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1975 - The Summer of Womanhood - Part 1

Started by plumplvr, May 15, 2006, 10:11:53 PM

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Newbie here, thought I'd post one of my tales, see if you like... Let me know and I'll post more.

   Plump Lvr


1975 - The Summer of Womanhood - Part 1

Ah how I remember it well. It was the summer of 1975 that I went from being a shy, chunky girl to a proud, outgoing big beautiful woman.

I grew up in a tiny little town in rural Georgia. I was shy to begin with, and getting labeled as "the fat kid" didn't help. As my name was Annie, some of the meaner kids called me "Fat Fannie Annie".

I finally lost my virginity when I was sixteen, to a guy I thought I was in love with. It was the night of his prom (I was a year behind him in school) and you know how prom nights are. He wasn't very good in bed, but not having any reference to go by I thought it was OK.

We dated for quite a few months, and I got pretty good at sucking his dick too, and even though I really enjoyed it was frustrated that I could never get him to return the favor.

We finally broke up when I caught him in bed with another man. I knew his folks would be gone for the day, and called him to see if we could get together for some "fun". He was cryptic and evasive on the phone, saying it wasn't a good time. Curious, I snuck over to his place and, peering in the window, saw him and his best friend on the couch sucking each other's dicks.

You know, I really didn't mind so much that he was with another guy. I actually found that kinda hot. And I could almost understand him being evasive. But what I couldn't forgive was that he denied it and lied to me, even when I told him I'd seen it with my own eyes.

Since my choices were getting more and more limited, I decided I needed to get away for the summer. As my graduation date neared I found a summer job as a nanny. The couple lived in West Virgina, the husband worked on the offshore oil platforms and was gone for months at a time. They had small twin boys, four year olds, and it was too much on the wife to try and take care of them and still try to work on their homestead.

My folks drove me to Atlanta to meet Tom and Mary. Tom was six foot four, sandy brown hair and matching beard. He was slender and muscular, from the hard work I guess. I thought his blue eyes made him a real cutie. Not Donny Osmond cute, but close.

Mary was warm, friendly, and outgoing. And big. Not very tall, probably five foot five, but quite plump with big jiggly breasts and a pretty good backside too. She was a hugger, and I couldn't believe how comfortable I felt with her. The kids were cute, a little wild but nothing I felt I couldn't handle with my years of babysitting.

Mary and Tom had purchased an old logging camp deep in the West Virgina mountains, which they eventually wanted to turn into a retreat. They warned me the conditions were remote, and quite primate, but I was so desperate to get away that they could be living in a cave for all I cared.

My parents approved, so on May 16th, the day after graduation I packed a few things, including my birth control pills (Mom felt all young women should be on them as a sign of their womanhood) and my parents dropped me at the airport. I flew in to their local airport, where I got to spend about two hours with their entire family before Tom's plane departed.

When they said it was remote, they weren't kidding. Mary drove for two hours before getting to the small town where they lived. Town is being a bit generous, it had a general store / gas station / bus stop, across the street was a small diner, and a few houses were scattered about. We drove on a few more miles before turning onto a dirt road.

Pointing to a house tucked in the woods she said "That's the Petersons, an nice older couple. They don't get out much, but do let us use their phone from time to time, since we don't have one at our place."

The dirt road twisted and turned as it made it's way deep in the woods and up the mountain. It took us fifteen minutes to travel the six miles, before the road ended into a clearing. "We're home!" Mary announced.

To the left was a small house like building. Originally the office they had converted it to their living quarters. To the right, about fifty yards away was a barn like structure, open on the side close to us, except for a small enclosed area at the front. As I got out and stretched, Mary said "The restrooms, when they work, are in the barn area, but we've converted this into our living and sleeping area."

Walking over a large front deck, I was led into a room which took up the front half the cabin. To the left was a small kitchen area, with a deep, single basin sink that had the only running water inside. A gas stove and tiny fridge were against the side wall. A circular table and chairs was the designated eating area.

The right half the room was just as rugged, a leather sofa and chair with end tables filled the space. To the back right was a small room with twin beds that filled the space, presumably the boys room. To the left I could see a slightly larger room where a big bed filled the space. No doors, simple hanging beads separated the rooms.

"We have solar panels which give us a little electricity, but the refrigerator and a few lights take up most of it." Mary explained. "The bathrooms were part of the original logging camp." It wasn't much, essentially two toilets and six shower heads in a big tile room. I was a bit mortified to find no dividers or other privacy devices.

It was late, darkness was just falling so I helped Mary with dinner. After we ate and cleaned up, Mary told me the boys could use a bath. "I usually bath them in the sink, so if you don't mind getting them started I'll be out in a jiff to help you. Oh, they splash a lot, so feel free to get comfortable." With that she whooshed off to her bedroom.

I wasn't sure what she meant by "get comfortable" so I just ran the water, pulled off the kids clothes and plopped them into the deep sink. I washed their squirmy little selves, finding Mary was correct. They did like to splash.

"Here's some towels." I heard Mary say. When I looked at her I had a real shock, as Mary was standing beside me bare ass naked! She had huge tits, topped with large brownish nipples. I mentioned earlier she was big, her belly stuck out as far as her tits. Unlike what you might think though, it rode high up, and dropped down to just above the top of her pussy. Thick black pubic hair shone proudly, as if to say "look here! look here!" Her ass was big and round, her legs short and chubby.

I was a bit shocked, being painfully shy I would have been mortified to parade around naked like that. Fortunately she was splashing with the kids, and didn't notice my expression.

She handed me a towel and said "I guess we better get these two dried off, it's past time for bed!" We dried the boys off, then Mary said "OK, bed time, off you go!" She gave each a kiss before they took off for the bedroom, bare little buns and all.

"Um, do they need pajamas or anything?" I asked, unsure of what to do.

Mary looked at me and said "Annie, remember, I told you we were naturalists?" I guess I must have given her a blank look, as she went on "... and you don't have a clue what that is do you?"

"You like trees?" I asked hopefully.

Mary sighed. "No sweety. Sit down a minute." After getting comfortable on the couch she went on. "Tom and I are naturalists. We believe in getting back to nature, living as close to the land as possible. Part of that closeness involves the shedding of our clothes, which are nothing more than a device by the man to keep us down."

"Wow, so you are all... naked all the time?"

"Yes, we are. All of us. It's wonderful to feel the cool air against your skin, and healthy too!"

"What about, you know visitors and all?"

"My family for the most part are naturists too, and which is one reason we bought this place, to form a community where we can all be free. Most of our friends are as well. "

"What about Tom's family?"

"His younger sister enjoys shedding her societal bonds when she comes to visit, but his parents are real stuffed shirts, so when we go to see them, well we have to dress to keep the peace."

She took a deep breath while I absorbed all this, before asking "So, how do you feel about this?"

"I dunno." I answered truthfully.

"Do you want to go back home?"

I thought for all of ten seconds on this one. Return to podunkville? No way. "No!" I practically yelled. Calming I added "I, well I like it here."

"Cool man! Well look, here's what we'll do. We're gonna do like we've always done, and be free. If you want to, go ahead, if you want to be dressed, or in your undies, we're hip with that too."

I had little choice but to agree. We sat up chatting for quite a while, mostly me telling her my life story thus far. When bed time rolled around, Mary gave me the choice between sleeping with her in the big bed, or on the couch. Considering my shyness, I opted for the couch. She gave me a hug and went off to bed.

I turned out the lights and, still feeling modest, changed into my sleeping outfit, my panties and an old soft t-shirt that came down about halfway between the top of my underwear and my boobs. I laid the sheet on the couch to sleep on, covered up with the blanket, and before drifting off to sleep made a note to get up first so I could get dressed.

Best laid plans of mice and men, right? When I woke up Mary was at the kitchen table, putting out some cereal. Naked of course. I was lying face down, and one of the boys had his face  right in mine going "wake up miss Annie wake up". The other rugrat was sitting on my butt, bouncing up and down and giggling. Apparently the blanket had fallen to the floor during the night. So much for modesty.

I greeted Mary and stumbled to the table, helping the boys with their cereal. While we ate Mary gave me the agenda for the day. In the morning I would take the boys out to play, then come in and read them some stories and try to teach them a little something. I was responsible for fixing lunch for everyone, after which it was nap time for the kids. Another round of outside playing, then start getting dinner ready. Then I could have a break and Mary would play with them some before bed time.

I hated wearing pants, due to my plumpness I found them generally uncomfortable, so instead of getting dressed I simply changed into a longer t-shirt before taking the boys outside. I did wear a bra the first day or two, but since my breasts were still young and firm back then, I quickly discarded it.

This was the routine for about three weeks, with us only fully dressing during the weekly trip into town. Strangely enough I was really beginning to feel like the odd duck for being dressed, and was very tempted to figure out a way to go naked. It was bath night for the boys, and I was getting low on t-shirts. Considering how much the boys splashed, I didn't want to get mine wet, and thought it to be a great excuse.

I peeled off my t-shirt, and dressed only in my panties proceeded to bathe the kids. I was relieved in a way when Mary came in and said nothing about it, just helped me dry them like normal. I fought my urge and stayed that way the rest of the evening, only in my panties. I felt unbelievably nasty, like a  bad little girl, being exposed like that. That night I longed to touch myself, but was afraid I'd be overheard so I refrained, even though my panties had to be soaked.

While the routine stayed the same, I changed to wearing just my panties. I longed to take them off, but something deep inside me fought. I guess it was still my shyness talking. About a week later something in me snapped.

The day was incredibly hot and humid. After lunch, Mary announced "It's way to hot to work outside, what say we all go outside and run around under the water hose?" The kids responded with a gleeful "Yea!" As the three of them trooped outside, naked, something in my brain snapped. I suddenly wanted to be as free and fun as they were. Without another thought I peeled off my panties, kicked them across the room, then ran out the door yelling "Can I play too?" my body jiggling all the way.

Mary gave me the biggest smile when she saw me, then said "Sure!" and hit me with a blast from the hose. We laughed and played all afternoon, getting soaked. I held the hose some too, so Mary could enjoy the cool water. Afterward we stretched out in chairs on the front deck and let the sun dry us off. I can't describe how wonderful it felt, the warm sunshine cascading over my young, naked body.

This remained our pattern for the next month. I eventually got used to being naked, and was loosing my self consciousness about it. One day, Mary got dressed and made a run to town to get the mail and a few items. Naturally she shed her clothes upon returning, just in time to help with dinner. After the boys went to bed, Mary got unusually serious. "Annie, we need to talk. "

All sorts of things went though my mind. "I got a letter today from Tom's parents. They want the boys to come visit for three or four weeks, and are coming tomorrow to pick them up."

I was crestfallen. "So, you won't need me?" I asked, meekly.

"Well, no, not as a nanny."

"So, you're going to send me back home..."  I was crushed. Here I had just gotten comfortable and...

"Well, you can certainly go home if you wish, but I was going to say if you want you can stay and help me work on the new house." I went from doom and gloom to joy and happiness in an instant!

"Dyn-o-mite!" I yelped, overcome. "I mean, you bet I'll stay."

Mary let out a loud laugh. "Wonderful.  I was hoping you'd stay. It gets pretty lonely up here all by myself." She got up and gave me a big hug. It was the first real contact I'd had with her since shedding my clothes and felt good, but naughty at the same time. I could feel my cunny getting moist as our tits and bellies pressed together.

The next day Mary packed a few things for the boys, and the three of them went off into town to meet grandma. Tom's mother, Mary had explained, refused to come out to their place for fear of seeing someone "unclothed".

Alone for the first time, I took the opportunity for some serious masturbation, the first time I'd had in weeks. Going around naked had kept me perpetually worked up, so I eagerly spread my legs and slid my fingers into one wet pussy! When I got tired of the couch I even got brave enough to go onto the front deck and give myself several orgasms there.

After Mary got home, she stripped and ate lunch, then we got to work. This went on for a week or so. I also figured out why Mary was so big, it was her cooking. She was a fabulous cook, and made us both large portions. I could feel myself gaining a few more pounds, despite the hard work during the day. There was also a definite advantage to eating nude. If you got sloppy it didn't matter, it was a simple chore to lick it off or wipe off with a wash rag.

A few nights later we had gone to bed. I was laying there, and for some reason quite horny. Mary had given me another big hug before bed, as well as a kiss on the cheek, and it left me with mixed feelings. Some part of me said it was wrong, the part I guess that was burned into me by society. But part of me longed to be lying next to her, feeling her soft skin, her big breasts against me, longing to taste her, to run my fingers through her hairy bush. My pussy was getting quite moist, and I was sorely tempted to try and finger myself to a quiet orgasm when I heard a loud moan coming from Mary's bedroom. Fearing she had hurt herself or was sick, I got up and dashed in there.

"Are you OK..." my voice trailed off as I stopped dead in the doorway. Mary was lying there, legs spread wide, a big pink dildo in her pussy. With one hand she was moving it in and out, her other hand held one of her massive tits to her face, sucking her nipple.

"Um, sorry." I said, "I thought you were sick. I'll uh, leave you alone."

"No, it's OK, come on in! I was just masturbating." She patted the bed beside her, indicating I should sit down.

"But, uh, don't you want some, um, privacy?"

"Why?" she asked, as she continued sliding the dildo in and out of her.

"You're... masturbating!" I blurted out.

"Honey, it's OK, it's just self love. There's nothing wrong with that. Love making is a beautiful, healthy natural thing, whether you do it to yourself or with others. It's especially nice when you can share it." The entire time she talked she kept pumping the plastic dick in and out of her, and played with her nipple. "Surely you have learned to masturbate, don't you do it?"

"Well, yes... but..."

"Haven't you been doing it? I mean here?"

"Um, well... no."

"Why in heaven's name not?"

"I was afraid the boys or you would catch me..."

"Oh baby." she said sweetly. I had by this point sat on the bed next to her, and she rolled over to give me a hug. "Baby, don't worry about it. I told you it's a beautiful thing. "

"But, um, what about the boys? What if they like walk in on me?"

Mary laughed. "Silly, I told you it was natural. They walk in on me and Tom all the time. We've just explained, in terms they can understand, we are simply loving ourselves. We've seen them playing with themselves, and they've seen us. No biggie."

"Wow." was all I could mutter.

"Lie back." Mary said, rolling on her side and forcing me back. She spread her legs, pulled the dildo out of her and slid it into me. "I think you need this worse than I do." It went easily, as my pussy was already wet, and the dildo was slick with her own juices. As she fucked me with her fake dick Mary leaned down and began sucking my nipples. Months of pent up frustration was suddenly released as I exploded in a massive orgasm, letting out a loud scream in the process.

Mary was lying next to me, a big smile on her face. I was breathing heavily. For some reason I got embarrassed, not about having an experience with another woman for the first time, but over having screamed! I know, goofy, but that's what I felt.

"Um, sorry, I didn't mean to scream like that."

"Why the hell not?" Mary asked. "I mean, the kids aren't here so it's not like you'll wake 'em up, and we're hell and gone from anyone else. Scream your silly head off, fuck if it feels good enjoy the hell out of it."


"Really. Come on, scream right now, yell out fuck at the top of your voice."

"Uh... fuck." I said out loud. Not very loud, as it felt strange to me to say a 'dirty' word like that."

"No, louder. Like this. FUCK!" she yelled.



"FUCK! FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!" I screamed as loud as I could.

"Now, say it all, shit piss fuck cunt tits!" Mary commanded.

"SHIT! PISS! FUCK! CUNT! TITS!" I yelled for all I was worth. All of a sudden we broken down and began giggling at each other.

When we calmed down Mary asked "There, isn't that better? Now, let's do this again, this time you scream all you want." She began sliding the dildo in and out of me again. Damn that felt good, and I said so out loud.

continued in Part 2

Hope you enjoyed, feel free to write me plumplvr at gmail.com