Waddling her huge body back to the now very low mattress, she stepped onto it, and walked right to it's edge. Beth watched in wonderment as Tami began bouncing on the mattress, slowly at first, and then gaining a small amount of air under he fat feet. "Oh my god, she's using it as a springboard," Beth thought to herself.

Greg had lost all motor control, his body had been pushed to the absolute edge, and all he could do is stare unmoving as Tami's huge belly raised and slapped against her thighs as she bounced. He too came to the same realization as Beth, only his was a second later, and it timed perfectly for Tami's last jump. The air she got from using the mattress as a makeshift trampoline propelled her gargantuan body higher in the air then she'd been in years, and she made her forward progress, coming down on Greg's flat tummy with both feet. Beth gasped at the same time as Greg let out a huge bellow of pain, backed by the sound of a few of his strong-but not strong enough-ribs cracking under the force of this nearly 600lb woman landing feet first on him.

Tami stood standing on him for a moment longer, and enjoyed a masterful orgasm at the thought and reality of what she just did. Her chubby face flushed red and she looked up at Beth with a killer smile. Stepping off, Tami asked, "Is he still alive?"

Beth watched as the now unconscience Greg's smashed chest moved up and down-he was still breathing.

"Yes, he is. Holy shit, girl, that was amazing! I can't believe how high you got...and did you hear his ribs?!'

"Oh, so that's what that was," Tami responded with a sinister giggle. "OK babe, you're turn."

Beth looked at her friend opened mouthed, and then smiled herself. "Ok, but i want to try something different."

Making her way on the bed, just as Tami did, Beth then turned around so that she was facing the opposite wall. He huge looming butt which was just bursting through her panties cast a large shadow over Greg's body in the moonlight. Then she began her bouncing. Building up more and more air, just as Tami did. Due to being a little lighter, she was able to really get some air under her dark beautiful feet, jumping close to 4 feet in the air one last time; before he final jump up and back. She took flight, coming down in a huge crashing motion, her huge black ass jiggling and shaking under her tight sky-blue panties. She landed with a huge thud, and Greg let out his final sound, a low crushing sound as his head was flattened under Beth's ass as she landed. The entire room shook, even Tami's fat belly and rolls, with the aftershocks of Beth's landing. Beth sat still, riding out every one of the aftershocks, feeling her own body jiggle to them. Finally they subsided and she commenced swaying her butt side to side, going into a grind on the now dead and crushed victim under her. She rode his flat head to her own orgasm, and once again begun quivering. Tami just looked on in astonishment.

After a moment, Beth made her way to her feet, stepped toward Tami and both of them looked on at the damage they had done. There were cracks from out from under Greg's head, and his unmoving body looked paper thin. Tami, turning to Beth who was still enjoying the sight of her onslaught of squashing, right up to Greg's still smiling face, said: "Ok, shall we 'rock, paper, scissors' for who gets to tell Susan we broke her toy?"

The End.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


Quote from: fuel1563 on June 06, 2007, 03:14:26 PM
"Ok, shall we 'rock, paper, scissors' for who gets to tell Susan we broke her toy?"

The End.


Seriously fuel, while I was hoping like hell this was going to last a whole bunch longer, thanks much for the really awesome story!
;D :P ;D


Thanks man. And don't worry, I'm already planning the next adventure of Beth.  ;D
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.