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  • (April 02, 2020, 07:36:09 PM)
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I would first like to thank fuel1563 for reposting my story from the old site on sexyboards.  I wrote it over 3 years ago, and was taken aback to find it floating around on here.  I'm now 23, and have had many more squashing experiences, (none were professional or paid for) and would be willing to post some of the ones that I can recall if you guys give me positive feedback.  For those of you who haven't read it, I thought I'd share a new version of my true origional, and only story.  Here goes:

This, my friends, is a true story! I have wanted to post a story in return for many of the wonderful ones I have read on here for quite some time, but I didn't know where to start. I know that many of the stories you read on this board are fictional and rather far-fetched, and I didn't want to make a story like that.

I don't have a problem with people using their imaginations, however. I just didn't want to write a story so obviously make-believe that people wouldn't enjoy it. I have a very good imagination, and I have the ability to cook up some awfully "tall-tale" squish stories, like those that are not uncommon on this board. What I'm trying to get to is this: I wanted my first story to be a retelling of real events that have happened to me, and I'm excited and (a little sore) to say that I had my first squashing experience today!

For her own privacy, I will call her Betty. I invited Betty to my apartment for lunch this afternoon. She and I both attend the same university, but she is one year ahead of me. I know she has had a crush on me for quite some time, and I thought this made my chances of being sat on slim to none. Although I had thought about the possibility of her compliance before hand, and hoped for the best. I have never had the nerve to ask a bigger girl to sit on me before, and it was hard to think of how I was going to ask her to do it. Betty actually outweighs me by a little over 100 pounds. I had no clue of this until she later told me while sitting on my chest, but we'll get to that in a minute.

She is a pretty girl. Long, straight dark hair, very thick arms and legs, and extremely well endowed in the chest. On top of all that, it is her veluptuous butt and thighs that turn me on. Betty is very much a pair shaped girl. Her sexy bottom half protrudes out from her waiste (which is itself pretty big,) on both of her sides and behind her immensely.

I myself weigh 160 pounds and am 5'11" tall. I'm very athletic and I have had the fantasy of being crushed by a big woman for as long as I can remember. Therefore, I obviously have given much thought to the subject and at hand that question being "how much weight can I take?"
Well, amigos, I'm sorry but I can't really answer that. Here is why.

We started off eating lunch. I made a wonderful potato soup. I have pretty big bowls at my house, because although I'm not a big guy, I work out daily and I have a very big appetite. Betty, however, made mine look small. I had one bowl of soup and a glass of water. She had two of each. Needless to say, I was impressed. After lunch, I told her that I had had a stiff back all day, and hadn't been able to pop it by twisting my torso sideways or bending backward over a chair. So, when I asked her if she would pop it by sitting on it while I lay on my couch, the question didn't seem to come out as awkward as I has assumed it would have. I think I was blushing already though because she just laughed and told me not to worry about it that she wouldn't mind at all.

As I lay there, she told me if she was too heavy to just let her know and she would get up. I watched her turn around and although I had to crane my neck in an ungainly position to see, I couldn't take my eyes off her huge sexy ass and couldn't believe my luck. I was a little worried by the fact that I'd never experienced a bbw sitting before, but much more of me was thrilled and excited to finally get to experience what I had yearned for so long. When she sat, her huge butt and thighs covered my back from just above my butt to my neck and almost my head. The feeling was intense! I could feel her soft heavy body all over my back, squeezing and packing my whole upper body down into the couch! Although the feeling was wonderful, it still wasn't what I had expected from the experience. She was heavy, but not nearly as heavy as I had thought she would feel!

Suprising me out of my trance, Betty giggled and told me that she must be totally squshing me by now and asked me if I would like her to get up. I told her that she wasn't too heavy for me at all, (which was pretty much the truth,) and that my back hadn't popped yet. I asked if she would mind to rock back and forth and see if that would work...
She did! It fealt so great! She got a lot heavier when she would lean most of her weight on one leg on top of me, especially the one that was up on my shoulders and lower neck. After about a minute of this, I told her that it still wouldn't pop, and she got up.

I asked if she would mind trying on the floor. I have read in a lot of stories that a girl is much heavier on top of you when she sits on you on the floor, so I wanted to try that. When I laid on the floor however, I didn't lay on my stomach this time I laid on my back. I wanted to see how she fealt on my stomach and chest. She had obvious reservatoins about it. First she said she didn't think it would work at all to pop my back if she sat on my front side. I didn't want things to get awkward between us, so I got up and let the subject of her sitting on me go.. for the time being. We watched a television show for the next half hour, and sat very close to each other on my couch. The whole time we were sitting there, I couldn't stop thinking about wanting her to be on top of me again. Her legs rose up more than twice as high as mine did from the couch, and I wanted so badly for her to just slide over on top and sit on my lap. I decided that I had to say something else about her sitting on me, I mean hey, I had gotten as far as I had, why quit then?

I started this time by asking her if she thought it was weird that I had wanted her to sit on me. She surprised the hell out of me when she said no! I explained to her that it wasn't so much that I wanted my back popped as it was that it just fealt really, really good when she sat on me. I asked if she would mind sitting on my front side so I could see how it fealt, and the only objection she offered was that she was afraid that she would hurt me. I told her "don't be silly! I would tell you if it hurt in the least bit!"

I was so estatic when she said she wouldn't mind at all that I don't remember much of what happened next until I was lying on the floor with her standing beside me. I watched her slowly lowering herself toward me and this time she looked even more amazing and very huge. When she sat, I can't explain the feeling it gave me! I was in bliss. She was mashing me down into the floor, and I experienced a little discomfort but no pain! She was so heavy, yet so soft. I tell you I loved it sooo much! She sat so that her butt spread from the middle of my groin to just below my pecs on my chest. We stayed in that position for about five minutes having a conversation, until I asked her if she would move up so that she was sitting more on my chest. I wanted to feel her full weight directly on top of my midsection. She moved there and again I was in ecstasy! She sat there for almost 8 more minutes, and let me tell you that I would have never thought that I would be able to handle a girl her size sitting on me with just the floor underneath me. We kind of had a conversation, but not so much as before, because I could still breathe well, but it was much harder to talk with her directly over my chest. It was amazing. Her butt expanding from just below my chin to just below my wasiteline. When I asked her to rock back and forth this time, the feeling was much more extreme. Even though I could breathe well with her there, I found that when she leaned up toward my head the air was gently pushed out of my lungs, but it fealt so wonderful! I'm not sure how it came up in conversation, but at one point she told me that she weighs 268 pounds. I didn't ask her weight.. I'm too polite to, but I remember her telling me that and being astonished that I was able to take that amount of weight for as long a time as I did. In the end, she got off me because she had to leave to go to class, not becuase either one of us tired of the situation!

I don't remember everything we talked about when she was on top of me most of it was just small talk to keep the situation from seeming too awkward. We talked about things like her family, mine, school, movies, music, just the normal stuff. One thing that really sticks out to me though was when she laughed at me for having told her I wanted my back popped. She wondered why I didn't just ask her to sit on me in the first place and explain that I wanted to feel her on top of me. She said that if I'd just done that she wouldn't have minded at all. I don't know if many big girls are like this, but I hope so, and I intend to find out. See, Betty fealt great on top of me, but I'm a crush lover... I really want to see just how much I could take. I will try to see what it's like for a bigger girl to squash me, and I'll be sure to let everyone know about the experience when it happens. There is a little more to the story about me and Betty, including one more sitting position, but I haven't the time right now to finish. Please give me some feedback everyone as to what you thought of this, and if you'd like more about my first squish experience.

I remember this story.

It was her name and her weight that jogged my memory.

I'm wondering how much bigger of a BBW you might have found in three years...

Well there have actually been quite a few.  All in various situations, but each occurrence was actually in my own house; and because I asked them to, not because they were being dominating or trying to punish me as you see in all these silly stories.  I would give more details than I'm going to if I had more time tonight, but alas, I have history exam studies to be doing.

To answer your question however, I've had a few girls that weighed around 280 sit on me both on my bed and the floor.  The heaviest to date has been around 320, and I was able to take her sitting on me for almost half an hour.  She was actually the least afraid to hurt me out of them all, and was willing to sit on my head.
We used a futon cushion laid out flat on the ground, and she squished me for about 25-30 minutes.  It became pretty uncomfortable for her to stay in one position for too long, so she started out sitting just above my pelvis, and would move slightly and shift weight as I asked her to.