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The first caller

Started by bbwbeth, May 13, 2005, 08:47:31 PM

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Ok this is my first art post and my first time ever using myself as a subject so please be kind. My ArtPad broke so it is all mouse drawn which for me was not easy at all.

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That's a great picture. You're talented :) Mouse drawing is hard!


Thank you so much.

It is very hard. I got the outline and some coloring done last night when the power went off and I realized that I forgot to save it. When it came back on I hurried to get it done.

Big Hugs,


Wow, you've got some determination.  When I lose all my work on a project I usually just scrap it, unless it's required for something.


I probably would have but I really wanted to do a self piece and I knew I'd have to redo it or another sooner or later.  Artistic moments don't strike me often so I have to take advantage when they do.

Big Hugs,