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Casso Returns

Started by Casso, June 07, 2008, 08:50:13 AM

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Wow, what a great bunch of artists we have here!  I'm incredibly inspired by the works I've looked at and commented on this morning.   I've been away for a year, getting my degree, I just graduated and am now a college graduate.  The really good news (for me anyway)  is that I have time to draw again!!  I bought a new drawing program for my mac that allows me to draw directly on my computer, which is kind of cool and kind of wierd all at the same time.  This is my first finished sketch using this program, I still have alot to learn abut the tools and little intricasies, but I'm pretty happy with the results.

My group is still active, and I'll be adding alot of drawings as I prepare my website:

i hope you all will enjoy my work as much as I've enjoyed yours-


Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.


Welcome back Casso!
This section is a bit dead lately!
but now you are back!! :D

Thanks for your friendly comments! :)