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A Journey

Started by fuel1563, November 29, 2004, 11:54:08 PM

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Having been aboard ship now for three months at sea I was beginning to go a little hysterical from the endless boredom, and the constant rocking of the ship was not helping me be calm. Finally there in the sky above the main mast I heard birds, seagulls gliding through the air, and apparently talking to eachother in screeching voices. I knew now land was close by. Just on the horizon I could then see a silhouette in the haze of the sea. The ship would soon make landfall and I could get off this forsaken piece of junk.

Anchor was dropped about 300 yards from shore and the long boat put in the water. The captain left one of his mates in charge, I donââ,¬â,,¢t know these brigands language, and he with four crew to row, and myself along headed for shore.

The island was fair sized, and well forested along the beach. I could see evidence that it was also populated with some indigenous persons I was hopping were hospitable people.
There were a few small boats strewn about the beach, and some sort of dwelling in a small clearing, perhaps 100 yards from the water.

Landing on the beach the six of us made or way from the long boat and proceeded towards inland. We were met quickly by a lone native, a tall and brawny dark skinned man, with a big white smile greeting us as Iââ,¬â,,¢d hoped, in a very civil manner. He spoke an understandable English well enough to direct us to the near by cantina, where we could find refreshment, and food which we so desperately desired. I myself was interested in having a proper bath aswell. Being a doctor, and well bread I was accustomed to bathing more regularly than had been permitted aboard ship for three months. However I certainly would not pass on the opportunity to have a glass of wine or whatever was available and perhaps a spot of cheese or bread at least. I was certainly so sick of the mostly rotten food aboard ship, and the ill prepared only half cooked fish caught along the way.
Entering the cantinaââ,¬â,,¢s sun lit interior it was vacant for all but a figure behind a large mahogany bar that had been imported here from elsewhere I was sure. The figure behind it was soon recognizable as a native female. Upon further observation she was a young woman apparently, and well fed. I would assume she were the owner and proprietor of this establishment. She rested her very well fleshed arms upon the bar as she sat behind it hiding the majority of her person from view. Her arms were bare and appeared to be the same as a creamy light chocolate in tone, as I had seen while studying medicine in Paris.
She wore a bright scarlet cloth around her forehead and over her ears, and was wearing something of matching color covering her body, except for her arms.

The captain and four crewmen and myself were all pleased to see any woman and we each took a place standing directly in front of the bar. The maiden placed six somewhat clean glasses on the bar, none matching another, and began to poor clear liquid into them. The four crewmen downed their beverage without hesitation, followed a moment later by the good captain. I felt it necessary to sniff mine first to discover it was probably rum of local decent.

The crewmen were soon propositioning the big dark maiden, but she was having none of it. The captain soon ordered them to return to the long boat and wait, as he would find it too difficult to inquire about the resupply of the ship with those horny pirates hassling the woman. I took the opportunity to have a look around the area on my own.

I exited through a back door and immediately saw what was the rest of a small village behind the cantina. It didnââ,¬â,,¢t appear that I would find a proper bath in this place, so I took only a brief stroll around and returned to the cantina. The bar maiden had come out from behind the bar, to direct the captain where to go to get his ships supplies. The captain seemed not to show any regaurd, but I was in awe of her enormous girth. She had to weigh at least 40 stone(560LB) or perhaps even as much as 50(700LB), and what I had thought was a rap covering her body from her shoulders down was only the top part of her attire. Her mid section was as bare as her arms, and some number of delicately soft fleshy rolls made nearly a complete circumsphereance around her middle, only ending in the front on each side of her belly. She wobbled and waddled as she maneuvered about, and her flesh quivered, bounced and jiggled in an enchanting fashion. This woman had an immense buttox that protruded a great deal from her back side. One could likely set a pint upon it as if it were a table top were she standing and being very still. The bottom half of her rap strained greatly to contain it.

The captain had the information he needed and prepared to take his leave. Being so amazed at this specimen of woman before me I notified him that I would remain behind and he could send for me if I was needed for medical purposes. He stomped off in his typical manner having expected me to lend my back to load up with supplies. The crew was paid to do that sort of work, and there were native laborers available I was certain. I returned my full attention to the heavy chocolate skin woman, who had returned to her place seated behind the bar.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

In all my years I had seen many a rich fat man, and a few rich fat women, but none of them even half of this womans girth. I enquired with her to see if she would allow me to examine her more closely. She was happy to oblidge. Within a moment my fingers were exploring her vast expanses, and probing into her many fleshy crevases, causing her to giggle, and therfore send shockwaves over her soft flesh, as she felt ticked by my fingers. She then offered me to feel the weight of her enormous teets wich I was pleased to explore. Then my interest in science began to vanish, and my red blooded manhood began to arrise to my embarrassment. However this massive chocolate skinned woman felt contrary to my embarrassment. She had my trousers down around my ankles before I knew it. Then the garment that had covered her lower parts fell to the floor, and she turned her massive bottom to me brushing it against me, as she leaned forward at her hips and supported her upper body on her bar stool behind the bar. This was certainly questionable ethically, and this lude position she had offered me was also barbaric, but being aware of how things in nature are most commonly done I delved into what she had offered whole heartedly. My carnal instincts took over and I fell into a blissful moment of pleasure, and then I was spent. After this the soft dark beauty seemed somewhat aggitated offering a smoldering smirk towards me.

Suddenly seeming very angry with me, she easily had me trapped between her massive body and a door behind the bar. She opened the latch holding it closed and then pushed me forcefully back through it with her belly. I still had my trousers down at my ankles and fell back onto the floor. There were no windows in this small room, and it was lit dimmly by candle light. It appeared to be constructed entirely of stone with a domed ceiling. The big dark maiden slammed the door behind her after she was inside this room with me and latched it closed.
I was just begining to sit up when one of her wide chubby feet pushed me back down to lie on the floor, and then her foot again came to rest upon my chest, and a great deal of presure began to settle on me. Just as I was about to yell out for help I was overwhelmed with a sudden rush of much greater presure and I felt my chest compressing inward, and the air in my lungs rushing out, as this gigantic black woman towered above and now stood upon me. I had never concieved such horror, nor felt such anguish, and pain. After a moment that seemed to last forever she gave me mercy and stepped off of me. This had given me a blood rush and my manhood was again ridgid. She grabed me by my jacket and raised me up to my feet and pushed me against the wall. My dangling erection finding interest in her soft belly and thighs as she rubbed them incidentally agaist me. She then turned her back towards me and brushed me with her soft jiggling buttox as she leaned over at her hips suggesting I enter her again. I could not refuse of course. She rammed me into the wall with her massive bottom as we ingaged in coitus. This time felt just as good as the first time but I was able to make myself stay much longer. When I had finished she was this time more pleased it seemed. However I was nevertheless gather up and flung onto a small makeshift bed in the corner and was then burried benieth an avalanche of flesh as she dived and landed on top of me. She then proceeded to go to sleep.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

Eventually even I fell asleep while I was under her. I was so exhausted from all the struggling I had done to endure her weight on top of me. But after only a short time of sleep I was awakened by her moving to get up, and from the noise of someone banging on the door. A cold rush of air rolled over my body and into my lungs after the dark woman got off of me. She waddled to the door. I was so sore and slowly just began to stretch when I saw yet another massively fat black maiden walk in through the door. She had to be her sister theylooked so simular. This new one was also at least 40 or 50 stone and looked to be somewhat larger than her sister. I hadn't realized until it was too late that she was waddling towards me to sit down. I had my arms up over my head so they were left dangling out from under her enormous arse and thighs of which my head and torso were burried under. My head was twisted hard towards the wall as she adjusted herself atop of me to get comfortable. I was crushed breathless and smothered in her flesh to boot. No way was I to get a breath of air.

There was nothing I could do to prevent it, I passed out from air starvation, and the enormous fat woman sitting on me noticed I stopped squirming and soon got up as quickly as she could...which wasn't very fast. As I began to come to, I saw her standing beside me with her creamy chocolate belly completely bare and hanging down and onto the bed. She fell forward and dove onto me like her sister had done before, and I was burried once again in the flesh of a blubbery woman. My eyes could just barely see a glimor of light from under and between her massive teets. It was very difficult to breath. Then it became impossible to breathe as the other fat woman climed up on the bed and flopped down on top of the back of her sister. The bed collapsed and crashed to the floor due to the 80(1120LB) to 100(1400LB) stone of weight upon it of which I was under when it all hit the floor, instantly crushing me as flat as a biscuit. The woman on bottom was also squashed a great deal from the force of her sisters weight and she grunted and groned in protest while the one on top just laughed. Their soft bodies mashed together felt so good to her, but she wasn't the one on bottom...for that matter...I was the one really on the bottom feeling the full weight of them both. My bones and internal organs bent and squashed so uncomfortably out of their natural state it was quickly becoming more than I could bare.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.