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A short one

Started by fuel1563, March 05, 2007, 09:37:23 AM

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When I was 13, I was 5', weighed 85lbs.. I was caught at my nieghbors house going through drawers of lingerie and bathing suits by Amy who was 17, 6'3" 322lbs.. Asked me what I was doing I said nothing before I could respond I was thrown on bed with Amy crashing down on top knocking air out of me. She tied me to the bed and decided to stand on me using her hands on ceiling to press down harder on me. She got off and did knee drops and full butt drops on all parts of body and rested on face.Her mother came in and asked her what all the noise was, Amy said nothing everything under control. Just then her mother noticed me and Amy told her mother who stood 6'8" and 418lbs., mom said I should be punished. Amy put her moms pants on and they inserted my head into the pants and Joan sat on Amy. After a while they decided to sit and walk on my entire body front and back. They were crushing the air out of me. Then mom decided to switch and smother me between her thighs and positioned her butt on my face and grind as hard as she could. During this decided to wrestle me with her two friends dropping over weighing 364lbs., a piece. They joined in on the fun and all four took turns jumping, sitting, squeezing and smothering my little body including all standing on me at once. After this episode was over they decided to let me rest and for final measure sat on me before letting me go home. Cannot publish part two of this true story as it goes into another area
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.