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New Casso artwork!!

Started by Casso, May 24, 2007, 10:35:30 AM

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Hey everybody, Blame Picasso, or just plain ol' Casso here.  I have been insanely busy with work and school, but I do have a few line drawings I'd like to share.  I graduate next April and I'm stockpiling drawings for a website I'll be launching afterwards.  The website will have full color renderings, for now I'd like to share some of the ink work I've done.


[attachment deleted by admin over 180 Days Old]

[attachment deleted by admin]
Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.


Heyhey Casso,

I missed you a lot!
Its quied in ages!
The drawing is awesome, I recognized the lady immediately!
Looking forward to your full colored web.

Regards Watercolor


Thanks watercolor!  I'll have more line art to post shortly!

Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.