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2 on 1

Started by fuel1563, November 29, 2004, 09:15:58 PM

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2 on 1

Last Saturday I was playing some touch football with some guys from work. A couple of women that we work with stopped buy to watch. What is great about these two gals is that besides being nice and fun they are both very big girls.
They did not want to play football...darn. But we where almost done and they hung around to chat with us. After awhile everyone had left except for me and the 2 girls.

As I started to walk to my truck the biggest of the girls (She is about 5-7 340 lbs give or take 10Lbs) started to try and trip me I was doing my best not to fall but after a little effort she was able to get me on to the ground. I was suprised at how strong she was! Most of her weight is in her huge gorgous thighs and awesome big butt. She also has a fairly big tummy. She let me back on to my feet and then I tried to push her down but I ended up on the ground again but this time I tried to pull her on top of me. Oh yea I'm about 5-9 180 lbs and I think I'm stronger then your average guy at my size. Anyway she didn't really fall on top of me but she did end up on the ground and she started to crawl on top of me. She was kind of stradeled over me and are hands where locked. I was trying to push her up kind of like doing a bench press and she was trying to push my hands down to the ground. After a few seconds I could not take her weight and my arms slowly started to go down. Then she started to carwl up on top of me and plant more of her weight on me. I knew I was in trouble but it was great!!!

After awile she let me up and we started to walk towrds my truck. She said that she could kick my ass any time she wanted. I told her that I just let her kind of win this time but that I could pin her anytime I wanted. Well before I knew it she was picking me up from behind and the other women (She is about 5-7 270 lbs most of her weight is in her huge tummy and big breast!!) was picking my legs up and they where carring me back over to the grass. I was saying things like bring it on I can take the both of you and I was telling them that they better get some more help.
Well they kind of tossed me on the ground and the 270 lb one hoped on top of my chest and pinned my arms under her knees. I was trying to buck her off then the 340 lb one sat on my waist and then I was being perty muched crushed and at there mercy. They wanted me to tell them that "girls rule" but I refused to say it. Then they both started to tickle me. I was really feeling wore out and weak. They both just sat there on top of me for at least 10 mins. I finally said that girls rule. They let me up and we started just to talk again and head to my truck. When we got too my truck I told them that I had my fingers crossed and that girls did not rule. (I know its juvenile but we where just having fun)
The 340 lb one came towrds me and smashed me up against my truck. Then she turned around and started to press that huge butt of hers against me. I was starting to even get more turned on then I already was. She just kept pushing me up against the truck with all of that awesome weight and power.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.