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I'm back at doing art

Started by Hottiemegan, January 19, 2005, 11:15:11 PM

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I got bored tonight and thought i'd do a belly picture. It's based off of one of my recent shots but i thought it'd be fun to take the clothes off and do a cartoony pic of me :) I'll add it to my collection i keep on my site. I am trying to grow an extensive collection but i thought i'd also share it :)

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That's awesome Megan!  Welcome back to Artland!

Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.


thanks :) I love doing it, now that i got a new laptop, i can kick back, watch movies and draw on my computer :)

I'm stoked about that :D


i must saw, your artwork is pretty durn good.  Just outta curosity, what kind of program do you use on your computer to do your drawings with?
I heard on the radio one afternoon that in 1992 there was a containership full of rubber duckies that lost a container in a storm. Now there are an estimated 50,000 rubber duckies floating around in all the oceans of the world. They've been found as far away as the Artic ocean. Comforting, isn't it?


I use photoshop
i have also used photomax in the past and corel draw.. i usually use photoshop though